The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 76


"Your Majesty, isn't it too early for double cultivation?" he said.

"It's not too early." Eternal Ye Mojun said positively, "Repair my body earlier, and I can also take you to the world to enjoy the beautiful scenery earlier."


Bo Yang took a deep breath, resisting the urge to turn his face, "Your Majesty, you mean that once your body is repaired, you will take me to the human world?"

Eternal Ye Mojun thought for a moment, then nodded.

Bo Yang's mind was spinning violently. If he could repair the demon's body as soon as possible, he would be able to meet the male lead earlier. This deal... is okay.

After all, it's not too bad.

Bo Yang prepared himself mentally, and said, "Okay, let's start now."

Eternal Night Demon Lord's eyes lit up, he ran over and hugged his shoulders, and clumsily placed a kiss on his forehead.

Bo Yang didn't hide.

That kiss was very light and soft, with the meaning of cherishing, which made Bo Yang's heart tremble.

"My lord..."

"Call me by name."

After hesitating for a moment, Bo Yang said softly, "Ji Zixuan."


Warm lips covered her, while her hands wrapped tightly around his waist.

Seeing that it was about to get out of hand, Bo Yang's eyelids twitched, "Your Majesty, do we want to double cultivate here?"

The arrow was on the string, Mojun's eyes were slightly red, and he panted heavily, "Why not?"

As he spoke, he pushed Bo Yang onto the shelf behind him. Bo Yang's back hit the wooden frame heavily, and one of the vases fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

"Something fell... um..." The voice behind was swallowed into his mouth, and Bo Yang gritted his teeth to prevent the first sound from coming out.

"Never mind..." There was obvious dark desire hidden in the deep voice.

Afterwards, the treasure house was full of spring.


Bo Yang lay on the ground, staring at the high dome with his eyes open.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord was lying beside him, with one hand stretched out under his head for him to pillow on.

The two of them were naked, with only the Tsing Yi of the Eternal Night Demon Lord draped around their waists.

The surrounding ground is scattered with treasures all over the place, all kinds of beads and emeralds, treasure vases, shining brightly and dazzlingly.

This time Bo Yang was awake from beginning to end and did not faint.

Although he didn't faint, his head was still immersed in a strange chaos.

Because he didn't expect to do this kind of thing so much fun!

The previous two experiences were too bad, which caused him to be very resistant to this matter, but he didn't expect this time...

Bo Yang covered his face with his hands.

I don't want to admit it, but he was really happy in the end.

However, in just a short period of time, the Eternal Night Demon Lord's technology has evolved so well, which is too surprising.

"How do you feel?" Eternal Ye Mojun asked with a smile as he removed his hand covering his face.

Bo Yang: "..."

Why ask this question? !

Shameless? !

Bo Yang's face was green and red, he didn't say a word, he turned his back to Yongye Mojun, and refused to answer his question.

But a certain person's IQ was really anxious. He reached out and grabbed his shoulder, turned him over, and asked, "How is it? Has my technology improved? Has it made you feel comfortable?"

Bo Yang was so entangled by him that he couldn't help but blushed and shouted: "Are you annoying!"

As he spoke, he sat up, grabbed the clothes that had been thrown far away, picked them up and put them on quickly.

After finishing this time, he didn't feel much pain, because the Demon Lord actually knew how to apply the medicine for him in advance, and his physique had been tempered so hard that he was very strong, so he could still run and jump after finishing the work.

"I warn you." Bo Yang said angrily while putting on his clothes, "I can only do it once in the future!"

Every time I caught him doing it several times, my body couldn't take it anymore.

"How is one time enough?" Mo Jun sat up from the ground at once, "Aren't you also quite comfortable?"

"Nothing!" Bo Yang blushed, "Don't talk nonsense!"

"It was you who told me not to stop." Eternal Ye Mojun said innocently.

He stood up, revealing his fit and vigorous body, his black hair cascading down like a waterfall, making his whole person look wild and unruly.

Bo Yang almost lost his mind, picked up a string of beads on the ground and threw them at his face, "I never said that! Tell you to stop but don't stop, you bastard!"

The bead was thrown on the face without any pain or itchiness, the Eternal Ye Mojun easily took it, and walked to his side with long legs, "Don't be angry, it's my fault, okay?"

Bo Yang was still very angry.

"Okay, don't be angry, does it still hurt? I'll rub it for you." Eternal Ye Mojun coaxed in a low voice.

"Don't touch me! Stay away from me!" Bo Yang immediately took two steps back vigilantly, this guy became emotional and ignored him, in case he was dragged over again...

"Ji Zixuan, listen, if you want me to help you, you will only do it once in the future, no more, do you hear me?" Bo Yang felt that he could not let him do whatever he wanted, he had to fight for his own rights .

Seeing him baring his teeth and claws like a hedgehog with its thorns erect, the Eternal Night Demon Lord knew that he was really angry, so he took a step back.

"Okay, I promise you." He said, "From now on, we will only do double cultivation once, but..."

Bo Yang breathed a sigh of relief, "But what?"

"However, we have to double cultivate every day." Yongye Mojun said.

"Every day?!" Bo Yang's eyes widened, he worked every day, and sooner or later he would be exhausted, "No way!"

The devil's face darkened, "There are only two choices, either do double cultivation once every two days, and do it twice more each time, or once a day, you choose."

Bo Yang: "..."

Bo Yang said angrily, "Get lost!"

Then he turned and walked towards the gate without looking back, aggressively.

The Eternal Ye Mojun called him several times behind his back, but Bo Yangniao didn't even like him. Seeing that coercion and profiteering would not work, the Eternal Night Demon Lord hurriedly chased after him to curry favor and said, "It's not just two choices... It's okay for us to come back every other day..."

Bo Yang still ignored him, left the Eternal Darkness Palace, went straight back to the mansion to rest, and closed the door in front of him to keep him out.

The next day, Yongye Mojun sent someone to invite him to the palace, but he directly refused.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord had no choice but to visit in person. Bo Yang ordered the housekeeper not to let anyone from the Eternal Darkness Palace enter, but the person who came was the Eternal Night Demon Lord, and the housekeeper dared not stop him. He didn't dare to stop him, and even invited him into the door in a doggy manner.

Bo Yang was flipping through the books in the study, trying to find the reason for the formation of the gap in the barrier, but he didn't lift his head when he heard someone pushing the door open, "Didn't you say that you don't want to be disturbed?"

"Including me?"

The deep voice made Bo Yang suddenly raise his head.

"What are you looking at so seriously?" Demon Monarch Yongye came over and took the book from his hand, ""Conjecture on the Formation of Gap and Barriers in the Demon Realm", what are you reading this for?"

Bo Yang was a little flustered, and then he thought that Lord Yongye Demon must not be able to read anything from a book, so he said, "Look at it casually, I am a little interested in the enchantment channel of the demon world recently, your lord, it was you who found the channel at the beginning. Going to the gap in the human world, and forcibly made a passage, I don’t know what method was used?”

Eternal Ye Mojun did not suspect him, "It was God helping me. At the beginning, I accidentally discovered that the enchantment was damaged, and the damage was very large, so I used all my strength to force it to prevent it from healing. The location of the gap is next to the underground formation of the Eternal Darkness Palace, and I used the strength of the formation to reinforce it as quickly as possible, and only then did I have the current passage, and more than half of the reason for its success is luck."

Bo Yang quickly calculated in his mind, that is, to make the gap into a passage, not only the power of the Eternal Night Demon Lord, but also the formation power of the Eternal Darkness Palace is needed? How much would that cost!

Bo Yang held a glimmer of hope and said, "It doesn't sound like it's difficult?"

"It's not difficult?" Yong Ye Mojun laughed, put down the book and said, "Do you know why I became obsessed? It was because I was holding on to the barrier to prevent it from healing and forcibly improving my cultivation level. Later, I risked my life to lure Come to strengthen the formation, if the formation was not attracted in time that day, I would have been crushed to pieces by the barrier."

Bo Yang said: "So it's because of this reason that Your Majesty went mad?"

While he was thankful for the Eternal Night Demon Lord, he was also secretly disappointed. It seemed that there was no way to re-establish the passage to the human world.

Eternal Ye Mojun said: "I know that I can solve the problem through double cultivation after I became obsessed, but I don't trust anyone."

Bo Yang asked: "Including me, Hua Feihua, Zhong Shuo, Lou Jianfeng? And your hidden guard?"

Eternal Ye Mojun was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Back then, I only regarded you as subordinates and friends, but I couldn't treat you as the objects of dual cultivation."

"I remember that you trusted Zhong Shuo the most that day."

Eternal Night Demon Lord suddenly turned his head and glared at him, "Yes, I trust him the most! But can you talk to Zhong Shuo?"

Bo Yang: "..."

Thinking about Zhong Shuo's height of two meters, his muscles that exploded all over his body, and his face full of flesh... I'm afraid he can't even be hard.

I don't know why I want to laugh a little bit.

Eternal Ye Mojun said: "I have been looking for this person, but I never thought of looking for it from my left arm and right arm. Who knows that something is wrong..."

He glanced at Bo Yang, his face blushed slightly.

Bo Yang's face froze, and he couldn't laugh a little, so he gave a dry laugh, "It's really a coincidence."

"Zetian..." Mojun Yongye approached him, put his head next to his ear and said, "You have to help me today too."

Bo Yang turned pale with shock, sensing the danger, he hurriedly picked up and fled out of the study for thousands of miles. As a result, as soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by a figure that appeared in an instant, and was grabbed by the neck and pushed into the room.

Bo Yang struggled desperately, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, don't!"

"What an awkward little thing." Yongye Mojun smiled slightly, not letting him escape.

Bo Yang screamed.

Eternal Night Demon Lord bit his ear.

"Ah!" Bo Yang gasped in shock.

There was a knock on the door, followed by a flattering voice, "Your Majesty, my lord, do you want me to serve you some tea?"

Bo Yang immediately bit his lip to keep silent.

A deep voice whispered in his ear: "Now I give you two choices, first, do it once a day; second, do it several times every other day, choose quickly."

Bo Yang gritted his teeth and remained silent.

Eternal Ye Mojun kissed his chin.

"Your Majesty, Your Excellency?" There was no response in the room, and the thief continued to ask outside the door.

Bo Yang wished he could rush out and kill him, so he hurriedly said, "No need!"

"No, I want it!" Eternal Night Demon Lord raised his voice, "You just stand outside the door and wait for my order."

Bo Yang was taken aback, turned his head in fear and said, "What do you want to do?"

The Eternal Night Demon King gasped and bit his ear, "Now, you have to make a choice, I will count to three, if you don't choose, I will let him in and watch me fuck you."


Bo Yang trembled all over, "Let me go!"


"Go away!"


"Do not!"

"three… "

"One, I'll choose the first one!" Bo Yang said hastily.

"It's so good." The Eternal Night Demon Lord smiled, grabbed him and started to build a channel.

"Ah!" Bo Yang couldn't take it anymore and screamed loudly.

The thief standing outside the door heard the movement and guessed the truth, his face was distorted in shock.

One night later, the Eternal Ye Mojun came out of the room in a well-groomed dress, and when he saw him, he smiled and said, "Don't talk nonsense, okay?"

He smiled very gently, but he felt a great pressure, and his whole body broke out in cold sweat.

"Yes, yes, the little one will never talk nonsense."

Eternal Night Demon Lord left satisfied.

A moment later, the door opened, and Bo Yang came out of the room with a haggard face, and threatened again with a dark face: "If you dare to say a word, I will make you never see the sun again the next day."

Thief-eyed and mouse-eyed hastily swore to the sky, "I will never say a word! I didn't see anything! I didn't hear anything!"

Bo Yang closed the door with a bang, but didn't come out.

Thieves suddenly understood why Xie Zetian dismissed the harem, and also knew who the wife of the mansion was.

That kind of intense mood made him very uncomfortable.

He really wanted to find someone to tell this super big secret, but he could only act like a gourd, not daring to reveal a single word.

The following days were spent in establishing a channel. If Bo Yang didn't go to the Eternal Darkness Palace, the Demon Lord would come to find him by himself. He once. After a long time, Bo Yang became a little numb.

He thought, why refuse? Anyway, I am very happy.

Do it once, do it a few times or do it, why be hypocritical

Besides, if Lord Eternal Night's obsession can be repaired early, he can also go to the human world to do business earlier.

Thinking about it this way, Bo Yang would not refuse the devil's courtship.

Five months later, the body of Eternal Night Demon Lord was fully repaired, and his magic power climbed to the peak again.

Bo Yang asked him to fulfill his promise, "Your Majesty, you said that as long as you don't go crazy, you will take me to the world to enjoy the scenery, does that still count?"

"Of course it counts." Eternal Night Demon Lord said.

Bo Yang was overjoyed, "It just so happens that tomorrow is the day when the channel will be opened, so let's start tomorrow."

He had planned the day long ago, and came here today to find Lord Yong Ye Mojun to fulfill his promise.

Eternal Ye Mojun hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "Not for now."

"No?" Bo Yang raised his voice, could it be that he has been caught in the daylight again during this time

Seeing him staring and angry, the Demon Lord of Yongye quickly coaxed: "You have to give me time to divide the matter first, and..."

"What else?" Bo Yang stared at him suspiciously, to see what flowers he could name.

Mojun Yongye moved his lips and said, "It's nothing."

Hua Feihua will be back tomorrow, and he said that he has found the Nanhai shark bead.

Xie Zetian almost lost his life a few times, all of which were besieged by people in the human world, and the demon lord was already a little scared. He didn't want Bo Yang to go to the human world, but Bo Yang wanted to go, and he couldn't stop him, so he had to go with him.

Even so, he was afraid that something might go wrong on the way. If he got the South Sea Shark Bead, even if he separated halfway, he would be able to quickly know what happened to Bo Yang.

He is like a stingy dragon, he doesn't feel at ease if he doesn't put the baby in front of his eyes, even if he releases the baby temporarily, he has to keep staring at it, and can't take his eyes off it.

Thinking about it, Xie Zetian didn't like others watching him all the time, so he concealed the matter of Nanhai Xiazhu.

"Then how many days will it take?" Bo Yang was only worried that the Demon Lord would delay him on purpose, and hurriedly wanted an exact time limit.

The Demon Lord pondered for a moment, and said, "The next time the channel opens."

In other words, it will take about three or four days.


Bo Yang breathed a sigh of relief, "You said this, you can't go back on your word."

Eternal Ye Mojun laughed, "No way."

So Bo Yang happily went back to his residence and waited for the next few days. Some time ago, Lord Yongye wanted him to move to live in the palace, but he sternly refused on the grounds that he was not yet married.

Just kidding, if you live in the palace, if the Eternal Night Demon Monarch becomes beastly and breaks the promise, you will not be the one who suffers. It's really fun to do that, but after a long time, the bottom is very worn, and it's still not very comfortable.

The turbid matter in the body of a cultivator can be discharged through the meridians, and he no longer needs to defecate and pee like ordinary people. After doing it for a while, Bo Yang felt that if he was still a mortal, he might soon become a big water tank.

The size of Yong Ye Mojun's thing is astonishing, and his ass is poked by it every day. After a long time, Bo Yang always feels that the back is chilly, and it seems that he can't close it. After a while, it will probably become a water tank.

Of course, the biggest possibility is his illusion.

But this delusion itself shows that the demon king's strong desire. Desire has caused him a strong psychological pressure.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and in Bo Yang's longing and anticipation, the time finally came.

This time, he took the initiative to run to the Eternal Darkness Palace without being summoned by the Eternal Night Demon Lord. When he saw him, he asked straight to the point: "Can we go to the human world?"

Eternal Ye Mojun hesitated for a moment, and said, "Yes, but we have to go to a place first."

Bo Yang was a little puzzled, "Where?"

"You'll know when you go." Yongye Mojun didn't know what to think, and his face was slightly red.

When Bo Yang saw his shy posture, his chrysanthemum tightened, and he suddenly became a little nervous.

"Where do you want to take me? What do you want to do?"

Eternal Ye Mojun came to him, grabbed his wrist and walked out of the hall, and then took him to fly thousands of miles away to the outside of the palace.

After the rushing wind, after walking for about half an hour, the Eternal Night Demon Lord slowed down and stopped on a flat ground.

Bo Yang looked around, the ground around him was bare, all black stones, and occasionally a few small grasses grew yellow and not rubbish.

At the end of the black stone is a cliff, the wind below is loud, thick miasma spews out from the bottom of the abyss far away, rises to mid-air and bursts, opening its teeth and claws, forming various shapes.

At first glance, it seems that countless black fireworks are blooming above the cliff.

Everything is silent but magnificent.