The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 58: Beautiful and poetic name


A flame ignites on the match head.

Suddenly, it swelled in bits and pieces.

After the fuse is ignited, it looks like a flower

Chi, Chi Chi.



A huge fireball rolled up into the night sky, the ground trembled, and the entire Pea Street was illuminated as if it were daytime.

The huge shock wave shattered everything around it.

Not just the gravel ground, but also the... gathered attackers.

Not a single one escaped.

Because they are too greedy.

Everyone can't wait to be the closest to the carriage.

Everyone wanted to catch Jason with their own hands.

Everyone can't wait to become the ultimate beneficiary.


Death came as promised.

It was as if the wind at night passed over the rotting reed fields, and amidst the flying, there were only a few futile struggles left.

Wailing, moaning.

Ringing in the outermost circle.

They are lucky.


Also unfortunate.

Death, at some point, really is the best relief.

However, at this time, no one will pay attention to them.

"Your Excellency Jason!"

Inside No. 10 Pea Street, Finch shouted and rushed out.

The young man knew that some guys were after Jason.

And Jason was already prepared.


Finch never expected that Jason would use such a method.

The closer he was to the explosion site, the more the young man's heart sank.

The people in the outermost circle are already missing arms and legs.

What's closer


What about the center of the explosion

Grief appeared on the young man's face.


A gust of wind howled.

The figure of Sir Beta came to the entrance of the street first.

The old jazz looked at the traces at the scene, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.


Too cruel!

Use yourself as a bait to catch most of the guys!

it's just...

A remake of 'Dan'!


This young 'Night Watchman' apprentice is destined to be a more ruthless existence than 'Dan'.


This guy is immortal!

The old jazz stared at the center of the explosion shrouded in smoke and dust.

Step, step!

In the smoke and dust, footsteps sounded, and a vague shadow slowly appeared.

"Finch, what I asked you to get, can you bring it?"

Jason's voice sounded.

Finch, whose eyes were flushed and almost crying, froze.

Not only Finch, but also the crowd who rushed out with the explosion were stunned.

Everyone is incredible!

They couldn't believe that a person of flesh and blood could survive the explosion just now.

seems to still...

Not hurt? !

What kind of existence can achieve such a degree

The absurd and outrageous answers made everyone's scalp tingle.

But Tanier didn't!

The face of the young Deer Academy teacher was full of joy.

My friends are fine!

Immediately, Tanier tore off the cloak and threw it vigorously at the figure in the smoke.


Tanier shouted loudly.

He didn't want his friend to be in any embarrassing situation.

And Tanier's actions and shouts awakened the mysterious people around him.

After they looked at each other, they turned around in unison.

Or walk backwards.

Or scattered away.

In short, no one wanted to embarrass that figure.


The cost of embarrassing the other party is something they cannot afford.

Jason, who was wearing Tanier's cloak and pulled down the hood, came out.

He first took over his wallet, weapon, skin bag, etc. from Finch.

When deciding on this plan, Jason temporarily placed all the items that might be damaged in the room at No. 10 Pea Street. Except for the suit on his body and some substitutes for reality, Jason's most The most valuable thing was the suit—it was from the old lord.

"Jay, Your Excellency Jason..."

"Are you okay?"

Finch obviously suffered a huge shock, and he was still stuttering at this time.


"Help me clean up the battlefield."

Jason said to Finch.


Finch nodded immediately, and immediately took out the gloves with ease, and after putting them on, he started to act.

Jason walked towards the old jazz.

"Sir, can I borrow a suit of clothes?"

Jason asked.

Although it has Tanier's cloak, it is still cool when the wind blows.

"Eric, help Jason find the right clothes."

Now that the name has been exposed, there is no need to hide it anymore, the old jazz began to call him by his first name.


"Can you find me another hockey mask?"

Jason made another request.

Although it was strange why Jason had such a strange request, the old jazz did not refuse.

A hockey mask, nothing more.

Is it possible that they can still kill endlessly

Moreover, compared with this somewhat weird requirement.

The old jazz was more concerned about Jason's talent of 'immortality'.

Stronger than he imagined!

It is almost involuntarily reminiscent of some rumored monsters.

In fact, he wasn't the only one who thought so.

With his super perception, the old jazz could clearly hear the conversations of those around him—



In the discourse, these two subjects are entangled endlessly.

The old jazz couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

"Is 'Hulk Potion' really that powerful?"

"Your Excellency Jason, if you need anything, you can call me directly."

"I'm right outside the door."

Eric, the old knight's servant, said so.


Jason answered like this.

Then, the moment the door was closed, Jason, who had been acting normal all this time, trembled all over his body, sweat soaked his entire cloak in an instant, and even his face distorted slightly.


It hurts to pieces!

Hunger can heal fatal wounds, but...

There is no escape from pain.

To put it simply, Jason really fully withstood the explosion, and then 'resurrected' again.

And, not once.

It is three times!

The words to treat fatal injuries appeared three times in a row!

Let Jason's original 11 satiety, only 2 left.

To bear the pain that ordinary people cannot bear, and it is accompanied by huge consumption.

But Jason was smiling.


He survived again.

that's enough.

"Those who covet the 'Hulk Potion' should be quiet for a long time."


"Those missing bodies!"

After Jason changed his clothes and put on the mask, he still remembered the scene in the cemetery in his mind.

Those disappearing corpses always made him uneasy.

Not as direct as the 'Moon Mask' club.

But it is like a shadow, covering people's hearts.

Therefore, Jason didn't intend to take a rest. He packed his equipment and pushed the door out.

Outside the door, Tanier and Eric were talking in a low voice.

It was a conversation, but Tanier was talking alone:

'You said, the blood of an immortal like Jason is very valuable? '

'It should be worth more than mummy powder, right? '

"Will the panacea become a special enhanced version with Jason's blood added?" '

Looking at Jason who pushed the door and came out, Ta Neil wisely stopped the topic, and was about to say some witty words to ease the atmosphere, but seeing Jason's unwavering eyes, the young teacher of the Deer Academy immediately fell in love with him. .

"I did not mean it!"

"I just owe it!"

"I invite you to eat to apologize!"

Tanier stood up straight and spoke very fast, but he said clearly: "I just made a reservation for Lord's famous 'Starry Sky' restaurant, and his specialties are very popular."

"Featured dishes?"

Jason asked subconsciously.

Tanier nodded again and again, saying:

"Yes, special dishes!"

"It has a very beautiful and poetic name..."

"Looking at the stars!"