The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 68


Bo Yang was already thin-skinned, and his conscience was uneasy, "Your Majesty, let's go, the Rebirth Gu doesn't have much effect on me."

He said that he wanted to pull the devil to leave, but he pulled, and the body of the devil didn't move at all.

"Do you really want the Biyun Pearl? Can't you change it to something else?" Yong Ye Mojun's voice was still steady.

"I really want it." The black-haired boy bit his lip coquettishly, "Brother Mojun, don't worry, you will definitely not suffer from giving me the Biyun Pearl, I promise."

As he spoke, he glanced at Bo Yang, who was looking anxious, and blinked meaningfully at Yongye Mojun.

Bo Yang didn't notice his expression. Seeing that the Demon Lord was unwilling to leave, he became even more anxious, "Your Majesty, if you exchange the Green Cloud Pearl for the City Lord to help me detoxify, I will definitely not accept it!"

Eternal Ye Mojun seemed not to have heard his words, he was silent for a moment, and said in a deep voice to the young city lord: "Okay, it's a deal."

Bo Yang opened his eyes wide, "Your Majesty!"

Eternal Ye Mojun patted his head lightly, "Don't be nervous, it's fine."

What does it mean to be fine

If the Biyun Pearl is handed over, what will happen if the Demon Lord goes mad in the future

Can control now, what about later? What if one day I can't control it

"I don't agree!" Bo Yang gritted his teeth.

It's a pity that the Eternal Night Demon Lord didn't take his words to heart at all. He stretched out his hand, and a small delicate box appeared in his palm.

The eyes of the young city lord suddenly lit up, and he reached out to pick up the box.

"Don't touch it!" In desperation, Bo Yang opened his hand, grabbed the box and ran out of the hall.

Now he has only one way, to leave Pyrothorn City with Bi Yunzhu, and the deal between Eternal Night Demon Lord and the young city lord will no longer exist.

However, just as he was about to leave, a figure stopped him.

Long Hai smiled and stood in front of him, "Sorry, you can't leave."

Bo Yang's face was sullen, a stern light flashed in his eyes, and he attacked Long Hai in an instant.

Long Hai still smiled and raised his hand to block, the two separated as soon as they fought, Long Hai showed a look of surprise on his face, and quickly restrained himself.

"I didn't expect that other than Lord Demon Lord, there would be anyone who could fight against the people of Firethorn City." The young city lord stood aside and said with a smile.

After Bo Yang fought Long Hai, his arms felt numb and he felt very uncomfortable.

He was also very surprised, with his ability to run wild in the devil world, half of his body was beaten numb in one move, and Long Hai didn't seem to be serious, the strength of Huothorn City was terrifying.

But for the sake of Eternal Night Demon Lord, he would never hand over the Biyun Pearl.

Bo Yang gritted his teeth, and charged again, knowing that he couldn't beat him, he resorted to thirty-six tricks as the best strategy. He no longer struggled with fighting Long Hai, but rushed out of the hall along the direction he came from before.

In a blink of an eye, he rushed outside the palace gate. In an instant, there seemed to be a colorful light sweeping outside. What should have been a street turned into a courtyard, and in front of the courtyard was an extremely large and strange courtyard.

Bo Yang barely stopped and froze on the spot.

what happened

"Without the permission of our city lord, no one can come and go freely." Long Hai slowly walked out from the main hall, and stretched out his hand to him, "Give me the Biyun Pearl."

Bo Yang grabbed the box and took a step back, with a serious face and firm eyes, "Impossible!"

"Then... I'm sorry." Long Hai said politely, just after saying the word "Sorry", his figure disappeared from where he was, and he came to Bo Yang in an instant.

Bo Yang had been prepared for a long time, and his reaction was extremely fast. He kicked his feet on the ground, and his body floated backward like a piece of catkins.

Long Hai appeared by his side like a ghost, reaching out to snatch his small box, Bo Yang quickly threw the box in his right hand to his left, and he spun up to avoid his sneak attack.

The two figures were as fast as lightning, quickly contacting and then quickly separating.

Just when Bo Yang was about to beat Long Hai down, the sound of clothes fluttering suddenly came from beside him.

He subconsciously raised his hand and slapped the person around him, but before he could touch the person, his wrist was grabbed, and then the box in his hand flew out uncontrollably and fell into the hands of the person who came.

Realizing who the person who attacked him was, Bo Yang was furious, "Your Majesty!"

At the same time, he reached out to snatch the Biyun Orb from the Eternal Night Demon Lord.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord held the box high, avoiding his movements, Bo Yang did not give up until he reached his goal, and followed closely, and the two were almost stuck together.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord didn't want to hurt him with his hands. In desperation, he held up the box with one hand, and quickly hit Bo Yang's weak spots with the other hand. waist, and pressed him into his chest, not letting him move.

"Let go of me! Your Majesty, let me go quickly and return the Biyun Pearl to me!"

Bo Yang bumped into the hard chest, his body was controlled, and he was still struggling desperately.

Eternal Ye Mojun said helplessly: "You have already given me the Biyun Pearl, so I will naturally handle it."

"You can't give it to others!" Bo Yang was still very angry, "It's your thing!"

He wanted to say that you have lost your temper, what should you do? Thinking that this is a secret that only Eternal Night Demon Lord and him know, he suppressed this topic and kept hinting at Eternal Night Demon Lord with words.

"Be obedient, stop making trouble." Eternal Night Demon Lord patted him on the back casually, and casually threw the small box in his hand to the young city lord standing aside.

The black-haired boy received the small box and smiled happily, "Thank you, brother Mojun."

Bo Yang felt a burst of despair, and he yelled at Yong Ye Mojun, "Are you crazy? I don't need you to save me! Biyunzhu is such an important thing, but you gave it to him! What if … just in case… "

The Eternal Night Demon Lord finally let go of him, and lightly pressed his shoulder, a smile flashed in his dark eyes, "Are you so worried about me?"

"..." Bo Yang was so angry that he almost fainted, he was still flirting all the time, is he a pig head

Seeing that he was in a hurry, Mojun Yongye said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, Biyunzhu is not the only way to repair my body."

Bo Yang looked nervously at the young city owner and Long Hai, but saw that they both looked calm.

"Don't look, they both know that I'm insane." Eternal Ye Mojun said.

"That's right." The young city lord said with a smile, "Brother Mojun couldn't control the magic power of his body before, so I gave him some incense to make him feel better."

Bo Yang was taken aback, and then said to the black-haired boy even more angrily: "Since you know why you need the Biyun Orb? You should know that the Biyun Orb can heal the Lord's body, but now you want to take it deliberately, what are you doing?" What heart?"

The black-haired boy looked at the beads and said: "Brother Mojun said that the Biyun beads are not the only solution to his physical condition, why are you so anxious."

He smiled, he didn't know what he was thinking of, and there was a hint of meaning on his face, "Master Xie, I assure you once again that Brother Mojun gave me the Biyun Pearl, and I will definitely not let him suffer."

His expression was calm, and his words contained strong confidence, Bo Yang couldn't help but doubt his belief.


"Really." The young city lord put the Biyun Pearl back into the box and handed it to the man in black waiting beside him.

The man in black took it respectfully.

Eternal Ye Mojun let go of Bo Yang, and said to the young city owner: "I have already given you the Biyun Pearl, please detoxify him as soon as possible."

The young city lord smiled and said, "Okay, no problem."

As he spoke, he signaled Bo Yang with his eyes, "Come with me, it's still where we were just now."

Up to now, among the three people, Bo Yang is the only one who opposes this deal, which is of no avail at all.

"Go, it's fine." Eternal Night Demon Lord gently pushed his shoulder.

Bo Yang gave him a helpless look, followed the black-haired boy into the side hall with his head downcast.

Bo Yang once again stood in that weird room. The young city lord stood in front of him, bit his index finger, and dripped a drop of bright red blood on the ground.

The fragrance like jasmine permeates in an instant.

There was something about to move around the corners of the walls, the black-haired boy was muttering in a strange language, and after a while, black tide-like bugs gushed out of the corners again.

It's just that this time the bugs were not as small as the previous ones, each one was as big as a cockroach, and even the mouthparts on the head and the two constantly shaking tentacles were clearly visible.

Bo Yang was frightened.

The bugs crawled to Bo Yang's side, but Bo Yang was still restrained and couldn't move. The bugs crawled up his body along his feet, and soon wrapped him up tightly.

The strong smell of jasmine enveloped him, Bo Yang's mind was dizzy, he felt a worm crawled in from his mouth, followed by the second, and the third...

Bo Yang almost didn't spit it out.

Except for the movement of the eyeballs, other parts of his whole body could not move a single bit. He could only watch those cockroach-like insects crawl into his mouth one by one.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to hear the sound of chewing, as if bugs were eating the internal organs in his body.

When he realized that those bugs were gnawing on his body, Bo Yang almost went crazy.

go out!

go out!

He yelled inwardly.

After a while, the chewing sound finally disappeared, Bo Yang was covered in cold sweat, his hair was wet against his scalp, and his eyes were already slack.

The bugs crawled out of his mouth one by one, crawled over his chin, neck, and chest, and kept going down, finally leaving his body and retreating to the surrounding walls.

The black-haired boy quickly made a complex gesture, Bo Yang's body trembled, and he fell limply to the ground.

The black-haired boy said in a young voice: "It's done."

It took a while before Bo Yang recovered from the nasty nausea just now, he managed to get up from the ground, and stared at the young man in front of him with a complicated expression.

The black-haired boy shrugged and said, "Don't look at me like that, I'm helping you. Those worms have eaten the female worms in your body just now, and I have lost a lot of my cultivation."

Bo Yang didn't say a word.

The young city lord sighed heavily, and said in a firm tone: "Well, you are still blaming me for taking away the Demon Lord's Biyun Pearl."

Bo Yang immediately said, "I don't understand why the Biyun Pearl is necessary."

"I just lack something like this." The black-haired boy smiled, "It seems that you are very concerned about Brother Mojun's body."

"He is my sovereign, of course."

"That's all?" The black-haired boy tilted his head.

"of course."

The black-haired boy walked around him slowly, and after walking around, he said, "Since you are so loyal to brother Mojun, can you do him a favor?"

Bo Yang was taken aback, "What's the matter?"

"Help him out of his insanity and bring him back to normal."

Bo Yang was taken aback, "Is there really a way? How can I help?"

In fact, before the Demon Lord told him that there were other ways to solve the insanity besides the Biyun Pearl, he always thought it was a lie made up by the Demon Lord Yongye to appease him, but now it seems that it is not.

"Of course there is a way, otherwise why would people want the Biyun Pearl wholeheartedly? If there is really no other way, even if I want it, brother Mojun won't give it to me." The black-haired boy giggled, The tone is innocent and lovely, like a pure and innocent child.

"What way?" Bo Yang asked impatiently.

"It's very simple." The young city lord leaned close to his ear and said softly, "You only need to have someone who absolutely trusts each other with Brother Mojun, and that person's skills can't be too far behind Brother Mojun. The channel of the breath, Brother Mojun can pass his extra violent demonic energy to that person, comfort each other along the channel, come down many times, and slowly solve the problem of insanity."

"Establish a channel? How to establish it?" Bo Yang was very surprised when he heard of such a method for the first time.

The black-haired boy giggled, "Of course it was established in the place where the auras of the cathode and yang intersect."

"What is the place where the breaths of extreme cathode and yang intersect?" Bo Yang was full of doubts.

"Of course it's there." A smirk curled up on the boy's lips.

"Where?" Bo Yang didn't know why.

The black-haired boy leaned close to Bo Yang's ear and said something softly.

Bo Yang's face instantly turned red, and then he stammered, "Then, where?"

The dark-haired boy nodded.

Bo Yang took a deep breath, looked at the black-haired boy who didn't change his face, and said with difficulty: "Can't...can't change places?"

The dark-haired boy shook his head.

Bo Yang: "..."

Bo Yang: "... Isn't that the double cultivation?"

That kind of place, that way, what is it other than double cultivation

Bo Yang suddenly became confused.

"Yes, and no." The black-haired boy analyzed seriously, "The establishment of a channel is a helpless move. As long as it enters your body and doesn't move, it's not called dual cultivation. If it moves, it's hard to say."

... What is movement? What does it mean not to move

Even if they don't move, they have been in contact like that, so there seems to be no difference between the two, right

"I think you can tell him not to move, and leave after the exchange of breaths."

Bo Yang blushed, "I haven't agreed to help him yet, don't talk nonsense."

The young city lord blinked innocently, "It's really hard for anyone else to do it except you. Brother Mojun handed over the Biyun Pearl for you, and you would rather not detoxify it for him. The two sides trust each other, which is very suitable."

Bo Yang didn't give up, "Can't others?"

"What if other people take the opportunity to hurt Brother Mojun? He will be very weak when the channel is established." The young city owner said, "Besides, even if someone is willing to help him, the channel cannot be established if Brother Mojun doesn't trust him. The thing is to trust each other and not hurt each other, only you can do it."

Bo Yang: "..."

Bo Yang blushed.