The Demon Venerable’s Wistful Desire

Chapter 59: The green sacrifice is angry and majestic


Chi Muyao finally plucked up the courage to look at Yu Yanshu and said, "Brother Yu, I will take him to rest. I will tell you the situation outside the mountain in a moment."

Unexpectedly, Xi Huai refused first: "Let's talk about it now, you don't have to go to him again when you're done, otherwise it will be more troublesome."

"Huh?" Chi Muyao was so ashamed that his reaction was slow.

"It just so happens that if he has any questions, he can also ask me directly, without you having to pass the word in between."

Chi Muyao obediently introduced to Yu Yanshu what he had just inquired about.

Yu Yanshu finished listening with a calm face, and then asked: "He also knows about you?"

"Huh?" Chi Muyao was startled.

"Oh, it's okay." Yu Yanshu finished speaking and turned to leave.

Xi Huai didn't care at first, but he didn't expect to be stimulated by this sentence. After Yu Yanshu left, he held Chi Muyao's wrist and asked, "What does he know that I don't know?"

"He, he..." Chi Muyao was panicked for a moment, and the extent of the hair tail that was inadvertently pulled and the stretch of the clothes were all tense to cover up.


"there is nothing!"

"Chi Muyao!" Xi Huai gritted his teeth with anger, bent down slightly, glaring at him mightily, and questioned, "Is there a secret between you and him that I don't know?"

Chi Muyao fell into a panic and waved his hands repeatedly to explain: "No, that's the one who has concealed it from you..."

"Oh? You lie to me, lie to me time and time again. If I didn't know for sure, you wouldn't recognize it until death, but you shared this secret with him?"

"He discovered it himself, I didn't tell him!"

"You can deny it! Why did you recognize him? You were still half-concealed just now."

"I didn't recognize it!"

"You didn't recognize him as that kind of attitude?" Xi Huai's voice was so angry that he was biting his posterior teeth. "The water system spirit root is good, isn't the water system spirit root's cauldron nourishing people? The water system spirit root is that. An excellent spiritual root for the blessing of heaven and earth!"

Chi Muyao was too anxious: "No! No!"

"Now because of the scene just now, your water-based furnace is going to be gone, so you want to stabilize me? At least there is one that can be used, otherwise you won't explain it to me?"

"I never thought about what furnace ding, the big deal, even you don't want it!"

"Don't you dare, I..." Xi Huai was suffocated for a long time, and in the end he could only say "stab you".

The word "poke" is very mysterious.

He subconsciously felt back pain and knee pain.

Chi Muyao raised his head and took a quick look at Xi Huai, then took another look around, and saw someone secretly looking at them, but the distance was so far that he couldn't hear anything.

He was so angry that he flung his sleeves and left: "You don't make sense!"

"Am I unreasonable or are you too much?" Xi Huai asked reluctantly, chasing behind him.

Chi Muyao thought about what Yu Yanshu said while walking, and suddenly understood why Yu Yanshu suddenly mentioned this secret.

If the two of them share a common secret, then their relationship will also change.

Maybe Yu Yanshu also deliberately mentioned it just now, and even deliberately instigated the relationship between him and Xi Huai.

He is a little confused, why did Yu Yanshu be like this? Is it possible that Yu Yanshu has what kind of thoughts about him...

It shouldn't. There hasn't been any spark between him and Yu Yanshu. They have been polite. How could it be possible

Yu Yanshu is a straight man, he should like the heroine.

However, Xi Huai was also straight before, and even homophobic, and now he likes him.

If it is really what he guessed, not only has he become a "bending wharf", Yu Yanshu has also shown the potential of a green tea man.

He quickly rejected this conjecture again, and he felt a little passionate about himself.

Yu Yanshu is the second male, a distressed infatuated male second, what bad thoughts can the male second have

He quickly thought of what Mu Ren once said to him...

What did Yu Yanshu hear from Su You, that made Yu Yanshu such a change

He carefully recalled the look in Yu Yanshu's eyes, it seemed that there was no affection, only inquiry and... for help. He felt the anxiety of Yu Yanshu, and this anxiety did not seem to stem from his ambiguous atmosphere with Xi Huai.

It was Xi Huai's vinegar essence who possessed too much exclusivity, and he would be jealous to this level because of a question.

Although Chi Muyao was a little angry, he still took Xi Huai to a building: "This was a temple before, and the meditation rooms that can live in are all occupied. This is a drum tower, the place is small, and it is relatively dark. You can make do with it first. Come on."

Xi Huai just glanced casually: "Where do you live?"

"I live in a meditation room, and there are often corpses of spirit beasts in the room, so no one is with me."

The disciple Jin of Nuanyan Pavilion is very expensive, so Chi Muyao and Yi Qianxi do all the work after catching the prey.

Yi Qianxi shared a room with Han Qingyu on weekdays. This bloody thing was inconvenient to put in the girl's residence, so he put it here.

Xi Huai nodded: "I'll go take a look."

Chi Muyao knew that Xi Huai and Hu's savage temperament could only lead him over, so that Xi Huai wouldn't make trouble again.

He came earlier and lived in a relatively well-kept Buddhist room, at least with a door.

After entering, you can see that Chi Muyao has already made this place, and the bed is still covered with a small blanket. Xi Huai looked familiar with this blanket, after all, I saw Chi Muyao sleeping under it in the Nine-Nine Glazed Pagoda.

Xi Huai walked in and sat down, and saw that the bodies of the spirit beasts had been placed in a tank, and the tank was covered with a lid, but there was no unpleasant smell.

The room is clean, and there is no discomfort.

He immediately said: "I want to sleep here."

"But... I don't want to live in Gulou."

"Then you sleep here too."

Chi Muyao was unwilling to say: "They saw today... Then we live together, they will gossip."

"Let them talk. If you don't like to listen to them, I will kill him."


Xi Huai didn't want to argue with him, and asked other questions: "How to take a bath?"

"There is a small stream here. The water is very clean, but there is no way to take a bath. We can only wipe our body with a kerchief. We need to save water."

"You can only wipe your body?" Xi Huai was too disgusted for a moment.

"Well, do you want to wash it? I'll fetch you water."

"I will go with you."

Their living conditions here are extremely difficult, and there is no pot to use, so they simply chisel out a depression in the stone. This "pot" is heavier than water.

Xi Huai was reluctant to let Chi Muyao carry it, so he could only help him carry the basin and return to the room.

Chi Muyao threw the veil and handed it to Xi Huai: "You can wipe it with it, I'm going out."

"How to wipe it?"

"You don't even know this?"

"Well, I only know how to cleanse."

Xi Huai took off his vestments straight after speaking.

Xi Huai's sudden undress made Chi Muyao panic. He didn't know whether he should look at it or not. It was a very familiar body, but he blushed every time he saw it.

The undulating muscles of Xi Huai's body were full of strength, and he could even recall the temperature of that skin with a glance.

Seeing Xi Huai was waiting for him, he walked over and wiped Xi Huai with his kerchief: "That's how it is wiped."


"Here you are." He handed the veil over.

"I can't wipe the back."

"Oh..." Chi Muyao came to Xi Huai and wiped his back, his heart beating uncontrollably again, like a mad rabbit or an unrestrained beast.

After Xi Huai wiped himself alone, he went to make the bed, thinking in his heart, if he lived with Xi Huai, he might not be able to tell, or he would live in Gulou.

I'm afraid Xi Huai will follow him after he lives in Gulou.

"I'll go get you a basin of water again?" Xi Huai asked.


When Xi Huai returned from fetching water, he kept staring at Xi Huai and motioned for Xi Huai to go out.

Xi Huai also looked at him, unmoved, and even actively asked, "Can I help you get off?"

He could only compromise, take off his coat, and Xi Huai took away the veil before he started to wipe his body: "I will help you."

In the rest of the time, he was like a person who couldn't take care of himself, and he was fiddled with by Xi Huai the whole time.

After scrubbing, he quickly put on his coat and put the stone basin in front of the bed to wash his feet.

Xi Huai stopped him first, put his feet in, and said, "You put your feet on my feet."

The stream is always cold, and Chi Muyao can only wash his feet with cold water these days.

On the first day Xi Huai came, he finally experienced the benefits of Xi Huai's high body temperature. Washing his feet with Xi Huai, the water was not so cold.

When he got closer, Xi Huai suddenly said, "Have you ever thought that Su didn't tell the truth?"

The sound is very light and low, and it can only be heard when it is close. It was also because of the content of the conversation that Chi Muyao ignored that the two people were very close, Xi Huai's breathing was on his ears.

Chi Muyao was very surprised. After thinking about it, he asked, "What?"

"Using Su You's cultivation base, as long as you reach the Fengshan Great Formation, even if it is just a puppet body, it has enough strength to destroy the Great Formation. The practitioners outside do not want him to destroy the Great Formation, or do not want to spend extra energy to reinforce the Formation. Maybe let him go out. Nuanyange intends to be the head of the Yuan Ying stage repairer, or it may let him come out and work with everyone to kill him and ask for credit, so as to increase the bargaining chip for himself as the head."

"In other words, he actually has the strength to go out, but he doesn't."

Xi Huai nodded, and pointed to the ground again: "A dilapidated temple, even if the purification mechanism is passively activated, it can't be purified so cleanly, haven't you thought about it?"

"Here... Is there something else?"

"Well, that's right. That thing can make Su come over again. Even if you and I got out of the ground, he didn't take the opportunity to snatch the bell. It can be seen that he was busy at the time and had no time to come. Want to come, what is there in this place? The baby is here and he is trying to get it."

There is a vision in the sky, and the magical soldier comes to the world

Sure enough, they are villains. They think more than others, and no one else thinks too much. Only these two villains think of this, or there may be treasures present.

Think about it carefully, every time in the novel, the villain tries hard to grab something, but the protagonist gets it by mistake. This is the halo of the protagonist and the reason why the villain hates the protagonist.

Thinking about it according to Xi Huai's thinking, he really felt that some magic weapon might appear in this pure place.

He couldn't help being excited. Is Xi Zihe about to get the first plug-in in his life

When he was dazed, Xi Huai lowered his head, touched the back of his instep with his foot, and came over again after he avoided.

Xi Huai's skin is warmer, and his feet are a little longer than his. Just looking at the feet of the two people can tell the difference in body shape between the two of them.

But it's the most common way to wash your feet together, and even wash your feet affectionately.