The Demonic King Chases His Wife: The Rebellious Good-for-Nothing Miss

Chapter 130: Step through the iron shoes and find nowhere (2)


"It's really difficult." Medicine Master Leng frowned.

Su Luo was completely confused, she quietly walked to the side and asked Butler Xu: "What is the green spar?"

Is there anyone who has not heard of green-order spar? Butler Xu was shocked and looked at Su Luo in astonishment.

"What? Don't you know it's weird?"

Butler Xu first nodded, then shook his head, and then said to Su Luo with a clear cough: "As we all know, there are two ways to quickly improve one's cultivation, one is to concentrate on cultivation, and the other is to absorb spar cultivation. People often don’t have spar, so they must cultivate on their own, so it can be seen that spar is very important for practitioners.”

And such a thing? Su Luo frowned and said nothing.

It's no wonder that she used to be a legendary waste, and naturally she didn't know anything about the way of cultivation.

Butler Xu added: "According to the quality of spar, it is said to be divided into seven types. Just like innate spiritual power, it is divided into seven types: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple. However, there are very few spar on the mainland. And most of them are red, orange, and yellow, and there are very few green ones, and the three blue, blue, and purple are even rarer."

So, is it extremely difficult to find a green-order spar in a very short period of time

"With the strength of the royal family, it should be in the big inner warehouse, but this place is very far from the imperial capital, even if it's time to sit on a dragon scale horse, it's too late." Butler Xu was anxiously circling the room.

Su Luo was also anxious.

What the hell is this spar! Don't ask her to look for it, even if I see her, I have never seen it.

Ling Feng stood up abruptly and ran out, leaving only one voice: "I'll look for it!"

Ling Feng took King Jin's token and went to the garrison in the city, turned the inventory upside down, and almost made the county governor out of trouble, only to get three green-order spar.

There are quite a lot of red, orange and yellow spar, but these are the treasures of cultivation for ordinary people. For a sixth-order master like Nangong Liuyun, it is useless.

Lingfeng then went to the mercenary union and announced the task of acquiring the green-order spar.

One green spar can be exchanged for 100,000 gold coins!

This exchange rate can be regarded as extremely high, so the whole city is lively, and countless people begin to pass the news.

In the end, Lingfeng returned to the manor with a cartload of stones.

When Su Luo came out, he happened to see Ling Feng carrying a basket of stones that weighed over a thousand catties and hurried in.

"Quick, everyone has a basket of rough stones. If someone cuts out a green-level spar, they will be rewarded with 10,000 taels of gold!" Ling Feng was full of arrogance.

As soon as the order was given, all the subordinates in the manor were boiling.

People are not killed for wealth.

What's more, this fortune is justifiable.

"These stones?" When Su Luo's eyes fell on these stones, he couldn't help being a little stunned. Why did she feel that these black stones were so familiar, where did she seem to have seen them

"These are the rough stones from which the spar was produced." Ling Feng explained in a low voice, "The rough stones are very strange. No matter how powerful a warrior is, it is impossible to see the inside of the rough stones at a glance. Some of these rough stones are just stones, and some will be cut out. Red spar, some will cut out orange spar, as well as yellow spar and green spar, no one can tell before they are cut out."

Su Luo's eyes were fixed on these dark stones, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, "These are the original stones of the spar?"