The Demonic King Chases His Wife: The Rebellious Good-for-Nothing Miss

Chapter 425: Nine Dead Lives 8


Now he was kicked to death again, new hatred and old hatred for a while, Li Aotian's eyes flashed with raging fire and cold killing intent.

If I don't kill that stinky girl today, Li Aotian swears that he will not be human!

Li Aotian resisted the severe pain in his lower body, stepped forward, and quickly chased after Su Luo.

Li Aotian's sixth-order strength was completely different from Su Luo's. Even if a special part was injured, his speed was still amazing.

Su Luo ran non-stop.

As for which jumping route to choose, Su Luo hesitated for a moment before choosing the fifth channel.

Because other channels are rampant with monsters, they may be able to resist Li Aotian's attack, but she is not familiar with it at all.

But the fifth channel is different.

Because she knows that there is a big stupid tiger here, and the big stupid tiger is an eighth-order strength. As long as she can run to its side, she is absolutely safe.

It is precisely because of this belief that Su Luo's speed of performing the spirit dance moves is maddening.

Li Aotian chased after her, so angry that he almost cursed his mother.

Did this stinky girl take any special medicine, how is it so fast! It can't be seen that it is a third-order speed.

Now she has almost a fifth-order speed!

But it doesn't matter, the passage is very long, and he has time to catch her.

Because of the disparity in strength, the distance between Li Aotian and Su Luo kept getting closer and closer, almost as far as they could reach with a single hand.

When Su Luo saw the corner in front of her, she was instantly overjoyed.

If she remembered correctly, that was where the big stupid tiger lived, and the big stupid tiger stayed here before!


Su Luo quickly jumped in towards the corner.

However, what made her despair was—

The belief she had been holding just now, the big stupid tiger she had high hopes for, it has disappeared!

I OO XX! ! !

Su Luo cursed inwardly, she couldn't be more anxious.

She is ready to take out a large amount of Heavenly Spirit Water to bribe this big stupid tiger, who knows that it will have no luck!

When Su Luo was stunned, Li Aotian chased after him.

This time, Li Aotian didn't talk nonsense with Su Luo at all. He looked solemn and his hands formed knots. Suddenly, a white snow field appeared behind him, and endless ice and snow were suspended in all directions.

The surrounding air instantly dropped to freezing point, and the icy cold air filled the air like a knife.

Soon, Su Luo found that her hair was full of hair and white frost flowers appeared on her clothes.

"Sure enough!" Su Luo was secretly shocked.

Unexpectedly, Li Aotian is a powerful ice-type mage!

At this time, with the white snow and the piercing cold wind, Li Aotian was like a god standing on the snowy plateau, his expression was indifferent, but his murderous aura did not diminish.

"Snow dance in the world!" Li Aotian shouted loudly.

Immediately, endless snowstorms rushed towards Su Luo frantically.

The snowflakes he condensed, each with the size of a bowl, hexagonal crystals, and the corners of each moon shone with a cold light, as sharp as a sharp knife.

Thousands of snow blades pressed towards Su Luo, almost completely covering her.

A look of horror flashed in Su Luo's eyes.

It turns out that the sixth-order powerhouse is such a strength.

Compared to her strength, she was simply unbeatable.

However, the matter has come to this point, it is impossible not to fight!

Su Luo is definitely not someone who gives up easily.

I saw her complexion condensed, and a large black palm print suspended above her head, quickly zooming in, and resisting her below.