The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 72


"The designer who designed the characters in this world is very good." Bo Yang praised from the bottom of his heart, then continued to lower his head and rub his thighs.

After washing off the medicinal herbs on my body, there is only that unspeakable place left.

He slowly sank down, only his eyes and nose were exposed on the lake, and his whole body was basically in the lake. With the cover of the water, I reached out to the place and tried to take out the things inside.

Last night's taste was very bad.

The first time was very fast, and it didn't take long to go in. At that time, Bo Yang thought he had encountered a quick shooter, and because of the resentment in his heart, he ruthlessly laughed at the Demon King of Yongye. As a result, the second time it was put in the middle of the night, and the third time it was dragged until almost dawn.

And there is no technology at all from the beginning to the end, all he knows is rampage. Fortunately, he has a strong body. He spent the first half of the night in pain and the second half of the night with a subtle feeling and numbness.

Anyway, Bo Yang didn't want to experience that feeling again.


He ground his teeth secretly, and glanced in the direction of Eternal Night Demon Lord, and found that he seemed to be cleaning his body seriously with his head down, and didn't pay attention to this side.

Bo Yang quickly stretched out his finger to dig at his place.

He probably felt that it was clean, so he stood up and walked to the lake, and took the clothes he threw on the wet ground into the water and rubbed them.

The whole world was extremely quiet, only the sound of water splashing as he washed his clothes. He washed his clothes, picked them up and wrung them dry, and almost ran into someone when he turned around. Taking a closer look, he found that the Eternal Night Demon Lord had been standing quietly behind him at some point, the aura surrounding his body was very dangerous, and there seemed to be a red light flashing in his eyes.

Bo Yang was startled, and hurriedly took a step back. With this retreat, he retreated into the water, and the lake made a splash.

"Your Majesty?" He subconsciously asked, "When did you come here?"

The Eternal Ye Mojun was motionless like a stone statue, when he moved behind him, Bo Yang didn't notice at all.

What shocked him was the aura of the Eternal Night Demon Lord, which was very frenzied. A trace of black devilish energy overflowed from his body, surrounding him, getting thicker and thicker.

"Just now." Eternal Ye Mojun's voice was very hoarse, he stared at Bo Yang, his eyes became more and more red.

The instinct accumulated over the years of fighting made Boyang Dun feel bad. He immediately walked to the lakeside next to him, and said as he walked, "I've already washed it, let's go."

As he spoke, he put the wet clothes on himself, barely covering his body.

However, before reaching the shore, the figure of Eternal Night Demon Lord appeared in front of him in an instant, blocking his way.

"Your Majesty?" Bo Yang was forced to back into the water.

"I... seem to have lost my mind." The Eternal Night Demon Lord frowned, and stretched out his hand to grab him.

"You fart!" Bo Yang immediately jumped into the lake and swam towards the center of the lake. Damn you want to do that again? He is not fooled!

His ass is just right!

Eternal Ye Mojun followed closely and jumped into the lake.

Seeing him chasing after him, Bo Yang realized that something was wrong with him, got scared and swam faster. He wanted to swim to the other side to get rid of the Demon Lord, but as he swam, he felt that the lake suddenly had a suction force, sucking his limbs, making him swim very slowly.

Soon he felt heavy pressure, like swimming in a swamp. Bo Yang reluctantly emerged from the lake, wiped the water from his face and looked back.

A line of water in the lake approached quickly, and it was about to rush in front of him, but it stopped three steps away.

Amidst the slight waves, the Eternal Night Demon Lord emerged from the lake. Around his body, a large group of dark colors appeared under the calm lake water, and the group of dark colors became bigger and bigger, and soon spread to the entire lake.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord stood in the lake, showing his strong upper body, with a pair of blood-red eyes behind his wet hair.

"Your Majesty?" Bo Yang asked cautiously.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord standing in the center of the lake did not respond.

Under the surface of the lake, several black tentacles in the water quickly approached Bo Yang.

Bo Yang immediately realized that Lord Yongye had really gone mad this time.

Oh shit!

Really crazy!

He was startled, and he didn't dare to talk to Eternal Night Demon Lord, and hurriedly swam to the opposite bank. This time he used his cultivation, and his speed was extremely fast, like a nimble fish swimming. A few tentacles barely touched his feet and were thrown off.

He wailed in his mind: Why did he go mad without making a sound! What now

Xiao Ling said: "Sir, I feel that he is getting more and more serious."

Bo Yang wanted to run away, but subconsciously looked back when he heard the words, it was true. He had noticed a few times before that the devil's madness became more and more difficult to control each time. This time, the devil's energy permeated the entire lake, and even tended to spread to the surrounding dense forest.

The lake was already filled with the demonic energy of Lord Eternal Night, and the clear lake water turned black, tumbling as if it had been boiled.

Bo Yang hadn't figured out how to deal with it yet, but he was sure that he couldn't solve the problem in the lake, so he quickly turned back and swam to the shore. Soon he reached the shore and climbed up, but just as he was halfway up, several tentacles made of demonic energy suddenly sprang out from the lake, one grabbed his hand, one grabbed his waist, and the other hooked him leg, pulling him back into the lake violently.

"Let me go!" Bo Yang was frightened and struggled desperately.

"Come on, sir!" Xiaoling yelled in her head, but it was useless.

Bo Yang was pulled out of the water by a wave, and was pulled directly in front of the Eternal Night Demon Lord in the center of the lake.

He was a little scared, he was not feeling well right now, and he couldn't exert his usual strength at all, if he couldn't suppress the power of the Demon Lord, the consequences would be very serious.

"Your Majesty, wake up!" Bo Yang said anxiously.

Eternal Ye Mojun's eyes were like blood-colored glass. Hearing Bo Yang's words, he lowered his head slightly, "You said you would help me."

Bo Yang was taken aback, the Eternal Night Demon Lord hadn't lost his sanity? Can you still talk

Eternal Ye Mojun's voice was hoarse: "I'm about to lose control, help me."

Bo Yang's head was in chaos.

"You don't want to?" Eternal Ye Mojun seemed to see his hesitation, and said in a deep voice, "If you don't want to, then please leave."

Accompanied by his words, the tentacles that had tightly bound Bo Yang loosened. Bo Yang floated in the water. Behind him, all the evil energy in the lake dispersed, leaving a clear waterway, which became the only white line in the entire dark lake.

Freed suddenly, Bo Yang was dizzy.

"Go." Eternal Night Demon Lord said again.

Filled with fear, Bo Yang turned his head to look at the waterway behind him, and immediately swam along the waterway to the shore. When a person realizes that he is in great danger, his first instinct is to run away. Bo Yang instinctively felt that he could not control the Demon Lord, and he was afraid of getting hurt again, so he ran away in a panic.

Leaving the magic power center of the Eternal Night Demon Lord, his pressure was a little less, he was slightly relieved, and for some reason, he looked back in a strange way.

Just one glance made his body freeze.

The center of the lake was as black as ink, and in the center of the ink, Eternal Night Demon Lord stood quietly on the spot, watching him tenderly with a pair of blood-red eyes.

"Sir, let's go!" Xiaoling shouted in her mind.

Bo Yang had difficulty breathing and felt unable to move his body.

He felt the pressure again, that kind of pressure didn't come from the Demon Lord, but from his own heart—really going to leave

You clearly promised to help him.

He is so good to you...

Do you really have the heart to watch him go on like this

But he will hurt me...

Did he really hurt you

"Sir? Sir?"

Xiao Ling's voice recalled Bo Yang's thoughts, and Bo Yang was silent for a moment, then plunged into the water and swam in the direction of Yongye Mojun.

"Sir, what are you doing?" Xiao Ling was taken aback.

Bo Yang didn't make a sound, just swam up to Yong Ye Mojun and said to him, "I won't go, I'll help you."

The blood-red eyes of Eternal Night Demon Lord flickered slightly.

In an instant, the devilish energy in the lake surged into the sky excitedly, and then retracted back into the water.

Eternal Ye Mojun stretched out his arms to hug him, and whispered in his ear: "Aren't you leaving?"

Bo Yang was full of complexities, "Let's start as soon as possible, and tell me what to do."

The Eternal Night Demon Lord lowered his head, and then his wet hair fell on Bo Yang's neck, itching, "I really want to build a channel this time, get ready."

Bo Yang blushed, gritted his teeth and nodded.

Vast forests, dark lakes.

Body entanglement.

Later, Bo Yang had already lost his sanity, and vaguely felt that the Eternal Night Demon Lord did not indulge this time, but really established a channel to circulate his power between the two.

Through the circulation, Bo Yang discovered that there is a chaos in the body of the demon king, and the violent and overflowing demonic energy flows out of that chaos, which is the reason why the demon king became obsessed.

After several days of cyclic appeasement, the patch of chaos seemed to be getting smaller. Bo Yang instantly understood that as long as the piece of chaos disappears, the Demon Lord will no longer be insane.

After the cycle is completed, the devilish energy on the lake gradually gathers towards the devil, and finally returns to the devil's body in strands until it disappears.

That piece of chaos is a bit smaller, but to completely disappear, it will have to come back several times.

Bo Yang was about to retreat, but his waist was tightly clasped, he raised his head, and met a pair of eyes full of desire.

"Ji Zixuan, that's enough!" Bo Yang struggled desperately. The Demon King's skills had indeed improved a bit, but it was still very uncomfortable, and the feeling of being out of control made him uncomfortable.

But it is impossible for a man to stop halfway, unless the man is physically weak. It is very unfortunate that as the strongest in the demon world, Yong Ye Mojun's physical strength and energy are top-notch.

What followed was another ups and downs, and with Xie Zetian's domineering body, he still couldn't hold it back. Fortunately, Yongye Mojun also knew that if Bo Yang resisted if he did too hard, the gain would not be worth the loss, so he would accept it as soon as it was good.

When Bo Yang woke up again, it was already night.

He seemed to be lying on very soft dry grass, surrounded by a very warm environment, with a hard object resting on his head.

Opening his eyes with difficulty, what he saw was the jumping flames, the red fireworks, emitting a warm light.

"Are you awake?" the person above his head whispered while gently stroking his chin with a dry hand.

It was only then that Bo Yang noticed that his head was resting on Yong Ye Mojun's lap.

Memory came back, Bo Yang raised his hand to cover his face.

Ah, he actually did it again with the Demon Lord.

You could blame the Demon Lord for deceiving you that time before, but this time it was indeed delivered to your door by yourself, and you can't blame anyone else if you want to blame it.

"Does it still hurt?" The person on the head asked cautiously. After all, last night he caught someone and gave him a hard meal, which was not very kind.

Bo Yang let go of his hand and said expressionlessly: "Your skills are really bad."

Eternal Night Demon Lord: "..."

He thought about it, but he didn't know what he thought of, his face flushed slightly, and he said flatteringly: "We will practice more often in the future."

Bo Yang slapped him on the face, "Go away."

The Eternal Night Demon Lord didn't leave, he leaned over cheekily and said, "Don't worry, I'm very good at learning."

Bo Yang was expressionless and didn't want to talk to him.

The devil ate and drank enough, and his brain became active, "Does it still hurt? Shall I give you a massage?"

Bo Yang turned over and sat up, "No need."

A pair of paws rested on his shoulders, massaging him.

Bo Yang opened those claws with a snap, and glared at the owner of the claws, "Are you busy?"

The Demon Lord withdrew his claws and smiled flatteringly.

"I'm hungry, find me something to eat." Bo Yang said lightly.

Hearing Bo Yang's request, Mojun Yongye immediately stood up and said, "Okay, wait for me."

Then quickly flashed into the nearby woods.

When the breath of people disappeared, Bo Yang's expressionless face finally revealed a sad look, and he fell on the hay, staring at the sky blankly.

"Sir, are you okay?" Xiaoling said in her head.

Bo Yang still looked at the sky motionless.

His state made Xiaoling a little worried, "Sir, what's wrong with you?"

After a while, Bo Yang sighed deeply, "Xiaoling."

Xiaoling immediately said: "Sir?"

"I'm done, I'm gay." Bo Yang stared at the blue sky and said to himself, "I strongly refused the first time I went to bed, but the second time I went with the flow, just like the first time I did it. After that, the last line of psychological defense is gone, and I feel that I have done it anyway, and it doesn’t matter if I do it twice.”

He covered his face, "My parents knew they would beat me to death."

Xiaoling didn't know what to say to comfort him, she thought for a while and said, "Sir, don't be nervous, you just happen to like a man."

Bo Yang was silent for a moment, originally wanted to subconsciously refute him, saying how could I like him, but the words came to his lips but couldn't come out.

At this time, if you deceive yourself and others again, it will appear hypocritical.

Sure enough, sex. Love is the closest way to the soul.

Originally, there was an ambiguous relationship between the two, separated by a thin layer of screens, but the sex directly pierced the last piece of paper, making Bo Yang unavoidable and had to face his own heart. That kind of in-depth communication is like constantly hitting the last closed door in the heart. When the last door is opened, people will fall.

Bo Yang struggled desperately to defend, but in the end the domineering devil opened the door, forcing him to admit the fact that he likes Ji Zixuan.

He didn't know when he fell in love with it, maybe it was because of gratitude, because of being moved, gradually the feeling of gratitude changed, and he didn't notice it before... No, it's not that he didn't notice it, it's just that he didn't want to admit it.

But now, he could no longer escape.

He likes the devil.

This is a fact.

Acknowledge your own thoughts, and troubles will follow.

Bo Yang rolled on the ground and sighed, "Well, if you like it, you can like it. He likes me and I like him. Everyone is happy. But now I am worried, if he knows that everything I did before was to help Zhou What should Ying do? I have to leave sooner or later, what should I do then?"

Being in love is great, but the future is the big problem.

Xiaoling remained silent, "Sir..."

Bo Yang sat up, and there was a burst of soreness from the torn wound below him. He took a breath, and fell back on the grass, "Forget it, don't think about it so much, let's heal the injury first."

A moment later, the Eternal Night Demon Lord came in from the forest holding a snake. The snake was about as thick as an arm, with sharp horns on its head, and looked extremely unfriendly.

Bo Yang recognized this kind of snake, which is extremely poisonous, but if the poisonous glands are removed, the meat will become very delicious after grilling.

Eternal Night Demon Lord quickly peeled off the snake's skin, skewered the snake meat section by section with branches, and put it on the fire to roast.

The lake next to it was calm and calm, surrounded by dense forests, and birdsong could be heard from time to time, Bo Yang suddenly felt that this feeling was actually very good.

Eternal Night Demon Lord watched him while roasting, he used spells to strengthen the power of the flame, and the snake meat was roasted quickly.

The fragrance of meat wafted out, and the oil sizzled, Bo Yang couldn't help swallowing.

"It's already baked, you should try it first."

The Eternal Night Demon Lord took out a piece of snake meat strung together with a branch and handed it to Bo Yang, who took it naturally and took a bite. The snake meat in the mouth is very delicate, with a hint of sweet taste, so tender that people can't help but swallow their tongues.

"Delicious!" he exclaimed.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord thought he was boasting about his craftsmanship, and said proudly: "If it tastes good, eat more. Here, I will give you all."

He said, and handed the roasted snake meat to Bo Yang.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Bo Yang asked while eating.

"I'm not hungry." The Demon Lord said with a smile.

I haven't eaten for two days, so it's no wonder I'm not hungry.

Bo Yang rolled his eyes, and returned half of the snake meat in his hand, "Eat it, take me back to the palace after eating."

The Eternal Night Demon Lord received his snake meat and was flattered, "You, you give it to me?"

Probably he never thought that after having two meals with Bo Yang, he could still get such good treatment.

After such a thing happened, Bo Yang's attitude is so gentle, could it be...

The devil's heart was pounding, did he forgive me


Originally he loved me deeply, I am so good, he will definitely forgive me.

Thinking about it this way, I suddenly felt that I was making a fuss just now, maybe Xie Zetian was just having an awkward personality, no, he just had an awkward personality.

Otherwise, you obviously love yourself, but you refuse my courtship again and again.

Maybe when he forced him, he was very willing in his heart. He said no, but he actually wanted it, otherwise he wouldn't suck so hard, and finally shouted to hurry up...

The devil's mind became more and more crooked, and a blush slowly appeared on his face.

Bo Yang, who was sitting across from him, was devoting himself to eating the barbecue, not knowing that Mo Jun had already made up a lot of things in his brain.

Bo Yang's clothes had been dried long ago, and they were loosely draped over his body. After eating the snake meat and satiated with wine and food, Bo Yang proposed to go back to the palace.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord also has the intention to rush back. After all, he has been out for several days, and it will take a few days to go back. But considering Bo Yang's physical condition, he insisted on leaving Bo Yang to take care of him for a day, and when he fully recovered, the two of them used Instant Travel Thousands of Miles to drive towards the Eternal Darkness Palace.