The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 65


Bo Yang was speechless. He had heard rumors about Pyrothorn City in the Demon Realm, saying that the people inside were mysterious and had weird looks. Looking at it now, there was nothing weird about it, but they looked like Europeans and Americans.

But the hair color is not colorful, but black.

Just don't know which language you speak

English French German

Unfortunately, he dabbled a little.

Bo Yang's brain holes are getting bigger and bigger, and his thoughts are running wild, like the Yellow River is flooding out of control.

"I didn't expect His Majesty the Demon Lord to come in person, so I was far away to welcome you." The high-nosed and deep-eyed Huothorn City envoy bent towards Yongye Demon Lord, then looked at Bo Yang, and smiled slightly, "Master Xie also coming."

Bo Yang felt that the Eternal Ye Mojun was already good-looking, but he didn't expect that this man's smile was much better than that of the Yongye Mojun. The feeling of being extremely strange for a moment was shocking.

Bo Yang felt his eyes dazzled for a moment, and his heart beat suddenly uncontrollably.

Lord Eternal Night glanced at him, and introduced: "This is Long Hai, the envoy of Pyrothorn City."

"Mr. Long."

Bo Yang said politely, staring at the messenger uncontrollably all the time, he didn't think he liked men, but he couldn't control his eyes, that man seemed to be full of inexplicable magic, which made people bear Can not help dazzled.

What he didn't see was that the Eternal Night Demon Lord next to him frowned unhappily.

"Young Master Long, let's go." Eternal Ye Mojun said with a cold face.

Long Hai smiled slightly, "Please follow me."

Afterwards, the messenger led the way, and Eternal Night Demon Lord and Bo Yang followed behind him, walking forward along his footsteps.

Under the leadership of Long Hai, the city that could never be approached was getting closer and closer, and the three of them soon came to the gate of Huothorn City.

The door was wide open, and Long Hai led them in again.

Bo Yang was very curious about Firethorn City, he looked around as soon as he entered the city gate, he imagined it should be a particularly weird place, but to his disappointment, everything in the city was normal. The vendors yelled, and all kinds of strange demons walked around, just like any city in the demon world.

He thought that Pyrothorn City should be very hot in the middle of the lava, but he didn't feel the hot breath after entering.

What a strange city.

"Curious?" Long Hai who was walking on the side suddenly leaned over and asked with a smile.

Bo Yang subconsciously denied, "No."

He is a majestic protector of the demon world, if he behaves too weakly, he will lose the face of the demon king.

Long Hai continued to smile and said: "Look at him carefully."

As he spoke, he pointed to a peddler selling steamed buns next to him.

Bo Yang followed his finger to look over, he had seen that peddler before, it was nothing special, why did Long Hai let him look at him

However, after watching for a while, Bo Yang found something unusual, the words and actions of the vendor were exactly the same as before. Not only him, even the people who bought the buns were the same people as before.

Bo Yang looked around in amazement. After looking carefully, he realized that the people walking up and down the street were all people he had seen before. They repeated specific trajectories and said specific words, just like the NPCs in the game.

Long Haidao: "Firethorn City is a cursed city, and no one in it is alive."

The people inside are not alive

Bo Yang stared at Long Hai, his eyes became strange, "That Mr. Long..."

Long Hai smiled without answering, and turned to Lord Yongye Mo, "I don't know why you came to Huothorn City this time?"

Hearing him bring up a serious matter, the Prince of Eternal Night's expression was finally not so cold, and his attitude became much gentler.

"I heard that Rebirth Gu was originally created by you Firethorn City, I don't know if it's true or not."

"Rebirth Gu?" Long Hai thought for a while and said, "Indeed, but we don't call him Rebirth Gu, but Rebirth Worm."

"Past life worm?" Bo Yang was about to ask, when suddenly a surprise shout came from beside him, "Brother Mojun!"

The sound of Mojun’s elder brother made Bai Yang startled. When he came to this world, he had heard many people call him by the name of Mojun. Brother Mojun.

Following the sound, Bo Yang saw a boy about fifteen or sixteen years old, who also had a European and American appearance, extremely slender, as exquisite as colored glass that would shatter at the touch of a touch, and his eyes were crystal clear, as if in a snow field in a high mountain. The purest touch of ice and snow makes people forget the world.

Bo Yang was once again shocked by a person's appearance.

The teenager has soft black hair, warm brown eyes, a round face, and the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, as if he is smiling all the time.

Clean, crystal clear and flawless.

Three words quickly emerged from Bo Yang's mind.

It's as if these three adjectives were born for boys.

Beside the boy was a man wearing a black cloak with a gloomy expression. He stood quietly aside like a black shadow, making people unconsciously ignore his existence.

The boy smiled cheerfully, trotted over, and then directly rushed into the arms of Yongye Mojun under Bai Yang's dumbfounded, put his arms around his waist, rested his head on Yongye Mojun's chest, and smiled He said: "You have finally come to see Long Bing."

If ordinary people approached, they would be avoided before they even touched the corner of Eternal Night Demon Lord, but this time Eternal Night Demon Lord did not avoid it, but put his hand on the boy's shoulder, and said softly: "City Lord .”

"Don't call me City Lord, call me Long Bing." The boy was unwilling to let go, raised his head and said unhappily, "You call me City Lord to make it easier for you."

He is actually the Lord of Pyrothorn City? !

Bo Yang was shocked.

I imagined that the leader of Firethorn City should be a mysterious and unpredictable existence, with three heads and six arms, but I didn't expect it to be such a delicate and harmless boy.

Even Long Hai is more like a city lord than him.

Bo Yang stared intently at the boy who called himself Long Bing who kept acting like a spoiled child to Lord Yongye.

Originally, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old man acting like a baby with such a sweet voice would give people goosebumps, but this city lord's acting like a baby is unexpectedly not annoying, not only not annoying, but also quite annoying pity.

There was a bit of a smile on Yong Ye Mojun's face. Bo Yang has been with him for so long, and he has already figured out his smile. Ye Mojun is really very happy now.

"Dragon Ice."

"Did Brother Mojun come to Huothorn City to see me?" The boy named Long Bing asked innocently, blinking his eyes.

Eternal Ye Mojun smiled and said: "It's sort of."

"Wow, I'm so happy! Brother Mojun is so kind!" The boy threw himself into the arms of Mojun Yongye again, rubbing his head against his chest.

Originally, Bo Yang thought boys were cute, but seeing this scene, he suddenly felt uncomfortable. At the same time, he felt that boys were too exaggerated and pretentious.

Hehe, is it reasonable for a boy of fifteen or sixteen to hug other men at every turn

Brother Mojun... Brother Mojun... Can you be more coquettish

Bo Yang interjected, "Your Majesty, is this the Lord of Firethorn City?"

"That's right." The Eternal Ye Mojun's attention was finally attracted by him, he nodded and said, "This is the person we are looking for this time."

Is it really the city lord

Bo Yang was a little unbelievable, Firethorn City was well-known in the entire devil world, but he didn't expect the owner of the city to be such a crystal-clear boy.

Or maybe the words crystal clear should be put in quotation marks.

Bo Yang said: "City Master, we have come from a long way this time to seek the antidote for the rebirth Gu..."

"I hate it, Brother Mojun just came to our Firethorn City, so don't talk about these things." Before Bai Yang finished speaking, the boy interrupted him coquettishly, and stretched out his hand to hold Mojun Yongye's hand He shook his head and said, "Brother Mojun, the bird you gave me last time has already hatched, may I take you to have a look?"

The Eternal Night Demon Lord actually gave him a bird

Bo Yang glanced at Yongye Mojun, who still smiled, "Okay."

"Great!" The boy clapped his hands happily, then grabbed Yong Ye Mojun and walked forward, completely ignoring that Bo Yang was still standing still.

Eternal Ye Mojun said, "Follow."

Then he followed the boy without looking back.

Bo Yang stared at the backs of the two in disbelief, when did Lord Yongye become so obedient? What is the relationship between the young city lord and him

Xiaoling secretly said in her mind: "At first glance, it looks like the kind of little goblin with a messy face. The devil probably won't like this type, so don't worry."

Bo Yang: "... I don't care."

Xiaoling: "Okay, you don't care, I care."

The two walked away, Long Hai came over and said, "Young Master Xie, let's go too."

His smile is gentle and polite, and there is a fascination and strangeness in it, no one can resist that kind of smile.

Bo Yang followed suit with a smile, "Okay."

The shadow-like man in black also followed the boy and drifted away.

So the five people quickly walked along the weird street, and soon came to an open platform.

The large platform is circular, surrounded by formations, and a red bird is imprisoned inside. Huge body, red feathers, long tail, slender body, and a little red crown on the head, looks gorgeous and graceful.

Beside him were three little red birds, round and chubby, chirping, very cute.

Bo Yang searched for memories in his mind, and soon recognized this bird called Mingfeng, which was a close relative of the ancient mythical beast phoenix, very rare. ice.

"Look, aren't they cute?" Long Bing was a little short, raised his head to look at Lord Yongye, and there was a small cute dimple on his right cheek.


How can a boy be so cute

Bo Yang slandered in his heart, seeing the intimate scene between him and Yongye Mojun always felt a bit dazzling, so Bo Yang stopped talking and turned to talk to Long Hai who was standing beside him with a smile on his face.

"Young Master Long mentioned the reborn worm, can you tell me the origin?"