The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 82


The voice of Eternal Ye Mojun brought back Bo Yang's sanity.

Bo Yang tried his best to calm down, and focused his attention on Lord Yongye, "Your Majesty?"

The Eternal Night Demon Lord looked around and frowned, "It's hard to come out to play with you, and it's really disappointing to encounter such a thing!"

Bo Yang didn't want to stay in such a messy place, so he forced a smile and said, "Then let's go."

"We haven't seen the sea of flowers yet!" Yongye Mojun was a little dissatisfied.

Bo Yang thought, how many dead people are there on the ground, and still in the mood to look at flowers

"My lord..."

Wanting to persuade Yongye Mojun to leave, Yongye Mojun looked at the dead people on the ground and said suddenly: "Yes!"

Accompanied by his words, the surrounding atmosphere changed wonderfully, as if a drop of water fell into a calm lake, causing ripples.

That subtle wave of magic power centered on Lord Eternal Night and spread out in all directions.

Eternal Night Demon Lord raised his hand, strands of black smoke emitted from the corpses that were lying on the ground, and then the corpses gradually shriveled, and finally turned into a few dry bones.

Eternal Night Demon Lord absorbed the spiritual power of those corpses, clenched his hands into fists, and when he opened it again, the majestic spiritual power was mixed with magic power and scattered to the entire valley violently and surgingly.

The pure spiritual power of several monks nourished the grass and trees on the ground. The flowers that were originally budding were full of spiritual power, and then bloomed one after another under the impetus of magic power. The flowers all over the mountains and plains bloomed at the same time.

In an instant, it is full of purples and reds, which is extremely spectacular.

Bo Yang was in it and was greatly shocked.

The vegetation continued to grow vigorously, and soon became lush. The green leaves and bright flowers covered the few dead bones, and then the few dead bones were buried deeply in the ground. Those few people disappeared without a trace as if they had never come to this world.

Brutal and beautiful.

Coquettish and bloodthirsty.

"How about it, do you like it?" Eternal Ye Mojun was wearing Tsing Yi and said to Bo Yang with a smile. He seemed a little embarrassed, and said shyly, "I can only make it like this."

Standing in a splendid sea of flowers, he is handsome and elegant, with a pure and flawless smile.

Bo Yang was touched again.

Every time he felt that he understood the Eternal Night Demon Lord, but every time the Eternal Night Demon Lord brought him a new shock.

He kills without blinking an eye, and he wants to bring disaster to the world.

He killed a person, and he could turn the corpse into flower fertilizer to create a splendid sea of flowers, just to please himself.

Being with this kind of person makes Bo Yang feel moved, terrified, and a little bit exciting.

Bo Yang didn't know how to evaluate him, but when he stood in the sea of flowers and smiled at himself, and asked himself if he liked it, he knew his heart had completely fallen.

At this moment, he deeply knew that he fell in love with this person, not only because he loved him, but also because of his split characteristics.

Either good or bad.

Bo Yang thought: If he wants to go to hell, he will willingly accompany him to go there.

"I like it very much." Bo Yang said as he walked over, took the initiative to hug Yong Ye Mojun's head, and kissed him on the cheek.

The Eternal Ye Mojun was startled, and then the tips of his ears turned red, "Zetian..."

Bo Yang kissed the other side of his face again.

This was the first time that Bo Yang kissed him on his own initiative. After recovering from his senses, the Demon Lord Yongye immediately turned his back on him, hugged him, and pushed him down in the sea of flowers...

Another ups and downs, and the sun is already rising after finishing the work.

Bo Yang felt tired, and was taken back to Anning Town by the devil to find a good inn to stay.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord took good care of him, perhaps because the two had been getting along for a long time, he learned to control his desires, and he would no longer seize the opportunity and work for a long time like before.

Bo Yang felt much more relaxed, and gradually liked doing that thing with him.

He was immersed in a wonderful sense of happiness all day, and even forgot that he had killed Elder Qiu in order to save the hero Zhou Ying, until a man in black arrived at night.

The man in black was sent by Lou Jianfeng. Lou Jianfeng was currently in Phoenix City and couldn't come in person, so he sent a man in black to deliver a message.

At present, the demon king does not shy away from Bo Yang when dealing with affairs. Bo Yang is lying on the bed, with the curtains hanging around, and the demon king is talking with people outside the house.

"Your Majesty." The man in black knelt on one knee, and said respectfully and politely, "Lord Lou sent his subordinates to ask His Majesty something."

"What's the matter?" Eternal Ye Mojun slowly took out two teacups and put them on the table, then picked up the tea on the table and poured it into the teacups.

The man in black didn't dare to look at him, and lowered his head and said, "Master Lou met Zhou Ying in Phoenix City and found that his power had reached the out-of-body stage. Master Lou felt that something was wrong and suspected that he was the Son of Destiny. I will report to your majesty."

"Zhou Ying's cultivation has reached the out-of-body stage?" Yongye Mojun paused, and a glint flashed in his dark eyes, "Why didn't you report it before?"

"My lord, Zhou Ying seems to be hiding a lot of secrets. He suppressed his cultivation with a special technique, and no one can see it."

"Then how do you know?"

The man in black buried his head even lower, "Master Lou sent a killer to kill Fengxiang, the son of destiny, the young master of Phoenix City, Zhou Ying rescued him, and our people were seriously injured. , A lot of people saw it at the time.”

Eternal Ye Mojun waved his hand, and the teacup filled with water fell to the ground with a crisp cracking sound.


His eyes were extremely cold, "How do you do things? Let the real Destiny's Child stay under your nose but you can't find it!"

"Your Majesty!" The man in black was startled, and quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed, "It is still not confirmed that Zhou Ying is the real Son of Destiny."

Hearing his words, the Eternal Night Demon Lord's face sank, and he kicked him away, "You are a waste, you are really a waste! It's so obvious that you can't see it?"

Bo Yang had already woken up when he heard the conversation between the two, put on his clothes quietly, and came out from the inner room and said, "Your Majesty, don't be angry, there is really no way to prove that Zhou Ying is the real Son of Destiny."

Seeing him, the Eternal Ye Mojun's face became better, "Why did you come out?"

Bo Yang's heart was pounding, but there was a smile on his face, "It's rare for your majesty to be so angry, how could I not come out?"

Eternal Ye Mojun said: "Zhou Ying should be the Son of Destiny that we can't find anywhere."

Bo Yang's heart tightened, but he still smiled and said, "Why is Your Majesty so sure?"

"So many people died in the Mihua Illusion, he was the only one who survived. He was supposed to be executed by Ling Chi, but he was rescued by you by accident. He is carrying the Dragon Chanting Sword, and his cultivation can make rapid progress..." Demon Monarch Yongye He said solemnly, "The previous sons of Destiny are also as lucky as him, and they are like God's help."

Bo Yang secretly swallowed his saliva, the Eternal Night Demon Lord is indeed extremely intelligent, his calculations are verbatim, it seems impossible to fool him any longer.

"Then what is your majesty going to do?" Bo Yang's heart was trembling.

The Eternal Ye Mojun suddenly smiled, and said with a smile: "What else can I do? Kill me!"

As he spoke, he turned his head to the man in black and said, "Go and tell Lou Jianfeng to kill Zhou Ying at all costs."

"Yes!" The man in black answered loudly, and his figure disappeared into the room.

Bo Yang stared at the back of Yong Ye Mojun's head, his mood fluctuated violently like waves.

Xiaoling screamed in her mind: "Sir, the hero can't die! You can't live if he dies!"

Bo Yang said in a deep voice, "I understand."

"You have to save him, sir, you are a good person, I don't want you to die." Xiaoling whimpered, "What is the out-of-body period? If the Eternal Night Demon Lord takes action, Zhou Ying will be wiped out in an instant."

Bo Yang was also aware of the seriousness of the matter, "I know..."

He had to find a way to get rid of the Eternal Night Demon Lord, and then go to Phoenix City to save the male lead.

When the man in black left, the Eternal Night Demon Lord's serious expression calmed down, and he smiled again, walked up to Bo Yang and said, "I made a plan when you fell asleep just now, and we will implement it according to this plan tomorrow."

plan? what's the plan

Is it a plan to kill the hero? Or a plan to attack the human world

Bo Yang's mind was in a mess.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord didn't notice his abnormality, walked to the table and picked up a piece of paper, then went to his side to unfold it.

After unfolding it, Bo Yang realized that the piece of paper was just a map.

Eternal Ye Mojun pointed to one of the mountain ranges with great interest and said, "Now we are in Anning Town under Tengyun Sect. Tomorrow we will start from Anning Town and walk along this route."

His fingers wiped a series of mountain lakes along a black trajectory, and finally reached the desert at the end of the map.

This route has mountains and rivers, and brings together the beauty of the world. It is indeed a good route for sightseeing. To be able to formulate such a route, Eternal Night Demon Lord should have carefully studied the geographical location and landscape of the human world before finally formulating such a travel route.

He really took himself to play.

Seeing this map, Bo Yang's mood became more and more complicated.

what can we do about it

At this point in the matter, he also has a last resort.

"Sir, don't dawdle. Lou Jianfeng will definitely act. The hero is in danger now. We must rush to save him." Xiaoling said.

Bo Yang said in his mind: "I know, I think so too."

In the Phoenix City plot, the hero Zhou Ying's identity as the body of the seven stars was discovered. Although he had defeated many masters and had a moment of glory, those who coveted the Dragon Sword on his body were also eager to kill him.

At this time, the hero is very dangerous, because no matter the demons or the monks in the human world, they all want to kill the hero.

In the novel, the male protagonist is seriously injured and escapes under the cover of Fengming, the daughter of the city lord of Phoenix.

In fact, there is also a logic error in the novel. Based on the situation at the time, with the presence of demon masters and the siege of the human world, the possibility of the hero trying to escape is very small. In the novel, the male protagonist exploded into a small universe and forcibly raised his skills to the Mahayana stage before he escaped.

But it is very difficult to do this in reality.

Now Bo Yang has two choices, or obediently follow Yong Ye Mojun to travel around the mountains and rivers, wait for the final result, and bet on the hero's luck, whether he can get out of Phoenix City alive. Either go to Phoenix City to watch the hero, and save him at the critical moment.

How to choose, in fact, the answer is very clear.