The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 64


When Bo Yang opened his eyes, it was already afternoon, and the rare sunlight outside the window sill came in and shone on his body, making him feel warm.

Bo Yang sat up, and found himself in a strange room, the room was very, very big, not like a bedroom but like a hall. The bed decoration is exquisite and grand, with sun, moon and stars carved, and the top tent is made of luxurious black gold yarn. The ground is covered with crystal stones unique to the main palace of the Eternal Darkness Palace, and the magic power fluctuations in it can be faintly felt.

All signs prove that he is now in the palace of the Eternal Night Demon Lord.

Bo Yang hurriedly got off the bed, hey, where is it not good to sleep on Sandman's big bed, if someone finds out, can't he say that he wants to usurp the throne

But why did I sleep on Mojunda's bed

Aren't you fighting with the Demon Lord


Seems like it might end up winning

Bo Yang stood on the ground with bare feet in a daze.

The cold spar continued to exude traces of magic energy, drilling all the way from the soles of the feet to the top of the head, Bo Yang took a deep breath.

"Why don't you put on your shoes?" Mo Jun's cold voice came from one side.

Bo Yang turned his head and saw the devil in green clothes coming out from behind the four-folded screen of the devil's mountains, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, as if he was in a good mood.

Why was he so miserable when he won? He lost and nothing happened

Feeling depressed, Bo Yang answered yes, then ran back to the bed to put on his shoes.

"Is it better?" Mo Jun asked, his beautiful eyes glanced at Bo Yang's face, and then moved away erratically.

Bo Yang touched his own eyes, and when he touched them, the pain was excruciating, and he gasped.

"Cough..." Seeing his painful appearance, Mojun coughed, "I was too excited this morning, so I didn't stop for a while."

"It's not a problem, it's just a skin trauma." The meridians in the body are running smoothly, and there is no discomfort in the body. It should only be a little trauma.

The devil said: "That's good... come with me, the person who investigated the rebirth Gu is back."

The person who investigated Rebirth Gu came back

Bo Yang's spirit shook, although he didn't mind the Rebirth Gu on his body, it would be better if he could get rid of it. He was also a little happy at the moment, and hurriedly followed behind the devil towards the main hall.

When he was about to walk out of the bedroom, Bo Yang glanced at a decorative mirror in the distance...


Who is that pig's head in the mirror? !

Bo Yang covered his face and screamed.

Mojun heard the movement behind him, turned his head, read something from Bo Yang's expression, and said with a little guilt: "It's all skin trauma, it will be healed soon."

Good you big headed ghost!

Bo Yang's heart is bleeding, I compete with you for you, but you really beat me into a pig's head

"It was really an accident. I was too excited and didn't control my strength." The Demon King's voice lacked confidence.

Bo Yang held his face, which had grown in size, and complained, "Your Majesty, don't you know that you don't hit someone in the face?"

The Demon Lord was silent for a moment, bowed his head and admitted his mistake, "I'm sorry."

According to the powerful self-healing ability of the demons, Bo Yang's pig-headed face will probably recover the next day, but Bo Yang can't fix it now.

He pointed to his face and said: "You obviously took me to see someone without reminding me when you saw my face?"

Mojun: "..." I almost forgot that Xie Zetian wanted to save face.

He thought for a while and explained clumsily: "Don't worry, your face looks good even if you are swollen from a beating."

Bo Yang: "???"

This pair looks good-looking like a swollen steamed bun? ?

Bo Yang was so pissed off by him, he ground his teeth, suppressed the anger in his chest and said, "Is there a mask?"

In order to redeem his mistake, the Demon Lord hastily said, "Yes."

He opened his mouth and said, "Come here."

The waiter who was waiting outside came in and bowed respectfully, "Your Majesty."

The Demon Lord waved his hand: "Go get some masks."

The devil spoke too quickly and naturally, and the waiters came too fast, Bo Yang didn't even have time to hide, his pig's face was completely exposed under the noses of the two waiters.

Bo Yang: "..."

Lord Mojun, how did your brain circuit grow

Soon the waiter brought a few masks, each of which was exquisite and luxurious, and served them on a tray.

Bo Yang randomly picked the biggest one and put it on his face, his face was so swollen that he almost didn't put it on, but luckily he managed to put it on in the end, completely covering his pig-headed face.

After some time wasted, Bo Yang followed Mojun towards the main hall.

As soon as he walked away, he heard two waiters talking secretly.

"Did you see it?"

"I see."

"Master Xie was beaten by the king?"


"That face... poof..."

"Shut up!"

Faint laughter came, and Bo Yang couldn't contain his sadness.

The devil's ear is stronger than him, so he heard it naturally, and his face was a little ugly, and he ordered the nearest attendant: "Punish the two servants in the bedroom to leave the palace, and they are not allowed to come to the main hall in the future."

The attendant respectfully replied yes.

Bo Yang remained silent without saying a word. Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, the Demon Lord coughed, but because he hadn't coaxed people much, he didn't know what to say, so he finally said, "Let's go quickly."

The bedroom is not far from the main hall, and we will be there in a while.

As soon as the two walked in, they saw a tall and straight man in black clothes standing in the main hall. Bo Yang knew that man. He used to be one of the guards of the Eternal Night Demon Lord. Later, he was transferred to the border. The person he trusted was now sent to find an antidote for him.

Bo Yang's mood is very complicated.

Xiao Ling secretly said in her mind: "Actually, sir, it's no big deal if you join the Demon Lord. You can see how kind he is to you. Except for a little narcissism, the Demon Lord is pretty good."

Bo Yang was speechless, "Xiaoling, what about your integrity? I don't like men, so I can't like him just because he treats me well."

"You really don't like men?"


"So sure?"


"You hesitated just now, didn't you?"


"You hesitate, you have."


"you have."

The two defended for a while, and Bo Yang said: "I did an experiment before, and I'm not interested in men. It's not like you don't know."

He was referring to the matter of inviting five male concubines to sleep in the mansion before.

Xiaoling said: "They are them, and the devil is the devil. Besides, one moment is not the other, maybe one day you will like him."

Bo Yang was speechless: "You figure it out, even if I promise him to be with him, if one day he finds out that I've been lying to him, guess how he will react?"

Xiao Ling was silent for a moment, then said: "Then you should reject him well."

If he knew that Bo Yang raised a wild man outside, and was seriously injured twice because of him, what the devil did was self-indulgent, probably...

Xiaoling said firmly: "Reject him."

Bo Yang was a little worried, he had been rejecting him all the time, but Mojun Da Da still treated him so well.

Besides, does he really dislike the Demon Lord

He didn't dare to think deeply.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord asked the man, "You sent a message that you found a cure for the poison?"

The man glanced at Bo Yang, probably a little curious, but soon he put away that curiosity, and respectfully said: "Yes, Your Majesty. I went to the border to find out the source of Gu worms a while ago. There is a legend circulating in the land that Gu worms came from Pyrothorn City."

Eternal Night Demon Lord frowned, "Pyrothorn City?"

Bo Yang thought about it in his mind, Firethorn City? That mysterious city that can never be reached

The man continued: "My subordinates have visited Huothorn City many times, but they were not allowed to enter. Remembering that Your Majesty had contacts with Huothorn City's envoys, I rushed back to report to Your Majesty."

The Eternal Ye Mojun was silent for a moment, and said: "You go down first."

"Yes, this subordinate will leave." The man backed away respectfully, and before leaving, he glanced at Bo Yang curiously, probably not understanding why Bo Yang was here.

The Eternal Ye Demon Lord suddenly mobilized everyone to find a way to undo the rebirth Gu, and everyone was wondering if the Eternal Ye Demon Lord had fallen victim to the Gu? No one dares to ask at present.

As soon as the people left, the Eternal Night Demon Lord said to Bo Yang: "Let's go to Huothorn City immediately."

To Firethorn

Bo Yang thought for a while, and there seemed to be no reason not to agree. Of course it would be best if he could detoxify, but he would definitely owe the Demon Lord another favor. If he doesn't want to go, the Demon Lord is not happy, and with his domineering personality, he will probably force himself to go.

After weighing it for a moment, Bo Yang replied: "Okay."

For his obedience, Eternal Night Demon Monarch was very satisfied, and looked at him much more gently.

On the second day, when Bo Yang's injury was completely healed (mainly because his face was no longer swollen), the two set off for Huothorn City. Eternal Ye Mojun and Xie Zetian are both people with high cultivation bases, and the journey to Huothorn City was originally very long, but it didn't take long for the two of them to use Instant Travel for Thousand Miles.

Very few people know the location of Firethorn City, and even if they know, it is difficult to enter the city, and they can only watch from a distance. Eternal Night Demon Lord did not know what method he used to know the location, and he even got in touch with the people inside.

Led by the Eternal Night Demon Lord, the two arrived in Firethorn City in three days and three nights.

Pyrothorn City is a city in a mountain depression, surrounded by dark mountains covered with strong magic barriers. The whole city is built with unknown materials, and it is completely dark, standing alone in the mountain depression.

Originally, the black mountain and the black city could be integrated into one, and it was not easy to find. However, the city of Pyrothorn was surrounded by burning lava, and the bright red liquid spread in the cobweb-like gaps, separating Pyrothorn City and the mountains. separate.

It is said that someone once saw Firethorn City and wanted to go in. He clearly saw that it was not far away, but he couldn't get closer even if he walked all the way. This feeling is a bit like the mirage Bo Yang has seen before.

The two stopped on a black mountain not far away. Lord Yongye took out a feather. The feather was bright red and shone slightly. Lord Yongye held up the feather and blew. The feather automatically flew into the air, then turned into a beam of light and disappeared.

After a while, Bo Yang found that the originally closed gate of Firethorn City was opened.

A red figure gradually came out from the door, and then faster and faster, he stepped over the tumbling lava, walked through the burning flames, and soon came to the two of them.

When he got closer, Bo Yang found that the man was a handsome man with curly hair, dark red eyes, high nose and deep eyes. At first glance, he looks like a European and American... Maybe he is a European and American