The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 1009: 1003 The staff of magic?


The night that was never peaceful, just passed.

When the new born [the original demon] retreated, or that only the chief general retreated, and the rest of the small fish and shrimps were all annihilated, the war came to an end.

However, the impact of this war is also not small.

There was no problem with the casualties.

Because the goddesses of the gods and the wizards of the elves are supported in the rear, only the monster group enlisted by Yulin is on the front line, and the casualties are almost all on the side of the monster group.

The army of monsters resisted the attack of the army of newly-born [primitive demons], leaving the goddesses and elves behind almost without any casualties.

There are the strongest defensive magic such as [Clean Light Curtain], and there are Protoss who are good at radiating miracles. They can use all kinds of magic. How can the elves who are born to be magical races suffer serious casualties

Besides, there are two extreme level powerhouses, Yulin and Melika, and three top legendary great magicians, Sophie, Leia and Nia, who are here to protect them. These goddesses and elves are supported by the rear. , If something big can happen, it may only happen when the superpowers such as Nadura, Lilith, and Artemis are defeated, and Danas and the princess can deal with them.

But Sean's strong appearance instantly suppressed the entire battlefield, and his gesture of making the enemy wiped out the entire army in an instant completely erased this possibility.

As a result, the casualty rate of the Protoss and the Elves was-"zero".

In such a large-scale war, the casualty rate was zero. This is simply a miracle, and it makes people wonder whether they have been protected by the Supreme God.

At least, the goddesses of the Protoss had already begun to think so, and showed endless worship and admiration for Sheen.

After all, Shin is the blesser of the Supreme God, the brave who holds the blessing of the Supreme God.

With him, that one's own side is protected by the Supreme God, isn't that normal

The goddesses of the Protoss thought so, and they propagated it in this way, and the result was that the girls of the elven race began to worship and admire them.

It can be said that after this battle, Sean has almost become a true hero and idol in the minds of goddesses and girls of the gods and elves.

Of course, there were no casualties in terms of personnel, and the terrain and environment were different.

In this battle, not to mention the destruction of the terrain caused by the large-scale war between the Protoss, the Elves and the newborn [primitive demons], but the battles between several superpowers are enough to bring dozens to hundreds of Everything within the kilometer was razed to the ground.

Tagore's Forest is centered on the land of the elves, and at least half of the forest is gone.

This is an exaggerated value.

You know, Tagore Forest is the largest and oldest forest in the human world. It covers an area so wide that it can even accommodate ultra-ancient monsters that have survived from ancient times to the present. It is the most famous and largest in the Three Realms. Monster forest.

The territory of the Kingdom of Mithra ranks in the top three among the major countries in the human world, but its territory is not as large as Tagore's Forest.

Even the Ragnar Empire, which had the largest territory in the past and its military power is the strongest among human nations, is not as large as Tagore's Forest.

If the area of Tagore's Forest is used for development, at least two or three kingdoms and empire-level powers can be established.

Nearly half of this Tagore Forest was razed to the ground and turned to scorched earth, which shows that the remaining waves of the battles of the detached beings are enough to razing a great country to the ground.

If these people fight longer, or Artemis really successfully blew himself up, then the countries closest to Tagore Forest are basically intact.

The fierce battle between plural detached existences has caused such a consequence.

Compared with casualties, environmental damage is very serious.

At the same time, there is no way to ignore this issue.

Tagore Forest is ultimately a paradise for monsters. If the habitat of the world's largest monsters shrinks by nearly half, it is unknown how many monsters will break out due to homelessness and cause disasters to the human race.

In addition, Tagore Forest is rich in natural resources, and it is also an important resource development site for several nearby countries. Once a major problem occurs here, the economy and operation of the several countries surrounding the forest will have major problems.

Coupled with other mixed influences, the large-scale damage problem in Tagore's Forest may be more serious than the simple casualties.

In other words, no matter how many people die, there will be people who think that if these people die, it is better to have such a big damage than Tagore's Forest.

This is such a serious problem.

Fortunately, Nadula, the goddess of nature, is in the human world, and in Tagore's Forest.

Her power is to manipulate nature and create nature. The former Tagore Forest was all created by this goddess.

Even the earth and the ocean, there are many created by this goddess.

No way, the supreme god Omnis once wailed because of the death of the first generation of brave men, which caused the world to rain endlessly, which caused the flooding of the earth at that time. There was a similar phenomenon in the Bible and many myths and legends, which was enough to destroy The huge flood that was cleansed all over the world completely sank the ground into the water.

Therefore, after the birth of the goddess of nature, Nadula created the earth and the ocean in the sinking world, allowing the race of life to be created and continued on the ground.

Therefore, with this goddess of nature, no matter how great the destruction of nature is, she can finally make up for it with her power.

Rather, this is the area where this goddess specializes. On the contrary, there is a bit of hip-shaking in combat, because she is not a goddess specialized in struggle, but a goddess specialized in material creation.

A long time ago, this goddess responsible for creating material and the goddess responsible for creating life joined forces, and finally succeeded in creating the third largest race of human race.

In summary, as long as Nadura is willing to take action and use her powers to restore Tagore Forest as before, and repair the forest and terrain, it is a very simple matter.

Of course, the elves also need to rebuild their homes and rebuild the destroyed elves once again.

Originally, the homeland of the elves had not been completely repaired, but after less than a month, it was actually destroyed again, which caused them to start all over again. In some ways, this is a sad fact.

Thinking of this, the mood of all the beautiful elven girls became unbeautiful.

But in such a war, the final loss was only this, and it was already considered a very good thing, or a very lucky thing.

As a result, a group of elves began to re-invest in the reconstruction of their homes, allowing the reconstruction of the magical landscape to begin again.

... ...

Banteay Srei, Shrine.

Here, many high-level protoss and elves gathered together again.

Nadula stood with Sophie, Leia, and Nia.

Yulin took Lilith's hand and stood with Melika.

The other goddesses also gathered together and scattered around.

As for Sheen, she was surrounded by goddesses and elves.

Opposite him, Artemis sat cross-legged on the ground.

"Are you ready?"

Sean looked at the goddess of justice sitting in front of him, and asked casually.


Artemis nodded heavily, his face looked pale and gray.

In her body, chains were looming.

That is the chain of magic.

Danas is specially prepared to use the compound magic array combination to seal the existence of transcendence-[Limit Chain].

This time, Artemis was attacked by the necromancer again, and was seriously injured. Although the injuries and the dead energy that invaded the body were cured by Sheen with the [Blowing Star Breath], but She still failed to escape the seal of [Limited Chain]. Like Nadula before, she was more or less sealed with a part of her power.

No, Artethemis’s situation is much more serious than Nadula’s time.

At that time, Nadula was only against Danas, who was not familiar with her own power. The seal imposed on her body was a miraculous product of a flash of light from the man whose organs had been calculated by Danas. The impact is naturally very limited.

Therefore, Nadula was only part of the effect of being sealed off at that time, and everything else was normal.

On the other hand, Artemis encountered the [Limit Chain], but Danas developed a large-scale magic seal after fully mastering his own power and conducting sufficient research. Once he was entangled by [Limit Chain], I was afraid It will be sealed by Lilith, even if it will not be exiled to the cracks of the world, it will be sealed under the ground of tens of thousands of meters, or the bottomless seabed, and will not be able to see the sky again for life.

Fortunately, Artemis was not completely captured by [Extreme Chain]. In order to die with Danas, he entangled Danas before being sealed, causing Danas to be a rat-throwing device. .

In any case, the eldest master would not hope that he and Artemis would be sealed to a place where the sun would never be seen forever.

In view of this, when Artemis rushed in front of Danas, Danas had already stopped the operation.

But Artemis was still caught by some techniques.

So many magic techniques, so many magic circles, all combined to form a dense and infinite array, and even a huge array of invisible ends. Some of them succeeded in capturing Artethemis first. It's a normal thing.

It is this kind of large-scale double magic array combination that can seal the existence of detachment level, right

Afterwards, the great magicians such as Sophie, Leia, Nia and even Melika couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Such a complicated and cumbersome magic array combination, I really don't know how it was developed."

"To have such an ability, at least one must be a magician much better than us, right?"

"I heard that the young master is only talented in biological creation of magic. In that case, even if he has exercised out-of-standard manipulative power, concentration and mental power, and reached the realm of demon, he wants to develop such a complex Such powerful magic is almost impossible."

"When... The magic array at that time, just a cursory glance, you can find at least one hundred kinds of spells of more than one system, in this world, except for the Demon King and His Royal Highness, there should be no one who can be proficient in so many types. The magic, and that level of development ability is right... ”

The four great magicians who had reached the transformation realm all expressed such emotions.

Even Nadula couldn't help but say something.

"It may be because there is another magic man who is extremely proficient and good at various systems of magic besides that demon, so let's give advice to the staff who has exercised the power and knowledge of "magic" to the extreme."

Nadula thought that the magic book in Danas's hands was also from that person.

To be able to write so many magic styles of each system into the same magic item, this kind of thing can't be done by just one person.

It's impossible to do this without someone who has reached the extreme in the field of "magic".

According to the previous rumors of Danas, this person may have extraordinary perseverance and over-intelligence, but he lacks natural talents.

Even if he became a demon, or even a more suitable demon than Helimis, possessing such terrifying power and talents, he couldn't make up for it.

That being the case, it would be impossible for Danas to have such a magic book and develop a seal formation like [Extreme Chain] without a staff member around him.

But, who has the kind of magic that can withstand more than one hundred systems, and has exercised all these magic systems to the extreme

According to everyone, that is that only the Demon King and Moon Demon possess such conditions.

And the Demon King has passed away, can't it be the Moon Demon who is serving as a staff member, right

Everyone felt very incredible.

Only Sheehan who heard these words flashed involuntarily.

"Can you use the magic power of all systems...?"

Sheehan murmured, but did not intervene in the topic.

All in all, Artemis was captured by a part of the [Limit Chain], causing its own magic to be sealed.

Now, Sean is ready to help her solve this problem.

It's just that, if it were changed to before, Xien would have to take out the holy sword to cut off such a troublesome seal.


"[Pay with·Disperse]."

Sheehan just put his handprint on Artethemis's chest, and the ripples of magic power spread to Artethemis's body.


In the next second, those looming chains on Artethemis broke directly.

Sheen only had one magic spell, and he solved the super troublesome sealing technique on Artemis.


Everyone present couldn't help but exclaimed like this.

"That's it."

Sheehan clapped her hands disapprovingly.


Artemis solemnly thanked Sheehan.

The thorny problem of Artemis was solved so easily.


"It's almost time to tell us, Sheehan."

Nadula looked at Shee-en, as if she had endured it for a long time, and asked out loud.

"Why are you letting that demon go away?"