The Demonic King Chases His Wife: The Rebellious Good-for-Nothing Miss

Chapter 477: life and death 5


Nangong Liuyun clenched his hand slightly, his face condensed.

Li Aotian continued to sneer: "But now, she is dead! I killed her alive! You owe her for the rest of your life!"

A woman he loves deeply, and the other party loves him deeply, and sacrificed his life to save him... Nangong Liuyun, plant a seed in your heart today, and you will not worry about it taking root and sprouting in the future! There was a mad and vicious sneer in Li Aotian's eyes.

When Nangong Liuyun heard the words, the whole person froze immediately.

Falling girl she... she... impossible!

Nangong Liuyun's eyes were scarlet, bloodshot all over, he grabbed his long arm, grabbed Li Aotian's neck fiercely, and roared angrily: "You are talking nonsense! Believe it or not, this king will strangle you! Strangle you alive!"

Nangong Liuyun completely lost his mind, and his strength was very heavy. He only heard a bang, and a bone in Li Aotian's neck was broken.

"Speak! Where the hell is she!"

Li Aotian held on tight and did not let go, Nangong Liuyun was so angry that he threw him away and fell heavily to the ground.

The corner of Li Aotian's mouth evoked a sinister sneer, and saw that he tried his last strength to pull the broken dragon stone with all his strength.

The Broken Dragon Stone is put down, and there is no way to recover. After entering, it will never come out again.

Nangong Liuyun's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Did it fall into the cave of flames? !

The so-called fool has a lot to think about, and Li Aotian was finally smart before he died.

He put on a conspiracy in front of Nangong Liuyun, forcing Nangong Liuyun to make a choice.

Once the Broken Dragon Stone falls, it is irreversible, and once it goes in, it will never come out again.

But whether Su Luo was in it or not, or whether he was alive, he never told him.

He threw this dilemma to Nangong Liuyun.

If he chooses not to move, it is possible that he will never see Su Luo, or her bones.

Or if he chooses to rush in, he may not be able to get out in his life, and he will be burned alive inside.

The speed of the Broken Dragon Stone's fall was fast, almost in the blink of an eye—

Nangong Liuyun immediately flew up, attacking at a speed like a thunderbolt, swift and fierce, as if the world was shaking.

He kicked Li Aotian's throat fiercely, and then took advantage of his strength to shoot quickly into the flame cave.

Broken Dragon Stone has been reduced to a minimum.

I saw Nangong Liuyun's body flat against the ground, sliding past like a bowling ball.

Just as he slid in—

"Bang—" The Broken Dragon Stone hit the ground, making a violent crash, raising countless dust on the ground.

Nangong Liuyun narrowly avoided it.

But said Su Luo.

Before being slapped in by Li Aotian, Su Luoyuan's severely injured body could no longer bear it, and fainted directly in the cave.

The little dragon then rushed in like a spring.

Seeing Su Luo fell unconscious on the ground, he was in a hurry and rushed up to rub his little master.

The little master, who used to play with it every time, lay there motionless this time, as if he would never wake up again.

Seeing that the little master's face was red and the skin on his body was about to catch fire, Xiao Shenlong felt anxious in his heart.

Its big black and white clear eyes were filled with two bubbles of tears, and their eyes were flushed red.

Soon, it resolutely wiped away two bubbles of tears, spewing white mist from its mouth, covering Su Luo's body.

The white mist had a hint of chill, nothing but frost that had not yet condensed.