The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 12: continuous


Jason, who is not an idiot, guessed something the moment he saw the '+' sign.

Immediately, he turned his attention to the two skills of [Gunpowder Weapon. Light Weapon (Basic)] and [Unarmed Combat (Basic)].

The description of the skills and Jason's guess, appeared immediately—

[Gunpowder weapons. Light weapons (basic): You know how to use pistols, submachine guns, rifles and other light gunpowder weapons, but you are not a sharpshooter, so don't expect the gun in your hand to do anything unbelievable.]

[If you have 1 satiety, do you want to increase gunpowder weapons and light weapons?]

[Unarmed combat (basic): The body itself is a powerful weapon. After you have basic training, you have certain skills. Although it is just an ordinary skill, it distinguishes you from ordinary people.]

[Have 1 satiety degree, whether to improve unarmed combat?]

"Can you directly increase the skill level I have mastered?"

With such a guess, Jason chose to upgrade [Gunpowder Weapon. Light Weapon (Basic)] without hesitation.

If [Saturation] is sufficient, Jason doesn't mind improving two skills at the same time, but on the premise that only one can be improved, Jason prefers [Gunpowder Weapon. Light Weapon].

Without him, at this stage, firearms are more powerful.

When Jason made a choice, immediately, a flood of knowledge appeared in his mind.

This knowledge includes more aiming and shooting skills. They seem to be acquired by Jason after a lot of hard work. It makes Jason feel that he does not need to aim, but only needs to feel, and he can hit about 10 meters with a single shot. target, but more importantly, Jason found that he was becoming more and more 'smart'.

It's not an illusion.

But real!

[Gunpowder weapons. Light weapons (introductory): Not only do you know how to use pistols, submachine guns, rifles and other light gunpowder weapons, but you gradually understand their characteristics, effect: Perception +0.1]

"After the skill is upgraded to the entry level, not only can the mastery of the skill be deeper, but also the attribute can be improved?"

After Jason confirmed this, he narrowed his eyes.

He seems to have found the key to breaking the game.

Not only in front of the eyes, but also outside the 'notes'.

At this moment, with his injuries healed and his 'shooting' skills improved, his odds of winning against the three attackers armed with weapons increased by at least 20%!

Moreover, this is not the final situation!

He can still continue to improve himself.

if only…

Enough 'food'!

Jason glanced at the iron pot, full of anticipation.

Then, he didn't act impatiently, but picked up the iron pot and drank the soup in it bit by bit, while waiting patiently for Bondi.

The soup didn't bring Jason fullness, but it was delicious enough.

"It would be great if there is a steamed bun or a piece of bread to wipe the pan."

Looking at the oil flowers on the inner wall of the iron pot, Jason put it aside with a little pity. He had already heard the footsteps of the sheriff.

next second.

Boom, boom, boom.

"It's me, Bundy."

Amid the knock on the door, the sheriff said.

"Please come in."

As soon as Jason's voice fell, the other party who was holding three brown paper bags couldn't wait to push open the door.

"They're more direct than my descriptions."

Speaking of these words, the other party handed three brown paper bags to Jason.

The kraft paper bag is not heavy, and the date is written on the cover.

August 5th, August 8th, August 11th.

Jason picked up the one with the earliest date.

When he opened the kraft paper bag, took out the papers inside, and saw the top one, he frowned.

It's a painting that's good enough to call a masterful one.

It's just the content, which is really uncomfortable.

The two calves are in the center of the drawing, with no part above the knee, and the original trouser legs hang down on the feet, covering up the shoes.

Even though it was black and white, Jason still had the illusion of seeing bloody images.

The draft after this draft depicts all of this from multiple angles, including individual trouser legs, shoes, and the surrounding streets, making Jason more clear about the bloody picture.

After a dozen or so, Jason began to open the second brown paper bag.

Compared with the painting inside the first kraft paper bag, this one is even more uncomfortable.


Inside is a puddle of minced meat.

That's right, it's minced meat, like dumpling stuffing.

There is nothing else.

However, the artist still dutifully depicted this pile of dumpling fillings from all angles.

The third kraft paper bag medium picture still maintains the strong two uncomfortable styles.

a head.

This head is very complete, not broken, but only half of the face is left, and the remaining half of the face is completely melted, revealing the white bones.

The remaining half of his face was full of despair and fear.

Jason looked at him, and his back couldn't help but feel a chill.

Then he restrained himself, not letting himself show any strangeness, and looked up at Bundy.

"anything else?"

Jason asked.

There are only drawings in these kraft paper bags, no written descriptions, let alone records.

Obviously, this should follow certain rules.

Of course, it is also possible that they are managed separately, and he, an 'outsider', cannot view those.

If it was a real 'Night Watchman', he should have a deep understanding of this, but as a 'fake', he could only get away with vague words.

Fortunately, Bundy didn't have any doubts.

After Jason's voice asked, the sheriff immediately spoke.

"The first thing that happened was Punk. He was supposed to return here before dawn to take over the shift, but he didn't come back until after sunrise, and was finally discovered by our people in an alley."

"Then there's Kurtz, who, like Punk, didn't turn in on time, and then...we identified him through the police badge in the shredded meat."

"In the end, it was Jofer. The continuous attacks on police officers made us more vigilant, but the result was no different. Jofer died and his partner Tal also disappeared."

"We tried our best to find Tal, but for three days, there was no clue."

When Bundy was talking, his face was full of sadness and his eyes were downcast.

Jason looked at those kraft paper bags and drawings with a frown, and a question couldn't help but arise in his mind: Is there one or more monsters that caused such a tragedy

If there were multiple monsters, then the situation here would be even worse than he had guessed at first. He would have to face multiple monsters lurking in the dark, and the danger would skyrocket.

And what if a monster

The situation is not getting better, on the contrary, it is getting worse.

Look at the sketches depicting the scene. If it was really done by a monster, then the other party was far more cruel than he imagined, because this has long gone beyond the scope of 'hunting and predation'.

The other party regarded this as a 'game'.

Moreover, the other party is cunning enough!

A cruel and cunning monster is not so easy to deal with.

Of course, it was these or this monster that caught Jason's attention the most. Why did he specifically attack the police

Is there any connection between them

To confirm, Jason asked.

"Are there any other victims?"

"Anyone other than the police."


Bundy answered in the affirmative.


Jason nodded ponderingly, and then, just as Jason was about to continue asking, there was a sound of running quickly in the corridor, and the door of his room was pushed open without knocking, a young policeman The staff hurried in.

"Sir, Tal has been found."

"he… "