The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 1002: 996 The Brave


"This is... ?"

The abnormal movement of the holy sword caused Xien to burst into power from his body in an instant, and he recovered from the real feeling of gradually becoming stronger.

He sank his consciousness deeper into his body and looked at the place of the holy sword.

At this look, Sean couldn't help but startled slightly.

Because, in his sea of consciousness, a drastic change is also taking place.

I saw that the two jewels bathed in red and blue brilliance had already broken away from the brilliance that symbolized their respective powers, like two planets, constantly wandering and spinning in the sea of consciousness.

But the holy sword bathed in the golden brilliance quickly absorbed the three brilliance of gold, red, and blue.

In other words, the three-color light is quickly merging into the holy sword, merging with the holy sword.

Sheen almost understood what this scene represented.

"The three supreme powers in my body are merging with the holy sword?"


It should be said that the three supreme powers in Sean's body are becoming one with him.

"The Holy Sword is the clone of the brave man, it can be called the other half of existence, and it is the same body as the brave man."

"Its existence is like the relationship and meaning of the demon king Baoyu and the goddess Baoyu and the demon king and goddess are the same."

"The three supreme powers merge with it, and merge with me is the same concept."

"It's better to say that the holy sword is the origin and core of me as a brave man, just like Baoyu's relationship with those two."

"In this case, when I have achieved detachment, it has completely awakened, and it will naturally merge with the holy sword."

Only by merging with the holy sword can it be considered as a thorough fusion with the brave Xien.

Of course, if it were changed to other powers, he would not even have the qualifications to merge with the holy sword.

Like the levels and skills that Sheen won from the [World Principles], they are merged with Sheen himself, not with the Holy Sword.

Sheen has grown stronger with these powers, but the holy sword is his foundation.

This relationship was not so strong before, but now it has completely changed.

Sheehan had a feeling.

"The current role of the holy sword is almost the same as that of the demon king Baoyu and the goddess Baoyu."

what does this mean

It means that Sean may have the same concept of immortality as the devil and the supreme god.

As long as the holy sword is not destroyed, even if he dies, he will be resurrected.

As long as the holy sword is not broken, he can make a comeback no matter how many times he fails.

The thing that could make the current Sheen truly die may no longer exist.

If you don’t want him to appear in this world, you can only be like the demon king. After he is killed, take away his holy sword, and use the same power to restrain or seal his holy sword so that he cannot be resurrected. .

From this moment on, the holy sword is the thing that symbolizes the root of his existence, the thing of the concept.

And the existence that can restrain his holy sword and prevent him from resurrecting, think and know, there are only the two highest in the world-the devil and the highest god.

"I'm afraid I'm the only one to have this kind of change?"

Sheehan can be so sure.

There is no other reason.

The other brave men, even the seven who achieved detachment, died in the end.

And as soon as they die, their holy sword will be shattered immediately, disappearing in this world forever.

The only exception is the brave Mithra.

However, Mithra sacrificed himself to the Holy Sword through special methods and special rituals, and achieved the condition that "I did not die, but was with the Holy Sword." Only then did Mithra succeed in saving his own Holy Sword. Come down.

But the holy sword stayed, and he himself passed away.

As for the resurrection, there is no shadow at all.

Only Sean, who has integrated the three supreme powers and obtained the three supreme concepts, has the same characteristics as the demon king and the supreme god.

"Is this the true form in which the concept of "brave" can be compared with the two supreme concepts of "devil" and "goddess"? "

Sheehan understood it.

"Is this the posture that a true brave person should have, the way of existence that he should have?"

As a god-given miracle, the third supreme concept that exists in the world but cannot be born because of the upper limit of the world’s capacity. The brave is indeed not as lucky as the devil and the goddess. Born to be immortal, and born to be unbeatable. Power, sitting high above the sky.

However, it is still the third supreme concept, even if it cannot be born smoothly, it still has the possibility of sitting in the sky.

Now, Sheen may have got that possibility.

This is also a possibility that only he has.

After all, the only person who can possess half of the power of the demon king and the supreme goddess, and fusion of the submissive and irresistible and the power of the brave, forming a cycle of intergeneration between the three concepts, is Sheen.

For the rest of the brave men, even if they obtain the power of the Demon King and the Supreme God through any method, these two forces cannot merge with them without resistance.

Furthermore, Xien can faintly understand that in order to form this kind of just right cycle and let the forces merge smoothly, the three concepts must be equal to each other.

In other words, the power of the brave side needs to be strong enough, and the power of the demon king and the supreme god it obtains also needs to reach a certain amount.

Sean's holy sword was evaluated as the strongest holy sword ever, and even the brave Mithra was far inferior, only to meet the first condition.

The second condition is that both the Demon King and the Supreme God willingly abandon half of their power, which is full of half of the power, before they can meet the second condition.

If there are still brave men who want to reach such a situation in the future, then he not only needs to possess a holy sword as powerful as Sean, but also the Demon King and the Supreme God willingly give it half of its power.

But whether the demon king and the supreme god are willing or not is the same thing, their power is only half left, and if you give it away, it will be gone.

Not to mention, for the three supreme powers to be perfectly integrated, it requires the brave to achieve transcendence, and it also requires the relationship between the brave, the devil and the supreme god to be extraordinary.

Only the first-generation brave, Sean's biological mother could fulfill such a condition, and Sean would just sit back and enjoy it.

Sheen even suspected that she could smoothly integrate her strength and turn it into her own possession, fearing that the Demon King Baoyu and the Goddess Baoyu had also assisted.

In other words...

"Did the demon king and the supreme god help me reach this state?"

Sheehan's mood became a little complicated.

In addition, Sean can feel that since this moment, the brave will not be born again.

Just as there is only one demon king and the supreme god, the supreme concept can never have a second owner.

Forget the past, the supreme concept of the brave has not yet been completed, no one can reach such a realm, then it is natural to cast the net widely.

However, since Sean reached this state, the supreme concept of the brave has taken shape.

If all the brave men in the past were only candidates for the supreme concept of "brave men," then Sean had successfully obtained this concept and became the official owner from the candidate.

From this moment on, the concept of "the brave" only existed in him and was completed by him. Even if the latecomers had the corresponding qualities and the qualifications to become brave, they could no longer be awakened as brave and possess the holy sword.

From now on, the existence of the brave will belong exclusively to Sheen.

"... I always feel that my detachment seems to have become something even bigger than I imagined."

That supreme goddess, wouldn't it have expected this situation long ago

As a single-handed promotion of the concept of "the brave", I even cultivated it with my own hands. For this reason, he did not hesitate to create the great secret of [Call of the Brave], and created countless other worlds to serve as a breeding ground for the brave, and nourish the emergence of human beings with brave qualities. The person behind the scenes, the supreme goddess must already know how to complete the concept of "brave man".

When the three supreme powers gathered together and appeared in the first generation of brave men, the supreme almighty goddess might have peeped into this possibility and discovered this secret.

However, at that time, she wanted to do anything, it was too late.

It wasn't until the descendants who inherited the power of the best friend of the original brave appeared, that the supreme goddess had the opportunity to promote this great cause again.

"She sent Baoyu to me just for this purpose?"

Sheehan felt that he had guessed the truth.

Even the devil's treasure, the reason why the other party would be willing to let go and let it enter his body may be partly because the supreme goddess wanted to facilitate this.

Otherwise, everything is too coincidental and too rhythmic.

Presumably, the other party wanted to use this opportunity to make Sean, the son of an old friend, completely transformed into a true brave man, and hope that Sean will make up for the huge regrets left by the three of them.


At this moment, Sean even had to become complicated.

Under such circumstances, before she knew it, the luminescence that represented the level, skills, and skill points in Sean had all been integrated into his body.

The Holy Sword also completely absorbed the light of the three colors, integrated the three supreme powers into oneself, and changed unimaginable.

It suddenly turned into a golden holy sword bursting with brilliant golden light and releasing divine fluctuations.

It suddenly turned into a blue divine sword bursting with faint blue light, releasing almighty power.

It suddenly turned into a red magic sword bursting with deep red light, releasing the power to destroy the world.




The three supreme concepts and powers were completely melted into the sword and into the whole body of Sean.

In Sean's mind, the display fields of "level" and "skills" that could be seen at will have disappeared.

The parameters and effects of the holy sword also disappeared, and they could no longer be peeped in the form of actual data.

In the end, even the unique skills completely disappeared.

In the room, Sheen opened his eyes.

Inside, the brilliant light flickered.