The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 5: Room


Behind the door, it was dark.

Behind him, the wreckage of the car blazed.

With the light of the flames, Jason could roughly see the layout of the room.

It is as dilapidated as it looks, with no extra furniture. Most of the floors are broken, especially in the corridor near the door. The remaining floor was artificially disassembled to create a two-meter-long and three-meter-deep pit. '.

Obviously, anyone who pushes the door and walks in will fall down unpredictably.

A straight hanging ladder is buckled on the side near the door.

The 'temporary employer' just opened the door a crack, not only to protect himself, but also because he was standing on the ladder and talking to me.

With such a realization in his heart, Jason checked the ladder more carefully.

Since the other party is so cautious, it is likely that they will not simply set up a trap.

Soon, Jason made a discovery.

On the fourth step of the ladder, the seemingly solid metal is actually spliced.

This is for those who avoided the first pitfall.

And the source of both is at the bottom of the ladder.

One by one, there are steel nails that are as long as a finger.

The steel nails are densely distributed, and there is an obvious passage in the middle. There is no doubt that this is the place where the temporary employer has just passed by.

Leaning halfway on the ladder, grasping the ladder with his right hand, Jason used the dead branch in his left hand to widen the 'path' on the ground, and then poked the ground with the dead branch to confirm that there would be no more traps. Only then stepped down.

Using dead branches to explore the way, Jason walked seven or eight steps forward along this 'passage'. After getting out of the scope of the steel nails, he turned into another corridor, with a heavy curtain blocking his way.

The cloth curtain hangs from the top of the head and falls to the ground, covering the eyes tightly without any gaps.

If it were me, I would definitely place a shotgun behind the curtain, and the trigger would be connected to both sides of the curtain with a fishing line. No matter which side of the curtain was pulled, the trigger of the shotgun would be pulled...

With this thought in mind, Jason took two steps back subconsciously, and retreated to the corner. In a posture almost leaning against the wall and prostrate on the ground, he stretched out the dead branch in his hand, and carefully stretched it under the curtain, and then , After retracting his head, he gently pushed his fingertips, and opened a corner of the curtain.


Bright light shone from a corner of the curtain, like a knife cutting the darkness in two, and it was reflected in Jason's eyes. After taking a deep breath, he poked his head out.

The rammed dirt ground was no different from the ground beneath him, and the legs of the table could only be seen halfway because of the angle.

Thankfully, there are no shotguns or other traps within his sightlines.

However, Jason still carefully inspected the entire curtain with a dead branch, then got up and walked over, and lifted the entire heavy curtain.

The more dazzling light made Jason squint his eyes uncontrollably.

In front of me is a room of about 50 square meters, filled with tables one after another.

On the tables one by one, there are more than twenty lit monitors, which are showing the entire Tell Street.

"No wonder he grasped the timing so accurately!"

Jason thought to himself, his eyes followed the monitor's power cord to the socket embedded in the wall beside him.

Electricity, or other than the limited water, relatively complete public facilities will not exist in District 26!

In fact, after entering the 20th area, the electricity becomes a limited time supply.

And it can make the 26 districts without electricity suddenly have electricity, plus these supporting monitoring facilities...

It seems that the status of this temporary employer in the hearts of big shots is far more important than I imagined!

Similarly, the plan of the big man is bigger than imagined.

After all, in the 26th district without electricity, it would not be easy for even that big man to arrange such a grand arrangement.

It was mixed news for Jason.

The good thing: he doesn't have to worry about the hapless guy who just died being the target of a 'big shot'.

He has plenty of time to stay here.

The bad thing is: he will face a worse situation, not only the revenge after being discovered by the "big shot", but also the enemy that the "big shot" has to face has also become his.

The other party is definitely not a simple guy.

Otherwise, the 'big shot' wouldn't have gone through so much trouble.

Glancing at the monitor in front of him again, Jason seemed to see countless enemies rushing towards him with claws and claws, trying to devour his flesh and blood.

Hoo, hoo.

Unable to bear it, Jason took several deep breaths.

He forced himself to calm down.

Panicking is of no use to him now.

It will only make things worse.

Then, his eyes began to scan around.

He needs to find more useful and valuable items to help him through the difficulties.

And this is another important purpose for him to enter here.

Soon, Jason made a discovery.

In the corner of the room, two rectangular wooden crates are placed side by side, and on top of the left wooden crate is the package he just 'delivered'.

Walking over quickly, Jason didn't open the box right away, but first checked the two wooden crates and the 'package' just now, and after confirming that there were no traps like 'booby mines', he put the two wooden crates and 'Packages' are all open.

The wooden crate on the left contains a UZ submachine gun, two matching 50-round magazines and three K2 defensive grenades.

In the wooden crate on the right is a neat stack of cans, bottled water, and a miniature medical bag containing alcohol, gauze, bandages, needles and threads, anti-inflammatory drugs and other items.

The 'encapsulation' is much simpler, just a dark brown notebook.

Jason, who was extremely insecure, immediately picked up the UZ submachine gun, confirmed that the magazine attached to the gun was full, and put two magazines and three K2 grenades into the pockets of his trousers and jacket respectively, and then he was slightly relaxed. Take a breath.

Adding the two MF92 pistols before, Jason's body can be said to be 'full', especially his waist, which is even more painful, but that sense of security is unprecedented.

After doing all this, Jason picked up the alcohol gauze and bandaged himself.

The wound was much smaller than Jason had imagined, and the bullet did not stay in his body.

No bullets or stitches are required.

This made Jason deal with the wound several times faster.

In order not to waste alcohol, Jason did not directly rinse the wound with alcohol, but first soaked some gauze in alcohol, then used the gauze to clean the wound, and then bandaged it.

After cleaning the wound, Jason threw the gauze stained with blood on the wooden crate, next to the notebook.

Naturally, Jason picked up the notebook.

From the outside, the black-brown notebook is just an ordinary notebook with age, except that the dark-brown cover should be made of cowhide, there is nothing worth paying attention to.

But as a 'package' entrusted by a 'big shot', Jason will not be careless.

In the next moment, Jason was also proved correct.