The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 118: Horse riding


In the early morning, Jason, who stayed up all night and read all night, put down the book when Gerald knocked on the door.

"Morning, Jason."

"Where's Denise?"

"Didn't you open that little door?"

As soon as he entered the room, Gerald looked left and right. After not seeing Denise, the manager of Hans Harbor looked at his cousin with deep doubts on his face.

He thought Jason should have just come back from Denise's room.

Unfortunately, his upbringing made it impossible for him to open the bedroom door to check.

As for the open book in the study

cover up!

He used to do it a lot.


He didn't see the expected scene, and didn't weaken Gerald's enthusiasm at all. He stopped Jason's shoulder and walked downstairs.

"where are we going?"

"Have breakfast?"

Jason asked.

He could already smell milk, bacon, vegetables.

"of course not!"

Gerald walked out of the main building with his arms around Jason's shoulders.

The waiters along the way saw the two retreat to both sides one after another, and bowed to salute.

Envy and jealousy flickered again in the eyes of those relatives who got up early.

But no one dared to show anything in front of Gerrard.

Then, bypassing several flower beds, Gerald led Jason to a wide field.

Looking at the rows of stables in the distance and the knights who had already started galloping, Jason instantly understood what Gerald wanted to do.

Learn to ride a horse!

In fact, Jason had no objection to the study.

The era of Lord and Hans Harbor is doomed to the importance of learning how to ride a horse.

Immediately, Jason adjusted his mentality.

Looking at his cousin who was surprised and eager to try, Gerald smiled.

How can a man not like riding a horse

Having a horse is one of the most important parts of a boy's transformation into a man.

No horse means that the man has grown to a certain level and then made a life choice.

And Jason will learn from the basics.

"Go get S1-003's horse."

After Gerald gave instructions to the person in charge of the racecourse, he turned his head and continued to say to Jason: "The most important thing about riding a horse is the strength of the waist and abdomen!"

"Then, you have to approach your horse from the left front, you have to make sure it can see you, and you have to be gentle and don't scare it."

"For stirrups, just put the front half of your foot in it."

"The reins are what you need to hold on to."

Gerald explained to Jason in detail.

Jason listened carefully.

Jason, who knows the importance of learning, didn't make any perfunctory.

But when the person in charge of the racecourse led a muscular white horse close to Jason, Jason, who hadn't had breakfast yet, subconsciously thought, "Is horse meat delicious?"

Xi law!

As if encountering the greatest natural enemy, the docile white horse stopped instantly, saying nothing and never approaching Jason again.

The person in charge of the racecourse pulled the reins vigorously, but it was useless at all. Instead, it made the horse back again and again.

Gerald watched this scene in amazement.

Then, smile.

"As expected of my cousin."

"An ordinary horse cannot be your mount at all."

"Go and bring the 'War Horse'."

Gerald said to the person in charge of the racecourse.

"Yes, my lord."

After responding, the person in charge of the racecourse quickly brought the white horse back.

Then, head towards the independent stables on the other side.

"Jason, have you ever studied secret arts?"

In this emptiness, Gerald asked suddenly.

Obviously, the person in charge of Hans Harbor saw what happened just now and misunderstood something.

"Have learned."

Jason said frankly.

Such facts need not be concealed.

Because, Jason knew very well that in the days to come, he would show the power of the mysterious side.

When the main task changed from [before the 26th, arrive at the 'Hans' harbor and attend the wedding] to [attend the wedding postponed by one week] at sunrise today, Jason knew that in the next week, he would meet for what.

The scene last night was quite obvious.

The seemingly calm Hans Harbor is actually undercurrents.

There are too many forces staring at this place.

And as Gerrard's cousin

Naturally, he was also targeted.

Want to stay out of it

Unless you give up the main task.

But this is impossible.

Jason would never face that unknown punishment.

Therefore, he will cooperate with Gerrard as much as possible.

Only in this way will there be more chances of winning.

After hearing the expected answer, Gerald frowned slightly.

"Ever studied?"

"This is a little troublesome."

Gerald frowned.

According to Gerald's thinking, his cousin must of course be the same as himself, starting from the most basic griffin swordsmanship, griffin shooting, and griffin fighting skills, and then learning griffin body training, and learning Charles Burning, Blair's expulsion, etc., and finally the learning ritual to summon the griffin.

However, when Jason had already learned other secrets, this idea was undoubtedly broken.

At the very least, the learning of the Griffin Body Forging Technique needs to be cautious.

And if the griffin body forging technique cannot be learned, it is naturally impossible to learn the ritual summoning griffin.

However, Gerald immediately frowned.

He didn't want Jason to deduce anything bad from his expression.

His cousin has suffered too much.

These should not be tolerated anymore.

"I know that secret techniques conflict."

Seeing how Gerald frowned and was about to relax, so that the corners of his eyes were twitching, Jason said with a smile.

"you know?"

"It seems that you know more about the mysterious side than I do."

"But don't worry, I'm here."

Looking at his cousin's indifferent smile, Gerald felt inexplicably distressed.

What kind of hardships did you endure to have this kind of open-mindedness

Therefore, the person in charge of Hans Harbor made a decision at the next moment:

"Even if there is a conflict between 'Griffin', there is always one of the 'Cat Cave', 'Bear Tower', 'Wolf Fort', 'Snake Cave', 'Eagle Cliff' and 'Tiger Mountain' that does not conflict!"

"What if none of these things work?"

"Then find a single powerful non-conflicting secret technique!"

"Collect a set for Jason!"

Thinking of this, the manager of Hans Harbor also laughed.

As for what to do

Known as the "Pearl" of the Federation, Hans Seaport has a characteristic that all federal lords and new nobles cannot ignore and envy: rich!

Ports that control shipping.

A steady stream of spices and sugar, like gold, was continuously imported into Hans Harbor.

As long as things can be solved with money, they are not things.

If money can't solve it

Gerald looked at the black war horse brought by the person in charge of the racecourse, and walked over with a smile.

The tall war horse glared at Gerald defiantly.

Even being pulled by the reins, he wanted to bite Gerald.

Gerald signaled the person in charge of the racecourse to let go of the reins, and then said to Jason:

"War horses are different from ordinary horses."

"You have to have special taming skills."

The voice falls—


Gerald knocked the black steed to the ground with a single blow.

Tell me, the last book owes more~

Just now, Feilong completed all the additions of the leaders, and the next thing is the owed updates of the last book... Ahem, Feilong often goes out to gather folk songs, so it is understandable that he owes some updates, right

Feilong saved a bit, and the last book probably owed about 30 chapters!

Well, that's chapter 30!

However, they are all big chapters, basically one chapter equals the current two chapters, so, that is to say, Fat Dragon owes 60 chapters.

This fat dragon won't let it down.

Feilong is going to pay back the debt slowly under the premise of guaranteeing the minimum two shifts.

The debt is repaid at a rate of 1 to 3 chapters per day.

Let's try not to delay until the new year~

Please also support Feilong a lot~