The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 79


It was night in a flash, Eternal Night Demon Lord had just come to the human world to take over the affairs, and there were a lot of people to meet, so he hasn't come out yet.

In the sky of the human world, the moon and stars are sparse, and Bo Yang wanders around idly, walking here and there is a little far away.

Suddenly, he noticed a movement in the woods not far away.

"Who's there?" He felt a person who was about to be out of his body approaching quickly.

"Help! Help!" Hearing Bo Yang's voice, the man rushed towards Bo Yang, shouting as he walked, his old voice full of panic.

The voice should be that of a man who is not young.

Bo Yang was alert.

This place belongs to the wilderness, there are no people within a hundred miles, and Lou Jianfeng's people have set up a maze here. If someone breaks in, they will fall into the maze, but this man can break the maze. The most likely reason is that he knows how to break the maze,

Bo Yang thought for a moment, then flashed to the owner of the voice.

The man's eyes blurred, and when he saw a person in front of him, he was overjoyed and shouted loudly: "Save me, save me quickly! Someone is chasing me!"

Bo Yang took a closer look under the moonlight, and then he smiled. The person who came was actually an acquaintance, the elder of Wuyunmen who was the inner support of the demon clan—Elder Qiu.

This Elder Qiu is very interesting. At the beginning, he betrayed his sect to cooperate with the Demon Race, and later went to Xianmen to cry miserably that the Demon Race had invaded, and won sympathy. Later, he became the elder of Wuyun Sect, and he was very proud of himself. Lou Jianfeng reported all these things in detail to the Demon Lord Yongye, and Bo Yang was present, so he naturally heard it.

If it weren't for the fact that he was still useful, Lord Yongye might have asked Lou Jianfeng to kill him long ago.

Bo Yang didn't like this person, he smiled slightly, his voice was a bit cold, "I thought it was someone who was making a scene, it turned out to be Elder Qiu."

Elder Qiu also seemed to recognize the person in front of him, paused, and said pleasantly: "It turned out to be Mr. Xie! Mr. Xie saved me!"

He seemed to be relieved, and his expression was not so tense.

Bo Yang looked him up and down, and found that his clothes were ragged, his hair was disheveled, and there were some wounds on his face. He looked very embarrassed.

"What's wrong with you? Who is chasing you?" Bo Yang asked in awe.

Seeing one of the four great protectors in the demon world, Elder Qiu was completely relieved, and he took a breath and said, "It's that brat named Zhou Ying! He knew my secret and chased me all the way!"

If Bo Yang was still indifferent before, and after hearing this sentence, he suddenly became nervous, Zhou Ying? Which Zhou Ying

He said calmly, "Who do you say is chasing you?"

"Zhou Ying, that kid from the Tengyun Sect! The one who took away the Dragon Yin Sword!" Elder Qiu said bitterly, "I don't know why his cultivation has suddenly become so high. I didn't take any precautions. He I shot suddenly, and I was seriously injured!"

It's really Zhou Ying!

Bo Yang was secretly startled, Zhou Ying came after him

This is the stronghold of the demons, and it just so happens that the demon king is also there!

Did he eat the heart of a bear and the gall of a leopard

Bo Yang was anxious in his heart, and then he thought, with Zhou Ying's character and wisdom, he shouldn't come to die on purpose, the most likely is to chase and kill Elder Qiu, and Elder Qiu deliberately lured him here to save his life.

"Why did he chase you down?" Bo Yang's mind turned rapidly, looking for a topic to stabilize Elder Qiu.

"He found out that I cooperated with you to destroy the Wuyun Gate... Mr. Xie, I was hunted down because of you, you must help me." Seeing Bo Yang, Elder Qiu thought he had seen a helper, and continued, " He's right behind, and he's coming after him right away."

Bo Yang said: "You said he came after him?"


Bo Yang immediately raised his head and looked behind him, his eyes were hazy and black, and he couldn't see anything. However, Xie Zetian's five senses were very keen, and he immediately unfolded his magic power, covering his inspiration within a radius of ten miles.

Within the scope of inspiration, he found a figure as expected.

The figure was extremely fast and nimble. He was wearing night clothes and a mask on his face. However, Bo Yang recognized his true identity at a glance. It was the person he was going to meet this time—Zhou Ying.

Zhou Ying had many adventures, and Long Yinjian told him how to suppress his cultivation and aura, so it is difficult for anyone to find out if he hides his aura, unless he meets someone with very high skill. Unfortunately, Bo Yang is the one with superb skill , Eternal Night Demon Lord is even more so.

Damn, this kid actually bumped into him!

If the Eternal Night Demon Monarch finds out, he will be skinned immediately.

Bo Yang recalled in his mind the orders that the Lord of Eternal Night had given to the man in black during the day. He was determined to kill the so-called Son of Destiny.

Zhou Ying has the Dragon Chanting Sword on his body. If his skill has not reached the Nascent Soul stage, the Eternal Night Demon Lord may not kill him, but the Dragon Chanting Sword is handed over to Zhou Ying to suppress his cultivation. use. Once the Eternal Night Demon Lord finds out that his cultivation has already surpassed the Nascent Soul stage, he will definitely kill him mercilessly.

No, you can't let him come over.

Elder Qiu over there is still saying: "That kid must have hidden his cultivation. His cultivation has already passed the Nascent Soul stage, and I don't know what method he used. I must report this matter to the king, so that I can get rid of it." Your Majesty killed him."

Bo Yang turned his head slowly, staring at him coldly.

Elder Qiu involuntarily broke out in a cold sweat under his gaze, "Thank you, sir?"

"You're lying." Bo Yang said.

"What?" Elder Qiu didn't know why.

"There is no one around, tell me! Who sent you here?" Bo Yang grabbed Elder Qiu by the neck and lifted him up.

"I'm not lying, that kid really came after me!" Elder Qiu said with difficulty while struggling, his face gradually flushed red as his neck was strangled.

Bo Yang couldn't let him continue talking, if he was allowed to go back to the stronghold and tell the Eternal Night Demon Lord that Zhou Ying was chasing him, Zhou Ying's life would be lost. In any case, this news cannot be let out.

Bo Yang's gaze gradually became cold and heartless.

kill him!

At that moment, a strong idea rose in his mind, and he immediately carried out the plan.

"Master Xie, please let me go... I really didn't lie..." Elder Qiu struggled desperately.

Bo Yang sneered, "Even if you didn't lie, you'll be damned! You even led someone to our stronghold. If that person leaks information about our stronghold, you won't be able to bear the responsibility even if you're out of your wits!"

After finishing speaking, he directly shook hands without giving Elder Qiu any chance to defend himself.

The power of the demon world is full of strength, and the neck is the most vulnerable part of the human body.

In an instant, the sound of bones shattering came, and Elder Qiu spat out a mouthful of blood, waving his limbs for a moment, and finally hung down limply.

Until his death, he never expected that he would not die on the way, nor at the hands of Zhou Ying, but at the hands of Xie Zetian, who thought he was his helper.

After Bo Yang killed someone, he belatedly felt the warm touch in his hands, and the wind blew from afar, making his body feel chilly.

He hastily dropped the body.

God, he didn't hesitate just now!

The idea of killing came to his mind, and he executed it directly, as if killing a person by himself was like killing a chicken without any burden.

This situation is not good. Unknowingly, I am being assimilated by this world, and my thinking is getting closer and closer to the direction of the jungle. Is it possible that one day my three views will gradually change...

No, now is not the time to think about that.

Bo Yang felt that Zhou Ying was chasing him, and was about to rush over to drive him away, when suddenly he felt a familiar aura, and stopped in a flash.

In a blink of an eye, the figure of Lord Eternal Night appeared in front of him.

"Your Majesty, why are you here?" Bo Yang never thought that Lord Yongye Demon would appear suddenly, he was terrified, and the expression on his face was a bit stiff. Fortunately, the darkness of night was so thick that it concealed his unnatural reaction.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord was discussing matters in the room just now, and suddenly he felt that Bo Yang's inspiration had strengthened, so he took out the South Sea shark bead and used his magic power to observe what happened to Bo Yang, and found that Bo Yang was talking to someone , and then killed the man.

He was worried that Bo Yang was in danger, so he immediately put down the people in the house and flew over.

"Who is this person?" He frowned and kicked Elder Qiu's body with his feet. Elder Qiu's body was turned over by him, revealing a swollen face.

"Elder Qiu." Eternal Ye Mojun said.

Bo Yang was even more horrified in his heart, he didn't expect the Demon Lord Yongye to stay in the Demon Realm all this time, and he knew that he recognized Elder Qiu. Originally, he planned to report to Lord Yong Ye that he had killed a thief who accidentally broke into the barrier.

Bo Yang couldn't think of a good excuse for a while, his mind went blank.

How to do

If he asked why he killed Elder Qiu, how should he answer

He probably hasn't let go of his inspiration yet, but once he lets go of his inspiration, he will definitely be able to find the male protagonist Zhou Ying, in case he also let go of his inspiration...

How to do

Bo Yang's heart was pounding, and the veins in his temples were throbbing.

"Just now, he seems to say that someone is chasing him?" Yongye Mojun asked Bo Yang who was standing there stiffly. When he took out the South Sea shark pearl just now, Bo Yang had already finished negotiating with Elder Qiu, and he just listened. When it came to a few words, such as "that kid" or something, he didn't know the rest, so his purpose of asking this question was to understand the cause and effect of the matter.

However, Bo Yang didn't know how much he knew about the situation. When he heard him ask this question, his mood was agitated again—how did he know about the conversation he had with Elder Qiu? Could it be that he had been hiding not far away just now

"What should I do, Xiao Ling, have I betrayed me?" Bo Yang was so anxious that he didn't know what to do.

Xiaoling comforted him in her mind: "Sir, calm down, calm down first, and then think about how to deal with it. Take a deep breath, yes, take a deep breath..."

Bo Yang took a deep breath, and gradually calmed down under Xiao Ling's comfort. His inspiration still enveloped the ten-mile radius, and then he discovered that the male protagonist who had been closely following Elder Qiu before seemed to have discovered something was wrong, and began to retreat outside the maze.

Just go!

Bo Yang lifted his spirits and realized that he had to hold back Yong Ye Mojun.