The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 52: Inaugural night watchman (seeking collection~seeking recommendation~)


Seeing that the number of [saturation] reached 6, Jason chose to take up the position of 'Night Watchman' without any hesitation.

[Night Watchman's inauguration determination...]

[To meet the requirements, do you want to spend 5 points of satiety to complete the inauguration of the night watchman?]


In the affirmative answer, the 'Certificate of the Night Watchman' once again bloomed with brilliance.

Unlike the bright ones before, this time it is deeply dark.

Like the night sky!

Tranquility and peace.

Jason's breathing became calm, as if he was about to fall asleep the next moment, but his brain became clearer.

An inexplicable force was born from the heart!

And, grow rapidly.

This is the 'key point' to spend 5 points of satiety!

Such a realization rose in Jason's heart.

Then, he quietly felt this power flowing through his body along with his blood, echoing... that 'night'.

Very light.

very shallow.

Seems like nothing.

But real existence.

This process lasted about 10 seconds, and Jason could clearly feel that his muscles, bones, vision, and hearing were rapidly strengthening during these 10 seconds.

Ten seconds later, the deep darkness slowly dissipated.

But it's just dark, not... night



Breathing, feeling the change of light, Jason sat up straight.

Lines of text began to appear in front of his eyes—

[The night watchman's inauguration is complete!]

[All attributes +0.2]

[Acquire Unique Specialty: Vigilance]

[Vigilance: No trouble can escape your eyes and ears. This ability can be born or acquired. Every night watchman should be alert when walking at night; the effect : Perception +0.3]

[Night watchman's advanced occupation determination...]

[Insufficient information, judgment failed!]


"Is it a characteristic of the profession?"

Looking at the [Alert] specialty, Jason guessed, and then he looked at his current attributes [Strength 1.5, Dexterity 1.2, Constitution 1.5, Spirit 1.4, Perception 1.9].

After the job bonus and expertise bonus, the highest value is perception, which has almost doubled the level of ordinary people.

The most intuitive feeling is that Jason can hear footsteps approaching the stairs 10 meters away through the door, and he can also smell the aroma of food sold by mobile vendors on the opposite street.

After his strength and physique exceeded half of ordinary people, Jason could feel that he could carry several weapons with him more and more easily, and the weight became lighter and lighter.

After carefully perceiving his own changes, Jason focused on the final text prompt while adapting.

"Night watchman advanced profession!"


"The Night Watchman is not the end, it should just be the beginning!"

There was a gleam in Jason's eyes.

"Previously [Protection from Evil] entry-level required more food points than the 'Night Watchman' inauguration, which is enough to explain some problems."

"Also, 'my teacher' can't deal with the existence of the 'mysterious side' with only keen perception."

"So… "

"What will be the advanced level of the night watchman?"

Jason was full of anticipation.

It's a pity that the 'Evidence of the Night Watchman', just like its name, only corresponds to the 'Night Watchman', and there is no further information.

However, Jason will not underestimate this 'Night Watchman' certificate because of this.

The knowledge recorded above is precious to him.

Moreover, who can guarantee that 'his teacher' didn't still keep some protective means on it

Similarly, Jason is also very clear that if he wants to obtain the 'advanced information' of the night watchman, he must start with 'his own teacher'.


It's not easy.

The more he got to know about the 'mysterious side', the more Jason found out how flawed his original rhetoric was.

In other words, 'his teacher' was lured away, otherwise, he would have been exposed long ago.

The only good thing is that he learned [Protection from Evil] and became a [Night Watchman], which made things turn around.

However, in order to give himself more choices, Jason sat behind the desk with the 'Certificate of the Night Watchman'.

He wants to read through this notebook as soon as possible.

As for 'The Avengers'

Jason was sure that under Bondi's blockade, the other party did not get the news so quickly.

According to the time when the monster attacked and killed Tik's wife, calculate the time when the monster returns, and wait until the other party notices something is wrong, at least it will be noon.

As for the nearby surveillance of the other party

Not impossible.

But the odds are slim.


He's here!

This is not boasting, but speculation.

Since 'his teacher' was able to give him the information that the other party controlled various monsters, why didn't the other party's teacher inform the other party of some characteristics of the 'Night Watchman'

Therefore, the other party must know the characteristics of the 'Night Watchman''s keen perception.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, the other party will never appear here alone.

And to bring monsters

There is no need for a 'Night Watch', an individual can spot something is wrong.

There were still several hours before noon, and Jason didn't intend to waste it.

Swish, Swish.

Soon, the room was filled with the sound of flipping notebook pages.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Jason looked at the notebook in his hand intently, not noticing the passage of time at all.

Learning is fun!

This is especially true when exposed to some unfamiliar and unknown knowledge.

Someone said unhappy

It's just a matter of life and death.

In the face of the choice between life and death, giving more chances to live, even if it is only one percent or one thousandth, is enough for anyone to work hard for it.

What's more, Jason is really interested in this knowledge.

Example: the food he just ate.

'Kemetia, this is a monster covered in silver and almost transparent long hair. Their baboon-like heads, protruding fangs, thick and powerful arms, and flushed cheeks, their long hair can make them almost invisible. , and therefore, in the jungles east of Conquest, they are called hidden beasts. '

'Kmetia has a strong sense of territory, and will destroy the creatures that enter the territory, and they will never die; they are not the products of alchemy or potions, but natural monsters. , Kemetia's figure will grow taller again, and her body will become stronger. At that time, they can not only become invisible, but also create certain phantoms. '

In the latter part of the note, Jason saw information about 'Kemetia'.

Immediately, Jason's brows were furrowed.


"The Kemetia who can drive extremely strong consciousness must be a very high-level monster."

"In this notebook, such monsters..."

"Only one!"

Jason took a deep breath and turned to the last page of his notes.

It is written in pictograph—
