The Demon Venerable’s Wistful Desire

Chapter 29: Take the exam


Jinse is a whole mountain range with abundant spiritual energy, stretching for thousands of miles without stopping.

Nuanyan Pavilion occupies the entire mountain range, with a total of 27 nights. Guannan Tianzun and his disciples are one of the third places.

Each lodging has a different number of branches, and the third lodging has fewer branches. The reason is that the first seven lodgings are mostly family branches. People in these families are very talented cultivators or foreign recruits. The number of elite disciples is small but fine.

As long as anyone in the entire cultivation world says that he is a disciple of Nuanyan Pavilion Qisu, he will be taken a high look.

This is also the reason why Zihe, the original male chairman, joined the third lodging of Nuanyan Pavilion and became a disciple of Guannan Tianzun.

Xi Zihe's three-line spirit roots made them appear impure in the first seven places. A group of single spirit roots mixed with a low-quality three spirit roots, which was an insult to them and even downgraded the first seven places.

The former seven places are the gathering place of elites, and the position occupied is also the best position in Jinse, which is called the inner circle.

This time, it was the third lodging for the exam, which made many disciples very excited. After all, they were fortunate enough to enter the warm smoke pavilion for a while.

This has also led to the popularity of Dongfu, and everyone has come to Nuanyan Pavilion, so it is natural to feel the Dongfu of Nuanyan Pavilion.

Dongfu is different from the houses built later.

The aura in the cave is obviously more abundant and pure, and the cultivator will choose to live in the cave if he wants to improve his cultivation.

Many disciples came to study because of the exam, and the situation of sleeping together appeared in the cave. Several disciples were arranged in a cave.

Chi Muyao and Yi Qianxi didn't care about the cave, they chose a house, and there were even single rooms to live in.

Chi Muyao entered his room, and the inside was clean and there was no need for him to clean it. Naturally, the face of the Nuanyan Pavilion was beyond doubt.

He put the things he used frequently in the room, and said to Yi Qianxi: "Sister, please bring the clothes you want to smoke."

"The clothes are newly made, shouldn't they be unnecessary?" Yi Qianxi asked, sitting in a chair grinningly.

"Come here, other schools always think that we have a smell, don't let the tongue out."

Yi Qianxi rolled a huge eye.

They are always disgusted in all aspects of the Royal Pet Sect, and even the smell of spirit beasts on their bodies will be ridiculed by others.

It has been almost two years since Chi Muyao entered the Imperial Chong Sect, and he has changed a little bit of the Imperial Chong Sect's reputation, but the deep-rooted prejudice is still there, and this requires long-term efforts to reverse it.

Yi Qianxi took out the clothes from Qiankun's bag and gave them to Chi Muyao, and then told: "You have locked the doors and windows of the room securely, and don't let the disciples come in."


What they didn’t know was that Xi Huai, known as "Deng's Disciple", had already entered Chi Muyao’s room, and was sitting on a chair at a small table separated from Yi Qianxi, listening to them. Two people talk.

The treasures in Xi Huai's Wanbao Bell are so strange that he used an invisible magic weapon that would hide his figure and spiritual power after wearing it on his body.

A quarter of an hour ago, he came in with the disciple who delivered books from Nuanyange, and sat down directly after coming in.

He didn't say anything, didn't move, just sat in the chair invisible and looked at the two seniors, sisters and brothers, waiting to find any clues.

Yi Qianxi sat for a while before leaving, and went back to his room to rest.

After Yi Qianxi left, Chi Muyao closed the doors and windows, and walked around the room deliberately. Still not at ease, he posted the door-sealing talisman behind the doors and windows.

While Chi Muyao walked around the room, Xi Huai kept following behind Chi Muyao.

He looked at Chi Muyao closing the doors and windows with his arms around his chest. He still recognized Chi Muyao's method, but he felt that Chi Muyao looked down on him a little bit. If he really wanted to come in, how many talisman could stop him

Chi Muyao seemed to heaved a sigh of relief after finishing this, and untied his belt as he walked into the house again.

Is this going to take off

Xi Huai suddenly struggled for a moment, see? Still not watching

Look, if he is not Jiu, is this a bit sorry Jiu

Don't look at what he stays here for? Do you want to watch Chi Muyao

After thinking about it, Xi Huai was relieved quickly.

He had observed all the qualified people in the Mitten Tongyin Formation last time, thinking about it, only Chi Muyao was the most like Ah Jiu, and he was the only object of suspicion now.

He entered Chi Muyao's room now, just to find out how Chi Muyao did it and why he could hide all traces cleanly.

Fortunately, Chi Muyao did not continue to take off, only took off his coat and put it on the shelf.

After that, he unfolded Yi Qianxi's clothes and put them on another shelf.

Immediately after taking out an aromatherapy burner from Qiankun's bag, pinching open the lid with two fingers, lighting the incense in it, and then closing it.

The incense smoke curls up from the gaps in the lid of the incense burner, exuding an elegant fragrance, a fragrance that is not gaudy and indisputable.

After doing this, Chi Muyao was busy in the room in his middle shirt.

First, he laid a quilt for himself, and then released the tweeted from the pet bag, and let it play in the room by itself.

He took out a hammer-like thing with a spherical head tied to a wooden stick, which seemed to be filled with cotton wool.

He thumped his back with this little hammer, and then thumped his knees when he sat down.

Xi Huai felt that Chi Muyao's behavior was very strange, why should he beat himself

Also use such a weird thing.

Chi Muyao sat at the table, made a pot of tea for himself, put it on the side, and reached out to read the book sent by the disciple of Nuanyange.

Xi Huai also patiently watched Chi Muyao reading a book not far away.

Chi Muyao was really patient. While sitting in a chair and reading, he was still hammering his back with that weird hammer. He occasionally brought a cup of tea to drink, and then turned a page of the book. It took two hours to read.

Xi Huai felt that he was simply wasting his time, and he would be able to beat loose before he had any more time.

Finally, Chi Muyao stood up after reading the book.

Xi Huai was relieved to see this scene, at least it wouldn't be so boring.

Chi Muyao opened the screen, placed the wooden barrel and leaned over to study the spring eye. After the spiritual power was injected, no water came out, which made him very puzzled. When he went to look at it, the water suddenly poured out and sprayed his face.

He got up embarrassedly and wiped his face with his hand, and looked at the wet clothes by his shirt, looking aggrieved and confused.

Xi Huai almost laughed aloud after reading it.

Sure enough, the clothes on his body were still ordinary clothes, not illegal ones, and they got wet when exposed to water.

However, Xi Huai's smile faded quickly, and he saw Chi Muyao take off his shirt and throw it aside.

Chi Muyao's figure is slender, and he looks more distinct when he takes off his clothes.

Chi Muyao's shoulders are very thin, but they have beautiful right-angled shoulders. His back and waist are delicate, and he doesn't have any muscles. Fortunately, he doesn't appear sick.

He watched Chi Muyao raise his hand to remove the hair crown on the top of his head, an ink-like green silk pouring down instantly, falling on his shoulders and back, and shook naturally before stopping.

There are scattered hair on the shoulders, and the hair color and complexion are black and white.

The slender neck is vaguely visible between the hair gaps. It is a perfect swan neck. There is also a red ribbon that Xi Huai has wrapped around him, and it has a subtle color, which makes Xi Huai subconsciously swallow a mouthful of saliva.

He seemed to be coated with honey, faintly sweet, so that people couldn't look away.

Chi Muyao stretched out his hand to test the temperature of the water, and when he leaned over, the heat in the wooden barrel surrounded him like a thick fog, and his extremely beautiful appearance was even more vague in the fog.

Xi Huai looked at Chi Muyao's side face, eyes resting on the tip of his nose.

He had kissed the tip of Ah Jiu's nose, wondering... Is it just that round and exquisite.

Chi Muyao stood by the barrel and untied his belt, Xi Huai finally recovered, subconsciously turning his head and not looking.

He always felt that if he confessed to the wrong person and looked at people other than Jiu, he would definitely get angry when he learned about it in the next day.

He didn't glance at Chi Muyao again until he heard the sound of water.

Chi Muyao was sitting in the tub, and Chiu Chiu flew over to take a bath with Chi Muyao. Chu Chu thumped in the water, splashing a piece of water, Chi Muyao didn't care, and was still pouring water on its head.

Xi Huai walked outside and waited at this time. After all, he didn't see any clues when he took a bath.

However, after waiting for a long time, Chi Muyao didn't come out. He also heard Chi Muyao's voice: "Hmm—"

It seems to be very comfortable.

Soon after: "Guru Guru—"

Xi Huai hurriedly got up and walked to the bath tub and saw that Chi Muyao was asleep after washing, and the person slipped into the bath tub and flooded the water with bubbles on the surface.

He quickly reached out his hand to support Chi Muyao's chin, and lifted Chi Muyao up.

Chi Muyao woke up at this time, looked at the empty room in confusion, and did not move after sitting upright again.

Xi Huai also retracted his hand at this time and went to the outside room again to wait for Chi Muyao.

Chi Muyao quietly pinched the trick in the water, and secretly checked the room with the power that the colorless Yunnilu gave him, and quickly withdrew his hand, as if nothing had happened.

He walked out of the bathtub, let the water on his body evaporate as he came out, and quickly refreshed himself, then used the object control technique to fetch new clothes and put it on.

Then he ran out from the screen bare-legged to the gauze tent of the bed, picked up the Qiankun bag, took out the new trousers from the inside and quickly put it on.

Xi Huai didn't use his spiritual power, only saw the scene of Chi Muyao running.

The coat was half-concealed, and he could only see Chi Muyao's smooth calf, which was covered by the hem, very thin and white, and extraordinarily long.

Chi Muyao walked out after putting on his clothes, walked to the bronze mirror and took a picture of himself, and then began to pull the red ribbon around his neck.

He seemed to be studying how to untie the ribbon, tried many methods, but ultimately failed. He sighed and then went back to the bed and lay down to sleep.

Xi Huai has been watching, this is actually the only useful scene he has seen today.

If it is Ah Jiu, who has absorbed a lot of his spiritual power, he can directly open his Wanbao Bell or control the ribbon.

But Chi Mu couldn't solve it.

He took a deep breath, then quietly used a teleportable magic weapon to leave Chi Muyao's room.

Soon after Xi Huai left the room, Chi Muyao opened his eyes again, and after searching again, he was relieved that there was no one else in the room, and then sat up.

Fortunately, he didn't take the ribbon off when he took a bath, otherwise it would show up.

When Xi Huai lifted him up, he was sober for an instant and realized that there were other people in the room.

In fact, he was panicked just now, so he should release the bath water first before going to act the scene.

At this moment, I remembered, got out of bed again to put the water off, and tidy up the room and change of clothes.

After finishing all these, Chi Muyao also deliberately dissipated the water vapor in the house, so as to prevent the smoked clothes from getting wet.

After finishing these, Chi Muyao sat by the window to remember.

When did Xi Huai come

What have you done

It seems... I didn't do anything...

The next day, the school officially began.

After entering the third lodging, you can have your own choice. If the culture class is weak, you can choose to go to the school to listen to it.

If it is weak in spells, you can also ask other seniors for advice. There are those who teach spells, those who teach refiners, and those who teach combat methods. There are several places.

Chi Muyao and Yi Qianxi belong to the Imperial Chong School, and the others are not good enough, so they can only come to learn cultural knowledge.

For those of the Imperial Chong faction, the examination of learning is simply a tragedy.

It's okay to let them read and write, but they can't use their brains.

It is even more difficult for them to fight against the law and take the actual combat test.

Other bonus items, such as refining tools and alchemy, are all inadequate.

It is rare to catch the spirit and beastly, but it is not in the content of the exam.

Chi Muyao sat in the corner of the school, sitting cross-legged upright, with books still in front of him.

The protagonist in the novel likes the position by the window, either the front row or the back row. He chose the fourth row from the bottom, which is a very inconspicuous position behind.

Yi Qianxi sat next to him and sighed five or six shortly after holding the book, showing the extent of her pain at the moment.

After a while, Xi Huai and the other three also walked in. Xi Huai sat directly next to Chi Muyao. He was tall and looked much taller than others after sitting. His legs were so long that there seemed to be nowhere to sit. It's very unruly.

Chi Muyao straightened his back immediately.

Song Weiyue and Zong Sichen followed them to sit in the back row. Zong Sichen has always been gentle and gentle. It is no problem to sit in the school and pretend to be decent, even more upright than the disciple of Nuanyange.

Song Weiyue opened the book and became cross-eyed without looking at it. He murmured, "What the fuck is writing... Why are the words so small?"

Xi Huai threw the literacy post to Song Weiyue: "You are not suitable to read this book directly, it is too difficult, so you should be literate first."

Song Weiyue received the literacy post and was very unhappy: "I can read, but the word is too small..."

Not long after, Yu Yanshu also sat in the school, very close to them.

Chi Muyao is a little bit strange, and disciples like Yu Yanshu still need to listen to school with disciples at the foundation stage

But look at a few people in the school again, he quickly understood. It is estimated that Guannan Tianzun sent Yu Yanshu to stare at these "problem guests". Xi Huai will be here, and Yu Yanshu pleads with him. It's quite normal.

Chi Muyao was still waiting for class, but disciples came one after another after a while.

Seeing Xi Zihe, Han Qingyuan, and Ming Shaoluo all enter the school, he immediately felt dizzy.

What level of party is this

There is no paragraph in the original, right

Ming Shaoluo originally wanted to learn the fighting technique, but he felt that there was nothing to learn. The disciples who came here had different foundations, and they all talked about the most basic things. It would be a waste of time to go.

Seeing Xi Zihe and Han Qingyuan coming to the school together, she also followed.

After entering the school, I actually saw Xi Huai and the so-called first beauty of the Three Realms Chi Muyao.

The current situation is that she played the eldest lady's temper in the full-day Tongyin formation. Xi Zihe and Han Qingyu see their true love in adversity, and the relationship seems to be better. Every time Xi Zihe meets her, she has no choice but to help.

And this time in the formation, Xi Zihe didn't shine anymore, but Xi Huai and Yu Yanshu did the show.

Looking at Xi Huai again, the people who used to be so obedient to her are now reluctant to look at her more, running behind Chi Muyao's ass all day long.

Dog man...

Sure enough, it is only a superficial thing looking at the face.

But Ma Zihe didn't look at her face and didn't like her either.

She was so angry.

The predecessor who came to give lectures was a mid-Golden Core cultivator. He glanced at it and saw that there were not too many cultivators present. Before he sat in the school hall, he started a very traditional lecture: "Xia Dantian near the second Acupoints, Tongjimai, go up to Niwan. Niwan, Nao Gongjin name. Every three consecutive swallows, you will quickly save the pubic pubic area, get Neiyuanle, send it with your intention, and make it enter the two acupoints.[1]"

Chi Muyao took the book to study seriously, and when he noticed something was wrong, he turned his head and looked at Xi Huai, who happened to meet Xi Huai.

Xi Huai didn't attend the class seriously, and kept staring at him with his chin supported, his eyes joking.

He was seen uncomfortably for a while, and suddenly felt that the title of Deng's apprentice really fits Xi Huai.

He was puzzled. He had already acted in a play last night, so why did Xi Huai still stare at him

And he also left a small note for Xi Huai, why didn't he give up

He could only continue listening with red ears, and didn't dare to move too much.

Yi Qianxi also noticed, stretched out his hand to pull the hem of Yu Yanshu's clothes, and when Yu Yanshu turned his head, he gestured over there, hoping that Yu Yanshu would take care of it.

Yu Yanshu glanced at Xi Huai, then flicked at Xi Huai after gathering water drops on his fingertips.

As a result, Xi Huai dodged sideways, and the drops of water hit Song Weiyue's face in the back row. Song Weiyue was annoyed that he couldn't read the book. Suddenly he was smashed with water, raised his hand to burn the book, and threw it towards Yu Yan.

The cultivator who gave lectures looked at the disciple who was suddenly fighting over there frowned, and cursed, "Get out of the way and stop."

For the first time, a disciple with roots like Yu Yanshu was blasted out of the school, but he still stood up and walked out to stand, and the appearance of going out was quite heroic.

Song Weiyue followed and walked out, standing next to Yu Yanshu holding the literacy post and looking at it seriously, as if this kind of thing had happened millions of times. He was extremely skilled and natural and unaffected.

Yi Qianxi was too guilty to move and Yu Yanshu was punished to stand.

Chi Muyao also looked out the door again and again, but turned his head uncontrollably, and looked at Xi Huai.

Xi Huai actually turned his face with the control technique! Forcing him not to read Yu Yan's book, but to look at Xi Huai.

What did he and Xi Huai do to look at each other

See how rascal Xi Huai's eyes are

He tried to turn his face away and read the book, but noticed that someone was pulling his sleeve.

I lowered my head and saw my sleeves fly up on their own.

There is a kind of thing in the cultivation world called Yuanyang sleeves. It is a common thing between Taoists. Two small things are fixed on the cuffs. The direction the sleeves floats is the direction the Taoists are.

The sleeves between the couples seemed to be holding an invisible thread, keeping in touch with each other. A more precise description is like two magnets, always attracting each other. When two people are side by side, their sleeves will come together to prepare for it.

This is a magic weapon used by Taoists to go out in the downtown area together to prevent them from dispersing in the crowd, but Xi Huai used him.

He watched his sleeves float up, and Xi Huai's sleeves floated up. They were still sitting side by side, the sleeves of the two people kept moving closer together, and if they didn't look closely, they would be secretly holding hands.

Chi Muyao pressed his sleeves in a panic, but saw his clothes float over there.

He could only hold it down again, and then his whole body moved closer to Xi Huai's side, swishing all of a sudden on Xi Huai's body, hitting the table sideways, making a loud noise.

A pair of mandarin duck sleeves is enough for ordinary Taoists.

But Xi Huai was different. He used a thousand at a time, forcing Chi Muyao to stick his whole body on his body.

The Golden Core cultivator who was giving lectures raised his head and glanced up, and was surprised by this scene.

In the large court, what kind of style do two people snuggle together

He immediately said: "You two get out of here, too."

As a villain, Xi Huai was reprimanded and was still very happy, and walked out with Chi Muyao in his arms.

Chi Muyao could only go out next to Xi Huai in full view, because he was sucked on Xi Huai's body and couldn't pull it off.

He closed his eyes in despair, blushing with bleeding.

The author has something to say: Note [1] Quoted from "Mr. Huanzhen Fu Nei Yuanqi Jue" Author: Mr. Huanzhen (Tang)