The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 95: The Piper and Ascension


After getting a lot of information, Jason did not refuse Peters' inquiry.


Jason said.

"Are you from 'Bear Tower'?"

Peters had always suspected that Jason was from 'Bear Tower'.

That kind of desperate fighting style is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Peters couldn't think of anything other than 'Bear Tower'.


Jason replied in the affirmative.

Yes it is, no it is not.

Facing the facts, any lies are meaningless.

But in the face of Jason's affirmative answer, Peters had a look of understanding on his face.

Different from his simple concealment of identity, since Jason has been mixed into the 'Griffin Camp' in Jedalen, he naturally has more important things, and he will definitely not admit the 'Bear Tower' identity.

Moreover, Jason should have confirmed his identity from the 'Cat Cave' the moment he saw him.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to show the fighting style of 'Bear Tower' in front of him afterwards.

By doing this, I am not only telling me my identity, but also reminding me!

But I still ask silly questions.

It really shouldn't be.

It is indeed the seed left by the 'Bear Tower'.

Much better than my hasty heir!

Thinking of this, Peters couldn't help admiring Jason, who kept his expressionless face all the time. Then, the 'Cat Cave' swordsman nodded, "Well, I see."


What do you unserstand

Jason looked at the solemn Peters in puzzlement.

But Peters continued to ask.

"What do you know about that 'Piper'?"

"I don't understand."

Jason shook his head.

The same is true, so naturally there is no need to hide it.

Peters froze.

Then, more admiration appeared on his face.

He has already thought of why the 'Bear Tower' did this, a person who is familiar with secrets and a person who knows nothing about secrets, who is more suitable to enter the 'Griffin Camp'

Undoubtedly the latter.

Only those who are truly like a blank sheet of paper will not leak any flaws during the investigation.

The person who made this plan should be the elder of 'Bear Tower', right

Only those elders of the 'Bear Tower' who have survived countless battles have such simple and unadorned wisdom.

Of course, the selected executors are also good enough.

A tall, strong and powerful body is the foundation.

Character tenacity is advanced.

But the virtue of not fearing death is the last and rarest.

Subconsciously recalling that in Taoer, Jason faced an existence that was so powerful that he could crush him, but still charged forward, and Peters' admiration for the elder 'Bear Tower' in his heart was even higher.

Because, he never thought that the first "Bear Tower" that was "destroyed" under artillery fire had already sowed the seeds of recovery under the arrangement of his elders.

Moreover, this seed is far better than imagined.

And he, the heir of the 'Cat Cave', was even more unqualified after comparison.

Am I really going to go to 'Hans' harbor and completely retreat

For a moment, Peters wavered.

However, his words continued.

"'The Piper' is the only master recognized by all genres for nearly a hundred years."

"He was born in the 'Snake Cave' and combined the 'Snake Hissing' technique with the flute to create a new special technique."

"Then, in the battle of 'Amorton' fifty years ago, with an enemy of ten thousand, they completely defeated the Musketeers formed by the 'Grand Duke of Emerton', making the Principality of 'Amorton' cease to exist."

"It was also because of that battle that the genre's reputation reached an unprecedented height."

"Can… "

"That's the last glory."

"It seems to be a flash in the pan. In less than 30 years, gunpowder weapons have undergone earth-shaking improvements, and the addition of 'Griffin' has given the original nobles the support of 'Secret Technique'."

"The second 'Amorton' battle has begun."

"This time, the descendant of the 'Grand Duke Emerton' won."

"Although it was a miserable victory, the 'Piper' who represented the mainstay of the genre failed."

"Everyone thinks 'Piper' is dead."

"But just now..."

"He showed up again."

"With that beautiful but deadly melody."

After Peters finished speaking, he fell silent again.

The swordsman of the 'Cat Cave' is thinking about what kind of changes the returning 'Piper' will bring to the entire Federation.

Jason was also thinking.

However, Jason was thinking about what this 'Piper' would do next.

The person who the other party chose to take the entire Taoer abducted was both deterrent and threatening.

The person who owns the entire city is taken as a hostage, what does the other party want


Attract the attention of the Griffin Federation, and then attack other places to get more chips

Unconsciously, Jason thought of the latter.

With the ability shown by that 'Piper', it is absolutely possible to do the latter.

As for the 'Piper' is dead back to life, or someone impersonating

Jason didn't care.

Because, whether it is resurrection from the dead, or someone pretending to be, the other party has the ability of that 'Piper'!

With this, it is enough.

Whether the other party is true or not, he will always be the 'Piper'.


Full of hostility towards him!

Jason was sure that if the other party met him again, they would make a move without hesitation.

After all, sugar isn't all that tasty.

In addition, before, he sabotaged the opponent's plan.

The two sides are really endless.

"pity… "

"The speed of making sugar is still a bit slow."

"If he had been faster, he would have had no chance of running."

Jason sighed inwardly.

However, he then shook his head mockingly.

If the 'sweetening speed' has become faster, it must be that his connection with that strange existence has become closer.

And this is definitely not what he wants to see.

Perhaps a short "leverage" can allow him to accomplish more things.

But in the long run, it is definitely not good.

People must rely on themselves!

Jason reminded himself from the bottom of his heart. At the same time, he glanced at the remaining 12 points of satiety and 3 points of food excitement, and then looked at his skill bar.

With a strong enemy at his side, Jason instinctively wanted to strengthen himself.

As for using the satiety to increase, not relying on oneself

I strengthen myself with the food I eat, why is it not my own

At most, that is to learn faster.

His eyes swept over [Gunpowder Weapons. Light Weapons] [Unarmed Combat] [Protection Against Evil] [Fog Hidden] [Flash] [Tufuyu (passive)] one by one.

[Fog Hidden] [Flash] [Tufuyu (Passive)] was temporarily abandoned.

[Flash]One point is enough.

[Fog Hidden] is also similar.

[Tufuyu (Passive)] After reaching the proficient level, it is enough to use without returning to 'Lord'.

Then, [Gunpowder Weapon. Light Weapon] was also temporarily abandoned.

It's not that this skill is bad, but that it requires too much of a weapon. If Jason had an unlimited weapon in his hand, he would definitely choose this skill that most directly improves his strength.

After removing the above skills, only [Unarmed Combat] and [Protection from Evil] remained.

Then Jason's favorite [Protection from Evil] was also removed.

Very simple, not enough satiety.

And accumulate satiety

Jason would do it if there was no 'Piper', no 'Revival'.

But now he chooses to upgrade [Unarmed Combat].

Maybe it can only improve a little strength.

But little adds up.

Quantitative changes always lead to qualitative changes.

He can't always rely on 'immortality' to go wild.

Even if you have been relying on 'immortality' to go to fight, it would be great to become stronger.

[Do you want to consume 6 points of satiety and 1 point of food excitement to upgrade unarmed combat to expert level?]
