The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 1003: 997 The second moon demon


The land of the elves, the battlefield.

At the moment when the war started, everyone thought that it would be a tug of war.

At least, this is what the Protoss and Elves think.

Although, in terms of low-level combat power, there are obviously more new [primitive demons] than the Protoss and Elves, and there are still many more.

The population of the elves is inherently limited. Even if they use domesticated monsters to participate in the battle to supplement a part of their combat power, it is much less than that of the new [original demon] side.

Refining demons, dead spirits, magical lives, and demon larvae, the number of these monster army is even so large that it can spread throughout the entire human world. The quantity can be imagined.

Therefore, the advantages of the newborn [primitive demon] are obvious, and the disadvantages of the Protoss and the Elves are also obvious.

But this can't stand the higher-end combat power because the Protoss and the Elves dominate.

Yulin and Melika are extreme powerhouses.

Sophie, Leia, and Nia are top legendary powerhouses. They were members of the thirteen heroes who fought against the beast demon Lydoma in the war thousands of years ago.

Carol and the rest of the goddesses, either existed only one step away from the legendary level, or they were the legendary level altogether.

Among the remaining people, the Protoss is basically a goddess who can exercise various powers, radiate all kinds of miracles, and can also use rare sacred, recovery, and auxiliary magic gods, and the elves of the elves are grouped together. , It also exerts an unimaginable firepower output, and there is a [Clean Light Curtain] which is known as the strongest large-scale defensive magic trump card.

Such a group of people, when coordinated with each other, naturally has much more room for manipulation than a group of refining demons, necromancers and demon larvae who can only be instructed by magical beings and basically only have a cruel consciousness.

On the side of refining demons, necromancers, and magical beings, there are more and more people, but there are fewer strong people who can really get on the stage.

After all, they are all man-made objects. It is easy to manufacture in large quantities, but if you want to create a powerful monster with a high degree of threat, it is not that easy.

Perhaps the only thing that is easier is to refine magic.

These monsters only need to swallow each other to continuously improve their strength.

But that must be under the condition that the [refining ritual] is unfolded.

Without ritual assistance, even if refining demons swallows each other, they will not be able to turn each other's flesh and magic into their own power.

And I want to know that even the [primordial demon] can't turn the entire human world into a ritual place.

As a result, the refining of demons all over the world has returned to many, but it has lost the possibility of devouring evolution and growth.

This has led to so many refining demons, there are basically so many legendary refining demons, and they will be even less distributed in the entire human world.

In the same way, the dead are indeed the dead who were resurrected by the necromancer, but the more powerful the dead are resurrected, the more dead energy they need to consume, and the opponent's corpse must be available for the operation to succeed.

Under such a premise, no matter what kind of necromancer, he dare not awaken the powerful dead as he pleases.

Not only the consumption of dead energy needs to be considered, but also whether there is a body of a strong person.

Therefore, on the side of the undead, there are also large numbers, but few strong ones. Once they are distributed to the whole world, there are naturally not many left here.

There is no need to talk about the magic life here. When it is created, it has a lot of randomness, and it has high requirements for the materials during production. If you want to create a legendary magic life through biological creation magic, even if It is the current Danas, who often fail.

Once it fails, not only the pellets are not harvested, but even the materials will be consumed and cannot be retrieved at all.

In view of this, even if there is the background of the [primitive demon], it is enough to create ordinary magical life. If you want to create a powerful magical life, even Danas has to consider it carefully and adjust his state until he is confident. When it succeeds, challenge again.

This caused the magic life side, the legendary powerhouse was the least in the monster army.

There are not many that can appear in the land of the elves.

On the contrary, they are demon larvae, all of which are of legendary level, but their numbers are distributed all over the world, how many more can they gather here

In addition, IQ is also badly injured. Only magical beings can possess a certain degree of intelligence. The rest, whether they are refining demons, necromancers, or demons, are just violent and reckless monsters. This confrontation will not be affected by the gods and the elves. It's a rare thing to fight here with one enemy ten.

In this way, as long as the protoss and elves insist on defense, let the monsters withstand the charge of the monster army in front, the wizards of the elves and the goddess of the protoss will chant powerful magic, or attack, or support, or Defence, it is not difficult to hold the enemy's offensive and drag the war into a tug-of-war.

As for the fierce battle at the apex of the detached existences, it is difficult to tell the victory or defeat.

Even if there are Danas and two necromantic knights on the opposite side, a total of three demon-level powerhouses are fighting, there are also two demon-level combat powers, Lilith and Artemis, and Nadu is the rest. Even if La couldn't defeat a demon, she should still be able to do it simply by delaying time.

This is the idea of Nadula and others.

They are already mentally prepared for a long battle.

However, no one thought that this war would soon show a crushing bias.

Moreover, the side that is crushed is still the vertex of the new [primordial demon] side.


When an astonishing roar resembling a star explosion sounded from the high sky, making the earth tremble, a figure fell at an astonishing speed, turned into a meteorite, and smashed heavily into Tagore's Forest.

All of a sudden, the ground shattered, the trees fell all together, and countless gravel and rubble flew up, causing the dust storm to swirl, suddenly shaking the entire forest.

That scene is comparable to a massive meteor hitting the surface directly.

The crater that was smashed out is calculated in kilometers.


In the dusty crater, the sound of coughing up blood came out.

Inside, the goddess in silver armor lay there, bruised all over.


Nadura, who was desperately fighting for time, couldn't help but lose her voice when she saw this scene.


Lilith, who was in a fierce battle with Philip the brave, also saw this scene, and her small face was unexpectedly surprised.

"How... how could it be...!?"

Sophie, Yulin, and Melika, who had been watching the battle of the apex, opened their eyes wide, and couldn't believe what they saw.


Not long after the battle began, the goddess of justice Artemis, the goddess, can rank in the top three, and is as famous as the strongest evil god Lilith, whose combat power can completely equal the existence of the demon. Like this, it is caught at a speed visible to the naked eye. Rout.

Artemis struggled to get up, holding the silver swords tightly, both feet trembling.

Above it, a satisfied voice rang, and it spread to everyone's ears.

"This power seems to be better than I thought. It's really fascinating."

Saying this, Danas slowly descended from the sky, still holding a dark magic book in his hand. The magic power that was surging on his body was like an erupting volcano, like a dark flame, and he couldn't help but follow it. Burning on the body.

That power is already above the average demon.

The fluctuation made Nadula, Lilith and Artemis even more frightened.

Sophie even murmured blankly.

"Moon Demon, Sai La..."

That's right.

From this moment on, Danas, including Sophie, all the existences that had confronted the Six Demon, seemed to have seen the figure of the Moon Demon.

In other words, they seemed to see the state of the moon demon when it showed its true power.

This is something insiders know.

As the head of the six great demons, the common sister of all demons, the supreme demon clan, that moon demon not only possesses terrifying wisdom, but also has amazing power.

Her strength is usually not visible, unlike her sisters, who are always shown in the world and ravaged on the ground, but no one dared to underestimate her.

Because, when she is under normal conditions, her strength is already comparable to the other demons and keeps pace with the demons.

And when the night came, it was time for this moon demon to show his true power.

A unique skill that can double the power under the moonlit night, and greatly enhance the unique skill-【Obsy Moon Tour】.

The Moon Demon at night can trigger this unique skill to show its true strength.

At that time, she was hailed as the first person under the goddess of fate, and her strength went straight to the goddess of fate, Lidas.

In the final battle thousands of years ago, the Protoss and Humans did not dare to let the moon demon exert such terrible powers, so they deliberately chose to fight in the daytime and aggressively attack, so that Sila could only use it when he couldn’t use it. During the Moon Tour], fight with only the power of ordinary demon.

Now, the fluctuations in power emanating from Danas are enough to rival that moon demon.

It rivals the demon supreme who has used the unique skills of [Obbi Moon Tour] and is almost invincible under the moon night.

"Why... ?"

Artemis knelt on one knee in the huge crater, with two swords in his hands stabbing on the ground, supporting his body, and Danas, who looked high in the sky, had shock and disbelief in his eyes.

"Why would you...!?"

Artemis didn't understand why this demon's power suddenly became so terrifying after less than a month.

Obviously, last time, he still couldn't use this kind of power.

At that time, not only did he show only the power of a general demon, but also because of his unskilled and incomplete control, his gestures were full of strangeness.

If it weren’t for too many unexpected actions, and the timing of the burst of power was too cleverly calculated, then he wouldn’t even think of hurting Nadura seriously at the beginning, and dealt with her until he waited for the necromancer hidden in the dark. Shot.

But after less than a month, the opponent's strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, reaching the same level as the Moon Demon Saila at night.

Is this kind of thing possible

Will this kind of thing happen

"Is it because of that book?"

Artemis cast his eyes on the magic book in Danath's hands.

Last time, Danas had never used such a magic book.

The question, is it because of the magic book

The idea of Artemis was smoothly captured by Danas.

"Did you say this?" Danas raised the magic book in his hand and said with a smile: "Don't look at it, this is not a great thing, it's just a prop I deliberately prepared to make up for the inadequacy of my fighting methods. That's it."

"Props to make up for the lack of combat methods?" Artemis did not fail to understand the meaning of this sentence.

The so-called means of combat refers to the methods used to fight.

The beings of the detachment level certainly have powerful powers, but because these beings are not like the brave, they slowly climb up from the beginning of the level, and they are not like other people who fight through the acquisition of various skills, so , How to use one's own power to fight has become a science.

Like the dragon demon Aiyi, who is a dragon species, he naturally fights with his natural dragon breath ability and a strong body as a dragon species.

The unique skills of ghosts are inherently hugely versatile, and once developed, they can immediately use various powers.

On the other hand, the beast demon relies on its huge size and does not require any fighting skills. It can kick over mountains and rivers and smash the ground with every move.

On the Protoss side, power is naturally the center. If power is not a combat type, it will be supplemented by magical means.

As a new-born demon, Danas was just a weak demon clan who relied on making demon fighters to protect himself, and participated in the battle without the power of chickens. After becoming a demon, he naturally lacked the ability to fight. s method.

He didn't involve the rest of the magic.

He doesn't have abilities such as sword skills or fighting.

Once fighting, he can only squander the mighty power of the demon-level recklessly, without much fighting tactics at all.

In other words, this demon is extremely lacking in combat methods.

In order to make up for this shortcoming, Danas prepared this magic book.

"This is to engrave all the magic techniques I like in it, and use the magic props with the amount of magic I inject and the delicate degree of manipulation."

Danas said with a smile.

"Think of this as a weapon used to fill magic power and shoot cannonballs called magic, then you can understand?"

That's really not a great thing.

Just like magic props, there are also many props that allow users to use magic that they have never learned or learned. The magic book in Danath's hand is similar to this.

However, because Danath's own magic power is amazing, and it is a demon-level existence, the magic power it uses with its props is naturally powerful and terrifying.

Of course, this type of magic props pays particular attention to manipulation.

If you can only use one or two kinds of magic, that's another matter, but if you can use a variety of magic, it requires a considerable degree of manipulation, concentration, and mental power.

"Unfortunately, these are my areas of expertise."

The proficiency of biological creation magic brought Danas basically this ability.

Therefore, Danas can use such a prop to an exquisite degree.

"Then your power..."

Artemis lowered his face.


Danas smiled suddenly.

"Why don't you guess?"