The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 28: The Voice of Wailing (Please recommend~Please collect~)


Pushing the door open was a middle-aged man in uniform, with a strong body, a beard, sharp eyes, and a small scar near the brow bone, which was very conspicuous in the afternoon sun.

Hall, Bundy's most capable deputy.

After Bundy took most of the people to investigate the whereabouts of the 'monsters', the other party was in charge here.

"Master Jason?"

Looking at Jason in the room, Hall was very surprised. The detective obviously didn't expect to see Jason here.

"Good afternoon, Detective Hall."

"Are you looking for Finch?"

"He helped me deliver a message. If there is anything, I can help."

When he was in the clock tower, Jason had met the other party. Although he was not as familiar with Finch, he also remembered the other party's name during the introduction of the chat with Bundy. Similarly, Jason also guessed the other party's intention.

This is not difficult. After Bundy took most of the people away, the other party came to find Finch who was supposed to be on vacation. It could only be that something happened and there was a shortage of manpower.

The fact was just as Jason expected, Hall hesitated for a moment, but then he remembered that the 'Night Watchman' had the title of 'Special Advisor', and said simply:

"There has been a kidnapping."

"The case is a little... strange."

After considering his words, the detective described it like this.

Being able to become a police detective already shows that the other party has rich experience. Under normal circumstances, even if the case is complicated, it is only difficult to solve it, and it will never be 'strange'.

Therefore, this aroused Jason's curiosity.


Jason emphasizes the word

"Yes, strange."

Hall nodded, and then said:

"Let's talk as we go, if we can."

"The crime took place on the outskirts of the city, not close to here, and you need to come back at night."

After speaking, the detective looked at Jason expectantly.


Jason replied with a smile.

Although he was hired as a special adviser, he was still in charge of night patrols.

Now that he's paid, he won't shirk it.

After all, this is also an alternative agreement.

At the door, an obviously expensive carriage parked there

The coachman was standing in front of the carriage. When he saw Jason and Hall coming out, he immediately turned and opened the door, then stood aside quietly.

"Mr. Detective, please."

When Jason and Hall approached, the coachman bowed politely and gracefully.

Although there was nothing wrong with the whole process, Jason could tell that the driver in front of him was a little nervous, as if he was always worried about being rude or doing something wrong.

Compared with the expensive carriage behind the other party, this is obviously a bit incongruous.

But Jason wisely kept silent.

He didn't forget that he was just a consultant, and Hall was really in charge.

Hall nodded politely at the coachman and stepped into the carriage. Jason did the same. After nodding, he followed behind and boarded the carriage.

After the two got into the car, the driver closed the door, and after confirming that both of them were seated, he immediately returned to his seat and shook his whip.


With a crisp sound, the carriage started slowly. Two or three minutes later, the carriage began to accelerate, and the street scenes on both sides retreated rapidly, but there was no jolt in the carriage.

The driver's excellent driving skills are commendable.

Of course, it was also because the carriage was good enough.

Jason didn't have much research on the carriage, but at the first glance before, he could see that this large carriage pulled by two horses was so extraordinary, no need to describe it in detail, it was just an intuitive influence, just like how ordinary people see it. It feels the same to gold and precious stones.

And sat in the carriage

Feeling the softness of the seat and cushions, Jason raised his hand and put it on the armrest. He could recognize the valuable agate and turquoise decorations on the armrest at his hand. With a movement of his nose, he could smell the The dark compartment smells of ice cubes, food and drink.

"Move the refrigerator?"

"What a luxury."

Although he doesn't know much about carriages, Jason knows how extravagant it is to install a mobile refrigerator in this carriage, because at least there needs to be an ice storage cellar in winter, and he wants to dig out and maintain such a cellar. The cellar, ordinary people don't even have to think about it.

Must be noble.

Or a wealthy businessman.

Involuntarily, Jason began to guess the identity of the owner of the carriage.

Then, he looked at Hall.

He didn't forget what Hall said was strange before.

The detective immediately sat up straight and began to introduce.

"The kidnapped person is His Excellency Frieden. He is Lord's leading wealthy businessman. He owns carriage shops, coal mines, and textile workshops under his name."

"Before the fire, Mr. Frieden would have attended any charity banquet of every Lord Mayor, but after the fire, this Mr. Frieden has become a solitary person."

"He moved out of the urban area and came to live in a manor in the suburbs. Moreover, he dismissed most of the servants, leaving only a few cooks and handymen."

There was regret on Hall's face. It was obvious that this wealthy businessman had a good reputation.


Jason repeated the words he was interested in.


"In an accident, after a dinner party, the drunken Lord Friedan knocked over the candle, and the overturned candle set the whole house on fire, including Lord Friedan's valet, butler and housekeeper Unfortunately, he was killed in that fire, and although the Lord Frieden was rescued, his appearance was also ruined."

Hall sighed, with more and more regret on his face, and even shook his head involuntarily.

"Is this Lord Frieden the one who was kidnapped?"

Jason continued to ask.


"The kidnapped person is Lord Frieden, but the strange thing is that the kidnapper left a letter saying that he kidnapped Lord Freighton, but apart from these, there was no information left on that letter. blackmail demands."

Hall nodded, and then explained in a more precise tone:

"Whether it's extortion of property, or some excessive demands, there is nothing!"

"It seems that they came here purely to kidnap people."

"But the existence of that letter makes it impossible to talk about kidnapping, because it needs to be kept secret."

"If it's for the sake of showing off and provoking, it doesn't make sense to take away a rich man who lives alone and has little protection power."

The detective made his point.

Jason didn't express his opinions casually, but just listened patiently and focused.

Because, he knew very well that the police detective in front of him was far more professional and experienced than him.

But the next moment—


The horrible howl interrupted the two of them. Jason and Hall couldn't help but look in the direction of the scream. Suddenly, their pupils shrank.