The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 41: malicious


The solid wood butt hit Bundy hard on the cheek.

The gloomy smile was instantly distorted.

Bundy fell to the ground, and then, the muzzle of the lever-action shotgun hit Bundy's forehead. Jason looked down at Bundy.

"Hey hey hey!"

Not only was Bundy free from fear, but he let out a sinister laugh.

But immediately, the laughter stopped abruptly—


In the deep Tufu language, when the special position covered his whole body, Jason raised his leg and kicked Bundy.

Suddenly, Bundy twitched and curled up.

A howling sound sounded from Bundy, and quickly disappeared.

After about two or three seconds, Bundy shook his head, trying to get up from the ground.

But tried several times to no avail.

He wanted to seek Jason's help, but when he looked up, he saw the black muzzle of the gun.

"F, what happened?"

"I was, what strange thing was entangled again?"

"I promise that no matter what I did just now, it wasn't me!"

Bundy raised his hands and tried to explain.

Through the past few days of getting along, Bundy has a clear idea of what kind of person Jason is in front of him.

If he can't prove himself, Jason will definitely pull the trigger.

Bundy would not be afraid to die at the hands of any murderer.

Because, that is his duty.

But... died in the hands of his own people.

That's really not worth it.

So Bundy spoke again.

"The me now is really me!"

"I promise you that!"

"The 'Winchester brothers' in your hand, I handed it to you!"

Bundy hopes to prove himself by telling something that only two people know.

However, Jason did not put down his gun.

"what happened?"

Jason's cold temperature.

"what happened?"

Bundy was taken aback for a moment, and then began to recall.

Four or five seconds later, Bundy spoke again:

"I was digging the ruins of the 'Moon Mask' club, and..."

"A carriage suddenly stopped in front of me, I got into the carriage involuntarily, and then..."

"I don't know anything."

"I'm here when I come back to my senses."

Bundy smiled wryly as he spoke.

Because he himself felt that his statement was not convincing.

However, Bundy was surprised to see Jason lower the gun.

"Jason, do you trust me?"

Bundy couldn't help being a little moved.

"Do not believe."

Jason replied affirmatively, and immediately, Bundy's moved expression froze.

Then, he watched Jason open the door in a daze.

Step, step!

Messy footsteps sounded in the corridor. Hall, Finch and several police detectives rushed up to the third floor and headed straight for Jason's room. When they saw Bundy, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sir, are you all right?"

Hall asked on behalf of everyone.


"It's just that my face hurts."

While speaking, Bundy struggled to stand up.

Seeing Bundy standing up, Hall, Finch and the others cast grateful glances at Jason.

Undoubtedly, their advisor saved their chief once again.

"What happened there?"

Facing everyone's thankful eyes, Jason asked straightforwardly.

It’s still Hall, Bundy’s deputy stood up on behalf of everyone, and described:

"We were digging the ruins of the 'Moon Mask' club, and then a carriage suddenly appeared in front of us."

"As soon as its door was opened, the officer took the initiative to board the carriage."

"We wanted to stop it, but the carriage was completely insubstantial. It passed through the wall and disappeared directly from our field of vision."

"For this kind of thing, we are completely helpless, so I will come back to you immediately."

"Fortunately, you are here!"

"That's great!"

After finishing speaking, Bundy's deputy bowed in thanks again.

At the same time, Finch and the other detectives also bowed together.

For these people, the existence of Bundy is no longer a simple boss, but a relationship like father and elder brother in a family.

If anything happened to Bundy, 'the family' would collapse in an instant.

"How many people stay in the 'Moon Mask' club?"

Suddenly, Jason asked.

Those present were startled.

Then, the next moment, everyone's face became ugly.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain!

None of the people present were idiots. Just now they were in chaos because of Bundy's being 'abducted'. Now that they calmed down, everyone understood that they... were tricked!

Someone wants to transfer them.

There are certain people in the 'Moon Mask' club who want something.

"Back to 'Moon Mask'!"

Bundy was the first to rush out.

Hall, Finch and others immediately followed.

But everyone was stopped by Jason.


"What do you think, go back now..."

"What awaits us?"

Jason asked seriously.

Suddenly, everyone was silent for a while.

What will be waiting for them

Hollowed out 'Moon Mask' club

Or is it the opponent's preparedness


Another trap!

Everyone immediately thought of many things, but the most important thing was that no matter which one they could not accept.

"So, we need a plan."

After watching everyone say this, Jason walked straight to the iron pot.

He picked up the iron pot, drank the soup in the pot in one go, felt the slow recovery of physical strength, and then he was slightly relieved.

[Protection from Evil] is really easy to use, but it consumes a lot of energy.

He didn't forget to make jerky this time.


How do you make dried meat for 'noodles'

So, once again, Jason can only rely on 'holy water' to recover.

Although it is not as fast as eating food directly, the recovery of 'holy water' is much stronger than simple rest.

And this also gave Jason a certain degree of certainty about the next plan.

About ten minutes later, two carriages drove away from the police station.

Finch and Hall were driving the carriage respectively.

Jason sat in the first carriage.

Bundy and the remaining detectives sat in the second carriage.

Leaning on the seat of the carriage, Jason began to sort out the whole process in his mind—

The opponent came for the remains of the 'Kilken Elf' in the 'Moon Mask' club.

That's for sure.

Because, in that club, apart from this thing, Jason couldn't think of anything else of value.

But the previous 'moon mask' was too dangerous, and the opponent was not sure, so he chose to stand still.

After he and Bundy dealt with the danger of the 'Moon Mask', the other party didn't jump out immediately because the other party didn't expect him and Bundy to successfully solve the incident of the 'Moon Mask' club.

Therefore, the other party is 'behind' one step.

Afterwards, the other party chose to 'abduct' Bundy, and then let Bundy appear in front of him, in order to let him use [Protection from Evil] to consume a lot of his physical strength, so that he can more easily get the 'Kill' from him. The wreckage of Ken Elf'.


There is another possibility!

Suddenly, Jason thought of something.