The Demon-Like Lover of the Playful Lord

Chapter 105: Miss Mu is planning to abandon me again?


In the early morning of the next day, Yuemei and Xiaotian personally sent Mu Changan and Jiang Li away from the Ghost Valley. Yuemei and Xiaotian directly sent them up and down the mountain of the Ghost Valley. Seeing that they were leaving, Xiaotian felt a little reluctant Mu Changan took the initiative to hug Xiaotian, "I will come to see you next time, and I hope to bring a little fox to see you."

"Chang'an, you must come, I will miss you."

Mu Changan nodded heavily. She was sorry for using Xiaotian, but she had to leave. If she could find a suitable person, she really hoped to find a partner for Xiaotian. Yuemei would leave first after all. Sometimes Xiaotian is alone, which makes people feel uneasy, and there must always be someone by his side to take care of him.

"Aunt Mei, Xiaotian, I'm leaving first, and I'll bring my daughter-in-law to see you next time."

Yuemei laughed, "Then I'll just wait."

After saying goodbye, Mu Changan and Jiang Li continued to walk forward, and Yuemei and Xiaotian had disappeared.

Mu Changan breathed a sigh of relief, "It's finally safe and sound, Li, Aunt Mei is actually not a bad person."

This time it was indeed thanks to Mu Changan, otherwise she would not have escaped the danger at all. Jiang Li was also very grateful to Mu Changan from the bottom of his heart. After experiencing this time, the relationship between the two became even deeper.

Jiang Li suddenly said, "Chang'an, have you ever thought that your body may really have something to do with Xiaoxi, and your expression when you hear the lovesickness song is not like a performance at all, no wonder Yuemei will believe you."

Mu Changan was stunned for a second, then quickly shook his head, "How is this possible? I just have good acting skills. This piece really sounds very good. That's because Aunt Mei's flute is good."

"I don't feel that way. It's not impossible. Your life experience may really have something to do with Xiaoxi."

Mu Chang'an still didn't believe it. She only felt a little bit when she heard the lovesickness song and Yuemei's story about the past, and there was nothing unusual about it. It couldn't be that she was Xiaoxi's tears!

Thinking of this, she paused, as if it was not impossible, in case she was really Xiaoxi's tears, she would ask Yunhen to find out what was going on after she went back.

"It doesn't matter if she is there or not, anyway, my soul is definitely not Xiaoxi, Ah Li, where is the mage waiting for us?"

"You wait, I will notify Master first."

Jiang Li took out a paper figurine from her bosom, pointed it at the paper figurine, and the paper figurine began to glow. Then she chanted something to the paper figurine, and the paper figurine flew out. Mu Changan watched in amazement. Jiang Li There are still two hits.

When Jiang Li was manipulating the paper figurine, Mu Changan heard a voice nearby. She took a few steps forward and saw Leng Qiancheng lying on the ground with her eyes closed, as if she was seriously injured.

Why did he leave Ghost Valley? Thinking about the paper crane that Xiaotian gave them to lead the way, they all left after that, and the paper crane didn't get back. Leng Qiancheng must have followed the paper crane to leave Ghost Valley!

Yuemei always thought it was bad luck, so she didn't touch Leng Qiancheng, she just pretended that Leng Qiancheng didn't exist.

Mu Chang'an thought it best to leave Leng Qiancheng alone, he appeared in Ghost Valley to grab the fairy grass, she couldn't give Leng Qiancheng such a chance.

Just when he was about to leave, Leng Qiancheng suddenly opened his eyes, "Miss Mu is planning to abandon me again?"

"I have no obligation to save you. If you have the ability to leave the Ghost Valley, you will naturally have the ability to go back."

Leng Qiancheng's voice was very weak, he shook his head, "I've been injured too badly, I can't go back, the Nine-Tailed Fox's skill is really well-deserved."

Leng Qiancheng was wearing black clothes, it was hard to tell how many injuries he had suffered, and he was indeed dying from his appearance.

Jiang Li was also seriously injured, and Yuemei didn't know what medicine was given to her, but her injury healed immediately, so she believed that Leng Qiancheng was really injured, and the injury was not serious.

"The mountains and rivers are beautiful here, and it's not bad to be buried here. I will inform your Hall Master if I have a chance, and ask him to come and sweep your tomb."

Leng Qiancheng lay motionless, struggling to pull out a smile, "Don't worry, I won't steal your things, even if I have that thought, I don't have the strength anymore, people are going to die, so why not care about the task."

"So you can laugh too."