The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 45: Counter



The opponent's ability was targeted by [Protection from Evil]!

Even, restraint!

Thinking back on Bundy's appearance before, Jason was quite sure about his guess.

"That is to say..."

"The other party has the intention of weakening me from the beginning."

Jason whispered to himself, his eyes gleaming coldly.

The other party came with malice.

He naturally wants to reciprocate the other party.

Life in the city that never sleeps has already taught Jason what to do.

Someone stretched out malicious claws to you.

Then... chop it up!

Click, click.

The 13-gauge rounds were stuffed into the magazine of the lever-action shotgun one by one.

The whole box of explosives hidden under the seat took Jason out and placed him where he was originally sitting, and he sat on the opposite side, while pouring kerosene around, he raised his right hand and tapped it. Side coachman windows.

Boom, boom, boom.

The light knocking sound was enough for Finch to notice.

The young police officer calmly began to control the speed of the carriage, causing the carriage to drive at a speed one-third slower than usual.

Since the other party chose to 'abduct' Bundy as the beginning of the layout.

Then, everything after that will naturally be arranged.

That is to say, whether Jason found out the opponent's intentions and didn't go to the 'Moon Mask' club to stay at the police station, or he didn't find out and went straight to the 'Moon Mask' club, the opponent all had backhands.

Under such a premise, Jason certainly couldn't do what the other party wanted.

Therefore, it is necessary to disrupt the opponent's rhythm.

At this moment, Finch was doing just as Jason ordered.

Finch tried his best to behave normally, but his eyes couldn't help looking around.

It seems to be investigating something.

This is not difficult for Finch.

Because, he really wanted to see the layout maker.

It is a pity that there are many early risers in the early morning mist, and it is difficult for the young policeman to distinguish which one is the one who made the arrangements.

Even, in Finch's view, each one is suspicious.

Finch's appearance naturally made passers-by look sideways.

Especially, when the carriage turned a corner and entered Kensing Street, and the speed slowed down again, Finch became more and more attractive.

For never had a carriage so slowed down Kensing Street in the morning.

But soon, people let out bursts of exclamation, because, just as they were about to reach the street leading to the 'Moon Mask' Club, when they were supposed to turn the corner, the slow-moving carriage suddenly accelerated and went straight rush forward.

"Finch? Finch?"

Hall's shout came from the carriage behind him.

It's just that the young police officer didn't pay any attention, and instead accelerated the speed of the carriage.


"pity… "

"It's a bit late!"

In the early morning mist, a figure who had been attracted by Finch's strangeness early on, looked at the carriage going away, and couldn't help but shook his head.

He admitted that the young 'Night Watch' was indeed unexpected.

But, that's it.

The strength may be good, but the experience is too shallow.

It was only after he was on the road that he realized something was wrong.


"It was because of good luck that the arrangement of the 'Moon Mask' was destroyed."

"But good luck once does not mean good luck every time."

The figure whispered to himself.

But he forgot that it was because of Jason's "shallow experience" that he avoided the traps he arranged in the "Moon Mask" and the police station.


The other party remembered, but deliberately ignored.

People are always lucky.

And, selectively receive the information you want.

against those

Always turn a blind eye.

Step, step.

The man in the mist walked forward, and the hand that had been stuck in the coat was pulled out at this moment, pointing at the galloping carriage.

next moment-

A completely pitch-black carriage appeared so quietly.

As if invisible, it abruptly passed through the shops on the side of the street, and crossed in front of the carriage driven by Finch.

The distance between the two sides was less than ten meters, and there was no time to brake.

"Your Excellency Jason, be careful!"

With such shouts, the young police officer chose to jump out of the car.

This is the best option right now.

If you jump down, you may get bruised and bruised, or even broken bones and tendons.

but not jumping

That is torn apart.

The figure in the mist obviously expected this scene, but he ignored Finch at all.

After all, his target was the 'night watchman' in the carriage from beginning to end, not a little policeman.

After calculating the optimal distance, the opponent waved his hand violently.

I saw that the pitch-black carriage in the middle of the road just stood upright like this, and produced a displacement out of thin air. At this time, the carriage originally driven by Finch was about to hit the middle of the pitch-black carriage, but with the pitch-black The carriage turned upright, and immediately, it became a feeling similar to going hand in hand.


The door of the dark carriage opened.


The cold air was like the cold wind from the extreme north, covering the carriage of the carriage beside him in an instant.

A smile of victory appeared on the face of the man walking in the mist.

The opponent's footsteps became faster and faster.

At this moment, the two carriages had already stopped.

The black carriage is controlled by men.

The other one stopped because the horse pulling the cart was affected by the cold breath.

Soon, the man ran to the carriage.

With a look of anticipation on his face, the other party opened the car door.

But then such expectations froze on the man's face.

Because, not only did he not see the target person, but he saw the whole box of explosives.

Moreover, the smell of kerosene filled the nostrils.


The word burst into the man's mind.

Subconsciously, she turned around and was about to run.



A ignited explosive landed at his feet.


Amidst the huge explosion, the shock wave mixed with flames instantly engulfed the man and the two carriages.

The two carriages were completely torn apart.

Debris flew everywhere.

The man was knocked away by the huge impact.

But the man did not die on the spot!

The man, who was covered in darkness and had several fractures, struggled to get up from the ground, but Jason was faster.

Just before turning into Kensing Street, Jason jumped out of the carriage and watched from the dark, at this moment, he pulled the trigger.


Click, click!

In the rhythmic sound unique to the lever-action shotgun, the opponent's upper body was smashed by the bullets in the 13-gauge bullet.

However, the man did not die.

He's still struggling.

Of course he has to struggle!

He still has many backhands that are useless!

He is about to be promoted from 'gravekeeper' to 'corpse transporter' in the true sense.

He is not reconciled!

Unwilling to die like this!


"I… "

He yelled, but...


Click, click!


The flames sprayed from the muzzle of the 'Winchester Brothers' concealed everything.

Four 13-gauge bullets completely silenced the man.

Jason looked at the opponent's body coldly, and after putting down the gun, he suddenly raised his hand—



An invisible special force field instantly covered the man's body.

