The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 62: Some things are always unavoidable


The 'Starry Sky' restaurant Tanier reserved was at noon.

And this moment is just before sunrise.

Of course, Jason would not wait foolishly. After borrowing a carriage from the old jazz, Finch drove, and Jason and Tanier returned to the single dormitory in the police station.

The sun rises, and the chill is driven out again.

The thin morning mist began to dissipate slowly.

In room 305, Bundy is telling the investigation situation in Jason's cemetery.


The atmosphere is slightly depressing.

Not because of the content of the investigation, but because of... Jason!

Or more precisely because of Jason's hair!

Jason's hair is gone.

simply put…

Jason, bald!

In the explosion just now, the satiety can heal Jason's fatal damage.


Hunger can't grow hair!

So, not just the hair, Jason even lost his eyebrows.

The face, which didn't look ugly at first, looked extremely fierce after the lack of hair and eyebrows.

Of course, it is equally bright.

Especially at this moment, when Jason took off his hood, under the reflection of the rising sun, his whole head was emitting a bright light.

Bundy, who was telling the story, was involuntarily attracted by the brilliance.

After glancing at it, Finch tried to look elsewhere.

Tanier's face turned red.

"Laugh if you want."

"I don't mind."

Jason's voice just fell.


"Ha ha ha ha!"

Tanier couldn't help laughing.

Jason looked at Tanier indifferently.

The unwavering gaze made this kind of laughter smaller and smaller.

"Cough cough."

"Jason, I didn't mean to."

"In addition to the reserved 'Looking at the Starry Sky' for lunch, I will also add a special dish: 'Eel Jelly'!"

"However, this requires me to communicate with the chef. I will leave first."

Tanier quickly suppressed his smile, and after speaking solemnly, he stood up and walked out.

The young teacher at the Deer Academy was worried that if he stayed any longer, his savings would be wiped out like this.


I can't bear it!

That bald head!

Ha ha ha ha!

With suppressed laughter, Tanier ran all the way downstairs.

Even the suppressed laughter was still clearly audible in the face of Jason, whose perception was more than twice that of ordinary people.

However, Jason didn't chase it out.

After all, lunch is a long time!

He has plenty of time.


Jason turned his head and said to Bundy.

"We have already checked, and it is true that as Jason you said, there are many corpses missing in the tomb of the unknown person in the cemetery, but we have searched the entire cemetery and found nothing."

"I contacted the informants, and they didn't know either."

"As for Santer?"

Speaking of this, the magistrate paused slightly, with a puzzled look on his face.

However, immediately said:

"He's buying corpses!"

"I can confirm this through the investigation of several informants."

"In the last two months, he bought a total of 6 corpses."

Buy a corpse

Jason was taken aback.

The answer was somewhat beyond Jason's expectations.

Originally in his mind, even if Santel had no direct relationship with the disappearance of the corpse, there would be an indirect relationship.

But now it looks a little different.

Santel, who was guarding the cemetery, should not be short of corpses.

No need to go out and buy dead bodies at all.

Even though half of the body in the tomb of the unknown person is missing, there is still half left.


He couldn't move the corpse in the cemetery at all!

And there are not many reasons for Santel not to move the corpses in the cemetery.

Among them, the order that made him the mastermind behind the 'Gravekeeper' is the most intuitive reason!

"What does the other party want to use these corpses for?"

Jason couldn't help frowning.

Subconsciously, he wanted to ask the old knight.

But immediately, Jason gave up this choice.

The other party is very likely to know something.

However, he will never be told.

If the other party wanted to say something, the other party would have said it when he left before.

"Because you don't want to talk about it?"

"still… "

"Some kind of restriction?"

Jason thought about it, and then realized that the sheriff was looking at him with a very strange look.

"What's the matter, Bundy?"

"I told you, if you want to laugh..."

"You can laugh as much as you want."

Jason said.

"I don't want to bear the consequences of laughing at you."

"Do not worry."

"It's just that the hair is gone, and the hair follicles are not damaged. It will grow back in a few days."

Bundy waved his hands again and again.

The sheriff is not a fool like Tanier, but he can tell that Jason, who says he doesn't care about his baldness, actually cares a lot in his heart.

Then the sheriff fell silent.

With hesitation and entanglement on his face.

"what happened?"

Jason asked again.


"Are you 'immortal'?"

Gritting his teeth, Bundy asked.

And, prepare for the worst.

It is not good to pry into other people's privacy.

The normal world is like this.

And the 'mystery side'

Even more so.

Although it has not been a few days since we officially contacted the 'mysterious side', some things are the same.

Naturally, it is impossible for Bondi to be unclear.

But Bundy wanted too much to know the answer.

For this, he is ready to pay the price.

However, what the sheriff didn't expect was that Jason nodded simply.


he replied.

"Is it because of the 'Helke potion'?"

After Jason nodded, the sheriff couldn't help asking.


Jason nodded again.

In order to cover up its own secrets, 'Hulker Potion' is a very good cover.

Moreover, Jason didn't mind using the wrong information to guide those who were hostile to him.

Unequal news is enough for him to gain more advantages.

Take advantage of that 'behind the scenes'!

Before he really understood the other party and the other party's purpose, Jason had to 'arm' himself in this way.


After getting to know each other, such 'arming' is also essential.

Because, this will affect who will be the winner between him and the opponent!

Of course, his teacher who solved everything was the best.

But Jason's character made him have to plan ahead.

However, to Jason's surprise, just as he finished speaking, Bundy looked at him nervously and expectantly.

"Then Jason, do you know of any potions for bringing the dead back to life?"

Bundy asked.

"A potion for bringing the dead back to life?"

Jason was taken aback.

Looking at the anticipation on the magistrate's face, he finally shook his head.

He didn't know why the magistrate's expectation came from, but he could guess the general idea.

It must be because of someone, right

But the more this happened, the more Jason couldn't deceive the other party.

A good lie will bring temporary comfort, but it is more likely to bring more painful harm.

"is that so?"

Bundy looked disappointed and bitter.

The sheriff wanted to say something else, but Jason looked in the direction of the window knowingly.

Bundy and Finch subconsciously followed Jason's line of sight.

Immediately, the breath of the two was suffocated.


on the glass,

cling to...

a face!