The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 66


Bo Yang originally wanted to ask if there was an antidote, but he was afraid that if he asked too eagerly, he would be caught by others, so he could only steer the topic towards this direction as if nothing had happened.

Long Haidao: "Of course."

He took two steps closer, and the distance between them shortened to almost touch each other.

"The dead worm is highly poisonous to the living, but it is good medicine to the dead."

"Why?" Bo Yang was suddenly attracted, and didn't notice that the distance between the two was getting closer.

"Because the dead people in our city live on the dead worms, and the power absorbed by the dead worms is just enough for everyone to move." Long Hai smiled.

That is to say, the dead worms were indeed spread out from Pyrothorn City.

Bo Yang asked: "A living person has been infected by the insect of the past, how to get rid of it?"

"Only the city lord knows the method." Long Hai said.

Bo Yang looked at the black-haired boy in front of him. He was leaning against Lord Yongye, with a smile on his face, as if he was acting like a spoiled child to him.

Bo Yang secretly sighed.

The black-haired boy suddenly looked at him with a weird smile on his face.

Bo Yang was slightly taken aback.

The young city lord turned his head away again, he didn't know what he said to Lord Yongye, who frowned slightly, then nodded.

Then the two left the round platform.

Bo Yang wanted to follow, but Yongye Mojun said: "No need to follow."

Bo Yang stopped in his tracks and watched the backs of the Eternal Ye Mojun and the black-haired boy disappear.

"Let me take you to see Firethorn City." Long Hai suggested to Bo Yang.

Bo Yang saw that the demon king had already followed the Lord of Huothorn City, so he couldn't wait helplessly, so he agreed to Long Hai's request after thinking about it.

He was very curious about this legendary Pyrothorn City. In the novel, this city is an intangible and inaccessible existence. The people in it are capable and strange, and the things in it are also very strange.

Bo Yang really wanted to know, what kind of strange method

Long Hai took him around Firethorn City, and finally brought him to the City Lord's Mansion.

There were guards patrolling around the city lord's mansion, and when they saw Long Hai, the leader hurriedly brought someone over to salute.

Bo Yang can be sure that this team is all living people.

It's just that there are strange lines painted on the faces of these people. If you look carefully, the strange lines are not painted, but seem to be engraved, and I don't know what is the use of them.

Long Hai introduced Bo Yang's identity to the team, and the team quickly saluted Bo Yang again.

Bo Yang nodded in goodwill, and then followed Long Hai into the City Lord's Mansion.

The City Lord's Mansion looks like an ordinary palace.

When Bo Yang stepped in, he found that the inside was completely different from what he had imagined. As soon as he entered the door, Bo Yang seemed to have stepped into another space. It was a green grassland, and there was a huge lake in the distance, and the center of the lake stood tall. With a tall tower.

"That's where we live." Long Hai introduced.

Bo Yang groaned, and raised his leg to walk towards the tower, but Long Hai stopped him with his hand, "Don't go over there."

Bo Yang turned his head suspiciously, and asked with his eyes: Aren't we going to that tower

Long Hai understood the question in his eyes, and explained with a smile: "The road here is not what you ordinary people imagined. If you walk like you just now, you will never be able to get close to that tower."

As he spoke, he approached Bo Yang and reached out to hold his hand.

Bo Yang didn't expect him to pull his hand suddenly, and quickly shook it away.

This action was completely subconscious. After all, he was not familiar with Long Hai. The two girls had just met, and it was fine to hold hands.

Long Hai was slightly startled, and then a smile appeared in his dark eyes, "I have no other intentions, Mr. Xie, don't get me wrong, I just want to bring Mr. Xie close to the white tower."


"Lord Xie won't think of anything else, right?" Long Hai said deliberately ambiguously, tilting his head, his curly black hair fluttering slightly in the wind, reflecting a fascinating light.

I have to say that this is an extremely exotic man, and it is difficult for anyone to resist his charm.

But Bo Yang firmly believes that he is a straight man, so he is not fooled by it at all.

Of course, he did think wrong just now, and it was a bit embarrassing to be exposed.

Coughing, Bo Yang forcibly changed the subject and said, "Then trouble Mr. Long to take me there."

Long Hai looked at him for a while, and suddenly burst out laughing, "Master Xie, you are different from the rumors, how should I put it, you are very cute."


To describe his domineering Xie Zetian as cute

Bo Yang made a serious face on purpose, "Master Long, please don't make fun of me."

Long Hai restrained his smile and said seriously: "I'm not joking. Mr. Xie, I think you are really cute and the type I like. Do you want to consider forming a partner with me?"

Bo Yang: "... huh?"

Bo Yang was completely dumbfounded. He and Long Hai met for the first time, and they didn't even exchange a word. Why did the topic turn to this

"What did you say?" Bo Yang thought he had heard wrong.

Long Hai's expression was very calm, "I would like to ask Mr. Xie to become a partner together."

"Why?" Bo Yang felt absurd.

Long Hai laughed, "There are too few people in Firethorn City, and we can't leave the city for too long on weekdays. It's not easy to find a partner."

Bo Yang was speechless, "It's not easy and you can't pull people casually, we just met today for the first time."

Hearing the displeasure in his tone, Long Hai's smile became more sincere, "Master Xie, do you think I'm joking with you? I mean it. Although we have only met for the first time, I know you are the right one." people."

Bo Yang was puzzled, "Why?"

"There are several reasons." Long Hai's tone was unhurried, "I have just come into contact with your body and found that your physique is very special, plus you have reborn worms on your body, with profound skill and advanced cultivation, it is very unique , as long as you practice with us for a few months, you will be able to freely enter and leave Firethorn City and the real world."

After a pause, he continued, "The second reason is that you are very cute, and I like you very much."

Bo Yang looked into Long Hai's dark eyes, and found that his eyes were extremely sincere and unreserved.

Bo Yang: "..."

This Long Hai is not only designed to look like a foreigner, but also has the same personality as a foreigner. He is enthusiastic and unrestrained. He proposed to him the first time he met him. Did he want to go to bed the second time he met him

Bo Yang was speechless, at first he thought Long Hai was joking with him, and was a little angry, but now seeing his expression, he felt that he might really think so, and the anger in his heart dissipated.

Thinking that after all, I have something to ask for from others, I don’t want to offend him. After thinking for a moment, I said seriously: "I'm sorry, the request you made today was too abrupt. I don't intend to form a partner with anyone for the time being."

Long Hai was very disappointed, his dark eyes blinked, "Does Mr. Xie already have someone he likes?"

Hearing these words, a figure of a person flashed through Bo Yang's mind for some reason, but he quickly slapped that figure away, and said calmly, "No."

Long Hai blinked again, "Then I hope Mr. Xie can seriously consider me, I guarantee that it will be very suitable for us to form a partner."

Bo Yang let out a haha, and sent him a good person card, "You are not bad, let's talk about it later."

Unexpectedly, Long Hai didn't seem to understand the meaning of the good person card, so he was a little excited, "Well, I hope Mr. Xie can think about it."

Bo Yang and Long Hai didn't come to listen to his courtship, it was too embarrassing, so he changed the subject and said, "Let's go to the White Tower quickly."

"Okay." Long Hai didn't refuse this time, he happily grabbed Bo Yang's hand, and pulled him towards the direction of the White Tower.

The moment Bo Yang was grabbed by his hand, he subconsciously wanted to shake it off, but finally held back. For the person who is courting, if you react too much, it will embarrass both parties, so it is better to behave naturally.

I don't know if Long Hai understood what he meant. On the way leading him to the White Pagoda, he kept introducing everything along the way to him very enthusiastically.

The pagoda was indeed as Long Hai said, it looked very close, but it was actually very far away, Bo Yang was taken by Long Hai for a long time before arriving.

At last they passed a garden, which was full of all kinds of flowers and plants, and there was nothing in it in a small plot, except for a tree as tall as a man.

The reason why Bo Yang noticed this tree was because there was no leaf on this tree, it was full of flowers and fruits. Those fruits are as red as cherries, as bright as jewels, and exude a strange fragrance.

Seeing Bo Yang's gaze turned to the tree, Long Hai enthusiastically introduced: "It's the mother fruit."

"Mumuguo?" Bo Yang confirmed the three words, feeling very surprised, "It's the first time I've heard of this name."

Xie Zetian, as one of the four masters of the Demon Realm, has extensive knowledge and knowledge, and there are very few things he has not heard of. In his memory, the words "mother and mother fruit" have never appeared, and he has never seen such a tree.

Long Haidao: "This kind of mother and mother fruit is very interesting. There is only one tree in Pyrothorn City. If you can take its fruit, the blood and smell of the user can be compatible with any species. Many people use the mother and mother fruit. Let's tame monsters."

"Taming monsters?"

"Yes, first find the cub of a high-level monster and take the mother fruit, the cub will think you are his mother and follow you."

Bo Yang snorted, "It's kind of interesting."

The territory of the Demon Realm is very vast, and there are some high-level monsters living in some very remote places. Those monsters are very powerful. If you want to tame them, you must kill and wound them. If you have the mother and mother fruit, you can easily tame the little beast, saving a lot of effort.

"Do you want it? I can give it to you." Long Hai asked.

Bo Yang opened his eyes wide, "Is it okay?"

Long Hai smiled and said: "You are our distinguished guest, of course you can. The mother and mother fruits are precious, but they are actually not a big deal. Besides, there are so many fruits on this tree, it doesn't matter if you pick some of them off."

As he spoke, he walked through the flowers and plants, walked under the tree, picked a few fruits and walked back to hand them to Bo Yang.

Bo Yang held the pile of fruits like a pile of big cherries, he wanted to take a bite himself.

"Can people eat this fruit?" He couldn't help asking.

Long Hai smiled, "Yes, no problem."

Bo Yang picked up another one, looked at it carefully, and put it into the Qiankun bag.

He was thinking about finding an opportunity to go there and try to catch a wild beast. There was a demon wolf in the palace of the Demon Lord of Eternal Night. The wolf was intelligent and had a ferocious personality. Bo Yang has always been in love with him, and he also wants to have a high-level monster of his own.

The two chatted and came to the White Tower.