The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 21: News (seeking collection~seeking recommendation~)


It has long been Jason's instinct to be wary of strangers.

Just like eating and drinking water.

However, the person outside the door was different.

Just when Jason raised the shotgun and pointed the muzzle at the door, the whole body froze.

The naturally keen sixth sense told this man that if he dared to open the door directly, something bad would definitely happen.

The one who followed his heart immediately changed tactics.

He stood up straight, raised his hand and knocked on the door—

Boom, boom, boom.

"Hello, is Your Excellency Jason here?"

"I'm Tanier, a teacher from the Deer Academy."

After knocking on the door, Tanier immediately introduced himself, and told his background very simply.

Deer Academy

Jason, who didn't have any memory inheritance, didn't know where it was. However, the name of this college made him quite fond of it, definitely... not because the venison was delicious.

The muzzle was still not put down, Jason said:

"Come in."

The door opened, and a tall, thin, red-haired young man was standing there with a top hat and a cane in his hand.

However, what should have been a sunny and friendly smile was full of stiffness.

Tanier saw a large-caliber shotgun pointed at him—he didn't know much about firearms, and he didn't recognize the shotgun that appeared recently.

Without any hesitation, Tanier raised his hands high.

"Your Excellency 'Night Watch', trust me."

"I mean no harm."

"I'm just here to close some deals."

Tanier said so.


Jason raised his eyebrows, doubts appearing in his eyes.

He confirmed that he did not know each other.

How to face a stranger who wants to make a deal with him

Jason raised the shotgun in his hand and pointed the shotgun at the opponent's head.

Immediately, Tanier's sweat came down.

He'd heard that the 'Night Watch' were not easy to deal with, but he'd always believed that to be hearsay.

But now

He deeply understood the truth of the rumors.

"I heard that you hunted some 'jockers' and a 'submariner', and I wish to purchase the claws of the former and the tentacles of the latter."

Tanier spoke faster and spoke truthfully.


Jason answered very simply.

The 'Laugher' had already eaten, and his paws were gnawed like chicken feet.

After the 'Submariner' is cooked, it enters the stomach directly, not to mention the tentacles, not even the skin.

At the same time, until this time, Jason once again remembered that he had to make some dried meat as a backup plan.

"Damn it!"

"Why did I forget again?"

"It must be when I can improve [Protection from Evil], I'm so excited."

"next time!"

"Next time I will definitely remember!"

Jason urged himself.

Then, he looked again at Tanier, who claimed to be a teacher of the Deer Academy.

Obviously, this so-called Deer Academy should be linked with the 'mystery side'.

Moreover, there is a considerable intelligence network in Lord City, otherwise, the other party would not be able to know his identity, the monster he was hunting, and the other party appeared in the dormitory of the police station openly

A college that cooperates with Lord City officials and is involved in the 'mysterious side'

Also, the 'mystery side' has a practice of face-to-face deals.

At least in Lord City, this is the norm.

Coupled with his status as a consultant.

Explain that the official of Lord City does not exclude the 'mysterious side'.

According to the other party's performance, Jason thought silently.

And Tanier became more and more frightened under Jason's scrutiny.

At this time, Tanier had already begun to regret coming to the door so rashly.

Just when Tanier was about to find an excuse to leave in a hurry, Jason suddenly spoke.

"Do you want the scales of the tungsten hound and the hair of Kemetia?"

"The former is intact, and the latter is somewhat charred."

Jason pointed to a corner of the kitchen.

The delicious food makes Jason happy, but Jason doesn't eat everything.

At least scales, hair, etc., Jason refused.

Following the direction of Jason's finger, Tanier immediately saw the scales of the tungsten hound and Kemetia's hair in the kitchen trash can.

"Complete scales!"

"The hair is a bit burnt and most of the curls are unusable, but some of the rest are still usable!"

After careful identification, Tanier came to a conclusion.

However, there is something odd about how the two items are stored.

Why put it in the trash

To cover up

Tanier guessed.

"What do you need?"

Tanier, who was guessing in his heart, did not pause, and asked more humbly.

Being able to hunt a tungsten hound is nothing, but keeping the scales of a tungsten hound intact is something, let alone Kemetia.

That kind of monster that looks like a baboon is one of the closest monsters to a monster.

No direct quotation, but ask what is needed

Is it 'barter'

Jason guessed from the bottom of his heart, then asked back.

"what do you have?"

Without knowing the market, he couldn't say what he wanted at all.

Though he really wanted to just say get me some monster meat or something.

But the cautiousness in his nature made him choose to find out the market first before talking.

"I have a potion that can quickly sober a drunk."

"There is also a potion that can make people excited and stay up all night."

"There is also a medicine that can treat the wound so that the wound will not be infected."

"You can choose different ones and make up two."

"Or two of each."

Facing Jason's inquiry, Tanier introduced him familiarly.

Sure enough, barter!

Jason, who confirmed this, shook his head slightly.

"not enough!"

He said so.

Although he doesn't know the market, he knows that the bidders in any transaction will leave room.

This is, nature.

But the facts proved that Jason was right.

Faced with Jason's words, Tanier subconsciously wanted to refute, but when he looked at the gun in Jason's hand, he immediately showed a slightly stiff smile.

"There is only one potion for treating wounds!"

"You can choose any two of the remaining two potions."

"If Kemetia's hair is normal, not burnt and curled up, you can get more in exchange, but this is the limit right now."

"If you don't believe me, you can ask about any of Lord's 'mysterious gatherings'. No one will charge a higher price than me."

Tenniel tried to keep a smile on his face as he spoke.

But no matter how you look at it, it seems like you are about to cry.

Mystery Gathering!

Jason's attention was attracted by this word.

There is no doubt that the same people will always form one circle after another, each small circle has its own rules, and it is not easy to enter a small circle.

However, there is a good candidate in front of us.

Jason looked at Tanier, and when the latter's heart trembled, he said slowly:

"I just came to Lord, and I'm not familiar with the parties here."

"I can be your referral."

Tanier said immediately.

Then, Tennier put down three potions, and got the desired scales and hair.

At the same time, footsteps sounded again in the corridor.

This time it was an acquaintance: Bundy.

A second after Jason heard footsteps, Tanier heard it too.

The self-proclaimed Deer Academy teacher stood up and said goodbye.

"There's a rally tomorrow, and I'll be here to pick you up when it gets dark."

Tanier said this when leaving.

When the other party opened the door, Bundy had already arrived at the door.

Looking at Tanier, Bundy frowned, but didn't say much, while the former bowed slightly.

Then, under Bondi's watchful eye, he left the third floor.

After confirming that the other party had gone downstairs, Bondi closed the door and walked into the room.

Sitting opposite Jason, the sheriff said straight away:

"One piece of good news, one piece of bad news."

"Which do you want to hear?"