The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 60


"My lord..."

"I feel that I have recovered a lot." Yong Ye Mojun frowned, "I thought it would take a long time to recover, but after going crazy that day, more than half of it has recovered, and another one will not be a problem."

The insanity has become serious this time, and he was not completely demented before, but this time he is beginning to lose his mind completely. If Xie Zetian was not there, I don't know what would have happened.

Xie Zetian tried his best to steal the Biyun Pearl for himself, and he probably took the risk because he saw that he was out of control. Bi Yunzhu said to him, it is timely help.

He was ready to deal with the matter at hand, and retreated for three months to deal with the problems in his body.

It's strange that he can quickly recover from his obsession, Xie Zetian must have done something else.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't say anything, he will remember it slowly.

Bo Yang was very anxious, he had already accepted the previous elixir, and he would never accept another one, he was really ashamed to accept it.

"Your Majesty, I don't need you to expend your energy to refine the elixir. Now I am very satisfied with my condition."

"Satisfied?" Eternal Ye Mojun lowered his face, "You are poisoned, and the poison is absorbing your skills all the time, yet you tell me that you are very satisfied now?"

With a low tone and stern eyes, Bo Yang swallowed, feeling a little scared.

When Eternal Night Demon Lord really put on a preaching look, he was still a little scary.

Probably aware that Bo Yang was a little scared, Mojun Yongye calmed down again, and said, "Let's talk about it next time. The most important thing right now is to find a way to get rid of the Gu worms on your body."

Thinking of this matter, Eternal Night Demon Lord frowned even deeper.

Bo Yang himself doesn't care about Gu worms, because he can't live for that long, and it's not bad to die after ten or eight years, but Yongye Mojun is so concerned about his own life, if he acts like he doesn't care, It would probably make him very angry.

Bo Yang sighed heavily.

As soon as he sighed, Eternal Night Demon Lord thought that he was not feeling well, and comforted him a few more words, telling him that the Gu worm can be untied, and there must be no problem.

Bo Yang repeatedly said yes.

Probably the Demon Lord thought that he was heartbroken and in a very bad mood, so he granted him a period of leave and asked him to go home and have a good rest! And I don't know if it's out of sympathy or something else, this time he didn't ask Bo Yang to stay in the Eternal Darkness Palace, but let Bo Yang go with the crowd and go wherever he wanted.

Bo Yang couldn't ask for more.

Back at his mansion, Bo Yang had a good meal, washed up, and took a good night's sleep. In his own mansion, no one dared to say no to him, and the yard was full of joy and harmony, except for the second night when someone came to climb the bed again.

Bo Yang drank a little wine at that time, entered the room and found that the quilt on his bed was raised high. He lifted the quilt and found a naked person lying inside.

This person looks familiar, like someone called Chuntao in his backyard

Bo Yang felt that the person who wrote this novel at the beginning probably named his harem with reference to the first names of brothels, all of which were not popular names such as Fandie Xiaohongchuntao.

However, this man named Chuntao was still a man, very young, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with big watery eyes staring at Bo Yang blinkingly, a blush appeared on his face, a bit shy and timid.

This Chuntao is very beautiful, lying naked on the bed, posing a seductive pose to seduce him, but Bo Yang was just stunned when he saw him, and he didn't have the slightest intention of being moved.

This kind of scene made him involuntarily recall the scene when the Eternal Night Demon Lord licked his chest, but the scene was reversed at that time, he was the one who was hanging in the sky, and he still remembered that he had a reaction at that time... Stop, stop, he can't think any more.

That time when he realized that he had a reaction, he was always panicked, fearing that he would be broken, so he deliberately or unintentionally avoided Yongye Mojun and hurried to the human world. But looking at it now, Chuntao was naked and winked in front of him, and his mood was calm, which showed that he was still a straight man.

If he bent, such a beautiful man stripped naked in front of him, there must be some reaction, and now he doesn't feel it at all, so he is still straight, he didn't bend, it must be just an accident that night

Thinking about it carefully, in that situation at that time, anyone who lay on his chest and licked it would react... right

Bo Yang was suddenly a little uncertain.

He used to have a golden retriever at home, and that golden retriever especially liked to lick people. Bo Yang once got his chest licked by him after taking a bath, and he didn't feel it at all.

When I went out to play with my friends, there seemed to be some intimate movements, but there was no reaction. Why did Lord Yongye react when he licked his chest

Bo Yang was suspicious.

Maybe I can test it a little further

Anyway, there is no one else here, so it doesn't matter to try.

Bo Yang stared at Chuntao with a cloudy expression, his mind was full of thoughts, and he didn't speak for a long time. That Chuntao was waiting for Lin Xing in a seductive posture, but she cast her winking eyes for a long time, her eyes were almost cramped, and the person in front of her still didn't respond, and she stared at her with a kind of eyes that he didn't understand. Him, as if he were a piece of meat on a chopping board.

Chuntao's face was almost frozen with laughter, "Why is your lord looking at me like that?"


Bo Yang hesitated for a moment.

Chuntao plucked up the courage to get up from the bed, stretched out her hands, and approached Bo Yang cautiously. Bo Yang still didn't move, Chuntao became more courageous, put his arms around Bo Yang's neck, brought him to her body, and said softly: "My lord, you keep looking at me like this, my concubine You are so shy."

Jiao Didi's voice made Bai Yangdi shudder, and he subconsciously took a step back.

That Chuntao was already half on the bed, half of her body was already leaning against Bo Yang, Bo Yang stepped back unexpectedly, his body fell into the air, and he rolled off the bed with a snap.

Due to unpreparedness, the falling posture was quite ugly, with one leg resting on the bed, and the exposed bird was shaking in the air, which was really eye-catching.

Bo Yang immediately turned his eyes away, just as he looked away, he remembered that he had caused the person to be like this, so he quickly turned back, pretending to be calm and stepped forward to help the person up from the ground.

"Are you OK?"

Chuntao's eyes were filled with tears, she was about to cry, "Since your lord doesn't like me, why should you humiliate me like this?"

Then he covered his face in a huff, picked up the clothes that were placed beside him, put them on in a hurry, and ran out.

Bo Yang took a closer look, the clothes he was wearing were no longer the transparent white gauze that you could see inside, but very regular clothes that didn't show any flesh.

Suddenly remembered that Qinghe had mentioned to him before that the people in the yard were too revealingly dressed, which was indecent, and asked him if he would let her handle it. At that time, Bo Yang had something on his mind, so he nodded in agreement.

Now it seems that Qinghe has done this well.

Bo Yang stayed in the room dryly for a while, feeling that he had treated Chun Tao badly just now, so he called, "Come here."

With his character, he should have gone out to apologize, but with Xie Zetian's character, he definitely couldn't do such a thing.

The person who was waiting at the door came in and said respectfully, "What do you want me to do, sir?"

Bo Yang said: "Go to the warehouse and get a thousand spirit stones for Chuntao."

"Yes." The servant withdrew.

After finishing the order, he rolled back to his bed with apologies and went to sleep. At the same time, he has already determined in his heart that he will not call Chuntao at all, not only will he not call, but he will also be a little disgusted.

He doesn't hate sissy men, his former friends were also gay, and that buddy also made that kind of sissy man as a boyfriend, and took him to play with Bo Yang, Bo Yang and that guy There is no discomfort when playing together. But being casual friends is one thing, having sex is another.

Just now when he thought of letting Chuntao lick his breasts, he got goose bumps all over his body.

Damn, am I insane

He actually came up with such a bad idea to test whether he was crooked.

Bo Yang lay on the bed but couldn't fall asleep because of tossing and turning, his mind was always thinking about Lord Yongye. Thinking of how good he was to himself, thinking of his face, his eyes, and the frown he had when he was worried about himself, and the innocent look on his face when he lost his mind that night.

Thinking about it carefully, the Eternal Night Demon Lord is so good-looking and imposing, he belongs to the very masculine type, not at all sissy.

Even if you want to find someone to try it on, you should find someone who has a masculine taste. Thank you very much for the Chuntao one just now.

"Xiaoling." Called in my mind.

"I..." He was silent for a moment, "I don't know what to say."

Xiaoling understood his entanglement, "Mister, are you worrying about Lord Mojun?"

Bo Yang hummed, as an answer to her words.

"Does Mister like Mojun?" Xiaoling asked.

Bo Yang lay on the bed and turned over like a troubled fish, "I don't know."

After a pause, he continued, "I didn't like men before, and I never thought of liking men."

"Then do you like Mojun?" Xiaoling asked again, "It's not a sin to like someone."

"But now I don't know whether I like him or appreciate him." Bo Yang said, "I think I am grateful to him."

"So Mr. is worried that if I appreciate him for accepting his feelings, I will regret it later?" Xiaoling asked.

Bo Yang nodded, he was also worried that the other party would regret it.

Xiaoling said: "Time will tell everything."

"Hey." Bo Yang let out a long sigh, forget it, Xiao Ling is a system, she won't understand.

To determine whether you like it or not, you must first confirm whether you like men.

After making up my mind, my heart became much more relaxed, and I fell asleep unknowingly lying on the bed.

Early the next morning, Qinghe came to look for him. In the eyes of others, Qinghe is the woman Xie Zetian loves the most. He loves her so much that he entrusts her with the management of the family.

Bo Yang was happy when he saw her, and now the task was completed again.

So without further ado, he stepped forward and put his arms around her waist, pinched her chin, and teased, "I've been away for so many days, do you miss me?"

Not bragging, Bo Yang's appearance is very good, when he smiles a little and teases people with words, it is very touching.

Qinghe hadn't seen him for a while, and was suddenly molested, two blushes appeared on his face quickly.

"My lord, don't do this early in the morning." She shyly pushed Bo Yang away.

Bo Yang heard the ding sound of the completion of the daily task, and let her go.

Seeing this scene, the people who were guarding outside felt even more certain that Qinghe was the most important person in Bo Yang's heart. Last night Chuntao ran out of the room crying and was seen by many people, obviously she was driven away because she failed to seduce her.

Comparing the two, is Qinghe's status still questionable

Bo Yang washed up and talked with Qinghe for a while. Qinghe came here under the orders of Yongye Mojun to see him not messing around, knowing that Yongye Mojun was nervous about Bo Yang, and he didn't dare to go up to him, even though he was teased just now and his heart beat, he still left with regret.

In fact, after getting along for a long time, she found that Xie Zetian was different from the rumors. Rumor has it that Xie Zetian is lustful, he is very arrogant, arrogant and domineering, in short he is very difficult to mess with, but after getting along with him, he finds that this is not the case.

She even felt that it would be fine if she stayed and continued to be Xie Zetian's concubine.

However, a woman's intuition is very accurate. For more than a year, Xie Zetian was detained in the Palace of Eternal Darkness by the Demon Lord of the Eternal Night every day. for his use.

This kind of treatment is the treatment of the demon queens of all ages.

Eternal Ye Mojun has never been tempted by anyone, not even a favorite concubine or beauty, he only has career in his heart. Those beauties who were sent were put aside and did not move, and let people arrange their residences casually. Qinghe was originally one of the beauties in the palace, but one day the devil suddenly found her and gave her this task, and told her that if she completed it well, she would be let out of the palace.

Qinghe knew Yiyongye Mojun's character, if he had to wait for her in this life, he didn't know when he would have to wait for her, and he might not be able to wait all his life. Hearing his suggestion, his heart was moved, and he simply went out of the palace to run for a while. future.

She didn't think much about being arranged in Xie Zetian's backyard at first, but as time went by, she gradually realized something unusual.

Eternal Ye Mojun did not let Xie Zetian touch other people, was it really just to urge him to make progress? But when Xie Zetian arrived in the palace, it was said that he dozed off every day and didn't do business.

Not to mention, the Eternal Night Demon Lord actually opened up a palace specially for him, which is probably unprecedented in the Yongye Demon Lord's life.

Qinghe had a bold guess that Lord Mojun might be interested in Xie Zetian.

But she was not sure. After all, Xie Zetian had been with the Demon Lord for so many years and nothing had happened to the two of them. Why did they suddenly become interested in him? This is very strange.

Of course, Qinghe didn't say what he was thinking, and he didn't dare to say it. He just kept these words in his heart and silently completed his task.

After Qinghe left, Bo Yang asked the housekeeper to gather all the men in the yard.

In his harem, men and women account for half and half. There are all kinds of men, tall, short, fat, and thin. Some are as beautiful as spring peaches and as beautiful as women, and some are tall, handsome, and neat. Bo Yang only looks for people who look more masculine.