The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 99: Rest in Boomer Town?


Following Jason's affirmative answer, expert-level [unarmed combat] appeared in front of his eyes—

[Unarmed combat (expert): The body itself is a powerful weapon. After a long period of basic training and considerable talent, you have not only mastered considerable skills, but your body has also become stronger without losing dexterity; effect: Physical fitness +0.2 , strength +0.2, agility +0.2; proficient choice: well-trained.]

[Well-trained (passive): A lot of fighting training has given you this talent. When encountering unexpected battles, long-term training can make you adapt to emergencies faster]

For unarmed combat that has reached the expert level, there is no expert option, but in terms of attributes, 0.1 is added to each of the three items of physique, strength, and agility.

Moreover, there are many more unarmed combat experiences in my mind that I have never had before!

This coherence process lasted about two or three seconds.

When Jason opened his eyes again, he could feel his strength.

Perhaps an increase of 0.1 is not much.

But for Jason, who originally had a constitution of 1.5, strength of 1.5, and agility of 1.3, such an increase was already quite impressive.

Not to mention that there are more fighting skills in my mind, just like my own personal experience.

Involuntarily, Jason squeezed his fist, he had an urge to fight.

Although he restrained himself immediately, he still woke up a pensive Peters.

Peters turned to look at Jason with unconcealable surprise in his eyes.

He clearly felt that Jason at this moment seemed... stronger than the last moment!


Not as it seems!

It is really stronger than the last moment!

The muscles are stronger and stronger, and the muscles and bones are stronger!

The special observation technique derived from the 'cat hole' allowed Peters to confirm the changes in Jason.

Then, the 'Cat Cave' swordsman sighed again.

Worthy of being the seed of 'Bear Tower'.

He has already learned the core secret technique of 'Bear Tower'.

Each genre has its own core secret technique, just like the core secret technique of "Cat Cave" can make practitioners light, dexterous, and walk silently, the core secret technique of "Bear Tower" can make soldiers hovering on the verge of death quickly Become stronger.

However, it is rumored that this core secret technique is quite difficult to practice.

Not only because of the extremely high talent required, but also because hovering on the verge of death, that is really a real death if you are careless.

Naturally, every practitioner will be the focus of attention of the 'Bear Tower'.

And with the current situation of 'Bear Tower', Jason is undoubtedly the successor of Bear Tower, the new generation of 'War Roar'!

Subconsciously, Peters saluted Jason.

Put your hands together in front of your chest, your left hand covers your right fist, and then, while moving forward, your body bows slightly.

This is the gift of the successor and leader of the genre.

Jason should have returned the salute, but at this moment he was indifferent.

Peters suddenly realized.

He remembered the fact that Jason needed to hide his identity.

"It was my fault."

Peters said, and got up to apologize solemnly.

Then tell yourself that you must never forget the fact that Jason is hiding his identity.

Although the 'Griffin Camp' in Jedaneron that Jason entered was nothing compared to the entire 'Griffon' genre, the defense was still tight, and any carelessness would mean that all previous efforts would be wasted.

Peters absolutely does not want to let the 'Bear Tower' plan fall short because of himself.

At the same time, in the bottom of his heart, Peters also had some thoughts.

However, the idea is only just emerging.

Peters, who was already hesitant in his character, couldn't make up his mind at all.

He was ready to take another look.

After that, the two habitually silent people didn't say anything more.

Peters checked the carriage and counted supplies, while Jason flipped through the books given by the old Sir.

When the sun was about to sink into the horizon, the carriage set off again.

However, this time Jason did not sit in the carriage, but ran with the carriage.

Or more precisely...


Jason, who has fully mastered the theoretical knowledge, knows what his next step is: practice.

Only the combination of theory and practice can be thoroughly mastered.

There have been two unsuccessful practices, and Jason knew exactly what would happen to him, so he simply told Peters.

"Don't worry about me."

"You just need to drive the carriage and move forward."

"Okay, sir."

Peters replied, and then, driving the carriage forward as usual.

But he would look back from time to time, and when he saw Jason's appearance of falling hard after charging rapidly, he subconsciously wanted to stop.

"Keep going."

After Jason got up from the ground, he shouted directly.

Then, he just wiped the blood off his face, rubbed his bruised arms, and continued to launch the next charge.


After crossing a distance of more than ten meters, Jason fell down again.

This time it was a little worse than before, and Jason felt pain in his internal organs.

However, he gritted his teeth and got up again, continuing to practice.

The carriage was in front and Jason was behind.

After it was completely dark, the clothes on Jason's body were already in tatters due to falling too many times. Although there were still a change of clothes in the suitcase, considering the need to practice, Jason chose the most natural way.

Of course, it is still necessary to pull some leaves and branches.

And Peters was driving the carriage in front. At the beginning, he turned his head from time to time to look at Jason who fell to the ground after the rapid charge, but when he got to the back, he just silently counted the sound of falling.


There was another muffled sound.

How many times is this

fiftieth time

Or fifty-one

Peters asked himself.

Then, he shook his head. If Peters remembered it at first, but later on, after getting used to it, he couldn't remember it at all.

But Peters has a new understanding of Jason's tenacity.

Not to mention a hundred times, ordinary people would have given up if they fell like this ten times, even if they had that seemingly special secret medicine.

Although Peters didn't know why Jason mixed the secret medicine into the broth from which monsters were boiled and the grease from which nightmare bugs were fried, it could be seen that the secret medicine worked quite well.

He admired Jason's will and the secret medicine of 'Bear Tower', but Peters did not forget the business.

"Sir, we are going to 'Boomer Town' soon."

"Bulma Town is completely within the scope of Robe City. Moreover, it is a certain distance from Robe City. Those federal investigators should not pay attention to this place."

"We can have a clean break there."

Peters stopped the carriage, turned around and opened the compartment door, and took out Jason's change of clothes.

Coming into town, nature cannot be pure natural.


Jason took the clothes, got into the carriage, changed quickly, and knocked on the carriage.

Peters immediately whipped his whip knowingly.


The carriage moved on again.

About half an hour later, a small town appeared in Peters' vision.

Seen from a distance, this small town is very quiet and peaceful, which made Peters, who was on his way nervously, feel a little bit of joy in his heart.

He flicked the reins, hoping to rush to Booma Town sooner to rest.

Roll, roll.

The wheels rolled and the carriage moved forward.

But as the carriage approached, Peters' expression suddenly changed.