The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 93


After all, the Eternal Night Demon Lord was not willing to deal with him ruthlessly, allowing him to bite his shoulder.

After a while, Bo Yang let go of his shoulders and said, "Your Majesty, please stop teasing me about having a baby."

The Eternal Ye Mojun thought that he had a son with someone else, and he couldn't even mention it, and felt a little sad in his heart.

However, there was still no expression on the face, and he said, "Okay."

Bo Yang observed his expression for a moment, guessing that he would not pursue him anymore, so he tentatively said: "Your Majesty, can you let me see my son?"

Eternal Ye Mojun's face was a little dark, and he couldn't wait to see his son right after he came back

It felt like his mind was on his son.

At first he was jealous and wanted to refuse, but then he thought that he was the great master of the demon world, and he recognized Zhou Ying as his stepson, so he couldn't be so stingy. After thinking about it, he calmed down a little: "Of course it will be fine when you rest well."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and left with a flick of his sleeves.

Bo Yang knew that he didn't like Zhou Ying, and he didn't like to see Zhou Ying by himself, but he couldn't help it. After all, Zhou Ying's life was closely related to his own. How long the effect of mother and mother fruit can last is a mystery. The best way is to release Zhou Ying from prison as soon as possible and send him to the human world, and he is very worried about the evil hands of the Eternal Night Demon Lord. It is best to confirm the safety of people as soon as possible .

Bo Yang wanted to get out of bed anxiously, but he pulled the wound on his body and grinned in pain. In desperation, he had no choice but to lie back on the bed obediently and wait for the wound to heal.

By the afternoon, when his body had almost recovered, Bo Yang got up to see Zhou Ying. As a result, I was told that I was locked up and could not go out.



If he was really locked up and he and Zhou Ying couldn't see each other, wouldn't he be allowed to be flattened and rounded by Lord Yongye? What if he killed Zhou Ying behind his back? Or what if he tortured Zhou Ying and made his life worse than death

Thinking in another way, if he knew that his plan would be ruined by the so-called Son of the Seven Stars, and he promised his lover not to kill the Son of the Seven Stars, Bo Yang would choose to abolish the Son of the Seven Stars’ cultivation, even gouging out his eyes and limbs, so that he could There is no chance to stand up again. This can not only ensure that the Son of the Seven Stars is harmless to him, but also keep the promise not to kill the Son of the Seven Stars.

Bo Yang pushed himself and others, and was very worried that Lord Yongye would do the same.

The more I think about it, the more terrifying I can't see anyone.

Bo Yang was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.

I can't do anything, I don't have any information, and I'm just waiting to die.

No, absolutely not.

He walked to the door, and a guard jumped out to block his way, "Master Xie, please stop. Your Majesty has said that Mr. Xie cannot step out of the bedroom."

Bo Yang: "..."

Bo Yang gritted his teeth, "What are you, dare to stop me?"

The guard said respectfully: "This subordinate is only following orders."

Bo Yang opened him with a palm, and said angrily on purpose: "I don't believe you dare to stop me."

After finishing speaking, he walked outside, but just as he stepped out of the door, a light wall suddenly lit up at the door and blocked his way.


The aura of Eternal Night Demon Lord on the formation is very strong.

He is determined to shut himself up.

Bo Yang knew that he couldn't do it by force, he gritted his teeth, and said to the guard: "Please tell your majesty, I have something important to see him."

The guard had received the order from the Demon Monarch of Yongye, and his face was expressionless, "Thank you, sir, your majesty is busy with business and has no time to see you."

"You didn't obey my order?" Bo Yang said angrily.

The guards were still respectful, "This subordinate only listens to your majesty's orders."

Bo Yang: "..."

Bo Yang was beaten back and had no choice but to retreat to the bedroom.

He is not someone who just sits and waits to die, walks up and down in the bedroom for a while, and comes up with an idea.

He grabbed the porcelain bottle at hand and slammed it on the ground, using his magic power to frantically smash anything that could be smashed, making a lot of noise while smashing, deliberately creating a big commotion.

After such a lot of tossing, he finally summoned the Demon Lord Yongye who was handling a mountain of official duties in the main hall.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord was indeed angry with Bo Yang, and locked him in confinement. Before he left, he set up a formation and hurried to the main hall to deal with the matter. When he turned his head, he forgot what he had said to Bo Yang. The guard didn't lie, he had been in the human world for too long, and the devil world's business affairs piled up like a mountain, so he really didn't have time to deal with private affairs.

"Your Majesty, how can you put me in confinement?" Before Yongye Mojun could speak, Bo Yang rushed forward with an exaggerated expression, and asked very aggrieved, "How can you treat me like this?"

The surrounding maids and guards secretly looked at him.

Eternal Ye Mojun frowned, "Don't mess around."

Bo Yang couldn't care less about going out, he knew that Lord Yongye had feelings for him, and he cared about his face, so he was heartbroken and said: "We shared the same bed last night, you promised me to see me, Zhou Ying, today Why did you turn your back on me and put me in confinement?"

Hearing his words, the guards and maids around were shocked.

Xie Zetian and Junshang have a close relationship, and gossip that there may be an intimate relationship secretly spread in the palace, but no one has confirmed it, and everyone only dared to discuss it in private, but it turned out to be true! Or say it from the mouth of Mr. Xie himself!

Combined with what Bo Yang said, it is obvious that Junshang agreed to some conditions for Mr. Xie in order to go to bed, and when he got out of bed, he unplugged Wuqing and turned his back on him.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the quiet and unattractive Jun Shang became a big ticket as soon as he came here. He not only slept with the most famous playboy in the devil world, but also played with his feelings.

Everyone's eyes turned to Lord Yongye, and there was something strange in their eyes.

Eternal Night Demon Lord's face darkened.

Bo Yang continued to be sad and said: "Your Majesty, Zhou Ying is my son. Didn't you say that you would recognize him as your stepson and treat him well? Are they all fake?"

Everyone was shocked again.

Under the eyes of everyone, the Eternal Night Demon Lord couldn't hold back his face, and he had indeed promised Bo Yang to see Zhou Ying before, so he said: "Of course what I said counts, and it didn't stop you from seeing him."

Bo Yang immediately burst into tears of gratitude and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Yongye Mojun was a little annoyed when he revealed Zhou Ying's matter. After all, he hadn't figured out how to deal with it. Now that Bo Yang forcibly announced Zhou Ying's identity, he had to think more carefully.

After thinking for a while, he felt that it would be no problem for Bo Yang to see Zhou Ying, so he generously agreed, and then he was busy returning to the main hall to deal with official business, but he did not propose to lift Bo Yang's confinement.

With the approval of the Eternal Night Demon Lord, Bo Yang finally got the right to go out. Even if the confinement is not lifted, it is good to see Zhou Ying.

The guards of the sleeping hall got the order of Yongye Mojun to let him go, and took him to the dungeon where Zhou Ying was imprisoned.

Bo Yang knew that there was a huge dungeon set up under the Eternal Darkness Palace, which could imprison hundreds of people, and it was blessed by the formation of the Eternal Darkness Palace, once it was sent inside, it was extremely difficult to escape.

Entering a black underground passage from the entrance of a side hall, spiraling down the stone steps, and walking about hundreds of stone steps, Bo Yang entered this indestructible cage.

The dungeon was built underground, very dark, but not damp.

Candles were lit at a distance on the hard stone wall, and the dancing red flame became the only light source for this cage.

Bo Yang followed the respectful head of the cell to the depths of the dungeon, probably because Zhou Ying was Bo Yang's son, his cell was in the innermost single cell, with a simple stone bed and table inside, compared to other cells The conditions are not too good.

By the candlelight in the corridor, Bo Yang saw Zhou Ying sitting cross-legged on the stone bed with his eyes closed, as if he was meditating.

He seems to have healthy limbs, no wounds on his body, and he is alive and well, and he seems to be treated well.

Bo Yang let go of his heart.

Looking back on it, it seems that I used the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman, and I misunderstood Lord Yongye. With his personality, he should not do those insidious things. Thinking about it this way, I feel a little guilty, and then I feel a little resentful when I think of the demon king forcing me to have a child.

Bo Yang walked to the fence and greeted Zhou, "Son, dad is here to see you."

The person on the bed moved his eyelids when he heard the movement, but he didn't open his eyes after all.

"Son!" Bo Yang yelled while looking around. From the moment he entered the dungeon, he quickly memorized the location, access control, guards and other details, trying to analyze the weak links so as to find opportunities to take Zhou Ying out. He desperately found that unless he used force to break through this kind of place, it was impossible to take people away without any movement.

"Son." He called again.

"Don't call me!" Zhou Ying finally opened his eyes, "I don't have a father like you!"

Because of his emotional agitation, the breath around him suddenly radiated, shaking the entire cell.

Bo Yang: "... hmm?"

The hero's cultivation level has improved again

According to this speed, the Mahayana period will be reached soon, right

He couldn't help asking: "Zhou Ying, I've always been curious, how did you open the Mystic Dragon Realm that day? Your cultivation has clearly not reached the Mahayana stage."

Zhou Ying snorted coldly, and said arrogantly, "Why should I tell you?"

"Because I'm your father!" Bo Yang said.

"You're not my father, I don't have a father like you." Zhou Ying said indifferently.

"It's really against you!" Bo Yang's face darkened, "At first I wanted to beg for mercy and let you go out, but now I think it's good to let you stay inside."

Zhou Ying gritted his teeth, snorted softly, and said, "That's because I can forcibly raise my level in a short period of time."

Sure enough, it was the same as I guessed.

Bo Yang confirmed his conjecture and nodded, "So that's the case, forcibly raising the realm will cause great harm to the body, so it should not be used indiscriminately in the future."

"You don't need to say it." Zhou Ying said in a very aggressive tone, which was completely the attitude of a young man towards a scumbag father.

Silence of Bo Yang's fans - this child quickly entered the role of son.

Bo Yang thought for a moment, then he thought about it, and said to Zhou Ying coldly: "Whether you like it or not, you are my son, and you have to do things for the devil world and the king, otherwise your life will be lost, do you hear me? "

These words are for the people around, and also for the Eternal Night Demon Lord who may be eavesdropping.

"Impossible!" Zhou Ying refused without thinking.

"Ha!" Bo Yang laughed back angrily, "If you don't want to, then stay here forever!"

After speaking, he turned around and strode away, looking angry and anxious.

"Starting from today, no one is allowed to see him, let him reflect on himself, and unless he agrees to do things for the emperor, don't let him out!" Out of the dungeon, Bo Yang gave orders to the guards around him. What he said was righteous and awe-inspiring, fully expressing his support for the Eternal Night Demon Lord.

The guard quickly answered yes.

Bo Yang nodded, satisfied and left.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord didn't torture Zhou Ying, he just locked him up. This fact made him feel relieved.

Although the dungeon imprisoned Zhou Ying, another advantage was that it gave him an excellent opportunity to practice, allowing him to concentrate on cultivation. I don't know if the statement just now can make Lord Yongye let go of his guard and release himself from confinement

Bo Yang thought about it, and called Xiao Ling twice in his mind.

After a while, Xiao Ling replied: "Sir?"

Bo Yang was a little surprised, "Xiaoling, you haven't talked much recently."

Since entering the Xuanlong Secret Realm, Xiaoling seldom spoke in her mind, and sometimes Bo Yang had to call twice more before agreeing.

Xiaoling said, "I'm not feeling well."

… uncomfortable

A system that says it's not feeling well

Bo Yang couldn't believe it, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know." Xiaoling's voice was a little sleepy, "I want to sleep, but I have been sleepy not long ago, I stayed up all night, and I have become more and more sleepy recently."

A system trying to sleep

Bo Yang was a little surprised, "Your system also sleeps?"

Xiaoling said, "Normally not."

"Since when did you want to sleep?" Bo Yang wondered.

Xiaoling seemed to be remembering, and said after a while: "It should be Phoenix City, you rescued Zhou Ying, let's start... Hey, let's not talk, I'm really sleepy, go to sleep..."

After speaking, there was no sound.

"Xiaoling, Xiaoling..." Bo Yang called out a few times and got no response, then he knew that Xiaoling had really fallen asleep.

He was a little uneasy.

As a system, why did Xiaoling suddenly want to sleep

I always feel that it is not that simple.