The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 89


There was no other way, Bo Yang had no choice but to turn his head to Zhou Ying and said, "It seems that only you can open the secret realm and leave. From now on, you will practice here to improve your cultivation."

Zhou Ying smiled wryly, "Even if you want to practice, you must let me take a breath."

After two battles, he was wounded and wounded, and he was in a mess.

This kind of situation makes it really inappropriate for the hero to practice forcefully, Bo Yang frowned, shook his sleeves and said, "Okay, come here, I'll help you heal."

Zhou Ying's body was full of wounds, his face was pale, and his clothes were slit here and there. If he was thrown into the crowd, he might think he was a refugee.

Bo Yang was not much better, his clothes were torn apart by the violent breath during the fight.

It's really not good to see two refugees together.

Of course, no one can control the image now, healing is the most important thing.

Zhou Ying heard that Bo Yang was willing to heal his wounds, so he hurriedly dragged his scarred body to his side with difficulty. Qi helps heal his wounds.

Demonic energy and spiritual power repel each other, and it is generally not easy to get along well. If it is not done well, it will aggravate the injury. However, this problem is not a problem in front of advanced cultivation bases.

Bo Yang devoted himself to sorting out Zhou Ying's meridians, and the cell where only the two of them lived was extremely quiet.

After an unknown amount of time passed like this, Bo Yang felt that it was almost done, so he withdrew his hand and let Zhou Ying heal automatically.

As the son of Seven Stars, the darling of heaven, Zhou Ying's physique is different from that of ordinary people. Before that, he forcibly raised his cultivation level to the Mahayana stage. If ordinary people would have exploded and died, he would have survived and recovered gradually. Due to the forcible improvement of his cultivation base, his meridians widened, and his cultivation base tended to be more refined.

Bo Yang couldn't do anything else in the Xuanlong Secret Realm, he could only stay aside and stare at Zhou Ying, monitoring his condition at any time.

After a while, Zhou Ying opened his eyes, his dark pupils were shining brightly, shining like jewels - this is a sign of his cultivation base improving.

His spirit has improved a lot, his face is rosy, and there is no trace of injury at all.

Bo Yang secretly marveled at his physique, and was about to remind him to practice quickly to get out of the test, but Zhou Ying suddenly spoke.

"Are you Mr. Xie?"

Bo Yang was slightly taken aback.

Zhou Ying's eyes were very clear, he stared at him quietly, and asked again: "Are you Mr. Xie who gave me the pill that time?"

Bo Yang subconsciously retorted: "No."

Zhou Ying said: "Don't lie to me, you are Mr. Xie!"

Bo Yang remained expressionless, "Don't talk nonsense."

Zhou Ying said: "It's useless to deny it, I know it's you."

Bo Yang: "..."

Just as he was about to deny it again, he remembered that he had broken with Lou Jianfeng and was trapped in a secret realm. What he had done was seen by Zhou Ying, and it seemed that there was no need to hide it, so he sighed.

His silence is the best answer.

Zhou Ying's expression became extremely complicated, and after a while he asked: "The one who saved me in the Mihua illusion, was also sir?"

This made Bo Yang very surprised, and couldn't help but look at Zhou Ying, "How do you know?"

When Zhou Ying fell off the cliff and fell unconscious, how did he know that he was the one who saved him

Zhou Yingdao: "I woke up halfway. I remember what my husband said to me. He said that I am the child of destiny, and I will definitely not die. My husband's words encouraged me, let me persevere, and got the Dragon Chanting Sword."

It turned out that this kid woke up halfway!

"How are you sure it's me?" Bo Yang said.

Zhou Ying said: "Before I didn't dare to confirm it. Later, I met Mr. at the restaurant in Anning Town. I felt that Mr.'s figure was very familiar. After chatting, I felt that Mr.'s voice was very similar to what I heard in Mihua Fantasyland, but I still didn't dare to confirm it. After confirming it, after many times, it was determined that it was Mr.

Bo Yang: "..."

It's no wonder that when he wrote to Zhou Ying to let him go down the mountain, the kid went down the mountain without even thinking about it. At that time, he wondered that Zhou Ying trusted him too much. It turned out that this guy had doubted him a long time ago.

Zhou Ying had a complicated expression on his face, "Speaking of which, after I came out of Mihua Illusion, I went to the Heavenly Execution Platform and was almost torn into pieces. Fortunately, the demons hijacked me and escaped. Now that I think about it, Mr. Zhao hijacked me and Senior Sister Zhao as well. To save me."

Bo Yang: "...!"

The hero's mind is not simple!

Zhou Ying continued: "Later, Mr. gave me pills twice to help me cultivate secretly. On the contrary, I misunderstood Mr. many times, and even hurt him. It was my fault!"

As he was talking, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Bo Yang with a plop, "I'm sorry!"

Bo Yang was taken aback, he couldn't stand the male lead's big gift, so he avoided it quickly, and helped him up at the same time, "Don't kneel down on me."

Zhou Ying was very excited, "Mr. Xie, Zhou Ying will never forget your great kindness to Zhou Ying!"

Bo Yang had a headache, "I don't ask you to pay back, you just need to practice hard and ascend to the upper realm."

"Sir, I don't understand." Zhou Ying's face flushed with emotion, "I don't understand why you want to help me like this, why?"


Because I want to go home.

It's not easy for Bo Yang to tell the reason, so he talked about him, "I'll help you if you help me, why pursue so much? Hurry up and practice, we can go out sooner."

Zhou Ying didn't listen to him, and continued to linger on the question, "Sir, I must find out, why are you helping me like this?"

"Because I want the Dragon Chanting Sword."

Bo Yang didn't bother to talk to him, so he just gave him a reason to dismiss him.

It's a pity that Zhou Ying is not an idiot, and he is not easy to be fooled at all. He shook his head and said, "Mr. always says that he needs Biyunzhu or Longyin Sword to help me, but I don't think so. Can you tell me the truth?"

Bo Yang was originally anxious, but he became even more irritable when he caught him questioning him. He said angrily, "Okay, if you want the truth, I will tell you the truth. I will help you only if you have what I need on you. Are you satisfied now?"

Zhou Ying didn't seem to understand why he was suddenly angry. He was slightly taken aback, and then said, "I have something that my husband wants? What is it?"

Bo Yang waved his sleeves impatiently, "I can't tell you now, anyway, if you practice as soon as possible, you will ascend as soon as possible, and you will know when the time comes."

Zhou Ying was silent for a moment, then said: "If Mister wants anything, Zhou Ying will definitely satisfy Mister."

"Then you can remember today's words." Bo Yang was still a little anxious, "If you don't give me what I ask, don't blame me for being rude."

Zhou Ying quickly assured, "Don't worry sir, I, Zhou Ying, swear to God, I will keep my promise and give you what you want."

Bo Yang's irritated heart was slightly relieved, at least things were not the worst, at least the task could still be completed.

He pushed Zhou Ying, "Stop talking nonsense, practice quickly!"

"Okay." Zhou Ying sat on the ground obediently and began to practice.

When he was cultivating, silky golden threads suddenly appeared on the indestructible stone walls around him, crawling over the stone walls in all directions like spider webs, wisps of spiritual power gushed out from the golden threads, converging into Zhou Ying's body like smoke.

With such a strong spiritual nourishment, Zhou Ying's practice speed increased several times.

Seeing such a situation, Bo Yang heaved a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Zhou Ying would not be able to get out after ten years of practice, and he would have to be locked in with him.

With such a speed of practice, one should be able to break through to Mahayana soon.

The Mysterious Dragon Secret Realm is a place specially created for the hero to practice in the novel, and it is also one of the places where the Dragon Yin Sword is called the golden finger. Entering the Mystic Dragon Realm, you can practice quickly and avoid enemies. The exit of Xuanlong Secret Realm is not the entrance, the exit is random. The Mysterious Dragon Realm they entered in Phoenix City might not be in Phoenix City when they leave, and no one knows where they will exit.

Bo Yang felt that as long as the exit was not in Phoenix City, it would be safe.

There is no sun and moon in the mountains.

Waves crashed against the sandy beach.

A tall and straight figure stood by the seaside, staring calmly at the red sun rising slowly above the distant sea level. The sea breeze blew his black hair, brushed his tall nose bridge and fair face.

The black robe fluttered, and the waves sneaked up and wet his shoes, but he still stood quietly, like a stone statue.

A man in black came over from a distance and knelt in front of him, "I tell you, Mr. Lou is here."

The sound of rustling sea water.

Eternal Night Demon Lord said quietly: "Let him come over."


The man in black stood up and retreated quickly.

Not long after he left, Lou Jianfeng walked over from a distance, came to the side of Yongye Mojun and clapped his hands: "Your Majesty, I have something important to report."

Eternal Ye Mojun didn't even look at him, he still stared at the rising sun in front of him, and said calmly: "Say."

Lou Jianfeng followed his gaze, only seeing the flat sea surface and nothing.

He didn't know what to see on the sea, so he looked away and said, "It's about Xie Zetian."

"I know." Eternal Ye Mojun said.

Lou Jianfeng was slightly taken aback, "Your Majesty knows?"

The Eternal Night Demon Lord finally turned his head, staring at him quietly with dark eyes, "Didn't you send me a letter before?"

Lou Jianfeng said: "Your Majesty, the letter doesn't make it very clear. It's about the defection of the demons. This subordinate thinks it's necessary to report to you face to face, so they rushed over..."

He didn't understand what the devil was doing at the beach.

The Northern Boundary Monument had been destroyed, and the Demon Lord should have returned to the Demon Realm when he came back from the North Pole. Later, for some unknown reason, he suddenly turned halfway and came to the nearest Mihai, where he stayed for half a month.

Two boundary markers in the human world were destroyed, which shocked the entire cultivation world. Lou Jianfeng was recalled to the Tengyun Sect to discuss important matters, and he was able to come to see the Demon Lord not long ago. Of course, he had already told the Demon King about the matter through a letter beforehand, but he was still worried, so he came in person.

"Defected?" Yong Ye Mojun said indifferently, "No defected."

Lou Jianfeng said anxiously: "He pretended to be your order and rescued the real Son of Destiny..."

"He is following my orders." The Eternal Night Demon Lord interrupted him.

Lou Jianfeng opened his eyes wide, in disbelief, "Your Majesty, is he really following your orders?"

Eternal Night Demon Lord remained expressionless, "Of course."

Lou Jianfeng: "..."

All of a sudden, all the words were blocked in his throat and he couldn't speak.

its not right!

Xie Zetian's reaction and actions are obviously a kind of betrayal. Why did your majesty say that he was following his orders

... Could it really be

"Why?" Lou Jianfeng didn't understand, feeling a little agitated, "Your Majesty, if you really don't want Zhou Ying to die, you don't have to give the order at first. Even if you want to change the order in the middle, you should inform me directly, not Xie Zetian!"

No matter how you say it, it's not right. Your Majesty is not a person who makes fun of orders. After much deliberation, there is only one explanation—Your Majesty wants to shield Xie Zetian!

He worked desperately in the human world, worked hard for the great cause of the devil world, and was careful everywhere, but the emperor wanted to protect a traitor

Lou Jianfeng quickly controlled his emotions, lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I was the one to be abrupt."

Mojun Yongye's pupils were dark, and he said after a while: "You did a good job, but Xie Zetian did follow my orders."

Hearing these words, Lou Jianfeng's drooping face twisted for a moment.

Very good, I have worked hard to build a foundation in the human world. Xie Zetian got the dark guards as soon as he came, and he was on an equal footing with me. Your Majesty obviously doesn't trust me, so he specially sent him to check and balance me.

Now, Your Majesty wants to protect him again.

Lou Jianfeng's wavering heart finally settled down, and he should make plans for himself.

He raised his head and said respectfully: "Since it is the order of the emperor, it means that this subordinate has something to do, so I will leave."

As he spoke, he took two steps back, then turned around and disappeared into the morning light by the sea.

Eternal Ye Mojun watched him leave, still expressionless.

Mysterious Dragon Realm.

I don't know how long it took, when Bo Yang was drowsy, suddenly a loud noise woke him up.

Bo Yang immediately opened his eyes, jumped up from the ground and was fully alert, "What happened?"

"The door is open." Zhou Ying withdrew his fist and said to him with a smile.

In front of him, he opened a hole in the originally impenetrable stone wall. Dust and smoke billowed, and the stones were messy.

Bo Yang froze for a moment, and then said pleasantly, "We can go out now!"

"Yes, we can go out." Zhou Ying said.

Bo Yang immediately rushed into the cave, "Let's go."

Zhou Ying smiled and followed him out of the cave.

Outside is a patio, surrounded by stone walls as before, but there is a hole above, and the sun's rays shine in through the hole.

Bo Yang was imprisoned for a long time, so excited that he soared up without thinking, and jumped out of the opening.

As soon as he went out, he was poured into his facial features with water.

Bo Yang was caught off guard and choked, and hurriedly dug in the water twice, using his spiritual power to isolate the surrounding water.

The damn exit is actually in the water!

His eyes were red from the choking, and his nostrils were even hotter. He didn't know if it was in the lake, the river or the sea

Well, the salty taste in one bite should be the sea.

Never the bottom.

Holding his breath, Bo Yang used his magic power to charge upwards, and then directly rushed out of the water.

It's not the bottom of the sea, it seems to be very shallow from the sea surface.

He stepped on the water and looked around, and what he saw was the distant sea level and the spectacular clouds.

Sure enough, it was in the sea.

He sighed and turned his head, intending to find the nearest land to go ashore, and when he turned his head, he saw the beach close at hand and the people standing on the beach.

The whistling sea breeze blew the man's robe and hair, revealing a delicate and cold face.

Eyes, nose, mouth... Ah, why are they so familiar

Isn't this the Great Demon Lord

But, but shouldn't it

Why is Eternal Night Demon Lord here

The exit of the Mysterious Dragon Secret Realm is random, even he himself doesn't know where it is, so how could the Demon Lord know

So it's a coincidence

Bo Yang's mind was blank, and he stood stiffly on the sea.

It should be a coincidence, right

But... But why are the legs so soft

I feel... I feel like I'm going to kneel down, woo woo woo.