The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 86: The Dark Keeper


There, the dust is flying and the horses are galloping.

A team of more than ten people is coming in a hurry.

They wore uniforms similar to those of Taoer's soldiers, but their weapons were not standard, but varied, including cold weapons and gunpowder weapons, and one or two people even carried several different weapons.

But this does not mean that these people are motley crews.

On the contrary, each of them had an extremely sturdy aura, giving Jason a sense of pressure, especially the leader. When the other party's eyes swept over, the hairs on Jason's back stood up.


The leader reined in the horse.

The other party was a long-haired man in his thirties, with a very strong figure. From the front, he had shoulders that were half wider than ordinary people, especially his arms, which looked tight even in custom-made clothes.

The palm holding the rein was even thicker, and when it was placed on the horse's neck, it seemed that just a slight pinch would crush the horse to death.

The other party looked at Jason and Peters with a scrutiny.

At this time, Jason had already taken off his hockey mask, revealing his immature but extremely mature face.

The other party stared at Peters after sweeping Jason's face.

In particular, he stayed for a moment on the dagger at Peters' waist.

"who are you?"

asked the other party.

"Traveler to the harbor of 'Hans', sir."

"I'm the coachman and bodyguard."

Peters replied, and then showed his identity certificate and the certificate of 'Delin's car dealership', and then introduced Jason.

"This is the gentleman who hired me, Jason."

"He's an excellent graduate of the Gryphon camp in Je'danron."

"Griffon camp?"


The other party didn't look at the ID card in Peters' hand, but glanced at Jason in surprise, as if he was thinking about something. After about two or three seconds, the other party finally thought of a name.


"You are a student of Dale!"

"He mentioned you to me and highly recommended you to me, and I've seen your photos and transcripts."

After thinking of the name 'Dalle', the unusually strong man in front of him showed a smile.

"Tauer's 'Dark Keeper' Captain, Cronin."

The other party introduced himself, and then, the captain who called himself 'Dark Guardian' asked directly: "Jason, can you tell me what happened to Taoer?"


"It should be the 'Renaissance Society' that attacked Taoer!"

"They used an unknown method to put the whole city to sleep."

"Then, a beautiful melody appeared!"

At this time, Jason showed a flash of fear on his face just right.

He was like a fledgling young man who encountered an unpredictable danger, and then he stood there.

"What next?"

Cronin continued to ask.

"Then, a light curtain appeared, and a person playing the flute disappeared with everyone."

"But immediately, a giant appeared on the light curtain. This giant waved his fist at someone who didn't know. I searched but couldn't find the target, but there were whispers in my ears."

"I want to hear what that means, but the more I try to hear it, the more uncomfortable I feel. I still have a splitting headache, and even what you said should be my teacher's Dale I I don't even remember."

"May I ask what's the matter?"

After Jason finished speaking, he looked at Cronin nervously.


Cronin, who was still smiling just now, suddenly became indifferent, and said lightly, and then, without looking at Jason again, just shook the reins, and the whole team of "Dark Keeper" set off again, rushing towards Taoer .

Jason watched the 'Dark Guardians' disappear with astonishment.

After watching this 'Dark Guardian' enter Taoer City, they returned to their usual expressionless appearance.

A simple test.

He wouldn't believe that a captain of the so-called 'Dark Guardian' who was 'simplely distracted' would be a kind elder.

That's right!

Just lead away!

When they first entered Taoer, the assassin of the 'Renaissance Society' who suddenly appeared was not sent to death!

Had there been no subsequent events, Jason would have considered it a 'performative' suicide.

But with a follow-up

That becomes the beginning of the event.

The assassin of the 'Revival Society' must have some secrets that would lure away the 'Dark Guardians' who guarded the city of Tower.

Not all of them are required!

As long as a part is enough to 'revival' the next plan.

But the people of the 'Revival Society' did not expect that Cronin took away the entire 'Dark Guardian'.

Jason was very sure of this.

If some people were left behind, it would be impossible for the 'Renaissance Society' to 'control' the entire Taoer silently, and with his perception, he could definitely detect something strange.

But nothing appeared!

This is enough to show that the 'secret' is attractive and dangerous enough.

So tempting that Cronin would risk everything.

It was so dangerous that Cronin had to wear all his hands just in case.


It is also possible that Cronin brought everyone with him in order to keep a secret.

But no matter what it is, Cronin is nothing.

Not only did he get nothing, but he might also encounter pressure from Golsey.

However, this has nothing to do with him.

He's just a traveler going 'to visit relatives'.

Will not take the initiative to do anything excessive.

If Cronin really wants to do something to him...

He doesn't mind 'sweetening' again.


Peters, who was standing aside, couldn't help heaving a long sigh of relief when he saw Jason's face back to normal.

He was really worried that Jason would admit that he was a student of the so-called 'Dalle'.

Once you really admit it, that battle to the death is inevitable.

Cronin the 'Bonebreaker' is no kind-hearted man.

In fact, even if the opponent became a member of the 'Dark Guardian', he would be the most notorious.

"Mr. Jason."

"I think we need to talk."

Peters took the initiative to speak.

Some things can no longer be concealed now.

As a concealer, he won't wait until Jason asks.

That would cost him the last bit of dignity.

However, Jason shook his head slightly.

"Get out of here first."

Jason said.

The appearance of the 'Dark Guardian' led by Cronin made Jason even more vigilant.

It's not just the vigilance against Cronin.


'Revival meeting'!

If he is the organizer of the 'Revival Society', after the success of the first phase of the plan, he will easily let go of those returning 'Dark Guardians'

The answer is yes.

With the style shown by the 'Renaissance Council', it will definitely kill the 'Dark Guardian'.


What will be done

Jason sat in the carriage and started the carriage again, thinking seriously.

For him, explosives are the most direct means.

But the 'Renaissance Society' is extremely repulsive to gunpowder.

probably not…
