The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 67


From a distance, the White Pagoda is very slender, but when you get closer, you find that there is a tall palace under the White Pagoda, which was not visible from a distance just now.

Firethorn City is really a strange city.

As soon as the two arrived at the palace, they saw the Lord of Eternal Night and the Lord of Firethorn City walking out.

The two were talking and laughing, looking very close.

Seeing Bo Yang and Long Hai approaching, the Eternal Ye Mojun turned his head, and his eyes touched the hands that Long Hai and Bo Yang held together, and a shadow was cast on his smiling face for an instant.

"Where did you go?" Yongye Mojun asked in an unhappy tone.

Bo Yang thought to himself: Why are you so angry? He left me and ran away with the city lord, but now he is asking me instead.

"Just now, I took Mr. Xie around Firethorn City to let him familiarize himself with the environment." Long Hai's tone was soft.

Mojun glanced at him, his eyes were extremely unfriendly, but he didn't say anything bad, he turned his head and waved to Bo Yang, "Come to me."

Bo Yang thought for a while, and walked obediently to his side.

The Demon Lord was satisfied, and the blackness on his face faded a little, "Don't wander around in this kind of place, and don't be with some strangers."

City Lord and Long Hai: "..."

The Eternal Night Demon Lord probably realized that his attitude was too arrogant, so he restrained himself slightly, and said to the black-haired young city owner: "I brought the man here, help me take a look."

Bo Yang is baffled, what to look at

Eternal Night Demon Lord said in a voice that only two of them could hear: "After following the city lord in, do whatever he asks you to do. Don't provoke him. We are in Firethorn City. Can't get out either."

"What does he want me to do?" Bo Yang immediately asked, "Are you guys hiding something from me?"

Eternal Night Demon Lord patted his head, a soft smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Don't worry, he will detoxify you."


So simple

Bo Yang was suspicious, "Did you reach some kind of deal in private?"

There is no free lunch in the world, and Firethorn City is not a city of charity. Could it be...

Bo Yang lowered his voice, "I see that the city lord seems to be interested in you. Big brother comes and goes. Are you using your body as a bargaining chip?"

Eternal Night Demon Lord: "..."

Eternal Ye Mojun slapped him on the head, "What are you thinking about every day!"

Bo Yang covered his head, "You are so close, he still calls you brother."

As he spoke, his tone began to turn sour.

Lord Yongye said helplessly: "He likes to tease people. If you don't follow his temperament, you will have to toss. Besides, how can that kind of old monster like us who don't know how long he has lived? I just like to pretend to be tender."

"Then do you like him?"

Eternal Ye Mojun slapped him on the head again, "Are you crazy?"

Bo Yang miraculously improved, "Then what exactly did you trade?"

If the price is too high, he would rather not detoxify.

As if seeing his thoughts, Eternal Ye Mojun said: "Don't worry, what I give is what he needs, and it happens to be what I can do."

Only then did Bo Yang feel relieved.

Once I was relieved, I felt a little bit uneasy when I thought that I still doubted the relationship between the two just now.

"Have you finished?" The voice of the city lord of Firethorn came from not far away.

Eternal Ye Mojun gently pushed Bo Yang, "Go."

Bo Yang hesitated for a moment, then turned and walked to the side of the young black-haired city lord.

The lord of Firethorn City glanced at Bo Yang and nodded, "Come with me."

After he finished speaking, he turned and walked into the palace, the Eternal Ye Mojun signaled Bo Yang to follow.

Bo Yang didn't know what kind of medicine they sold in the gourd, so he followed them into the hall.

In the four corners of the main hall, half-person-high incense burners were burning, and the scent wafted out of them, filling the entire hall.

The scent is somewhat familiar.

Bo Yang sniffed it carefully, but couldn't remember where he had smelled this fragrance for a while.

"Master Xie, come with me." The beautiful city lord smiled innocently in front of him, and stretched out his hand to signal Bo Yang to follow into the side hall.

Mojun Yongye was about to follow, but was stopped by the city lord, "Brother Mojun, you can't come in."

The Eternal Night Demon Lord stopped, a glint of light flashed in his dark eyes, and he said in a low voice, "Don't play tricks on him."

Long Bing giggled, "Don't worry, I won't do anything to him."

Bo Yang understood that the two were discussing him, and his scalp felt inexplicably chilly.

He couldn't help but glanced at the crystal-like person in front of him, so slender and cute, innocent and innocent, could it be that he would do something unreasonable

He thought again: After all, he is the lord of Huothorn City, so he should not be underestimated by his appearance.

Think again: But my life should not be in danger, and the Demon Lord brought me to Firethorn City specially, so I shouldn't let myself get hurt.

Out of his great trust in the devil, Bo Yang let go of his anxiety a little.

He followed Long Bing into the side hall, everyone stayed outside, and only the two of them were left inside the side hall.

What surprised Bo Yang was that the side hall was empty and there was nothing. But the jasmine-like fragrance became more intense, and soon Bo Yang's head became groggy and his consciousness was blurred.

Suddenly he remembered where he had smelled this fragrance before, it was the first time he had inadvertently broken into the side hall of Lord Eternal Night and smelled it.

It turns out that Eternal Night Demon Lord has always been in contact with Pyrothorn City.

I don't know if this incense has anything to do with Lord Yongye's obsession

Before he could think deeply, his sensitive ears heard the sound of rustling, as if there were countless little bugs crawling.

He hurriedly followed the sound, and found a black line emerging from the walls around the empty side hall. The black line became thicker and surged continuously, and then scattered in all directions, swarming towards the center of the side hall.

A closer look revealed that the black line was formed by thousands of black ant-like insects.

Bo Yang has a slight phobia of trypophobia, and is very afraid of such dense things, so he asked in surprise: "What kind of insect is this? Why are there so many?"

The beautiful boy stood beside him, only reaching the height of his shoulders, blinking his eyes and saying: "Don't be afraid, they are good things."

Bo Yang's scalp tingled as he saw the group of bugs getting closer and closer, and subconsciously wanted to walk outside, but he lifted his feet and found that his body could not move as if he had been immobilized.

"What did you do to me?" Bo Yang asked the boy, "What do you want to do?"

He felt a little fear. Whether in the demon world or the human world, he had never lost against anyone except the fight with the Lord of the Eternal Night. Powerful skills are one of the sources of his self-confidence, and he also believes that there are not many people in this world who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

But just now, he has been paying attention to that beautiful boy, worried that he will make some moves, and has been highly concentrated, even so, he has been tricked.

Bugs swarmed the sky and covered the sky, but the black-haired, black-eyed boy stood among the group of bugs with a smile, as if he didn't notice it.

The strangeness of Firethorn City is really creepy.

Bo Yang didn't care about other things. Dignity is worthless in front of life, and life-saving is the most important thing. He opened his mouth to call out to the Eternal Night Demon Lord who was waiting outside, but when he opened his mouth, he found that he couldn't make a sound.

"Hush..." The slender boy raised a finger, "Don't bark, I know what you think."

How do you know what I'm thinking

Bo Yang said in his heart.

The young man seemed to have heard his voice, and leaned over with a smile, stretched out a tender finger, and tapped his chest, "Of course I know, because the bug is in your heart."

Reborn worms

"Smart." The young man tilted his head, revealing a cute canine tooth, "Be good, don't be afraid, I promised Brother Mojun that I wouldn't hurt you."

But so many bugs...

"These bugs are good things." The boy waved his arms, and the bugs crawled along Bo Yang's feet, and Bo Yang's body was soon tightly wrapped by the bugs.

Surrounded by countless dense insects, Bo Yang almost suffocated.

"I have a few questions I want to ask you." The young city lord smiled and said, "Don't lie, I can know what you are thinking through the past life worm."

Bo Yang wanted to speak but couldn't speak.

"Do you know where the Sky Demon Stone is?" The young city lord leaned over.

Bo Yang: Sky magic stone? What sky magic stone

The young man said: "Don't lie, you are so close to the Demon Lord, don't you know about the Heavenly Demon Stone?"

Bo Yang really didn't know, a pair of eyes stared at the young city owner inexplicably.

The black-haired boy frowned, thought for a moment, and murmured, "You really don't know?"

really do not know.

I'm not close to him and don't know many things.

"Lie." The young city lord stretched out a white finger with a smile, and shook it in front of Bai Yang's eyes, "I will poke your eyes blind later and tell Ji Zixuan that the detoxification failed, and he can't either." What to do with me."

Hearing the threat, Bo Yang tensed up all over, wanting to tell him loudly: I really didn't lie! Can't you hear my heart

"Although Ji Zixuan pretends not to care about you, I can tell that you already have that kind of relationship."


Bo Yang categorically denied it.

"Lying again!" The young man became a little angry, "The dead worm is in your heart, I know you are not telling the truth! You like him, and you still don't admit it?"

Bo Yang's face was flushed red, and his ears were red: No.

The boy giggled, "I really don't cry when I see the coffin."

He raised his hand, and Bo Yang suddenly felt a colic in his heart, as if thousands of bugs were rolling over.

about to die.

"I won't die." The boy smiled and nodded his chest, "It's just that you lied, and they are not happy."

Bo Yang clenched his teeth.

"Well, it doesn't matter whether you like him or not, I just want to know if he has the Sky Demon Stone." The young city lord continued to ask.

Bo Yang said sincerely: I really don't know.

After answering, the worm in the chest stopped commotion.

"You didn't lie?" The young city lord frowned.

Really not!

I have said many times that I don't know!

Bo Yang was speechless.

"Then Ji Zixuan didn't lie, and he doesn't know where the Sky Demon Stone is." The young city lord said to himself, and after a while, he didn't know what to think, stomped his feet angrily, and snorted coldly, and the crawling speed of the bugs on the ground accelerated.

Bo Yang was going crazy.

It's not that the bugs bit him, but that he felt particularly uncomfortable psychologically.

He felt that he was undergoing a brutal torture, but the torture didn't last long. After about half a stick of incense, the insects receded from his body like a tide, and finally scattered and retreated into the root of the wall. .

Bo Yang let out a long breath.

After exhaling, I realized that I could speak and move, "What the hell was that just now?"

The boy didn't answer, his slender brows were tightly frowned, and he stared at Bo Yang with serious eyes.

"The city lord?"

The boy didn't answer, and after a while, the boy turned and left the side hall, and walked towards the entrance of the main hall.

The second monk Bai Yangzhang couldn't figure it out, so he had to follow him into the main hall.

As soon as the two of them came out, the Demon Monarch Yong Ye who was waiting outside stepped forward and said, "Xie Zetian, are you alright?"

His dark eyes were full of concern.

Bo Yang shook his head.

The black-haired young city lord laughed, "Brother Mojun really, I said I wouldn't hurt him, so it's possible that you don't believe me?"

The Eternal Night Demon Lord asked solemnly: "How is it? Has the reborn worm been taken out yet?"

The black-haired boy looked serious, "Sorry, no."

Eternal Ye Mojun's face darkened slightly, "No? Why?"

The black-haired boy said calmly, "If the worms on his body are just ordinary dead worms, I can easily let my worms eat them. Unfortunately, it's just a female worm on him. It will take some work to get it out."

As long as it can be taken out.

"Then trouble the city master to take out the worms." Eternal Night Demon Lord said.

Hearing what Lord Yongye said, the black-haired boy rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "I can take out the bugs, but what good do I do?"

Eternal Ye Mojun frowned, "Didn't I already promise to help you worship the heavens, and I also promised to help you find the Sky Demon Stone?"

"What's that?" The black-haired boy giggled, "I need one more thing."

Everyone understood what the city lord meant, and Eternal Ye Mojun said calmly, "What do you want?"

When Bo Yang heard the black-haired boy's words, he felt a little uneasy.

"Hmm..." The city lord tilted his head and thought for a moment, as if he suddenly thought of something, and said, "Ah, the Biyun Pearl seems to be on your body, so let's exchange that."

Bo Yang raised his eyes.

Want to exchange it with Biyun Pearl

It was used to treat the Demon Lord's madness. If the Biyun Orb was handed over to the city lord, what would the Eternal Night Demon Lord do

"No." Before Eternal Ye Mojun could speak, Bo Yang stopped him.

Unexpectedly, when he opened his mouth, the face of the young city lord who had been smiling and looking harmless to humans and animals sank, "No way?"

At that moment, a thick blackness flashed across his pupils, covering the entire white of the pupils, looking very terrifying.

Bo Yang was surprised by his change. When the young man smiled, he was crystal clear and innocent, but when he lowered his face, his whole temperament changed again, just like the extreme yang turned to the extreme yin, Gloomy and treacherous, like a monster in the abyss.

He glanced at Bo Yang gloomyly, and then raised his eyes to Mojun Yongye, "Master Mojun, do you think it's okay?"

Not Brother Mojun, but Lord Mojun.

Eternal Ye Mojun stood quietly, as if deliberating.

The black-haired young city lord said deeply: "You should know my temper. If you don't want to, then please leave. Long Hai, see off."

Long Hai said politely beside him: "The city lord is angry, please leave."

Bo Yang didn't want the Eternal Night Demon Lord to agree to the request of the Lord of Huothorn City, so he said immediately: "Your Majesty, let's go."

Eternal Night Demon Lord did not move.

Bo Yang stretched out his hand and grabbed Yongye Mojun's hand, staring straight at Yongye Mojun, the pleading inside was obvious, "Your Majesty, let's go."

"You can go, think clearly without me, you will never be able to get rid of the past life bug." The young city lord said sadly.

Yong Ye Mojun and Bo Yang looked at each other for a moment, then turned to the young city owner and said, "Long Bing, are you threatening me?"

The young city lord, who was originally terrifying, paused slightly when he heard his words.

Eternal Ye Mojun said calmly, "Do you want to terminate our cooperation?"

The frightening aura of the young city lord fell silent, and Cheng Boyang returned to the gentle and innocent appearance when he saw it for the first time. He blinked his watery eyes and said, "Is Brother Mojun angry? But I really need the Biyun Pearl." .”

Bo Yang hit the nail on the head, "City Master, I can't give you the Biyun Pearl, and I don't need to detoxify it."

The Biyun Pearl was used by the Eternal Ye Mojun to deal with his obsession, so it must not be sent out again.

He suffered heavy injuries for stealing the Biyun Pearl before, and it was Yongye Demon Lord who saved him. If Yongye Demon Lord exchanged the Biyun Pearl for the young city lord to help him detoxify, then everything he did would be meaningless.

Moreover, he owed a large sum of money to Lord Yongye Demon.

Originally, I didn't want to be in debt, but the more I owed, the more I owed, how could this work