The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 70


"Your Majesty." Bo Yang said hastily, "I don't disagree, it's just..."

He looked around, and said bravely: "It's just that this kind of place is not very convenient, why not..."

Before he finished speaking, Bo Yang was grabbed by Yongye Mojun, and then the wind rang in his ears. It took a moment before the two of them had arrived in front of a cave. The cave is surrounded by forests and there is no trace of people. From a distance, there are mountains, which is very desolate.

"It's not bad here." Eternal Night Demon Lord said.

Bo Yang: "..."

Bo Yang: "Your Majesty, I think... you don't look like you're about to go mad."

Mojun Yongye frowned and covered his chest, "Zetian, I feel bad."

When things came to an end, Bo Yang was a little timid, "Your Majesty, why not..."

The Eternal Night Demon Lord suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood.

Bo Yang was taken aback, and hurriedly supported him, "Your Majesty!"

"I'm fine." The Eternal Night Demon Lord wiped off the blood and smiled at him, "Alright, since you don't want to, let's go back."

At first Bo Yang thought that Lord Yongye was pretending, but when he saw that he vomited blood, he knew that he might not be pretending, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty, let's stay here without delay."

Eternal Ye Mojun immediately grabbed him and dragged him into the cave.

Bo Yang was dragged staggeringly by him, and said as he walked, "Your Majesty, tell me what to do."

Seeing this scene in her mind, Xiao Ling sighed, "I'll block it for a while, and then call me when I'm done."

Bo Yang: "..."

There is no sound in my head.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord dragged him into the cave, grabbed him with one hand and quickly placed restrictions around him with the other hand, then used a fire spell to dry the cave, and then quickly used the spell to cut off the dried grass in the cave and spread it on the ground .

"Let's begin." The Demon Lord's voice was very hoarse.

Bo Yang swallowed his saliva and took a deep breath, "Your Majesty, what should we do now?"

In the dark cave, the Eternal Night Demon Lord looked unclear, "Take off your clothes."

Bo Yang's heart trembled, thinking silently that I was saving someone, he slowly untied his clothes. He was very fortunate that the view in the cave was not good, which reduced some embarrassing feelings.

Taking off his clothes, his white body was exposed in the hole.

Bo Yang's body is clean and neat, neither fat nor thin, looks thin and full of strength. The skin is thin, smooth and moist.

He couldn't see clearly what was going on inside the cave, but Eternal Night Demon Lord had higher skill than him, so he could see his body clearly in the dark, including the blush on his face and the dodge in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, what should we do next?" He bit the bullet and said.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord came back to his senses, and slowly said: "Next... we should build a channel, the city lord should have told you where to build the channel, right?"

Bo Yang looked embarrassed, "... I know."

"If you know, lie down on the grass." The Mojun's cold voice floated in the air.

His indifference and stability made Bo Yang much more stable, and he told himself once again, I am saving people, don't think too much about it, it's just purely saving people.

Then he walked to the edge of the paved grass and squatted down, climbed up and lay down on his stomach.

The grass was dried by the devil's technique, it was very soft and clean, and it made a rustling sound when it climbed up.

Bo Yang got on all fours and lay down. There was no movement in the darkness, he said, "Your Majesty?"

no respond.

Bo Yang was puzzled, and said again: "Your Majesty?"

A black figure approached in the darkness, and Bo Yang's body trembled.

"Open your legs." Mojun's voice was still cold.

Bo Yang gritted his teeth and slowly opened his legs.

The outside wind blows in, passing over the bare skin, a bit cold. Goosebumps appeared on Bo Yang's skin.

He wanted to touch his arm when he suddenly felt movement around him.

Bo Yang's body froze all of a sudden, and he felt that the Demon Lord had quietly appeared behind him.

In an instant, incomparable panic emerged, and he wanted to get up in a panic, "Your Majesty."

"Don't move, it hasn't started yet." The Demon Lord's voice became tense.

Bo Yang panicked, grabbed the hay unconsciously, and said incoherently: "Your Majesty, you said that you will not move. You promised me that as long as the passage is established, it will end... You promised me..."

"Okay, I promise you, I won't move around, don't worry, it will be over soon..." Gentle palms stroked his tense back, soothing his body that was constantly arched due to tension.

Bo Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and in the next second, a tearing feeling pierced his mind like a knife.

(pull light)


Bo Yang lay on the ground blankly, motionless.

Eternal Ye Mojun carefully leaned against him, "Does it still hurt?"

Bo Yang didn't speak.

Eternal Ye Mojun said guiltily: "I'm sorry."

Bo Yang finally made some movement, turned his head and stared in the direction of Lord Yongye Mojun, without saying a word.

In the darkness, the Eternal Night Demon Lord came over, his voice was flattering, "Does it still hurt? Do you want me to help you?"

He stretched out his hand and touched Bo Yang, and Bo Yang suddenly exploded, jumping like a fish, "Don't touch me!"

The Eternal Night Demon Lord had no choice but to retract his claws aggrievedly.

Bo Yang took a deep breath, lay down and didn't dare to move any more, complained hoarsely: "You promised me that I wouldn't promised me..."

Eternal Ye Mojun was silent for a moment, and replied guiltily: "I'm sorry, I can't help it, you... are so cute."

"Bastard! You don't count for what you say! I trust you so much!" Bo Yang jumped up angrily and wanted to hit him, but he gasped as soon as he moved, and fell back to the grass with a distorted expression.

"Don't move around." The Demon Lord hurriedly hugged him, "If you feel uncomfortable, tell me, and I will help you."

"No need!" Bo Yang replied loudly, struggling to push him away.

Knowing that he was angry, Mojun didn't dare to provoke him any more, and just sat aside and pretended that he didn't exist.

Bo Yang took a deep breath and grinned.

If Xie Zetian's body hadn't been tempered and tempered, it was already as indestructible as steel and iron, otherwise it would be impossible to withstand the chaos of Yongye Demon Lord.

That's right, the Eternal Night Demon Lord not only broke the contract, but also didn't understand technology at all, so he broke in and messed up without doing anything. With his size and skill, he would have killed someone with poor skill on the spot.

Hehe, where is the discomfort? Where else? !

Bo Yang would never let him touch him again.

The recovery ability of the demons is very strong, Bo Yang lay on the ground and waited for the wound to heal on its own.

Thinking about it, I suddenly felt sad, obviously I wanted to help, but why I was raped inexplicably.

He was very uncomfortable, and he was concerned about the body of the Demon Lord. Thinking about the previous situation, it seemed that something was not right, and asked suspiciously: "You said that a channel will be established, and we need you and me to pass Qi together. Why do I feel that I don't have it?"

There is no sound.


In the darkness, the Demon Lord hurriedly said: "... I forgot."

Bo Yang opened his eyes wide in disbelief, "What?"

The Demon Lord coughed, and said shyly: "...I was so comfortable just now, I forgot to build a channel."

Bo Yang: "..."

Feelings, he was beaten by the day just now? !

Bo Yang didn't care about the pain, and jumped up to fight him desperately.

The critical attack under the anger of the mighty Demon Realm was not covered, the cave was blown up by Bo Yang on the spot, and there were pits everywhere.

The Demon Lord didn't dare to fight back, he hid back and forth in embarrassment, and said while hiding: "Don't be angry, I will definitely not forget next time."

Bo Yang felt that his butt had been split in two. He originally wanted to stop, but when he heard the words of the Demon Lord, he burst out again. With red eyes, he said, "Is there a next time?! No! No next time! No!"

He threw spells all over the place angrily, pitting the entire hole, and the ground began to shake, the movement getting louder and louder.

Bo Yang didn't notice it, and was still throwing spells like a fire-breathing tyrannosaurus.

"Be careful." In the darkness, with one arm around him, Bo Yang threw the spell directly on the person beside him, and instantly a burning smell wafted out.

The Demon Monarch snorted, did not dodge, and quickly left the cave with him in his arms.

As soon as the two left, the entire cave collapsed, and amidst the rumbling sound, the entire mountain became shorter.

Bo Yang looked at the collapsed mountain fan in silence.

The wind was blowing from a distance, and Bo Yang felt chilly. He lowered his head and found himself naked, and then remembered that his clothes had been thrown in the cave before, but now they were buried at the bottom of the mountain.

As soon as he turned his head, Mojun stood beside him in a well-groomed suit, staring at him with concern. The fabric on his hair and shoulders was a little burnt, which should have been caused by his blow just now.

Bo Yang gritted his teeth and took a deep breath, "Where are my clothes?"

The Demon Lord quickly turned his head to look at the collapsed cave, then turned his head and innocently said to Bo Yang: "It's gone."

Seeing that Bo Yang's face was not looking good, he quickly took off his robe and put it on him, and said shyly, "It's the first time I'm not familiar with it, so I don't know how to deal with it... just let it go."

Bo Yang was aggrieved and silent, panting heavily.

The Demon King shyly said again: "I'm sorry, I really can't help it... I can hold back even if I go in, unless you are impotent. You have so many concubines and rich experience, so you should understand."

Inexperienced Bo Yang: I understand you a hammer!

Looking at his cautious and innocent face with guilt, Bo Yang gritted his teeth.

Seeing that he was still angry, Mo Jun said again: "If you are really angry, hit me, I won't fight back."

Bo Yang suddenly raised his head, his eyes sparkling, "Is this what you said?"

Seeing his reaction, Mojun thought in his heart that in order to please him, it's nothing to suffer, so he nodded quickly, "Come on."

Bo Yang immediately leaned forward and punched him in the face with all his strength.

Unexpectedly, before touching the bridge of the devil's nose, his fist first hit a shield, which is the body shield on the devil's body. Once it encounters an attack beyond a certain range, it will automatically bounce back. Bo Yang thought he was really He didn't know how to fight back, so he attacked directly, and was instantly thrown upside down, the clothes on his body flew off in mid-air, leaving only a white body smashed into the bushes. Coincidentally, the pile of bushes was full of prick.

"Ah!" Bo Yang screamed and struggled in the thorns.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord was taken aback, and hurried forward to fish him out of the thorn.

Bo Yang's whole body is covered with thorns from head to tail, completely turning into a humanoid hedgehog.

Demonic barriers are rampant everywhere in the demon world, and the plants growing are very fierce. Most of the plants growing in this wilderness are poisonous.

Bo Yang soon swelled up.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord knew that he had caused a catastrophe, so he hurriedly pulled out the thorn for him, saying incoherently while pulling it out: "I'm sorry... I forgot to remove the shield... I'm sorry..."

"This is a poisonous bramble, not very poisonous, it will fade away quickly... Take it easy..."

Bo Yang pushed him away and walked forward.

Knowing that he was very angry, the Eternal Night Demon Lord quickly chased after him and said, "I'm sorry... you forgive me... I really forgot that the shield was always on me..."

If Bo Yang was deliberate, he forgot to take off the shield. I can't blame him. The shield has not been used on him for many years, so forgetting is normal.

But now no matter what he says, Bo Yang won't believe it.

"I have withdrawn the shield, you hit me... hit me..." he chased after him and shouted, his voice urgent.

Bo Yang continued to walk forward without saying a word.

"How can you forgive me?" Yongye Mojun shouted at Bo Yang's back.

Bo Yang didn't look back.

The inexperienced Eternal Night Demon Lord didn't know how to coax him. In desperation, he simply jumped into the thorn bushes and rolled around, and then he climbed out after sticking himself full of thorns. He chased after Bo Yang and said, "Look, I do the same now."

Bo Yang turned his head, stared at him with red eyes and said, "Get lost! I don't want to see you!"

Yongye Mojun's body froze, his face full of poisonous thorns showed a look of helplessness, he looked at Bai Yang's hedgehog-like back, but he didn't dare to catch up, he could only follow cautiously at a distance.

Bo Yang walked forward while pulling out the thorn, the soreness in his eyes became more and more unbearable, what evil did he do!

Obviously trying to help others, but it turned out like this.

With a ding, Xiao Ling said in her mind: "I'm out, is it over?"

Bo Yang didn't say a word.

Xiaoling was taken aback when she saw him, "What happened? Aren't you the one? How did it happen?"

Bo Yang was full of grievances and had no place to vent, Xiaoling's arrival finally gave him a place to vent, and he immediately said, "It's all his fault!"

Then he cried out loudly, and told the story while crying.

Xiaoling: "..."

Xiaoling didn't feel sad when she heard it, but wanted to laugh, but she definitely couldn't laugh at this kind of time, she comforted: "It's okay, it's okay, it will get better soon."

Bo Yang said: "I don't believe his words anymore!"

Xiaoling pointed out the truth, "Sir, you had sex with the devil. It was within your expectations, wasn't it? You should also know how anti-human it is to let a man go in and stay still. The devil likes you, let alone being indifferent , so you are actually mentally prepared, right?"

Bo Yang gritted his teeth, "... I have a ten-thousandth hope that he can keep his promise."

Xiaoling looked like someone who came here: "A man dares to say anything in order to go to bed."

Bo Yang: "..."

Xiaoling: "So don't be sad, it's your fault that you keep blaming him."

Bo Yang pointed at the thorn on his face aggrievedly, "But he shouldn't have treated me like this!"

Xiao Ling suppressed her laughter, and said solemnly: "You also know very well in your heart that this was an accident."

"I don't want to forgive him!" Bo Yang shouted.

"Yes, yes, let's let him hang out for a while." Xiao Ling said, "Well... By the way, it's really not easy for you to do this for the first time. Maybe you can leave your name in history."

"Famous Liu Qingshi! Xiaoling, you have changed!" Bai Yang complained, "You always help Yongye Mojun to speak, saying, do you love him and not me?"

Xiaoling quickly stood firm, "No. Sir, I am your system, how could I help him or not? You forgot that I urged you to use him to raise the leading actor."

Suddenly mentioning this incident, Bo Yang quickly recalled that the reason why he agreed to Shuangxiu at the beginning was not because he had done a lot of things wrong to the Demon Lord, and the Demon Lord treated him very well, so he wanted to repay him.

So, everything is self-inflicted

This conclusion left Bo Yang speechless.

Bo Yang walked desolately in the woods without saying a word.

Eternal Ye Mojun secretly followed behind. Seeing him crying, he was even more flustered, but he didn't know how to deal with it, so he could only be anxious.

He has absolutely no experience in this field.

Ah, I actually made him cry!

Damn me!

He annoyed and blamed himself, if time goes back, I will definitely not... um... this... um...

He suddenly discovered that even if time went back, he would still seize the opportunity to eat people.

Thinking of this, his mood became subtle.

Although I knew it was wrong to do this, and I felt guilty for doing it, but when I think about it, I will still do it.

This kind of scumbag and rubbish thought makes him feel guilty, but as long as he can get the person he loves the most, or if he takes the initiative, no one can help it, right

So instead of regretting now, you should consider how to coax him.

With the attitude of thinking about the plan of the devil world, the devil began to think about how to coax his lover back. He deeply realized that if he didn't handle it well this time, it would be very difficult to get welfare in the future.

Once he has tasted meat, it is impossible for him to become a monk.

I didn't expect to be so comfortable doing that kind of thing.

The former Demon Lord was very strange, he was not impulsive, as if he had shielded his feelings in this aspect, and since he realized that Xie Zetian loved him deeply, that impulsive feeling was gradually awakened.

To be honest, he didn't have enough to eat last night, but Xie Zetian passed out, and he was afraid that if he continued to do it, he would hurt his hands.

With a plan in mind, Lord Eternal Night kept his eyes on the person in front of him and waited quietly.

Sure enough, not long after, the person in front stopped and looked around blankly.

This place was found by the devil, he was not familiar with the place, it was very remote, Bo Yang couldn't find the way out.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord appeared at the right time, "Zetian."

Bo Yang jumped like a frightened rabbit, and hurriedly jumped away, "Don't come over!"

Seeing the Demon Lord now is like seeing the God of Plague, and it will be even worse if another misfortune happens.

Sure enough, the Eternal Night Demon Lord stopped coming forward, and raised his hand to signal that he was safe and harmless, then he took off his innermost clothes, and flattered him: "It's not good to be naked, put it on."

As soon as he finished taking off, Bo Yang couldn't help but glance at his figure, a little envious in his heart. Suspicious: "Give it to me? Then what are you wearing?"

"This is simple." The Demon Lord, who only wore a pair of underwear, smiled confidently, raised his hand, and used illusion to make a fake suit.

Bo Yang: "..."

Xie Zetian wasn't good at illusion, and couldn't do it, otherwise he wouldn't have run down the mountain naked when he met Lord Yong Ye Mojun for the first time.

So it is said that people cannot be compared, and people are compared to people, which makes people mad.

Bo Yang leaned over hesitantly, and reached out to take the clothes from him.

The Demon Lord said in his heart: He finally leaned over.