The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 85


In the far North Pole, a dozen or so black figures suddenly appeared on the vast white snowfield. Those figures were all wearing black cloaks.

It was Eternal Night Demon Lord and his party.

"The enchantment has appeared!" The spy rushed over from the front, rushed to the front of Yong Ye Mojun and knelt down on one knee, and said in a deep voice, "Your Majesty, it is right in front."

Looking up, I saw a majestic mountain range at the end of the snow field. The top of the mountain was shrouded in clouds and mist, like a fairyland.

A smile appeared on the expressionless face of Yong Ye Mojun, and his eyes flickered slightly, "He didn't lie to me, let's go."

A group of people used instant travel for thousands of miles to move quickly, and soon came to the mountain range.

Close to the mountains, the peaks of the Tianshan Mountains are majestic and majestic.

Where ordinary people can't see, Yong Ye Mojun and others saw the transparent enchantment appearing and disappearing on the mountainside, and the fluctuation of spiritual power came in waves like waves, forming a spiritual wind, rolling up snow particles Slapping all living beings close to the Tianshan Mountains.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord could feel the strong power and warning in the barrier.

To create an enchantment covering the entire Tianshan mountain range, and with such a strong spiritual power, there must be some kind of secret hidden in the Tianshan mountain that the world does not want to know.

The more this is the case, the more certain the Eternal Night Demon Lord is that the boundary marker is inside.

He was a little excited, and when he was excited, he wanted to meet the person who told him about the boundary marker.

It's a pity that Bo Yang is not around, and Yongye Mojun can't share his inner feelings, so he takes out a shark bead and injects spiritual power, wanting to see his lover.

Then I saw something was wrong.

Xie Zetian seems to be healing people in a room.

The Eternal Ye Mojun frowned, poured his magic power into the shark bead again, and carefully observed who Xie Zetian was healing through the shark bead.

After a while, he saw clearly the face of the person on the bed. It was a handsome young man with eyebrows drawn into his temples, high nose bridge, and a very pale complexion. He looked like a human being.

Never seen this person.

Yongye Mojun's expression was slightly condensed. Thinking of Xie Zetian's refusal to accompany him to Tianshan Mountain, saying that he wanted to stay in Anning Town, he actually went to a certain place secretly, and he had a guess in his mind - he deliberately avoided himself, in order to sneak up on the bed this person.

Coming to this conclusion, the expression of Eternal Night Demon Monarch changed.

Now he wanted to know—who was this man

When did Xie Zetian have such a close relationship with a human being

At this moment, Xie Zetian seemed to have finished healing, and withdrew his hand. The person on the bed suddenly opened his eyes and called out, "Don't go!"

Xie Zetian seemed startled, and turned his head to cover his face.

The person on the bed closed his eyes again.

After a while, Xie Zetian turned around, got out of bed quietly, and covered the man with a quilt before leaving.

... He didn't even tuck me in!

Mojun Yongye became angry instantly, completely forgetting that every time he went to bed, he made his lover so deadly that he couldn't move, how could he cover him with a quilt.

But he didn't care, he made a firm note in his heart.

She secretly went to meet another man without telling him, slept in someone else's bed, and even covered that man with a quilt!

Each is a mortal sin.

"Your Majesty?" The subordinate's voice recalled the Eternal Night Demon Lord's sanity.

The spiritual power was interrupted, and the connection with Shark Pearl was interrupted.

The Eternal Ye Mojun looked fiercely at the person who interrupted him, and said coldly, "What are you doing?"

Seeing the monarch's cold expression, the poor subordinate in black didn't know what he had done wrong, and tremblingly said: "The knot, the barrier cannot be opened..."

"Trash!" Yongye Mojun flicked his sleeves, slapped the man in black onto the ground next to him, rolled him twice, and then took two steps towards Tianshan Mountain.

Although he really wanted to go back and catch Xie Zetian and ask him about it, but he had already arrived at Tianshan Mountain, so he had to investigate clearly before going back.

No one can stop him!

The Eternal Night Demon Lord approached step by step, the momentum on his body no longer restrained, and spread like a wild wave. The people in black retreated quickly, avoiding his breath range.

More than a dozen people made eye contact one after another.

"Your Majesty is angry."

"Why is he suddenly angry?"

"Can't the enchantment be opened?"

"I do not know."

Turning his anger into strength, the Eternal Night Demon Lord's complexion was pitch black, his hands conjured up several complex gestures, and his aura rose rapidly.

Seeing that something was wrong, more than a dozen men in black fled the scene as fast as they could, running faster than rabbits.

When they reached a safe place, they breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at Eternal Night Demon Lord.

Perhaps the enchantment felt threatened, dark clouds gathered over the Tianshan Mountains, the wind and snow suddenly increased, and there was a shrill whistling sound.

The demonic aura on the side of the Eternal Night Demon Lord has already appeared, and the whole person is shrouded in a black demonic aura that seems to be real.

After he made the gesture, he pushed forward with both palms.

The transparent enchantment in mid-air buzzed, countless wind and snow gathered into ice cones, and rushed towards the direction of Eternal Night Demon Lord, while other ice and snow gathered into umbrellas to protect the top of Tianshan Mountain.

The demonic energy around the Eternal Night Demon Lord gathered and condensed to block the attack of the ice cone, while the magic power in his hand flew towards the barrier like a sharp sword, then broke through the umbrella made of wind and snow, and hit the transparent barrier.

As if the glass had been hit, the barrier cracked a few cracks, and then shattered.


The Eternal Night Demon Lord gave an order, and everyone followed him and quickly went to Tianshan Mountain.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord invaded the Tianshan Mountains all the way. While wreaking havoc, he often checked Bo Yang's situation through the shark bead; Bo Yang was quietly lurking in Phoenix City, looking for opportunities to go to the city lord's mansion to check Zhou Ying's condition every day. , to sort out the meridians for it.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord became angry every time he saw it, and his anger value kept rising.

Especially when he knew that the person Bo Yang saved was Zhou Ying, the Son of Destiny, he was so angry that he almost went back to deal with him regardless of anything!

While being angry, I also felt an indescribable sense of crisis. In the past, Xie Zetian was romantic and affectionate, and raised many beauties in the backyard, but Yongye Mojun didn't take it seriously, he thought it was Xie Zetian's hobby before he was with him, and it was beyond reproach. But now, Xie Zetian obviously disbanded the harem for him, but now secretly keeps the wild man in the personal world, and Xie Zetian is very concerned about him.

This man should have a lot of status in Xie Zetian's heart.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord was very angry, and his head felt green.

Fortunately, his sanity was still there, and he didn't go back home immediately, but suppressed his anger and continued to move forward, and finally found the boundary marker.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord found the boundary marker and activated the guardian formation. The corpses in the ground came back from the dead and tried their best to protect the boundary marker, but was easily defeated by the angry Eternal Night Demon Lord and turned into dust and ashes.

Seeing the boundary marker, Demon Monarch Yongye's anger subsided a little bit, at least Xie Zetian didn't lie, deliberately tricked him into coming to the North Pole, and let him go for nothing. The information he told was correct, and he made a great contribution to finding out the location of the boundary marker.

However, thinking about it again, Xie Zetian had received the news of the boundary marker before but did not inform him for a long time. This time, he suddenly informed him that he probably knew that he was going to kill Zhou Ying, so he told him the location of the boundary marker to lure him away. Thinking of this, Eternal Night Demon Lord secretly gritted his teeth in hatred.

That wild man is so important

When did they hook up

With it, I actually hooked up with others!

Secretly raise a little lover without telling me!

Damn stuff!

The Eternal Night Demon Lord was so angry that he swelled into a ball, and it exploded with a single kick.

At this time, he didn't think about other aspects, but through the analysis of Xie Zetian's consistent behavior, he thought that Xie Zetian was romantic and affectionate, and while hooking up with him, he also hooked up with other lovers, living a romantic life of hugging left and right.

Maybe didn't fuck him enough to give him the energy to find someone else.

Eternal Ye Mojun's thoughts boiled, he ground his teeth, and stomped the boundary marker to pieces.

His anger erupted, but Bo Yang didn't know about it, and was still dreaming of going back to the inn quietly as if nothing had happened.

In the blink of an eye, on the fourth day, the Phoenix City Lord and Lou Jianfeng led people to search the whole city, but they couldn't find Zhou Ying who was seriously injured and dying. He didn't know that the person they couldn't find was actually right under their noses.

In desperation, due to public opinion, the Lord of Phoenix City could only remove the barrier and allow people to come and go freely.

The opportunity came for the hero Zhou Ying to leave.

On the third day, Bo Yang spent the whole time in the city lord's mansion. He hid himself on the beam without moving, preparing to see how the hero and Feng Ming would act.

At night Feng Ming didn't sleep, he stayed in the room and walked up and down, looking up from the window from time to time. The male lead, Zhou Ying, has recovered a lot under Bo Yang's careful treatment. Although his complexion is still pale, he can move around freely. He got off the bed, sat on a chair and waited calmly.

Both of them changed into the costumes of servants of the City Lord's Mansion—a very low-key gray dress, and a small hat on their heads.

The atmosphere was dignified, and everyone in the room was quietly waiting for a certain moment, and no one spoke.

The sky is getting brighter and brighter. When the sky turns pale, the distant bells sound, heralding the beginning of a new day. Feng Ming immediately stood up, pushed the door and went out, looked up to the sky.

Bo Yang also resorted to shapeshifting and moved to the roof without making a sound.

A golden thread appears in the middle of the blue-black sky, which is a sign that the sun is about to emerge. Water ripple-like fluctuations appeared in the sky above the entire city, and then those fluctuations spread to the entire city. As the undulating ripples appeared again and again, the enchantment above the city began to melt, quickly turning into particles and disappearing between the sky and the earth.

Everything was silent.

With a look of surprise on Feng Ming's face, she hurried into the room and said to the male lead in a low voice: "The barrier has been broken, let's go."

The man nodded and stood up.

Sister Fengming walked to his side, held his arm, and before most people in the City Lord's Mansion woke up, she secretly left the room and walked into the inner courtyard.

It was a bold move, but they had no choice. If everyone wakes up at dawn, it will be very difficult for them to even get out of the City Lord's Mansion.