The Demonic King Chases His Wife: The Rebellious Good-for-Nothing Miss

Chapter 778: Cloud and Mist Peak 1


The peaks are straight and steep, and the cliffs are steep, and most people can't go up.

Leaving the horses at the foot of Yunwu Peak, Su Luo and Leng Yaoshi were lightly dressed and flew directly over the cliff.

It is worthy of being the first peak of Xiling Kingdom.

It is estimated to be at least 10,000 meters or more.

In addition, the mountain was steep and slippery, and Su Luo almost fell on several occasions.

With Su Luo's fifth-order strength, it was difficult to go to Yunwu Peak, so it could be seen that no one would bother Master Rong Yun on weekdays.

This mountain alone has blocked the vast majority of those seeking medical treatment.

In the early morning of the second day, a red sun rose from the eastern sea level, and when the morning light penetrated the sky, Su Luo was able to climb to the top.

So cold. As soon as he took a breath, Su Luo felt that his lungs were almost frozen.

Yunwu Mountain is very high above sea level, so the top of the mountain is covered with snow all year round and the weather is cold.

At a glance, all that catches your eye is white.

The sky is white, the earth is white, and even the green plants are covered with thick layers of snow.

"Let's go, Master lives there." Medicine Master Leng pointed to the beautiful manor in front of him.

The manor is located in the open area of the mountain, covering a large area, and you can't see the end at a glance.

Medicine Master Leng opened the door familiarly, walked inside, and smiled at Su Luo: "Master is naturally quiet and doesn't like being disturbed by others, so there are only Master and two attendants here all year round."

"Master often only teaches once when he teaches."

"Master doesn't like people talking back and interrupting."


While Su Luo observed the surroundings, he silently kept Medicine Master Leng's instructions in his heart.

Not long after, Medicine Master Leng introduced Su Luo into the study.

Master Rong Yun sat indifferently on the red sandalwood armchair behind the long table with his back facing Su Luo.


Before Medicine Master Leng finished speaking, Master Rong Yun raised his right hand.

Suddenly, Medicine Master Leng was silent.

"You go out first." Master Rong Yun's voice revealed a hint of coldness.

Master doesn't seem to be in a good mood today. Medicine Master Leng glanced at Su Luo sympathetically, then walked out obediently, and quietly closed the heavy wooden door.

After Pharmacist Leng left, there was a moment of silence in the study.

Master Rong Yun was dressed in a large white brocade robe, and a light-colored hairband tied the silky silky hair on his head. The whole person revealed an unfathomable cold and noble.

Su Luo couldn't guess Grandmaster Rong Yun's age. If he only looked at it visually, he was only a little older than Nangong Liuyun.

Just when Su Luo was thinking about it, suddenly, the chair that Master Rong Yun was sitting on turned around.

His deep and clear eyes stared at Su Luo coldly, his eyebrows twitched, as if there was a trace of displeasure.

Su Luo wondered to herself, there shouldn't be any place for her to offend him, right

Why did he stare at him with such disgusting eyes

"Master is here, and my disciples will meet you."

After all, Su Luo is about to salute.

However, Master Rong Yun frowned and raised his hand to stop her.

"I don't deserve this title." Master Rong Yun's voice was as cold as frost, "I haven't officially accepted you as a disciple."

A trace of doubt flashed in Su Luo's heart.

Master Rong Yun, what does this mean? Mingming was in the Golden Palace that day, and he said that he accepted himself as a disciple, but now why doesn't he admit it? And there's a deliberate estrangement from her...

If it was according to Su Luo's original temper, how could he be pointed at the nose for training like this

But in front of this master, Su Luo didn't dare to make trouble, it's worth lowering his attitude: "Master..."