The Demon Venerable’s Wistful Desire

Chapter 34: Take the exam


That night.

The sun is sinking and the stars are rising.

The dark red robe swiftly passed through the air, dyeing the frosty and blue warm smoke pavilion with a bright color.

After Xi Huai landed on the ground, he hadn't stood still, and Chu Chu flew out of his hand.

He was shocked, for fear of losing Chi Muyao's natal spirit beast, looking for something in Wanbaoling and intending to catch it again.

Who knows, not only didn't go away after flying around for a while, but returned to his side, fell on his shoulders, his body swayed, and seemed to be still alive alone.

There is no conscious of being kidnapped at all.

While Chi Muyao was participating in the additional test, Xi Huai planned to study Tweet Tweet carefully to see if there were traces of the dragon flame on its body.

It was too suspicious that Chi Muyao could hide the horned dragon flame so thoroughly.

He was a little helpless, touched the feathers on Chi Chi's neck with his index finger, and asked: "Your master is very clever, why are you stupid?"

Chi Chi was able to perceive people's emotions, knowing that this was not a good word, and turned around to ignore him, but did not leave his shoulders.

He took Chi Chi and returned to the house, and after entering, he asked, "Did you find it?"

Zong Sichen quickly flipped through the books stolen from Nuanyange, and at the same time replied: "Nuanyange's books are too much nonsense, they are all theoretical explanations, and there is no practical word."

Song Weiyue also held a book, and the speed of reading the book couldn't be compared with Zong Sichen, and he mumbled as he read it: "What is this talking about... Why don't you even have a picture?"

Zong Sichen simply lost the book in his hand and said: "There are too few records about the spirit pet, and it is also the reason that we are not willing to spend time on a good relationship with the spirit pet, and want to get rid of this bird. Hidden restrictions, I'm afraid I can only go to the Imperial Petty to ask their followers."

Xi Huai felt that his thoughts were irritating, and after sitting down, he asked with a calm face: "I will take their disciple's natal spirit beast to their sect and let them break the restriction on this bird?"

Zong Sichen walked to Xi Huai's face, leaned down and looked at tweeting, frowning: "How can we explore its spiritual power? There are too many kinds of spirit beasts, and each spirit beast has its own differences. The book records. There are many, but no one has used the Oriole as a natal beast. I am afraid that the writer would not have thought that anyone would do this... I really can’t start."

Xi Huai turned his head to look at Tweet, and said, "I just want to see if there is a dragon flame in it."

"You know, isn't there a restriction?"

In fact, when Xi Huai spent the night in Chi Muyao's room, he had already quietly tested and tweeted.

After he released the silenced magic weapon, he secretly released Tweet while Chi Muyao was asleep, hoping to explore the spiritual power within Chi Muyao.

He also used the same method to detect the spiritual power of the pet and the spiritual power of the human being. As a result, he found that after his spiritual power was injected into Chi Chi's forehead, it only caused Chi Chi's fat belly to shake, and there was no other reaction.

Spirit beasts are different from humans, especially this kind of natal spirit beasts that have contracted with humans, all have special restrictions set by their masters.

Song Weiyue also put down the book and stared at the tweeted, confused: "What does such a oriole bird think of using it as a natal spirit beast? Does it have the ability to attack? Will it be allowed to peck at each other during a fight? ?"

Zong Sichen seriously recalled: "I have never seen Chi Muyao use it before, and every time it seems to be... on guard. Yes, it is on guard."

Xi Huai asked again: "Isn't it found at all?"

"I also found some. Either the owner issued an order to let it lift the ban, or it voluntarily lifted the ban after it entered a state of combat so that it can use its spiritual power."

The three people were in a state of anxiety towards a bird.

Song Weiyue didn't bother to use his brain, took out Xi Zhao directly, and said, "I'll beat it up. If it's beaten back, won't the prohibition be broken?"

Xi Huai immediately raised his hand to protect him and tweeted: "No, what if it is really just an ordinary oriole? Didn't it get killed by you."

Song Weiyue almost collapsed while holding the hammer, "What should I do?! The younger sister Chi Muyao is not a good person, and you dare to use a knife. She lost the beast of the younger brother's life, and she will definitely go to Yu Yan. Book, afterwards, there was a lot of trouble looking for a bird, but the bird was here with us? What did we say? Think it’s fat and want to roast it?"

At this time, the insulted Chu Chu suddenly spread his wings and gave a "chuw", and then flew up.

The three of them looked up and watched the room full of tweeted. They didn't dare to put heavy hands on it for fear of hurting it. After all, they were all very talented cultivators, and any attack would be enough for this bird.

So they didn't use their spiritual power, and only caught them with their hands or net-like magical devices.

Regardless of the fat body, the movements are very agile, and the three of them can't catch it even with the light body technique. It also aimed at Song Weiyue and shit on Song Weiyue's head.

After Song Weiyue was the son of the lord of Qingzezong's first palace, he was still defensive and placed a barrier above his head.

But watching the shit spread out on the barrier above my head is also very disgusting...

Zong Sichen smiled and said, "Hahaha, it still has big tricks, we look down on it."

Song Weiyue hurriedly jumped away, acting like a monkey, and finally squatted on one side of the table, with a book under his feet. He looked down, and felt that he did not respect the book in this way, and then pulled the book out.

Although I can't understand it, it's also knowledge.

He picked up the book and patted the dust on it, and then said: "This Chi Muyao is also interesting. If you enter the Imperial Pet School, you don't have to practice much. The natal spirit beast is still a yellow oriole bird, and he is not motivated to this point. Is also rare."

Xi Huai lowered his eyes and replied, "Everyone has his own ambitions. He just likes other ways of life."

Zong Sichen nodded and followed the analysis: "So, his favorite lifestyle is completely different from yours. You know you are looking for him but don't admit it. Is there a reason for this? It is destined to experience a lot when you find him, Qing Ze Zong’s days have never been peaceful, and if he gets by your side, he will experience these things, and these are not what he wants, so he simply denies it, so he can avoid it."

Now the two of them can understand, even if Xi Huai finds Jiu, he will not punish him or kill him, otherwise there is no need to protect Jiu while also protecting others.

Just by looking at Xi Huai's state, he knew that Xi Huai liked Ah Jiu in his heart, but he didn't say anything.

Now that Xi Huai analyzes these, he is also analyzing the future of the two.

Song Weiyue laughed and said, "Do you really think that Chi Muyao is Ah Jiu? The Young Sect Master just thinks that he looks good, so he has to be Ah Jiu, otherwise, how can he pretend to be so comprehensive? I see us. Why are you looking for Jiu? The real Jiu sees Young Sect Master going to hook up with Little Beauty all day, so naturally he is not willing to come out."

"But..." Zong Sichen hesitated, "There was Jiu in the formation, and when I met the old nun Xianyue last time, there was also Jiu. They were there both times, and there were only a few people who met the conditions. I gradually doubted. Ajiu is Chi Muyao, is it possible that he can still be Mat Zihe?"

Xi Huai's expression was pale as he listened to the analysis of the two of them.

There has been no definite answer, and his heart is always unreliable.

A heart is like a duckweed swaying in a blue wave, with nothing to rely on, up and down.

His gaze followed Tweet all the time, and found that Tweet flew around for a while and then fell back on his shoulder, and jumped on his shoulder to demonstrate with Song Weiyue.

The courage is quite fat.

Song Weiyue was so angry that he stood up directly: "It is mad at me, why is it so confident?"

Zong Sichen also found it interesting, and said with a smile: "It knows that the Young Sect Master is protecting it, and speaking of it, it really likes the Young Sovereign."

Xi Huai let Tue Tweet fall on his hand, tentatively injecting spiritual power again, still unable to detect.

After using all the magical implements and methods I could think of, I still found nothing.

The three of them were a little bit depressed, and finally had to give up, Song Weiyue sighed, "It seems that this way is not working."

Xi Huai could only send Tweet back again.

He did not send Tweet to Yi Qianxi, but to the house where Chi Muyao lived, closing the doors and windows to prevent it from flying away.

Less than an hour later, Yi Qianxi opened the door and entered Chi Muyao's room, and saw Chi Chi falling on the screen, looking at her with her head tilted, and she felt relieved.

She immediately walked over and summoned Chi Chi, holding Chi Chi and cursed: "Why did you fly back by yourself? I'm looking crazy, oh!"

In order to let Chiu Chiu and his red fox breathe, so as not to be squeezed in the pet bag all day long, Yi Qianxi went to the back mountain deliberately. As a result, Chu Chu disappeared suddenly, and she went crazy in a hurry.

She looked for it in the warm smoke pavilion, for fear of being hit by someone as a target for practicing fireball.

The first person she looked for was naturally Yu Yanshu. Yu Yanshu called a few disciples to help, and a group of people searched everywhere.

Yi Qianxi really couldn't help but came to Chi Muyao's room and found that Chi Chi was here finally relieved, holding Chi Chi and began to cry loudly, crying loudly.

Yu Yanshu was a little embarrassed by her side, stretched out his hand to persuade, but withdrew his hand again.

He was not good at doing this kind of thing, so he could only send out the sound transmission to the disciples who helped, telling them that Chi Chiu found it, then looked around and said: "The windows and doors are closed, Chi Chiu should not fly in. Someone sent him in. ."

Changing the subject was effective, and Yi Qianxi asked immediately: "It was really kidnapped?"

"It seems that it is, but it was sent back later."

"Qing Zezong's people did it?"

"do not know."

Yi Qianxi finally wiped away her tears, and stomped her feet with anger: "Deng the apprentice, his sleeves are broken, and my younger brother looks good, so he can't think about it!"

"Junior Brother Chi has taken good care of the tweeted during the exam, and I will keep watching them." Yu Yanshu finished pointing and tweeted, "Is it hurt?"

After checking it for a while, Yi Qianxi's eyebrows moved slightly, and then he replied, "No."

"That's good, I'll go now." Yu Yanshu didn't want to live in the same room for too long, so he hurried away.

After Yu Yanshu left, Yi Qianxi checked the restraint in Jiu Jiu's body again, and then reinforced it again.

From this point of view, Chiu Chiu was really taken away...

Chi Muyao sat in the Phoenix Pavilion, shaking his feet, watching other cultivators busy.

Compared with their anxieties, his calmness was a bit out of tune.

The Phoenix Pavilion here is three pavilions connected to each other, the middle pavilion is higher, the corners of the eaves are raised in a graceful arc, and the pavilions on both sides are like spreading wings.

He sat in the main hexagonal pavilion, and the breeze slowly brought a scent of vegetation.

The Nine-Nine Glazed Glass Pagoda in the trial ground has many magic circles on each floor. Participants who take the exam need to enter three magic circles on each floor, and all three magic circles can pass before they can move up one floor.

The exam has been going on for a day, Chi Muyao insisted on reaching the third floor, and when he came in, he saw Ming Shaoluo and others felt that his eyes were dark.

After all, I could not escape.

In fact, since seeing Mu Ren, he had predicted that he had entered the law by accidentally hitting the ground by mistake, and it was also expected that he would encounter Ming Shaoluo and others.

However, Ming Shaoluo was obviously shocked to see Chi Muyao on the third floor, otherwise he would not stare at Chi Muyao uncontrollably for a long time.

After getting ready, Ming Shaoluo became the leader and began to lead all the cultivators to break the formation together.

After reaching the third level, the magic circle is much more complicated, and this one is like this. The portrait is in the real scene, the grass and trees are scented, the pavilion can be seated, and the wind is mixed with coolness.

Before the fog has cleared, there is a piece of green grass slowly swaying in the wind in front of the pavilion, willow branches blow across the riverbank, blue stones covered with moss.

One world, unique style.

It's just that this burst is too confusing, and the fog is an interference, making people confused.

People were circling in the formation, and after walking for a long time, they didn't reach the end. The trance seemed to have returned to the original place, but this place was different from before.

If you don't find the eye of the maze, the trapped circle, I'm afraid it will stay in the formation forever and never get out.

The formation was too calm, so calm that they couldn't start, and they couldn't even see where the formation could be.

Chi Muyao felt a little bored watching them busy.

He is familiar with this type of formation, and their Acacia Sect is best at using illusion, and this formation contains illusion.

He only needs to take a glance to see the flaws, but he doesn't want to steal Ming Shaoluo's limelight, and he doesn't want to run with them.

But when he sat here waiting, he felt a little tired.

He couldn't sit still in the end, got up and planned to stay busy with him.

He wandered around the formation eye, and when he was studying the mystery of the formation eye, he heard other people's comments: "That imperial pet has been wandering by the stone steps for a long time."

"You don't think this kind of thing is a surprise, do you?"

"I've walked here a few times a while ago, and there is no difference. As expected, I am here to confuse, and I don't want to be too obvious. It's really fortunate that he can stick to the third floor."

"First I sat stupidly, now I start to study the stone steps, and I'm so laughing."

Mu Ren came from far to near and sighed: "How do you know that he is not observing seriously?"

Hearing Mu Ren helping Chi Muyao speak, these people shut up one after another.

Ming Shaoluo was also not far away, smiling and asking, "Mu Ren, your attitude towards him is different. Have you met before?"

"Well, I met it once." Mu Ren didn't want to say more, and didn't pay attention to Chi Muyao anymore, looking for it alone.

The spiritual roots of the Muren wood system are more outstanding. When you enter the pavilion to meditate cross-legged and connect with the gods of plants and trees, you are ready to feel the difference in this period.

The other cultivators in the formation were able to stick to the third level, naturally it was not a leisurely generation, and they started to use their own methods.

After Mu Ren opened his eyes again, he and Chi Muyao looked at each other.

Mu Ren felt embarrassed and walked towards Chi Muyao.

"Why are you..." Mu Ren seemed to want to ask Chi Muyao why he didn't directly unlock the psychedelic formation, and then looked at Ming Shaoluo, who was also a clear-minded person, so he stopped asking, and he solved the formation.

In an instant, the world changed.

Day and night alternate, the moon hangs in the sky, and the stars are like fallen leaves in autumn.

The Phoenix Pavilion disappeared, and the vegetation became a flagstone ground.

The ground stretched infinitely from the stone steps in the front of the eye, turning into a ground with no end in sight.

Red silk and drums are scattered under the moonlight. The drum is a common red drum. The cowhide drum surface is decorated with golden nails and drum rings.

The red silk surrounds the ninety-nine-eighty-one drums, and the drum is moving, and the red silk is also moving.

At this time, there was the sound of piano in the array, and the melody was melodious but with a distinct sense of rhythm.

It is still a confusing magic circle. The red silk is interference, and the night is also interference. Random changes make it difficult for people to find the law of drum changes.

This circle can only be played by one practitioner at a time, and at the right time, hit the designated drum. This person also needs to be proficient in the rhythm, and get the hint position from the rhythm in order to find out which drum it is. Unable to fish in troubled waters.

Some people who don't understand the temperament gave up altogether, standing on one side and waiting to see others break the formation.

Ming Shaoluo had been taking the lead before, but she didn't crack the first attack. At this moment, she was naturally the first to try: "I'll take a look."

Chi Muyao was not in a hurry, watching Ming Shaoluo jump into the formation, listening to the music to find his direction.

Regardless of Ming Shaoluo's stubborn personality, she also has a proud capital. She has good aptitude, is a single Linggen of the soil family, looks good, and has a good family background.

She was leaping in the formation, as if she was spinning and dancing.

The sleeves are fluttering like a peach blossom.

This drum needs to be beaten eighty times, and one less time is not considered complete, but every time a mistake is made, it needs to be repeated.

Eighty-one drums, eighty times, each drum must be hit once.

The drum is moving and the position is uncertain. Failure to keep up with the beat will also lead to failure to break the formation.

Some of the onlookers sighed: "It's too difficult."

"Senior Sister Ming is really amazing. If I go up, even if I observe every drum with my spiritual sense, I will be in a hurry."


Ming Shaoluo hit forty-two consecutive times in the first attempt, and failed to keep up with the rhythm on the forty-third time. He didn't catch up with the drum when he needed to beat the drum, and unfortunately failed to break the formation.

After she walked out of the battle, she sighed for a long time, and said with an anguish: "It's so difficult!"

She said that, but she was secretly happy in her heart, knowing that she had done very well.

She broke through once before she was born again.

At that time, Mu Ren found the first formation. She didn't notice where Mu Ren found the formation. She only saw that the world changed and entered the second level.

This second level really embarrassed them at the time, everyone went up to try in turn, and it took two days before she was the first to pass this level.

Because of the number of attempts, she even had to memorize the rhythm.

She just wanted to show off her skills successfully at one time, but she didn't expect to lose her hand in a panic without keeping up with the beat. But she was sure that no one would do better than her.

She remembered that only she and Mu Ren were the only ones who could clear the level of this magic circle.

Mu Ren looked at the magic circle seriously and praised: "This magic circle is very difficult, you are already very powerful."

"Senior Brother Mu go try it?"

"Well, good." Mu Ren said as he entered the formation with a light body technique, tried to calm down and listened to the rhythm breaking the formation. In the first attempt, he only beat the drums fourteen times in a row.

After that, other people tried in turn, but failed.

Ming Shaoluo looked at Chi Muyao, who had never been fighting for it, and said, "Junior Brother Chi, also try it."

Everyone has to try it again and let them know how difficult this formation is before they can know how good she is.

She could even think of her easily breaking the battle and spread it to Xi Zihe's ears, which changed Xi Zihe's view of her.

After all, Xi Zihe is most obsessed with law formations.

After Chi Muyao nodded and walked forward, Mu Ren suddenly said, "Try it normally."

He looked back at Mu Ren, and Mu Ren used his own preaching tone again: "After you rush to the next few floors, others will still know that you don't need to be like this at the moment, save some time and energy."

He thought for a while and replied: "Well, you are right."

Everyone is puzzled, what are these two people's secret code

Ming Shaoluo frowned slightly, Chi Muyao's entry into this circle was not in her expectation, she was really curious about Chi Muyao's strength.

Chi Muyao stood in the formation listening to the rhythm, watching the drums in the formation begin to break the formation.

The disciples of the Hehuan Sect are all proficient in rhythm, even piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, in order to attract the "luding" to the bait.

Chi Muyao would naturally be able to get caught up in the ears and eyes, although not as good as the other senior sisters and younger sisters, but not bad.

When he hit the drum, he would leave a peach-pink fluorescence that only the disciples of the Albizia Sect could see on the drum surface he had struck, so as to record the drum he had hit.

Chi Muyao was walking among the drums, turning around as if dancing lightly.

The moonlight was cool, silver awns scattered, and a layer of silvery white was plated on the tips of Chi Muyao's hair and clothes.

The sound of the piano is long, the dance is light, and the shadow falls on the drum surface and red silk.

His figure appeared and disappeared between the constantly shifting drums and red silk, his sleeves flapped and his long hair fluttered.

He threw out a spirit stone, and then jumped up on the spirit stone, and after stepping on the spirit stone, the spirit stone was broken, and the spiritual power in the spirit stone was instantly absorbed. When the debris fell, it looked like a broken pear blossom, and the scattered catkins were unexpectedly beautiful.

Tang Ming has always been a crazy suitor of Ming Shaoluo, obsessed with Ming Shaoluo's beauty.

When I saw Chi Muyao breaking through the formation, I couldn't help but sigh: "It's so beautiful..."

The words blurted out. Ming Shaoluo was not happy until he noticed the words. He quickly reduced his drunken gaze and swallowed embarrassedly to cover up his absence.

Mu Ren watched Chi Muyao break the formation and counted silently. At the beginning, it was silent, but gradually came out after the seventies.

The other people watching in the formation also opened their eyes wide, and kept taking a breath subconsciously.

The most critical last few hits!

"Seventy, seventy-one... Eighty, eighty-one!" At the last cry, Mu Ren's voice increased a lot, and the words contained surprises.

It's a success!

One-time success!

The work is clean and neat, and the actions are smooth and smooth, all in one go.

After the count, Mu Ren even breathed a sigh of relief for Chi Muyao. He had looked down on Chi Muyao before, and now he accepted him.

When he meets someone who is truly capable, he will change his attitude instead.

Ming Shaoluo watched Chi Muyao pass the customs smoothly in disbelief, Mu Ren changed his dislike of Chi Muyao in the past, and even regained confidence because Chi Muyao successfully broke the formation and planned to try again.

It seems that when Chi Muyao broke the formation, Mu Ren was also summing up experience at the same time.

How could this be

What is the origin of this Chi Muyao? !

How can it be

A rubbish from the Royal Pet School!

How can it be? ! !

She went left and right to see other people. Everyone seemed to marvel at Chi Muyao's ability to break through the formation. Some were shocked, some questioned, and some had a face collapsed.

But more, the shock after being amazing can't fade for a long time.

"This disciple of the Imperial Pet School is so amazing."

"Suddenly I feel that the name of the first beauty in the Three Realms is well deserved. The picture he just played the drums is so beautiful!"

"Unexpectedly, he really had two things..."

At this time, Chi Muyao, who had been successfully teleported out after breaking through the formation, naturally didn't know Ming Shaoluo was so angry that he bit his lip.

He didn't touch the teleportation stone in the room for a long time, but stood quietly while supporting the wall.

"My old waist... Ah, it hurts!"

He was so painful that he didn't dare to move, he held his waist with one hand, and stood still for a long time while holding the wall with the other.

When he broke the formation, his waist flashed, and he stood still for a while before remembering that he had the ability to heal, and then secretly healed his waist.

His broken knees and waist have old "sickness", which is not suitable for this kind of action.

"Illness" was caused in the cave that year.