The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 106: Meat, stewed and roasted


Why did Jason let Denise into the car

Of course, it was because of the 'food' smell on Denise's body.

As for why Denise stopped the car

Jason also knew it well.

After all, one of the 'food' breaths on the opponent's body came from his box.

Jason didn't know if these monsters caused the lion attack in the circus yesterday, or if it was all just an accident, but he knew that he... was hungry!




The "Winchester Brothers" spewed out pellets from their muzzles, and followed closely behind the carriage. The kind of figure Jason had seen in the bathroom before was short and thin, like a monkey, with a protruding mouth like a crocodile. The monster with a mouth full of sharp teeth was directly knocked into the air.

But more similar monsters swarmed in.

Through the car window, Denise saw such a scene, and it subconsciously covered its mouth.

It thought Jason was finished.


Immediately it widened its eyes.

Facing the monsters coming in like a tide, Jason pulled the trigger unhurriedly.

Immediately, the monsters were smashed to pieces by pieces of projectiles.

When all the bullets in the 'Winchester Brothers' were fired, the machete with its broad blade and short handle shone with its own cold light in the night.

There is no specific move.

It's hacking!

Although direct, it is extremely effective.

Each time, a monster fell to the ground.

And what about monsters

Every pounce will fail.

The perception is nearly two and a half times as high as that of ordinary people, which has already made Jason's vision and hearing reach a level that ordinary people cannot reach. With the "well-trained" special effects brought by the proficient level [hand-to-hand combat], in such a melee, Jason was like a prophet, when the monster pounced, he completed an effective dodge.

Even if you can't dodge completely, you will only get hit lightly.


Hands up and down!

One kill!

Five in a row, apart from causing several scratches to Jason, there was no threat at all.

Click, click.

Jason flicked the blood off the blade, took out the No. 13 rounds, and stuffed them into the magazine of the 'Winchester Brothers' one by one, while his eyes scanned the surroundings.

And, signal Peters to stay away

The coachman Peters stopped the carriage at the moment of the gunshot. He drew his dagger and wanted to help, but the moment he jumped off the carriage, he froze there.

Compared with Denise the Revenant, Peters could tell at a glance how powerful Jason's fighting power was.

Every chop is so simple, fast and clear.

Every slash is a fatal blow.

In exchange for the greatest damage at the least cost...


Not at the least cost, but completely disregarding oneself, just want to kill the enemy!

Gryphon camp

Sensing Jason's unique 'death' breath, Peters was a little puzzled.

The Jason in front of him doesn't look like he came out of the Griffin Camp, but rather...

Bear Tower!

Those mad bears from the bear tower are keen on this kind of battle. Because of this, they are daunting, and because of this, they are the first to fall.

Seeing Jason's gesture, out of respect for a warrior, Peters didn't take a step forward, but just guarded around the carriage.

The night wind howled.

Jason stood there like a statue with the 'Winchester Brothers' in one hand and a machete in the other.

Denise in the carriage covered her mouth nervously, not daring to breathe.

It really wanted to remind Jason that these monsters had a leader.

It was 'slaved' by the opponent to deal with Jason before.

But it was worried that Jason would be distracted by making a sound.

Then, it could only silently pray for Jason.


The autumn wind is getting stronger and stronger.

The withered leaves are rolled up.

Spin around.

Go around in circles.

Either passed by Jason, or directly surrounded Jason, or blown around.

With the tip of the knife down, Jason listened.

Peters, the coachman, gripped his dagger tightly.

He felt uneasy.

It seems that something is approaching.

But I can't see it.

It can only be vaguely perceived.

This made Peters feel nervous for a long time.



A secret word that has never been heard before, like a muffled thunder.

ah ah!

With a miserable cry, a phantom appeared from the flying leaves.

It was a cat-shaped monster with short limbs and a lizard-like monster with sliding membranes on both sides of its body connecting its front and rear legs. It flew out of the body and disappeared.

And this monster was twitching slightly, ready to turn over and run away.

Jason raised his hand with a knife.


The broad-bladed short-handled machete directly chopped at the position of the opponent's head, finishing the opponent straight away.

Then, Jason supported his tired body and began to clean the battlefield.

There are a total of seven monsters that I have seen in the bathroom before, and the number of monsters in the box is eight.

There is also a monster with a strange appearance. Judging from the friction between the blade and the opponent's neck, the meat is firm and the taste should be excellent.

Saliva is uncontrollably secreted in the mouth.

Jason's tired body made him feel hungry even more.

"Fire, pan, grill."

Jason said.

Hurry up

Of course we have to catch up.

However, eating can not be delayed.

Especially this kind of food harvested by relying on oneself will be full of joy, making the next journey even happier.

So why not have a meal first

Peters put away his dagger, drove the carriage to the side of the road, took down the charcoal brazier, iron pot, and barbecue grill, and skillfully lit up the fire and set up the pot.

At this time, Jason had already cleaned and changed the eight thin monsters, cut them into pieces and threw them into the boiling pot.

There is no shortage of onion, ginger, garlic, and peppercorns in the pot.

There are also potatoes and radishes.

The thick soup is rolling, and the bright red and white potatoes and radishes are rolling with it.

The bright color raised Jason's appetite again.

But he is still patient, because on the grill, the monster behind is being pierced on the iron rod, rolling back and forth, sprinkled with salt and cumin from time to time, and a small bowl of fat is in Jason's hands, Every few minutes, he brushes the roast.

When the scent of charcoal mixed with oil filled the surroundings, Jason, who couldn't bear it anymore, began to feast on it.

The meat in the iron pot is soaked in soup and soft.

The meat on the iron skewer, wiped with grease, is crispy.

Between soft and crisp, the taste of the meat is released to the greatest extent.

[Swallow Kababa Beast X8!]

[Physical strength and energy are greatly restored!]

[Saturation +8]

[Saturation: 9]

[Swallow Rondo (cub)]

[Medium recovery of physical strength and energy!]

[Saturation +3]

[Saturation: 12]

Injuries, physical strength and energy quickly recovered.

With only 1 point of satiety remaining, it has returned to double digits again.

This made Jason's mood improve quickly.

Denise seemed to have noticed this, and quietly moved over.

"That's it?"

Some couldn't believe it, the undead girl asked.

It was not like this in its memory, that lizard-like monster was very fierce, it didn't even dare to make unnecessary movements when facing the opponent, not to mention resisting.

"We are different."

Jason nodded and answered.

Denise froze.

Then, it quickly shook its head.

It's not that it doesn't recognize this.

It's just about calming yourself down and not forgetting what you wanted to ask in the first place.



"I mean you eat monsters!"

Denise stared at Jason with wide eyes.

Under such gaze, Jason smiled.

He said word for word:

"This is… "


Then, Jason looked at his coachman.

The latter was also looking at Jason.

After the two stared at each other, the coachman suddenly said—
