The Demon Venerable’s Wistful Desire

Chapter 14: Look for him in the crowd


I asked two people and got two completely different answers.

I can't believe it all, and I can't believe it all.

The conclusion that Xi Huai could draw in the end was also very vague.

"Seventeen or eighteen years old, handsome in appearance, thin in figure, and the initial foundation-building cultivator who has just finished the tribulation will have the aura of dragon flames, and the three-system mixed spiritual roots of earth, wood, and gold."

Song Weiyue had a headache after hearing this: "It fits your appearance and description of cultivation level. Even if there are not hundreds of thousands of people in this cultivation world, there are hundreds of thousands. And according to the ability of the Hehuan cultivators to escape, so I'm afraid I will run away without a trace for a long time."

Regardless of Xi Huai, he was very persistent: "I cast a net everywhere, and I can hear his voice when I find it."

Zong Sichen sighed and shook his head: "I'm afraid that it won't happen. The Hehuan Sect has an original pill that will change the voice after swallowing it. If one eats one, the voice will not repeat."

Xi Huai was taken aback: "Can the voice be changed?"

Zong Sichen nodded.

"I remember he has a unique fragrance..." Xi Huai said again.

Zong Sichen handed over a small bead to Xi Huaiwen: "Is it this smell?"

After Xi Huai smelled it, his face changed, and his expression became heavier and heavier.

Zong Sichen explained again: "The disciples of the Hehuan Sect all have this fragrance bead. It will smell very good when worn on the body. If it is thrown away, the smell on the body will be different."

Zong Sichen finally gave Xi Huai a fatal blow: "He has been guarding you from the very beginning, not telling you his name, and not letting you touch his body. The actual spiritual roots are estimated to be different. He may really be of the three elements. Spiritual roots, but not earth, wood, or gold."

Song Weiyue's lips turned white: "There are too many possibilities for the combination of the three spirit roots!!!"

That is to say... Even if someone who meets the conditions is caught, I still have no choice but to determine whether it is the person.

If this Jiu denies desperately, Xi Huai can't recognize it, so he can only let him go.

After hearing this, Song Weiyue rubbed his head straight: "I don't know how he looks, his voice is different, and his taste is different. If he didn't fight with his spirit power with the dragon flame, would he not recognize it at all?"

Xi Huai fell silent, he really had no other clues.

There is a huge crowd, and there are too many qualified people. The most terrifying situation may be that he and Jiu are rubbing shoulders, and he can't recognize Jiu.

Song Weiyue crumbled and asked: "Then how to find it! Is it based on touch?"

After thinking about it, I felt wrong. According to Xi Huai's statement, he hadn't touched Ajiu anywhere: "Oh, you haven't touched him anywhere."

Zong Sichen suddenly smiled very constrainedly, and whispered: "Somewhere I've touched..."

Song Weiyue frowned: "Hey-can we still go to sleep one by one? Then I really don't know whether our Young Sovereign loves all sentient beings, or this group of people takes advantage, I'm afraid they still feel tainted by the Young Sovereign."

Before the words were over, both of them were thrown out of Xihuai Dongfu.

The two people fell into the mountain stream and took out their natal magic weapon in embarrassment, and the imperial thing flew out.

Standing alone in front of the things Ah Jiu left for him, Xi Huai secretly clenched his fist, the back of his hand bursting with blue veins, and his fingertips were all red and purple.

Chi Muyao hadn't been out of the sect very much, he didn't understand anything, and he still left everything for him. Just after the catastrophe, the body is weak and there is no entanglement, so it is definitely not good to run around outside.

You have to find him as soon as possible.

at the same time.

The nearest square city to Yaozong Mansion is the lively time.

Cars and horses on the street, the front hub of the booth rubbed shoulders.

Vendors who deliver goods to and from the crowd can only lift the goods in their hands above their heads, yelling "Swimming", and walking through the crowd at the same time.

Standing in the crowd, Chi Muyao was looking at the numerous health products whose eyes were shining.

Half of him is in disguise, half is really embarrassed, and his appearance is very different in normal times.

He will maintain his childlike appearance, but he cannot control his appearance freely when he is not at home. He can only put a fake beard on his cheeks and a pinch of his lips, turning him into the appearance of an old man with a beard. The corners of the eyes were wrinkled, causing the corners of the eyes to droop, and they really looked old.

Wrapped in a cloth on the top of his head, the leaking hair was scorched and curled, as if it had been burned by fire. Only he himself knew that this was the trace left by the thunder cleavage during the disaster. The hair was scorched several times, and he only leaked the scorched part.

He didn't refine his body well, and even though he had the vestments and defensive artifacts taken from Xi Huai when he saved the robbery, he was still embarrassed, and there was still a black mark on his face that could not be washed off, like a birthmark.

This trace, I am afraid it will take a few months or even half a year to fade.

The clothes on his body are usually worn when going down the mountain to buy, and it would not be unobtrusive to appear in the market.

He also carried a bird cage in his hand, and the cage was covered with dark green cloth, which should be afraid that the birds inside would be exposed to the sun.

It's just that the bird is too quiet, he hasn't screamed or even moved much after lingering in front of the stall for so long.

The businessmen selling health products enthusiastically introduced him: "Look at this, it’s made of mink hair, and underneath the mink hair is a bag of medicinal herbs. As long as you wrap it around your knees, you can feel the heat hitting your knees. I raise my knees so I am not afraid of the biting cold in the winter."

"Oh oh!" Chi Muyao looked at this thing, his eyes lit up, his mouth opened into an "O" shape, and he couldn't say any other words of praise.

He is very interested!

"Look at this plaster again. After you put it on, the broken leg can be connected." The merchant said, took a piece of plaster and stuck it on a cut bone, and then tore it off and connected it to the broken bone.

"This is good! This is good!" He was so excited, he took the voice-changing pill, and he felt a bit old when he spoke at this time.

The businessman was so cheating at the sight of the old man, he looked as if he had little knowledge.

So he took out another thing from the bottom of the box and introduced: "This is the Great Nourishing Pill of Perfect Perfection, which flows from the immortal realm. It's just this one. You see, it's still braving. I don't feel any waist pain after eating it. My legs are not sore, and I can talk to Xiaojiao's wife in private at night."

He instantly lost interest in looking at this ten perfect nourishing pill, his cultivation level is not high, but he can also see whether the pill has aura.

This is an ordinary pill. It is estimated that there is aphrodisiac effect in it, and it will give people a feeling of energetic, but in fact it has endless troubles.

He looked at other health products again, and suddenly suspected that those health products were also deceptive.

He pointed to the knee pads and plaster: "A tael of silver."

The businessman glanced at Chi Muyao, and cursed: "Look at this clothes as a rich man. If you don't sell it, you can't sell it. You pay me for the plaster on the bone."

"Then how much do you want?"


In this city, there are mostly mortals and immortal cultivators with low cultivation bases, and most of the currencies used are mortal coins.

When Chi Muyao was in the Deacon's Hall, he would come out to buy things from time to time. He also knew the price of goods in the mortal world. A piece of high-quality silk and satin clothes might cost a tael of silver, and pork from the mortal world.

Therefore, he will never lose a tael of silver.

Chi Muyao took out the copper coins from his sleeve and counted them, and said, "I'll give you another seventeen cents, which is considered to be a patch of the plaster."

The businessman reluctantly took out something and collected Chi Muyao's money.

The things were sold, and the excitement was gone. Chi Muyao gave Chi Muyao a grimace, and whispered, "Old treacherous and cunning."

After Chi Muyao picked up the things, he put his mind into the placket of his clothes, turned around and laughed.

Old treacherous

He is old, but he is not bad, but he is not stupid.

He went to other stalls to buy some herbs.

His body was damaged during the catastrophe, so he had to take a medicated bath to make up for it.

There was nothing to hold, these medicine packets were simply put in his arms, and they looked bulging, showing the state of a big belly.

The appearance of an old man with a big belly really showed.

Carrying the bird cage, walking slowly towards the inn, the street suddenly became chaotic, and it was the disciple of the fairy door who came down the mountain to search for people.

Those people's goals were very clear, and they were all young men who asked about them, especially those in the foundation-building period.

Someone probed Chi Muyao's cultivation base and looked at him hesitantly, but saw him take the initiative to ask: "Young man, what's the matter? Who are you looking for?"

It's just the look of an old man who loves to watch the excitement.

"Go away, can you inquire about everything?" The searcher pushed him away and continued to search.

Chi Muyao looked at his head for a while, then walked back to the inn carrying the birdcage, geese and ducks, ordered people to send him bathing water, and then returned to his guest room.

After he entered the room, he took off his shirt and put the medicine packet and plaster on the bed.

After the water came in, he took the medicine packet and poured the medicine into the tub, then took off his clothes.

The first to enter the water was the slender legs. Chi Muyao's body was a little thin, but not skinny. His fair skin turned up white belly like a fish in the water.

Entered the bucket and sat down, soaking in the potion along with the hair.

The black hair is stretched out, and the black waterfall is like. If it is not for hiding, the few strands of burnt hair will not appear to have less hair if it is trimmed.

Thinking of something, he got up again and reached out to carry the birdcage, and opened the cloth. You could see a bird lying inside, which was roasted to a half-ripe appearance, the feathers on the wings were all pasted, and the bird was dying. of.

He also put the bird in the medicine bath bucket, held it with his hands to support it, so that it would not drown, and asked in a low voice, "Will it be more comfortable?"

The bird could not answer him with a voice, but moved.

Chi Mu discovered this bird after a long disaster. He couldn't see the species. When he discovered it, he had been affected by his thunder disaster and was chopped like this.

He felt guilty and saved the bird.

This bird's life is also big, and it has persisted, but it still hasn't recovered well, and its life is hanging by a thread every day.

After he finished the bath, he first took the bird out and put it in the cage again, then got up and wiped himself clean, walked into the room quickly, only put on his coat, and sat on the bed.

After sitting down, he took the plaster and put it on his knee, and rubbed it for a long time.

After practicing these years, his knees have suffered a lot, and he needs to be nourished.

Three years of navel orange really hurt my knees.

After applying the plaster, I lay down on my back on the bed. Just as I was about to go to bed, I got up abruptly, went back to the screen and took off the pleated cloth and put it on again.

After living in the cave, I always forgot to wear pants. This problem has to be corrected quickly.

Lying on the soft bed, Chi Muyao rolled back and forth, grunting contentedly.

This kind of bed is the most comfortable to fall asleep.

Then with a flick of his finger, the candle was extinguished without getting out of bed.

The next day.

Chi Muyao once again disguised himself and put on his newly bought mortal clothes, and walked out of the inn carrying the bird cage.

Fangshibian recently built a turret for future observation and security.

Chi Mu had nothing to do, so he would often come to see them build the building, sitting on the stone steps not far away for a day.

By his side, most of the people who watched the building are children, and most of them are boys. They all watch the craftsmen build the building intently, like a group of fanatical and loyal fans.

The turret has four floors, with a cross ridge on the triple eaves. Chi Muyao and the group of young boys exclaimed for a long time on the day that Jinbaoding sent them. The workmanship was superb. The big kiss on the spine and the beasts were all well carved, and the details were superbly portrayed.

Chi Muyao was amazed by the craftsmanship of the ancients, who came here unimpeded for two months.

Even on a rainy and rainy day, I had to stand in the distance with an oil-paper umbrella to see how they worked in the rain, and then sighed the wisdom of the ancients like an inexperienced bun.

After a long time, he became familiar with these craftsmen, and someone asked him: "Old man, were you handsome when you were young?"

When he was asked, he smiled embarrassedly: "No, no, the birthmark on his face is born with him."

"Your eyebrows are very beautiful, it's a pity."

"Oh, who would say it's not."

Chi Muyao's eyebrows were so good that they looked like a fairy in the sky.

He has a pair of almond eyes, the eyelids are neither wide nor narrow, but they are the most innocent, and the eyebrows and eyebrows are slightly raised.

The nose is tall but not excessive, the lines are smooth, the tip of the nose is small, the lips are a little thin, and it is always uncomfortable.

The beauty is gentle, exquisite, and beautiful, as if you will rise into a fairy when you smile at someone, otherwise, why would you risk a fairy

Nowadays, he clearly left black marks on his face, and he also put on aging makeup, which still makes people think that he has a good-looking silhouette.

The bones of this person are beautiful.

The craftsman looked at him again and said, "But when I look at the birthmark on your face, why is it so much lighter than it was two months ago?"

Chi Muyao laughed dryly: "That's because you have been watching for a long time, and you have become used to it."

To the effect... The traces left by Du Jie slowly faded, and now it is not so obvious.

Here, Chi Muyao watched the turret rise from the ground with relish.

Over there, Xi Huai frantically searched the cultivation world, and the scope of his search expanded several times, but he didn't know that Chi Muyao had never left the neighborhood.

After another month, Chi Muyao pinched his fingers, and it was time for the cultivation world to select new disciples.

If you want to be decent and upright, the average cultivator will not miss this opportunity.

Chi Muyao didn't go. He stayed in the market and continued to watch the buildings, go shopping, raise birds, occasionally go to the teahouse to drink tea, or go to the lake to catch a fish. The life was very pleasant.

He knew that the main man had entered the warm smoke pavilion.

Jinsechu Mountain Range-Nuanyan Pavilion, the first of the most respected and upright sects, and the largest cultivating immortal gate.

This time the disciple election will be a big turmoil, and the male lead will turn the tide and brush the favorability of the female second. This is the first time he has killed the Quartet.

So he didn't want to go, and went only to be implicated in cannon fodder.

He did not go.

Xi Huai went.

Looking for him.

The author has something to say:

Chi Muyao: To be honest, I can watch the excavator digging for a day.

[The marks on the face can be removed, no need to worry. 】

[Second delivery, the whole person swayed, asking for nutrient solution~]

【Random Message 88 Red Packets】

Note 1: The value of one tael of silver refers to "Miscellaneous Notes of Wan Shu", author Shen Bang (Ming).

Note 2: The source of some names in this book.

Zhengyu Pavilion (Recreation Place for the Devildom) From five musical notes: Gong Shang Jiao Zhengyu

Taruyue Palace is from Li Bai's "Will Entering Wine"

The Warm Smoke Pavilion at Jinse Place is from Li Shangyin's "Jinse"

Hua Ling (Master Chi Muyao) From Zhang Yanghao's "Han Qian Huan"

The Puhe Mountains are from "The Book of Songs·Chen Feng"

Xizhao (name of Song Weiyue Dharma artifact) from Zhao Shanqing "Mountain Slope Sheep·Swallow"

Shu Kuang (Name of Xi Huai's Dharma Device) From Liu Yong's "Butterfly Love and Flower"

The full sky Tongyin array is from Su Shi's "He Xinliang"