The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 58


This is surprising, because in my impression, the expression of Yongye Mojun has always been that Mount Taishan collapses in front of him and does not change color. No matter how difficult the difficulty is, his expression is always understated, such as when he was insane, or like before. The army besieged the Eternal Darkness Palace, and everyone panicked. Many people left him, and the Demon Lord had never frowned so deeply.

Bo Yang's heart was unavoidably terrified, "Your Majesty, can it be that I'm hopeless?"

Could it be that the expression of Eternal Night Demon Lord said that he was about to die

No, his mission has not been completed yet.

The hero has dredged all the meridians so far, as long as he is willing to practice seriously, his cultivation speed will be ten times faster than ordinary people, and he will soon be able to break through the golden elixir and reach Yuanying.

If there are other chances, I am afraid that within ten years, I will be able to reach the Mahayana stage and ascend to immortality.

"Don't talk nonsense!" the Demon Lord growled.

Bo Yang was taken aback.

"I won't let you die." The Eternal Night Demon Lord took a deep breath, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, he stretched out his hand to press Bo Yang's shoulder, "Xie Zetian, don't worry, I will definitely not let you die."

Bo Yang was startled.

Eternal Ye Mojun's expression was too solemn, his gaze was too firm, and his tone was too heavy, so heavy that he couldn't help but believe that he was making a very important oath to himself.

Bo Yang believed that he was telling the truth.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with me?" The more this happened, the more Bo Yang thought that he was going to die, otherwise why would Lord Yongye say such things

The Eternal Night Demon Lord gently stroked his face. In the past, Bo Yang would have turned away calmly and avoided his hand, but this time the Eternal Night Demon Lord's eyes made him unable to make such a movement.

"You have been hit by the rebirth Gu." Eternal Ye Mojun said softly.

Rebirth Gu

As soon as the Eternal Night Demon Lord said, Bo Yang searched out the memory about the rebirth Gu in his mind.

Rebirth Gu is said to be a kind of Gu worm created by a monk in ancient times. This kind of Gu worm is very powerful. People who are poisoned will not die immediately, but will be slowly bitten to death by the Gu worm. How many years they can live depends entirely on the level of Gu's cultivation. If the cultivation is high, they can live for two more years. If the cultivation is low, they will be drained and die within two or three months.

Gu worms break out of the body after death and return to the Gu keeper. Since the worms absorb all the skills of that person, the body becomes an excellent material, and the Gu keeper uses the worms to refine high-quality the elixir.

The most frightening thing is that there is no cure for this kind of Gu.

Bo Yang couldn't help but be taken aback when he heard the words of the Eternal Ye Mojun, it was this kind of Gu

Does that mean he won't die right away

Bo Yang quickly calculated in his mind, with Xie Zetian's current cultivation base, the Gu worm might live for a long time. It is said that there was a monk in the Mahayana period who was infected by the Gu and lived for almost five years. Now it is his turn, as long as he works hard. With practice, it is still possible to live beyond ten or eight years.

In the past ten or eight years, the male protagonist has successfully ascended, and his mission has been completed, damn it.

Thinking of this, Bo Yang felt relieved, and instead comforted Lord Yongye, "Your Majesty, don't worry, you can live for a while with your subordinate's cultivation base, and maybe you can find a way to break it during this period."

Mojun Yongye nodded, "That's right, there are many capable people in the Demon Realm, and they must be able to find a way to crack it. Come on, close your eyes first, and I will pass on some skills to you first."

"Wait..." Bo Yang was taken aback. Lord Yongye wants to pass on his skills to him

Some time ago, the demon king spent a thousand years of skill to make a elixir and gave it to himself, but now he wants to pass on his skill

"No need!" Bo Yang quickly refused, the Demon King's skills must never be taken away, besides, they are not in the Demon Realm now, but they are in the Human Realm, if someone finds out, both of them have to stay here.

Lord Mojun is the master of a world, it would be a pity to die here!

"Close your eyes!" Eternal Ye Mojun ordered coldly, and then stretched out his hands to cover his eyes.

Bo Yang opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Eternal Ye Mojun grabbed his hand, fingers intertwined, palms facing each other.

Bo Yang suddenly felt that his palm became sensitive, every inch of skin, every nerve, could keenly feel the palm of Yongye Mojun.

The warm magic power continuously spread from the place where the two touched.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord passed his magic power to him without reservation, and he was still in the strange human world. With the pursuit of soldiers, didn't he know that it was very dangerous now? Didn't he know that if he was caught, he might die too

No, he sure did.

What kind of person is the Eternal Night Demon Lord, with careful thought and proper planning, he must know that his situation is very dangerous, but he still chooses to do so.

In other words, he thought Bo Yang's life was more important.

The moment he came to this conclusion, Bo Yang's heart beat violently.

To be honest, the Eternal Night Demon Lord was very kind to him before, and he didn't have any special feelings. It's not that he wasn't moved, but that kind of touch was only on the surface and couldn't reach the heart.

He felt that the devil's kindness to him was a burden, and in order to get rid of this burden, he had to find a chance to repay him, but now he didn't know what was going on, and his heart was beating very fast.

After living for more than 20 years, apart from his parents and elder brother, Yongye Mojun was the first person who treated him so well. No, if this world is not fake, he is the best person for him in the two worlds, even his parents and elder brother can't compare.

But this world is fake, and Eternal Night Demon Lord is also a dummy, a set of fictitious data.

Bo Yang's heart inevitably ached.

He couldn't help but opened his eyes, looking at the handsome man in front of him.

Why is it fake

Is he really fake

The mind suddenly became chaotic, the mind was restless, and the air flow was naturally not smooth. The Eternal Night Demon Lord immediately noticed it, and said softly: "Calm down, don't think wildly."

Bo Yang quickly restrained his mind and concentrated on healing his wounds.

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it.

He didn't want to continue thinking about it.

After a while, both of them got better, Bo Yang felt that the meridians had been smoothed out a lot, his chest was not so stuffy, and even the gu worm that was about to move seemed to calm down.

But at this time, he suddenly heard a human voice not far away.

"Is it here?" Zhao head's voice.

Bo Yang was startled, head Zhao and the others found him so quickly

"He was hit by my Gu worm, I can feel that he is nearby." Someone said.

"Let's search separately!" Another person said, "Even if we dig three feet, we must find them!"

It's too bad that the Gu breeder can sense the position of the Gu insect.

"Calm down, don't think about it." Eternal Ye Mojun must have heard the movement outside, but he still said the same words, and even his expression didn't change a bit.

"Your Majesty, they have already chased me, what should I do now?" Bo Yang couldn't help but said, "They can sense that the Gu worm is on me."

"Don't worry, the formation I set up can resist for a while, even if they sense the Gu worms, they won't be able to find us here." Yong Ye Mojun's voice was soft, as if trying to comfort him, "As long as your meridians are cleared , None of these people can stop me."

Yes, although Eternal Night Demon Lord has weakened most of his strength in the human world, but his skills are there, these people are not his opponents.

Bo Yang felt a little relieved, and closed his eyes again.

The people outside were walking around at the formation, but they still couldn't figure it out. They couldn't find any sign that Bo Yang was here, but the person who raised the Gu insisted that the place where he could sense the Gu insect was nearby, so the group People have not left for a long time.

"What is this?" Finally someone discovered something unusual on the ground.

"What did you find?" someone said.

"There seems to be something on the ground, let Elder Long come over and take a look."

After a while, someone came over, probably looked at the things on the ground, and immediately said: "This is the trace of the formation, there is a formation here! The person we are looking for must be hidden in the formation!"

"No wonder I kept sensing that he was nearby but couldn't see him. He must be hiding in the formation!"

"what should I do now?"

"I've never seen this kind of formation. It should be a unique formation in the Demon Realm, but it never changes. To form a formation, you always need formations and formations. Let's find out all the formations first, then You must be able to find the eyes."

The group of people found a way to crack it, and immediately searched around. During this time, they discovered several unusual places one after another.

Knowing that they were getting closer to breaking the formation, Bo Yang became more nervous.

He opened his eyes again, only to find that Lord Eternal Night also opened his eyes this time.

With four eyes facing each other, Bo Yang saw that the eyes of Eternal Ye Mojun were dark, like a clear summer night sky, black that could not be seen to the end all night, but very calm.

"It's okay." He said, his voice was very gentle, as if he was comforting a frightened child.

Hearing that voice, Bo Yang's nervous heart calmed down.

"Found it!" The people outside shouted happily.

Bo Yang felt that Yongye Mojun grasped his hand tightly, and then a violent flame-like skill surged in. At that moment, there was some pain. Bo Yang almost screamed out, but he clenched his hand tightly at the last moment. lips.

There was a violent sound outside, and then the ground shook, Bo Yang knew that the formation was forcibly destroyed.

"They're here!"

The formation was broken, and the figures of Bo Yang and Yong Ye Mojun were immediately revealed.

At this moment, Mojun Yongye suddenly got up, he was still holding Bo Yang with both hands, but his feet soared into the air, rushing towards the sky.

Five figures rushed over, and they came like a sharp sword in an instant, and followed them to the sky.

When the five people rushed up to the sky, the Eternal Night Demon Lord suddenly fell heavily, directly stepped on the head of the first person, unexpectedly stepped that person back to the ground, and smashed a big deep hole.

The others quickly dodged, but quickly rushed up again.

The Eternal Ye Mojun's figure was moving in mid-air, holding Bo Yang with his hands all the time, while transferring his power, he dealt with five people, kicking several people flying in mid-air with just two legs.

Bo Yang was dumbfounded, there is such an operation

Bo Yang just wanted to call 666 with this snake skin moving, this godlike operation.

Relying on this god-like operation, it was delayed for a while, and the power transfer was completed. The Eternal Night Demon Lord freed his hands, and directly beat the person who rushed over first until he spit out blood and flew backwards, unable to get up again.