The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 88: Bone soup noodle pre-order now


You are so ugly!

too ugly!



Denise's crisp voice echoed in the hall of the embassy. In the giant oil painting, the knight's hand froze in mid-air, and the air froze at this moment.

Whew, wheeze.

Heavy breathing sounded, and the knight's body trembled again and again, and blood sprayed out from that blurred face, as if vomiting blood.

Then, it drew out its long sword angrily, and was about to stab Denise from the painting.

But a machete with a broad blade and short handle is faster.


A knife from top to bottom split the giant oil painting in half.

The portrait of the knight drawing the sword trembled a few times before losing its vitality.


It's not over.

The attendants standing behind the knight were overwhelmed at this moment. They raised their heads and looked at Jason and Denise hiding behind Jason through the canvas, with sternness gradually appearing in their empty eyes.

Then they held out their hands.

Chi, chi.

Like air currents, but thick black.

Like a branch, like a vine.

As soon as these hands appeared, they rushed towards Jason and Denise layer by layer.




After the 'Winchester Brothers' fired two shots in a row, all the bullets passed through these palms without any effect at all. Without hesitation, Jason let go of the handle of the gun and quickly completed the handprint, ready to activate [ protection from evil].



Crimson flames appeared out of nowhere on these pitch-black palms.


In an instant, all palms were scorched.

Including that giant oil painting.

Step, step.

Gerald walked over, and there was still a flame burning on the palm of his left hand. Even with a little distance, Jason could still feel the high temperature in the flame.

But to Gerrard, it was as if it didn't exist.

"One of the mysteries I have mastered."

"If you want to learn, I will teach you later"

Gerrard smiled at his cousin, and then, looking at the ashes on the ground, his face darkened instantly.

He knew what it was just now.

Draw charm!

A favorite tactic of the swamp witches.

Seal the evil spirits in the painting, and lure ordinary people into the painting to become nourishment.

However, ordinary painting charms are not good at attacking, and this painting charm...

With his head down, Gerald was thinking about something.

The surrounding followers had already surrounded the place, and after confirming that Gerald was fine, they began to search around.

Maybe the chance of finding the enemy is not high.

But it's better than doing nothing.

Gerald, who came back to his senses, thought about Jason and explained.

"This is the charm of painting."

"Be able to seduce others."

"But this is the first time I've seen someone who can resist its temptation and let it bite back!"

As Gerald said, he looked at Denise with admiration in his eyes.

Denise scratched the back of her head, not knowing how to answer.

It is obviously a skeleton shelf, where is the need to resist its temptation

If it wasn't for fear of not being able to beat the opponent, it would have torn that painting up long ago.

Jason looked at Denise's appearance and had some guesses in his heart.

Painting charms, good at deceiving people's hearts, should have infinite power.

Unfortunately, it picked the wrong target.

The dead have no heart.

Although Denise is different from ordinary dead.

But some principles are the same.

Toxins, illusions, have no effect on it.

Confirming this, Jason turned to look at Gerald.

"You want to ask who hung this painting here?"

"it's me."

"I hung it here about five years ago."

"The person in the painting... is also me."

Gerald said without waiting for Jason to ask.

"That was drawn by the artist after I went hunting."

"The hunting protection was good."

"I hunted a ground dragon and a wyvern... what's up, Jason?"

As Gerald spoke, he found that his cousin was swallowing saliva non-stop.


"Didn't eat dinner well, I'm a little hungry."

"The ground dragon and flying dragon are also in your collection room?"

Jason asked expectantly.

"How can it be!"

"They're too big!"

"Apart from the useful materials, there are only bones left, which I stored in the collection room!"

Bone Broth Noodles!

With some chopped green onion, coriander, and two poached eggs inside!

Unconsciously, Jason's thoughts drifted into the distance.

Gerald looked at Jason who was distracted, and his heart tightened.

The impact on Taoer is even greater than imagined!

Damn 'new maggots'!

The person in charge of Hans Harbor blamed all these anomalies on the federal government, and has made up his mind to invite more doctors from the 'mysterious side' to treat his cousin as soon as possible.

Because, he is very clear.

The longer this kind of thing drags on, the worse it will be.

"Jason, do you need a break?"

Gerald asked with concern, and then gave Denise a look.

Signal Denise to take Jason to rest in the carriage first.

Denise saw it, but... didn't understand it.

Jason waved his hand simply.

"It doesn't matter."

"I'm curious about what's going on here."

Of course Jason couldn't leave.

Because, the smell of food is getting stronger and stronger.

The next moment, Dreiser, the key to 'Yanbao', came out with a young man.

It seems that they are walking side by side, but in fact Dreiser is one step behind the young people.

This young man has a dark blue coat, a red vest, a white shirt, and trousers of the same color as the coat on the lower body. Two white socks bind the trouser legs to the calf. The black leather shoes are clean and transparent.

As soon as I got close, there was a scent of flowers.

Not just the scent.

And the smell of powder on the face.


Jason took a serious look, and the other party even put on lipstick.

Under the strong miscellaneous aroma, the aroma of the food seemed to be covered up.

As the wind blows, it becomes lighter.

"not him."

"But just came into contact with food."

"Is that Carol Carat?"

Jason guessed.

But the eldest son of the Grand Duke, who knew what had just happened, exclaimed.

"My God!"

"There is a charm hidden in that painting?!"

The eldest son of the grand duke took out his handkerchief and covered his mouth with a look of horror. Then, he frowned and asked, "Master Gerald, do you know how it appeared here?"

Such words made Jason secretly frown.

The other party seemed to be questioning Gerrard.

Although Gerrard was negligent when something like this happened in the embassy, the other party who had lived here for a while was obviously more suspicious.

However, "Yanbao" who is happy to see "marriage" should not say so.

While waiting just now, Denise was running around, but Jason was listening to Gerald's more detailed introduction to 'Swallow Castle'.

Just when Jason was puzzled, the smell of blood suddenly appeared in the air.

Everyone looked in the direction of the bloody smell—

The prince's son's nostrils were constantly bleeding.

The clean white handkerchief had already been dyed red.

The opponent's eyes and ears also began to bleed.

However, the other party didn't notice it.

Holding the red handkerchief, the other party, whose face was covered with blood, showed a reserved smile.

"Is there something wrong with me?"