The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 48: Ceremony (for collection~for recommendation~)


Hatred makes the opponent stronger, but it also makes the opponent's weakness obvious—

Before, the 'Avenger' has been in the dark.

But this time, the other party had to 'show up'.


Tik's wife is still here!

The other party who wanted to complete revenge would definitely kill Tik's wife with his own hands, instead of saving it for Bundy to judge.

Otherwise, there is no need to send monsters to follow a woman who is about to collapse from fright.

Apparently, Bundy thought of that too.

"That guy is crazy!"


Bundy glanced at Tik's wife who was unconscious on the ground, then sighed.

There is no pity in the eyes, because the other party is to blame.

More of a complex exclamation.

The identity and responsibilities of the sheriff gave Bundy such complexity.

And Jason didn't.

His mind is now only thinking about how to face the 'Avenger'.

There are not many choices for the other party, nothing more than two:

1. Continue to send out monsters.

2. Come by yourself.

Jason very much hoped that the other party would choose 1, because this is really good news for him who is in short supply of [Satiety].

But the other party is not a fool. The death of the monster just now is enough for the other party to understand that he and Bondi are prepared here, and then send the monster to kill Tik's wife, unless it is stronger than the previous monster. It doesn't work at all.

And does the other party have such a monster

should have.

But, not too much.

At most one or two.

Otherwise, the opponent wouldn't have sent only one monster just now.

Even if that monster was a good fit for the previous situation, more and stronger monsters would undoubtedly hold the situation better.

Moreover, the opponent obviously has a monster that is stronger and more suitable for the current situation!

Don't forget the monster that took Tik away!

That monster can overturn the carriage at will, grab the horse, and come and go without a trace.

Especially the last feature, Bundy and many detectives and police officers under the other side can confirm it.

They searched the place all night, but found no trace.

Whether it's monster's or Tik's.


It was as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

If it weren't for the broken wagon, the torn horse, and the captive Tick, they'd all think the monster didn't exist.

There is such a more suitable monster but it is not used, which is completely inconsistent with the opponent's previous meticulous and cautious performance.

"so… "

"It's not that I don't want to use it."

"But it can't be used?"

Jason guessed.

There is no doubt that the other party can control monsters, but there are not too many of them, especially powerful monsters.


Maybe it's the only one!

Through the scene in the interrogation room just now, Jason has confirmed that the other party does not have too much power on the "mysterious side", and it is impossible to create events like the "Moon Mask" club. It should be able to drive monsters to work for him, maybe by virtue an item, or a monster itself.

Or, a combination of both: the other party uses an item to control a powerful monster, and then uses this powerful monster to intimidate and drive the remaining monsters.

Therefore, the opponent who has gathered enough monsters in Lord needs that monster to stay by his side at all times to ensure his 'safety'.

Jason deduced based on the existing clues:

"This is in line with the identity of the opponent who has just come into contact with the 'mysterious side'."

"I can get in touch with the 'mysterious side', and I have already obtained some power through his teacher, but it is not strong enough due to the lack of time to hone it."

"just like… "

"me too!"

Jason was taken aback.

Subconsciously, he raised his hand and touched the 'Evidence of the Night Watchman' hidden in his arms.

He gained the power of the 'mysterious side' through this item.

What about the other party

Also through an unknown item.

The experiences are so similar.



"It should be that the other party has that item, and I was able to obtain the 'Certificate of the Night Watchman'!"

Jason shook his head quickly, rearranging the causal relationship before and after: "Obviously, 'my teacher' discovered what the other teacher did, but he couldn't get away from being entangled by the other teacher, so he could only put the 'Night Watchman' I hope that I can deal with the other party, and it is precisely because of this that 'my teacher' will leave an additional sentence of apology on the 'Night Watchman's certificate'."

"Because, this is not what I should bear."

"So that's how it is."

Jason breathed a sigh of relief after deducing what happened roughly.

After all, the immediate situation is not the worst.

The "mysterious side" person who can create the strange scene of the "Moon Mask" club is handed over to "his teacher" to deal with.

And him

Just need to face an 'apprentice' similar to him.

"Will be against the general."

"Soldier against soldier."

"fair enough."

Jason whispered in a voice that only he could hear, then he turned and walked towards the interrogation room.

Finch came out with gloves on, carrying a bag full of minced meat.

Taking the paper bag from the young police officer, Jason looked at Bundy.

"The spices will be here soon."

The sheriff promised.

Such a guarantee is naturally effective. When Jason returned to his room and cleaned the minced meat, someone delivered the spices.

It's worth mentioning that during the cleaning process, the minced meat was covered with curls from the explosion, which took Jason a lot of effort to clean up.

Fortunately, after the death of the baboon-like monster, the hair lost its vitality, which prevented Jason from being helpless.

It was Finch, a familiar young man, who brought the spices.

Moreover, this young man not only sent spices, but also thoughtfully brought some bread.

"Master Jason, where do we need to put them?"

Finch carefully held more than ten palm-sized cloth bags and asked.

Spices are not cheap commodities.

Spices are expensive in Lord, as in any city in West Wok.

For the ones in his arms, he needs at least three weeks' salary.

"Put it on the desk."

Jason motioned, and then brought out the large iron pot with minced meat, and began to put turmeric, cinnamon, bay leaves, and a little white wine into it.

Then, it is fully stirred.

Jason expected to cook more delicious food, but faced with a bag of minced meat, he didn't have many choices.

On the premise of not adding additional ingredients and completing as soon as possible, stew is the best choice.

The young police officer has been watching.

"Your Excellency Jason, is this a necessary step to deal with monsters?"

The other party asked curiously.


"I call it... an exorcism."

While saying this, Jason put the iron pot on the stove, poured in enough water, and then covered the pot.

"An exorcism?"

"Why is it similar to cooking?"

After Finch walked out of the room, he was still muttering in a low voice. Then, the young policeman quickly shook his head and said, "No, I must have missed the key point!"

"How could Master Jason's exorcism ceremony be cooking!"

With such murmurs, he quickly disappeared into the corridor.

Jason, who was in the room, couldn't wait to pick up the bowls and chopsticks, and silently stared at the pot.

When it was confirmed that the meat was cooked, he began to quickly put the meat into his mouth.

The flesh is firm.

Kind of like beef.

But more chewy.

It looks like beef jerky.

Especially after adding some pepper, it made Jason feel like he was eating black pepper beef.

However, there are still some regrets.

"Should I boil some eggs in the soup?"

With this in mind, Jason began to focus on the flashing words in front of him.

[Swallow Kemetia!]

[Medium recovery of energy and stamina!]

[Saturation +5]

[Saturation: 6]

The food required for the job of 'Night Watchman' has been accumulated enough!