The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 119: Gryphon shooting?


Do you understand again

Do you understand again

Can you tell me what you know? What do you understand

Jason looked at Peters who looked like I understand you, and shook his head slightly, not intending to get entangled with the other party on this issue.

"Have breakfast?"

Jason asked.


"The security measures here are horrendous."

"I must leave as soon as possible."

After Peters finished speaking, he was about to leave.

However, before leaving, the 'Cat Cave' swordsman turned around suddenly and said solemnly to Jason:

"No matter what happens, I will be by your side."

"I'm temporarily staying at the 'Octopus Tavern' at the port."

"If you need anything, you can find me there."

After the words fell, Peters just took a few vertical leaps, as light as a cat, and disappeared from Jason's sight.

Then, Jason didn't take a step immediately, but turned his head to look behind him.

At some point, Gerald stood there with a smile on his face.

"A very nice friend."

"He appeared here shortly after you fell asleep."

"But it didn't bother you, and guarded the surroundings for you."

Gerald said.

"Do you know Peters?"

Jason asked.

"I don't know, but I know."

"The heir to 'Cat Hole'."

"He has some inheritance secrets that some guys are quite concerned about. He was besieged by people before, but they all escaped. The secrets of the 'cat cave' are destined to be good at these."

"As for more, it's his job as your coachman."

Gerrard didn't hide anything, and said in detail.

"How often will you be there?"

Jason asked.

It was after Peters left that he noticed Gerald's breath behind him.

However, Jason was sure that Gerrard had definitely not just arrived.

"When he showed up."

Gerald laughed.

"Breakfast together?"

Jason invited.


Gerald nodded.

Under the rising sun, Jason and Gerald walked on the beach side by side.

When returning to the lodge from the side of the reef, breakfast is already prepared by the efforts of several chefs.

Sausages and bread piled up on the table like hills.

Clam chowder cooked in a large pot, served in small bowls.

There are five pots of salad made of small tomatoes, lettuce, and corn, and each pot requires two people to lift.

Milk is packed in barrels, and there are three barrels in total for beer.

On the other side near the seat, there is a whole piece of cheese, covering that corner.

Obviously, after learning about Jason's food intake last night, these chefs have changed the breakfast for three people into breakfast for thirty people.

Denise was already sitting at the table.

But the sleepy-eyed Denise, as if she was sleepwalking, staggered and ate bread.

"Morning, Jason~"

"Morning, Gerald."

Seeing Jason and Gerald walking in, Denise greeted them vaguely.

Jason glanced at the book Denise was laying on his lap. Although he couldn't read the title of the book, he was certain that it must be a novel, and Denise looked like she had stayed up all night reading novels.

Jason saw it.

Gerald naturally saw it too.

"Denise, go to bed early from now on."

Gerald, who took the initiative to bring in the elders, told Denise.

"I want to go to bed early too!"

"I just told myself that I would fall asleep after reading one more page! I would fall asleep after reading one more page! But after reading it, the sky will dawn!"

Denise looked helpless.

"You can try reading during the day."

"Go to bed early at night."

Gerald gives sound advice.


Denise nodded.

After that, I ate three more sausages, two breads, a bowl of salad, drank two glasses of milk, and returned to my room with a bowl of clam chowder to catch up on sleep.

Jason was waving his hands, moving left and right.

The previous dream made his appetite even better.

Gerald was holding the milk and the bread, watching Jason eat with a smile.

Every time he saw Jason eating, he always felt his appetite whetted.

However, he now needs a little sleep more than eating.

Not resting for too long, even Gerrard, who is physically strong, felt sleepy.

However, he would never show it in front of Jason.

After a simple breakfast, Jason followed Gerald and returned to the beach.

On the beach at this moment, Little Lide was already standing there holding a long sword and a flintlock gun.

"Master Jason, good morning."

Lide greeted Jason.


Jason responded.

Then, after putting down the weapon in his hand, Lide left in a hurry.

It's not about avoiding suspicion.

In fact, Xiao Lide had systematically studied the secret arts of the Griffin school.

Also by Professor Gerald.

He left at this moment just because he had to deal with more things.

what happened yesterday...

But it's far from over.

After Little Leed left, Gerald began to teach Jason.

"The characteristic of the Griffin school is that it is both dexterous and ferocious."

"Whether it's swordsmanship, fighting or shooting, it's the same."

"Among them, the shooting technique just appeared with the advent of the flintlock gun. It is not perfect, but it is also the best to learn and the fastest to get started. We will start with the simplest one."

As he spoke, Gerrard placed a stone at a position of about 30 meters, and picked up a powder flintlock.

Then Gerald made a sharp leap backwards.


In mid-air, the flintlock went off.

In the flames, stones 30 meters away flew into the sky.

But it doesn't end there.

When Jason focused all his attention on the flintlock, a bomb with a ignited fuse fell there at some point.


The beach where the stone was located was blasted into a big hole.

"Very stealthy throwing technique."

"Very dexterous, too."

"Barely made a sound."

"No, it was the sound of the gun that covered the sound."

Looking at the big hole, Jason had a deeper understanding of the equal emphasis on 'dexterity and ferocity' that Gerrard said.

"Back jumping is not the only option."

"You can also step back or roll backwards."

"The most important thing is that the bomb you throw has to be well timed and thrown with skill."

As he spoke, Gerald raised his left hand and pointed to the wrist joint of his left hand with his right hand.

"Remember, the wrist will be the focus!"

"Be careful not to raise your forearm, which will cause the enemy's alert. You have to use your shoulder to drive the forearm and then drive the forearm, and do an inner rotation to throw the bomb!"

"If you can't grasp the range at the beginning, then use the back roll to cover up this throw."

Gerald began to explain the main points.

Jason listened intently.

Then, it's time to get into training.

Holding a long-barreled flintlock, he rolled over and over again, throwing bombs over and over again.

Shooting is not difficult for Jason who has a proficiency level [Gunpowder Weapon. Light Weapon].

Even with the addition of various actions.

The difficult part is the throw afterward.

Every throw is either not concealed enough, or it deviates from the target.

And this became the focus of Jason's practice in the next few hours

The sun rose from the east to the center of the sky, and then slowly set to the west.

Jason, who relies on the 'holy water' to replenish his strength, has practiced hundreds of times.

The progress is naturally obvious!

At this time, Jason was able to shoot, skillfully connect and roll, and throw more accurately.

This represents that he has mastered the basics of 'Griffin Shooting'.

Not an illusion of ego.

Instead, it has an accurate display of text.

[Master Griffin Shooting (Basic)!]