The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 102: I remembered?


Am I too happy

Young Denise was taken aback.

Jason's answer was so different from what she had imagined that she forgot what to say next.

After about a second or two, he stammered awkwardly and said:

"It's hot in your car..."


Jason opened the car window next to him, and the autumn wind at night blew straight in with a chill.

Denise's hair was blown flying.

At this moment, the girl's heart is as messy as her hair.

The person in front of me...

Are you sick

The girl commented like this, and prepared not to say a word to Jason for the rest of the journey.

However, unexpectedly, when Jason closed the window casually, he handed over the newspaper on the side.

What's the meaning

The girl took the newspaper for no apparent reason.

"Gone Cat"

She had read it, and it was well written, but it was rumored that the author was a Duan Geng Wang who often used the name of collecting folk songs, but in fact was a bad eater.

"House of Divination invites you to come"

She also knows this, and she has been to the House of Divination, a group of chattering guys, not to mention the expensive fees, there are not many accurate ones, at least, she wants to find someone she likes, and none of those guys can divination.

What was even more irritating was that after the divination, a few guys actually told her to be careful of bad luck.

Obviously, this is to cheat money!

She, Denise, is not fooled!

"Yesterday's circus performance was a disaster! "

Circus show

Already performed

How can I not remember

Shouldn't I have gone to the show and then missed the stagecoach ride

Doubt appeared in Denise's eyes.

Then, continue reading.

'Yesterday's circus was beautiful and grand enough. If the lion hadn't suddenly violently hurt people at the end, we would have given applause! But for now we can only mourn the heroic small town girl Denise...'




Denise was stunned in the chair as if struck by lightning.

At the same time, some memories that she didn't want to think of in her mind slowly appeared.

After saving three months of pocket money, she was going to watch a circus in Jiedanlun, and then bought back the trinkets she had wanted for a long time as a gift for the autumn harvest.

But because of the divination at the divination house, this gift of hers can only wait until winter.

However, fortunately, the circus was very good, and the little girl next to her even gave her a piece of malt candy.


The nightmare has come!

At the end of the circus, the lion, which was supposed to jump through the fire hoop, suddenly went berserk, opened its bloody maw, and rushed towards her.

She collapsed in fright.

The little girl next to her was even more frightened.

At that time, she didn't know what was wrong, but she pushed the little girl away.

Next, next...

"Am I dead?"

Denise raised her head, looked at Jason blankly, and asked in a hoarse voice.

Jason didn't answer, let alone express anything.

Just glanced at the newspaper.

In the illustration above, there is a corpse covered with a white cloth.

"turn out to be… "

"I'm dead."

Denise muttered to herself, her originally energetic face became gloomy, her breath quickly became cold, and her complete body became mutilated and dripping with blood.


"Why am I dying?"


Denise questioned Jason, who was close at hand, and her gloomy face quickly twisted, becoming ferocious and terrifying, and yearning and...disgust for life appeared in her eyes.

Especially when she looked at Jason, she felt a sense of bloody killing.



Jason raised his hand and slapped Denise on the face.

Denise was stunned.

I was beaten

I died and got beaten

I am the dead, he is the living, he should be afraid of me, how dare he hit me

Just when Denise was still doubting the life of the dead,

Jason twitched his hand just now, and twitched his backhand again.


This time it was even louder.

Moreover, the hand has not been put down.

Seeing Jason's palm about to fall again, Denise shouted:


Covering her cheeks with her hands, Denise looked in horror at the tall, strong man with an indifferent face. At this moment, she seemed to understand... why Jason said she was happy too early.

"Are you an exorcist?"

Denise asked anxiously.

In her mind, the biographical novels she had read had already begun to emerge.

Ordinary people will be scared out of their wits when they see the dead, and only the exorcist in biographical novels can ignore the fear of the dead.

And every exorcist is cold and ruthless.

For the dead, one will not be mercilessly let go.

But to Denise's relief, Jason shook his head.


"I am… "

"Night watchman."

Jason answered like this.

Immediately, Denise, who was relieved, became uneasy again.

Night watchman

It seems to be an existence that the dead care about more than the exorcist.

However, looking at the indifferent Jason, Denise didn't dare to ask.

Jason, on the other hand, remained silent again.

The atmosphere froze, making Denise more and more restless.

For the first time, she discovered that the dead seemed more useless than she had imagined.

She couldn't walk through walls, become invisible, move objects out of thin air, and even, without the slightest bit of special ability, was... beaten.

It was even worse than when she was alive.

At least, when she was alive, she didn't have to be beaten!

At most, it is staying up in bed in the morning, staying up at night, and being nagged by parents.

What is the use of such a life of the dead

Denise asked herself.

Naturally there is no answer.

She is already dead.

Though she insists on using hers, doesn't want to use it.

It is estimated that I am not used to it for a while.

As time goes by, it gets used to it.

Denise, who really couldn't hold back in the silence, opened her mouth carefully and asked.

"You discovered that I was a dead person from the very beginning?"

"Then, you are worried that I will cause an unexpected commotion."

"So you are going to take precautions in advance and let me get in the car?"

As Denise asked, she saw Jason looking at it with a strange look.

That look seems to be...


What do you pity me for

Even if you can hit me, I am still a dead man!

I also have the dignity of the dead!

Just when Denise was about to make a statement, Jason suddenly pulled out a machete with a broad blade and a short handle, and then took out a gun with a larger muzzle than he had ever seen before. Both are big.

But what scares Denise the most is...

Jason's eyes.

The kind of eyes that seem to be excited when a carnivore preys on it.


"I was wrong!"

"Please don't eat me!"

Denise was sitting upright, speaking very fast.

But Jason ignored Denise at all, just opened the car door and jumped down.

next moment,

The roar of the beast suddenly sounded!

During this roar, Denise was stunned for a moment, and more memories began to emerge—

She remembered!

Why is she standing there waiting for this carriage!

She seems to be a...
