The Demon-Like Lover of the Playful Lord

Chapter 79: I still have to think about it


Seeing Ye Jingrong not frowning the whole time, Mu Changan was surprised, "Are you really not in pain?"

It’s no wonder that it doesn’t hurt, I just pretend it doesn’t hurt because I don’t want her to feel guilty, if it hurts, she will definitely not bandage him next time, Mu Chang’an is not the kind of person who you say she didn’t do well, you will work hard to get better People, she will directly throw it to others to do it.

This point, Ye Jingrong also sees through, he still has the ability to read people's hearts.

"Chang'an, you are very talented, and you will be the one to bandage this king in the future."

Mu Changan was very skeptical, "Why don't I feel anything?"

"Actually, you still care about this king."

Ye Jingrong reached out and touched Mu Changan's head. She didn't dodge, but suddenly raised her head and looked straight at Ye Jingrong, and said seriously, "My lord, you also know that I am not Ling Wanying, my body is just a drop. Tears, you all think that I am a small bead, but I am not, I am just a tear that does not know where it came from.

I don't breathe, I don't have a heartbeat. Once I stop moving, my body will become cold. It's almost like a dead person. Do you really want to continue with me

I can't have children, I won't grow old and die, but you will grow old and die, and the relationship between the two of us will change from husband and wife to look like mother and son, and finally become grandparents.

I don't dislike you getting old, but other people don't think so. You are a prince. We can't live a secluded life in the mountains. I don't like that kind of isolated life. After a long time, other people will find out My strangeness, when the time comes, everyone will say that you married a monster, and all kinds of troubles will continue. Have you ever thought about this? "

"It turns out that you can still think about so many things in your mind. I have a curse in my body. I would never have children. It's not a good time for you and me to be together.

Chang'an, this king doesn't care what you are or what you will become. The most important thing is that this king likes you. It doesn't matter what other people say, but it's just a few words behind your back. We can neither hear nor listen to you. You don't need to know it, this king will see who dares to gossip in front of this king. "

"Don't you hate demons the most?"

"Yes, I do hate demons, but I like you. No matter what your status is, I will accept you. Chang'an, are you willing to go back with me?"

Ye Jingrong had doubted Mu Changan's identity long ago, and didn't bother with it much. The identity of the person he loves is not important to him. In the hands, you can also take it with your own ability, and you don't need to rely on another person's identity to ask for anything.

He is a person who has come from pain, and has learned to survive in the court since he was a child. What happened to Xueer is an untouchable scar in his heart, so he has always been closed, and no one can let him go. Feeling happy, no one can walk into his heart, he keeps a distance from everyone, including his mother.

On the surface, the two still look the same as before, but that gap has existed since the day Xueer died, pretending to forgive, but holding each other to heart.

Ye Jingrong never mentioned these emotions to anyone, but they were easily revealed in front of Mu Changan, perhaps because of her simplicity and purity.

In his eyes, Mu Changan is a completely different person from him, he is lifeless, while Mu Changan is full of vitality, every frown and smile has the ability to affect his emotions, making him involuntarily want to keep her by his side, and he is so tolerant to her that it is unbelievable To a certain extent, her appearance made him feel that this was God's kindness to him. Originally, he was destined to be alone all his life.

Mu Changan smiled brightly at Ye Jingrong, "I still have to think about it."

"What else do you want?"

"You should be cautious about important things in life. Once you enter the pit, you will not be able to get out. Of course, you must think clearly before entering."

Mu Changan said seriously.

Ye Jingrong didn't force Mu Changan either. Anyway, whether she wanted it or not, the result would be the same. If she wanted to, let her think about it. This time he must bring Mu Changan back. He made up his mind when he was still in the capital. His last princess, he had no favorite in the past, so it was all the same to him whoever he married as princess, it all depended on the imperial decree, now that he had a favorite, he would hold on tightly and never let go.