The Demon Venerable’s Wistful Desire

Chapter 110: The world is peaceful for all seasons


Xi Huai's celebration of the Deity Transformation Period was very grand and smooth, which might have something to do with his prestige.

Now, Xi Huai has become the only practitioner of the transformation stage in the cultivation world. According to the rumors, after he was promoted to the stage of transforming the gods, he immediately killed the seventeen Yuanying stage cultivators in Nuanyan Pavilion, and these seventeen people did not even have the power to fight back.

At this time, the story of the death of 17 people in Nuanyan Pavilion was clearly explained, and everyone believed it to be true.

Because of this, Xi Huai's abilities have been passed down to the utmost.

However, only the people of Qing Zezong knew what they had experienced before Xi Huai left the customs.

Xi Huai also only killed seven people, including one of Qing Zezong's Yuan Ying stage repairers.

And even the father Xi Lin didn't know that Xi Huai's trick to kill the cultivators of the Nascent Soul Stage was limited. It could only last for a short period of time and was not completely unmatched.

These Xi Huai only talked to Chi Muyao, and he silently took the charge of killing many cultivators in Nuanyange.

If the people in Nuanyan Pavilion wanted revenge, Xi Huai, not Chi Muyao, would bear the grudge.

Xi Huai is so powerful, it will naturally attract many cultivators to curry favor, some do not want to offend Xi Huai and Qing Zezong, some deliberately come to please, and some hope that one day they can get Xi Huai's advice in retreat.

Therefore, there were so many guests at the celebration, and there was a real stance of breaking the threshold.

After the banquet, there has been peace for many years.

Xi Huai didn't go to the Nuanyan Pavilion again, and was so quiet that it surprised the entire cultivation world.

People in Nuanyange might feel that the first thing Xi Huai does after he successfully advances to the stage of transforming gods is to come to them for revenge.

However, in Xi Huai’s view, all the evil barriers who died were all dead, and the demon door’s revenge against the decent was never stopped. I heard that the dragon veins in the mountains destroyed by him have not been repaired so far. It is estimated that it will take at least a hundred years to recover. As always.

It's okay to keep the remaining decent shrimp soldiers and crabs, otherwise the cultivators of the magic door will only be lawless, and they can be considered as leaving people who restrain them.

During this period, Xi Huai was obsessed with "retelling the old" with his Taoist buddies.

He originally thought that he had reached the stage of transforming gods and could help Chi Muyao improve his cultivation faster. It turns out that it takes a lot of spiritual power to advance to the stage in the Nascent Infant Stage, and the absorption rate of Chi Muyao after the cultivation base is fed to Chi Muyao is the same as that of Chi Muyao in the Golden Elixir Stage in his Nascent Stage.

It seems...nothing has changed much.

Therefore, Xi Huai began to comfort Chi Muyao, saying all day: "As long as your heart is sincere, the iron pestle is ground into a needle, and the water droplets can penetrate the stone, you can also transform your spirits."

Chi Muyao: "..."

He tried to take a deep breath to adjust his mood and keep his mind at peace.

He didn't even think about going to the stage of becoming a god.

He didn't even think about building a foundation.

But... After Xi Huai's unremitting efforts, his cultivation level gradually reached an outrageous level.

Chi Muyao didn't understand the righteousness very well, and he didn't want to bear Xi Huai's "enthusiasm" on his own. He also maintained the peace of the Three Realms under his passiveness.

At the beginning of the book, he imagined Xi Huai's appearance, thought that he would be tall, thought that he would be decisive, but never thought that this person would love to be a furnace, and even forgot his mission as a villain.

The number one villain in the book does not destroy the world, does not fight against the hero and the hero, does not take seriously the devil who wants to unify the Three Realms, and cares about strange and weird things with him every day like a grudge.

Such as—

Xi Huai said with a sullen face, "You didn't invest in this double repair."

What is the investment? Is it possible to perform a poem recitation with emotion after double cultivation? !

Xi Huai asked fiercely: "You have only called to stop six times in a row. Are you tired of me? Sure enough, your relationship will change. After being together for a long time, you don't like it that much, right?"

He was dizzy after being "trained," and he even felt seasick and wanted to relax, which made the master unhappy!

Doesn't make sense!

Those are all okay. The most outrageous thing is that Xi Huai even sighed bitterly: "How can you get up to feed the birds during the double repair?"

Chi Muyao finally couldn't bear it anymore, and replied: "Tweet Chiu has been hungry for more than ten days!"

Xi Huai was more aggrieved than him: "Hasn't it been bigu a long time ago? Do birds whose cultivation bases are similar to those of Yuanying stage cultivators need to be fed frequently?"

"I'm in the primordial infant stage, and I don't need to feed it often, you still feed me according to me!"

"Can this be the same? I am your Taoist companion! And I am still your furnace! Is it wrong for me to make a furnace?"

"You, you... It's my natal beast!"

"Chi Muyao, you are so unrelenting for a bird!"

Chi Muyao pointed to himself in disbelief and asked: "I... I just went to feed a bird... And we have been six times in a row... Why did I become unfeeling?" "What happened six times? Look at your cultivation level. Haven't made much effort! Are you still motivated?"

"..." Chi Muyao couldn't bear the grievance, and sat down on the bed, "I want to leave."

"No! I don't allow it!"

"You are so stubborn!"

"You are not considerate of Taoists!"

Chi Muyao and Xi Huai fell into a cold war, insisting on ignoring each other for two days.

Chi Muyao was busy with his own affairs, writing incessantly with a pen in his hand, and Qing Ming Liuhuo was communicating with him next to him.

In fact, as long as Xi Huai walked over and took a look, you could see that Chi Muyao was writing the secrets of the exercises that he could use during his transformation into the gods.

Xi Huai meditated and adjusted his breath alone in the cave mansion room, studying new exercises, but his ears were always listening to Chi Muyao's movements.

Hearing that Chi Muyao had reached the entrance of the cave mansion, he immediately got off the Ju Ling jade lotus seat and walked out to stop Chi Muyao: "What are you going to do?"

"There is a sound transmission note coming over."

"You just took the opportunity to escape. This is not the first time you have done this kind of thing."

Chi Muyao stretched out his hand to cross into the spiritual power, and two sound transmission talisman entered the door.

The first sound transmission note came from Yi Qianxi: "Junior brother! I have a cub, but what can this thing be?!"

Xi Huai listened to the sound transmission talisman together, but didn't understand what it meant, so he asked, "What is she talking about?"

"Senior Sister, she's happy!" Chi Muyao was extremely excited, and he shook Xi Huai's hand vigorously.

Xi Huai was pleased by his behavior, and his anger disappeared a lot, and then asked, "What does this mean?"

In Xi Huai's concept, having a happy event means a successful promotion, and has no idea about the reproduction of offspring.

"Senior Sister, she is pregnant."

He thought that Xi Huai would be happy with it, but instead he used the topic to use it: "Look at people, it took the Qinghu two years to regain its human form, and it has only been five years now, and he has all the children of the Taoist couple. Everyone has achieved results. , As for you, it's still in the early stage of Yuanying."

Chi Muyao seemed to feel that the hand holding Xi Huai was very unhappy, and quickly let go, not wanting to pay attention to him, so he clicked another sound transmission note.

Xi Zihe's voice came out in a hurry: "Daoyou Chi, next to Xi Zihe, you will be holding a ceremony with Taoist companion Han Qingyuan. I want to invite you to participate. I wonder if I can appreciate it?"

Chi Muyao's eyes lit up after hearing this, and these two happy events have come together: "Xi Zihe and Han Qingyuan's ceremony for the Taoist couple, this must go!"

Chi Muyao said, flipping through the invitation note attached to the sound transmission note, and Xi Huai's name was also written on the invitation note.

Xi Huai glanced at the invitation, and when he saw that it was two months later, he couldn't help but feel unhappy.

Obviously he planned to retreat for twenty years at one go, but was interrupted after only seven years.

Chi Muyao naturally noticed Xi Huai's displeasure, and took the initiative to walk over to hold Xi Huai's waist, and looked up at him: "Is the reflection okay?"

"I'm right, what am I reflecting on?"

"Are you making trouble unreasonably?"

"I do not have… "

"Will you never admit that you have a bad attitude?"

"I have always been like this."

"Forget it, I'm going out." Chi Muyao said, letting go of Xi Huai, and he was about to leave.

"Chi Muyao!" Xi Huai was anxious immediately, and took his wrist.

Chi Muyao stopped and poke Xi Huai's shoulder with his finger once: "Xi Huai, am I spoiling you too much? You have to quarrel with me to feed the birds. You calm down for two days and still feel that you are right. ?"


"Don't reflect on it yet?"

"Why can't you focus on me?"

"Why don't I focus on you? I am in the primordial infant stage, and the rest of my life will be yours for the next few hundred years. But our lives can't just focus on double cultivation, we still have a lot of things to do..."

"Such as feeding birds?"

"It's not just about feeding birds..."

"And accounting?"

"and also-"

"Participate in the ceremony of the Taoist couple, and give your little sister a midwifery by the way? After your little sister has given birth, will the imperial pet pig be pregnant again?"

"..." Chi Muyao quickly stopped the topic, "I think our quarrel is meaningless."

"I don't think it makes any sense. After so many times, you haven't changed."

Chi Muyao really didn't know how this young master should serve to satisfy him, thinking about it and thinking that he was right.

What's wrong with feeding birds? !

He simply left the customs, really ignoring Xi Huai.

Xi Huai watched Chi Muyao go out of the gate, his expression gradually crumbled, and he wanted to chase but did not chase it out. In the end, he could only go back to the cave mansion sullenly, sulking alone.

Even though Chi Muyao and Xi Huai had not yet reconciled, Xi Huai followed Chi Muyao to attend the ceremony on the day that Xi Zihe and Han Qingyuan were married to the Taoist couple.

Xi Huai was afraid that the people in the Nuanyan Pavilion would embarrass Chi Muyao. After all, Chi Muyao had trapped many gods in the Nuanyan Pavilion with an array. This was the truth of the matter back then, and he could be relieved by protecting Chi Muyao.

Many people didn't seem to have expected that Xi Zihe's Taoist Companion Ceremony could invite the Demon Venerable and his Taoist Companion to come in person, and everyone was shocked.

In their cognition, Xi Huai and Xi Zihe should not have had any intersection. As for the man covered with peach blossom noodles, many people have heard that he was once a young disciple of the Imperial Chong faction, which is in the rumors. The most beautiful man in the Three Realms.

However, Han Qingyuan and Xi Zihe only had a good relationship with Chi Muyao many years ago. It is extremely bizarre that these two were able to admire their Taoist ceremony.

However, only a few parties knew the reason.

They really don't have any contact on weekdays, and they haven't even passed a sound transmission in a few years or decades. But as long as the other person says a word when needed, then the other person will go to the appointment for thousands of miles.

This is a very inexplicable friendship, and perhaps only through life and death together can we have such a bond.

Xi Zihe was extremely busy this day, but he saw them from a distance, and waved to them from a long distance away. Chi Muyao smiled and waved in response.

Yi Qianxi also brought the ancestor of the green fox to them at this time, and then sighed: "Han Qingyu is so beautiful today! It's red and red."

Chi Muyao and Han Qingyu are not familiar, and have not even had any exchanges. He is not too interested in bridal makeup. He just asked Yi Qianxi: "Where are you two? When will the ceremony for the Taoist couple be held?"

Yi Qianxi shook his head: "What's the event? I don't have any relatives or friends, let alone him. When the time comes, people who know each other can get together for a drink. The two of us are poor and white. Can he be willing to wear clothes every day? I'll be thankful when I go out."

The imperial pet, poor.

After the ancestor of the green fox was transformed into a human form, he was in the Miasma Forest. Although he picked up a few things from the cultivator of the Xianghuang Pavilion, he was also very poor.

The two got together, and their lives were very poor.

Fortunately, they didn't dislike each other, and lived quite comfortably.

After listening to Chi Muyao, he began to think, and said, "Enroll a few more disciples next year, and go hunting with Qing Zezong from time to time. If we cooperate, we will get a lot of spirit stones."

"Okay, this can be regarded as a big tree with my back to enjoy the cold." Yi Asashi began to worry about the child again, "You can help me find my pulse, or help me see if I am a fox or a person in my stomach. Huh? Human beings are pregnant for ten months, and foxes are pregnant for two months. I don't know when I will be born. What if the two are combined and they are born within one month or five months?"

Chi Muyao was also a little confused. After helping Yi Qianxi to investigate for a long time, she didn't know what she was pregnant with.

The two chatted endlessly, while Xi Huai and the ancestor of the green fox were staring at the two at the same time, shaking hands from time to time. Even if Chi Muyao is simply exploring the veins, the eyes of these two people are like nails, nailed to the hands of Chi Muyao and Yi Qianxi.

"I can't detect it, and the colorless Yunnilu's ability is useless." Chi Muyao could only give up, "You should always pay attention, or live in Qing Zezong these days, it will be convenient for me to take care of you. "

Yi Qianxi's head shook like a rattle: "No, it's okay, I'm not comfortable going to you."

"Well, that's fine."

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, so they sat chatting together, eating some melon seeds, and chatting with people they knew each other from time to time. The ancestor of the green fox and Xi Huai sat in the same place relatively silently.

Gradually, some cultivators who were observing this side hid far away and talked: "I heard that the demon lord and his Taoist companions are inseparable, but today they seem to have a lot of life, they didn't communicate much, and the feelings are normal."

"How can the people of the Demon Sect have any long-term love? Maybe they each have their own friends, especially the Hehuan Sect... you know."

The preference is coincidental, and these words made their new head overheard.

Yu Yanshu walked slowly and said to them: "The things in the realm of comprehension don’t just look at the appearance. My master and my wife have been rumored to be at odds for many years. Now they are not together? Since I want to be in the realm of comprehension. To survive well, you must learn to live with your brain."

The two ran away quickly.

Yu Yanshu looked back at them, did not continue to struggle, but stood on the platform and looked from a distance to see if the ceremony between Xi Zihe and Han Qingyuan went well.

At this time, Yi Qianxi and Chi Muyao walked from a distance, and Yu Yanshu, who had been indifferent, finally had a faint smile and said, "Are you here?"

Chi Muyao nodded, then looked at Nuanyan Pavilion and sighed: "Today's Nuanyan Pavilion has been rebuilt very well."

Yu Yanshu also sighed slightly: "Naturally not the prestige of the past, but everything is getting better and better, I hope what you see did not disappoint you."

Look at this warm smoke pavilion, the jade building golden palace, and the incense burning treasure tripod.

The magnificent main hall is carved with jade columns, thousands of glazed glazes, and festive pendants hung on the marble pillars, which are as bright as a flame to be ignited.

The disciples are no longer as old-fashioned as they once were, they are a little more angry, and there is a happy and peaceful atmosphere inside the door.

Such a beautiful look seems to be what they have always wanted.

Nowadays, Nuanyange is no longer the first martial art, and other martial art is also rising.

Yu Yanshu didn't feel any sense of crisis either. It seemed that only this way could he maintain a balance. If their family was the only one who had always been a superior existence, it would always become distorted.

Chi Muyao and Yu Yanshu saw that Tianzun Guannan and Si Ruoyu had also come to this ceremony.

At the beginning, the affairs of Guan Nan Tianzun and Si Ruoyu also made a lot of noise, but these two people didn't care. Today is the Taoist ceremony for Guan Nan Tianzun's disciples, and Guan Nan Tianzun is about to come naturally.

Yu Yanshu glanced at it and smiled: "The ceremony is about to begin, and I need to sit there and wait for tea to be served."

After speaking, he began to smile bitterly. It was obviously Xi Zihe's brother, but he had to be respected by the elders.

"Go." Chi Muyao nodded.

The ceremony officially began.

"The Dao Lu puts the bell."

"The Taoist priest respects tea."

"The Taoists recognize each other."

"The Taoist couples incense!"

"Li Cheng!"

Chi Muyao accidentally penetrated into a book, and he became an important character in the book that led to the blackening of the villain.

As a result, after more than a hundred years of ups and downs in the book, he gradually grew from a small role to a pivotal role. Now I can sit next to my Taoist couple and friends, and watch the ceremony of the Taoist couple in the book.

The lover of the male and female masters will eventually become married, the piano and the sound.

The second man succeeded in becoming the head, leading to a bright future with the warm smoke pavilion.

And he—

He turned his head to look at Xi Huai who was sitting next to him.

He felt that he was just a cluster of candles everywhere, and Xi Huai was the sun that illuminates the entire world.

The sun's rays have overshadowed everything in the world, nothing happens at the moment, and he is just a humble little flame.

However, they actually fused together, and the little flames gradually grew, protected, cared for, and loved by the sun.

There is nothing disproportionate, there is nothing unmatched, as long as that love keeps beating, then they will be a lifelong partner.

After returning from Nuanyan Pavilion, Chi Muyao spent a few days busy in the Deacon's Hall, and then began a leisurely day.

Xi Huai couldn't help it finally, and began to wander around Chi Muyao, with the intention of wanting to make peace with Chi Muyao.

Chi Muyao still ignored him.

Xi Huai had no choice but to take Song Weiyue and Zong Sichen to catch the insects, and then he held the jar to Chi Muyao's side and said, "These are definitely the fattest insects on this mountain. I want to use them as bait. , Feed the birds if you want."

This tyrant's cool tone seemed to say: "I want to let the whole cultivation world know that the worms in this forest are covered by you."

Chi Muyao raised his eyes to look at him, and at the same time noticed that Song Weiyue and Zong Sichen hurriedly hid, slightly raised the corners of their mouths, but did not tell.

He asked in a calm voice, "Are you jealous about feeding birds and fishing?"

Xi Huai seemed to wilt, and answered dejectedly: "No."

"Then you still jealous with the deacon hall, my little sister, the sow of the Imperial Pet Pie?"


Chi Muyao was no longer angry, he was just helpless, I don't know what Xi Huai was always arguing with him.

Now that Xi Huai was showing weakness, he greeted Xi Huai and said, "Come here, sit down."

He wanted Xi Huai to sit next to him, but Xi Huai wanted to squeeze a chair with him, hug him, and cling to his back like a shame.

Chi Muyao grabbed Xi Huai's hand and held the fishing rod, and said softly, "I teach you to fish."


Xi Huai seemed to have shown the utmost patience in order to be patient and sit by the lake with Chi Muyao for a long time, fishing together.

The mountains are warm and the water is soft, the lakes are covered by tens of thousands of hectares of smoke, and the rain strips and tobacco leaves are full of affection.

At first, Chi Muyao felt a bit squeezed by the two people sitting together, but gradually got used to it. He lay back in Xi Huai's arms. The broad shoulders were more comfortable than the chair, and the warm body temperature passed through the vest. Passed over, it was warm and mellow, making people lazy, and soon fell asleep comfortably.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the two of them, and the breeze was blowing their hair and clothes, which was very pleasant.

At this time, a fish took the bait and awakened the sleeping person. Chi Muyao quickly took up the line and put the fish away. When the fish was put into the bucket, he was so happy that he would give Xi Huai a high-five.

Xi Huai didn't know how to cooperate with this action, but vaguely remembered that he and Yi Qianxi would give high fives to celebrate, so he stretched out his palms, Chi Muyao immediately gave him high fives, and said: "Awesome, I caught this on my first fishing trip. fat!"

Xi Huai looked at Chi Muyao's happy face abruptly, and his heart trembled with his laughter. It is really strange that some people have been with them for a long time, and they can see one more time and have a heartbeat once.

After returning to his senses, Xi Huai sighed unexpectedly. It seemed that he was alone with Chi Muyao quietly, and it was also beautiful to look at him happy.

He followed with a smile and helped Chi Muyao carry the bucket, and the two of them talked and smiled back to Xihuai's mountain.

The two held hands, their fingers clasped together, and the fierce person became gentle at this time, looking down at his partner, smiling.

They never seem to have been in a cold war, and they are still as sweet as ever.

The years of companionship are too long, and Chi Muyao once felt uneasy for this long time to make people sigh.

Later, he found that this kind of anxiety seemed unnecessary, and occasionally embellished it with innocuous bickering, and it was not boring to be boring.

You see, the night came quietly, the stars were resting on the waist of the clouds, and the moon fell into the water and the monkeys were struggling to fish.

We never know what is good in the world until we meet each other, and occasionally sigh, it's nice to be able to meet you.

It was a long time of retreat.

I don't know how much sect affairs have accumulated, but fortunately, Chi Muyao's apprentices are gradually doing things neatly and can help him handle them well.

During this period of time Si Ruoyu probably came to Qing Zezong to make trouble again. She always wanted to let Chi Muyao take over the Hehuan Sect and become the lord of the Hehuan Sect, so that Chi Muyao avoided her for fear that she would really become the lord of the Hehuan Sect.

He really didn't want to.

The youngest daughters of Yi Qianxi and the ancestor of the green fox are also quite healthy. This little girl has inherited the glamorous looks of the ancestor of the green fox, and her eyebrows are extremely similar to him, for fear that others will not be able to tell that they are like fathers and daughters.

When her spiritual power is out of control, fox ears will appear from time to time on the top of her head, and a tail will appear behind her back.

The ancestor of the green fox didn't care about the surname, so the child followed Yi Qianxi's surname.

Chi Muyao treated this little girl very well, and would visit her from time to time, feeling the joy that his grandfather finally embraced her granddaughter.

Chi Muyao felt Xi Huai's tears kissing him, and seemed to have the meaning to continue.

With his throat dumb, he held Xi Huai's neck and whispered for mercy: "Xi Huai, don't practice any more, I will have to surpass the Sect Master if I cultivate again... Then am I going to be the Sect Master of the Hehuan Sect?"

Xi Huai thought that if Chi Muyao were to be another Sect Master, and there were more things that would distract Chi Muyao, then he might be getting angry again, and he didn't want to stop, so he could only ask like a discussion: "Then you Can you just do it without absorbing spiritual power?"

This is simply embarrassing Chi Muyao. Seeing Xi Huai's hot eyes but unable to refuse, he can only obediently say: "I will try—"

After the words could not be said, they were swallowed into a kiss.

There is no Hehuan sect disciple who can't cultivate, there are only furnace dings who don't work hard enough.

This may become the first creed of Xi Huai's life, and he will stick to it all his life.

[End of full text]

The author has something to say: This book is over! I hope everyone can give a five-star praise! Remember the author!

Thank you very much for your willingness to stick to the finale. Your support is my greatest encouragement.

It’s the first time I wrote about Gu Dan, there may be many things wrong, you still can't leave it, thank you very much.

I organized a lottery and gave red envelopes. The subscription rate is 100% and you can participate. There are 888 copies. I don’t understand the rules very much. I don’t know if I have to leave a message to participate. Everyone should leave a message and make sure to participate~

Both the traditional and simplified publishing of this book will be signed, and the contract is still being mailed. After the contract is mailed, I will post the news in @睡不醒的墨西柯,.

The traditional Chinese version is without deletion, but it needs to be stated that the locked chapters such as chapters 5, 25, and 100 are the pre-locked version and supplemented in the traditional version, which is different from the online version.

There are 6000+ characters in the exclusive extra, but the total number of characters is estimated to be 20,000 to 30,000 characters more than the online version. Special sign for the first ten minutes, unlimited time limit.

The simplified version will have some changes, such as the Hehuan Sect will be changed to the Peach Blossom Sect, and there will be exclusive extras, and there will be signatures, but the specifics have not been discussed.

Fan Wai will write a parallel world of two protagonists (set by chasing offenses, you can skip this Fan Wai if you don't like it).

If you want to watch the extravaganza of Guannan Tianzun and Si Ruoyu, you can pay attention to @睡不醒的墨西柯, I will post it there, so I won’t post it in this book. The time is uncertain.

The next book is expected to receive in advance! Ancient campus story "Guozijian repeat students"

1. The notorious repeater Yu Jianli in the Imperial College is back again! Repeating grades for so many years is also rare in the world, and can be called the first laughing stock of the Imperial College.

They are not good at school, what are they afraid of, and Yu Jian is at the bottom.

Many students went to watch, wanting to see how naive this repeater was, but saw a tender and tender man smiling at them.

There are people in this world who are so beautiful!


Guozijian Jijiu said: Yu Jianli is the most perceptive student I have met.

Even more famous people held Yu Jianli's hand and didn't let go, and insisted on accepting him as a close disciple.

Are you proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and also familiar with astronomy and geography

How did he become a repeater

2. The dark guards kneeling all around were anxious, and the calm face with a clear knowledge foretells that there will be a bloody storm to be set off.

Knowingly, he kept his eyes calm, thinking about Yu Jianli in his heart.

—He doesn't love me, he gives Ji Yan more dishes than me.

"Repetitive seniors" geeky beauty suffers x "Guozijian Xiaobawang" paranoid and perverted attack

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