The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 1010: 1004 at the time of the decisive battle


"Why are you letting that demon go away?"

Nadula's words caused everyone in the room to focus on Shin's body.

Especially Artemis, who was still determined to die with Danas, stared at Sheen closely, as if she hoped to see through Sheen's mind.

no way.

It can be said that the reason why Omnipotensen has fallen to the present situation is entirely because of Danas, a newly born demon.

He declared war on the races of life all over the world, setting off a second war that swept the entire Omnipotensen.

He secretly instigated countless strong men and careerists, causing heavy losses to the Protoss, Demons, and Humans, and suffered unknowingly many waves of backstabs.

He also planned the separation of the God Realm from the Demon Realm, and destroyed the gate leading to the God Realm and the passage leading to the Demon Realm.

Finally, he also laid out the entire human world, allowing countless monsters to cross the land, destroying how many countries, and how many people’s names were harmed.

Although, the first prelude to the disaster in the human world should have been unveiled by Helemis, but Danas just took it over.

However, this cannot be denied, the fact that Danas was the initiator of this war.

It can be said that Danas has become the most harmful existence to the world after the Demon King.

In addition, although this person is not as terrible as a demon king, he is also beyond the standard of a general demon. He actually possesses the strength close to the goddess of fate, and can fight against the moon demon at night. Such a powerful and dangerous existence, tolerate him more. One minute and one second are not allowed.

This time, the opponent came in a big way, and although it caused a great crisis in the land of the elves, it might not be a good opportunity.

Before that, Danas had been hiding in the dark, and even Nadura, who was able to monitor a world, couldn't find him, so that people didn't know how to stop the war.

Now, the initiator of the war and the biggest enemy boss has appeared in front of everyone.

As long as this person is executed, the new [primitive demon] will fall apart, and no matter how bad it is, the enemy can lose its leader. There is no leader in the group, and there is no such a powerful and powerful think tank.

The human world will be in such a situation now, and it is all planned by Danas.

Even the betrayers are Danas instigating rebellion, and the Magic Life Corps, which constitutes one of the important grassroots combat forces of the newly born [Original Demon], is even manipulated behind it.

Such a role, as long as it can be eliminated and end the war, is definitely not a dream.

In this way, it will be sooner or later to restore peace.

Under such circumstances, Artemis was determined to sacrifice himself and die with Danas.

And Sheehan

It would be fine if the opponent was tricky, but he easily subdued Danas, and wanted to kill him and end the war, it was just a matter of thought.

Such a great opportunity, an excellent opportunity to restore peace to the world, Sheen actually let go of it personally.

How can we keep everyone from having doubts

If Shinn is a brave man or a blesser of the Supreme God, he has a huge relationship with the Protoss, Demons, and Humans. Behind him are various relatives and friends of the three major races, and even unpassed wives, and everyone present is also there. If you trust him enough, and even unconditionally hold the feeling of trust in Sheen, everyone is afraid that she will doubt if Sheen is an enemy.

Of course, everyone still hopes to hear Sheen's reason.

Without it, it is too doubtful, too unwilling.

A great opportunity to let the war end, restore peace, and restore the Three Realms to its original state, was let by Sheen alive, and everyone would feel regret, regret, and unwillingness.

Everyone is thinking like this now.

However, Sheen did not explain too much about this.

Sheehan just repeated what he had said again in front of everyone with a calm expression.

"I've said that the purpose of that demon is partly coincident with what I want to do now."

"So, for my purposes, I let him go."

Sheehan's statement made everyone silent.

This is a helpless thing.

"Are you trying to say that you let go of the demon based on your own selfishness?" Artemis said in a deep voice, "Even if the war is not over, the creatures in the world are still suffering, so is it the same? "

These words and words made the atmosphere of the scene heavy.

Everyone's brows furrowed tightly, as if hesitated and stopped, they didn't know what to say.

It was really Sheehan's speech just now, and the direction was too clear.

Although Artemis's words sound a bit harsh, in fact, isn't that what Sean wanted to express

This made it difficult for everyone to accept it.

"Owner... "

"Mr. Sean..."

Yulin and Melika both showed worried expressions.

Lilith broke free from Yulin's hand, came to Shinn's side, held him, and fixed her eyes tightly on Artemis.

Looking at Lilith like this, everyone felt that the strongest Cthulhu would take action at any time to attack Artemis.

Actually it's almost the same.

Lilith didn't know what the people were discussing, and what was the current situation. Maybe she didn't even understand the content of the topic, but as usual, it didn't matter to her.

She only needs to know if anyone wants to bully Sheen.

As long as someone wants to bully Sean, she will bully her back.

For Lilith, the world is such a simple thing, rather than a benevolent view of the overall situation.

And I want to know what the result will be if the strongest evil god is doing it here, or if he is doing it with Artemis, who is opposite to himself, who is like a sibling.

Therefore, many people became nervous.

On the other hand, Sean was still so calm and so natural.

He met Artethemis's gaze, did not answer her question, just poke the essence with one sentence as always.

"What? Do you want to kidnap me morally?"

The words that Sean said with a faint smile made the hearts of everyone in the audience tense.

Artemis was also dumb.

She didn't expect that Sheen would actually give such an answer.

Moral kidnapping

Is it true that in his eyes, what he is doing is nothing more than moral kidnapping

When Artemis was thinking this way, Sheen's voice sounded slowly.

"I know that you are all thinking about peace and the world, and I don't deny that you are great, but if you can, I don't want you to think that I am such a person."

"I may be a brave man, but not a hero, because I have never given birth to the idea of protecting the people, the world, and the innocent lives."

"If you have high hopes for me, then I can only say sorry."

Sheehan said so bluntly.

"I just said it straight. Although I am not a bad person, I am not a good person. Don't treat me as a hero. I also have what I want to do."

Hee En's words made everyone's frowning brows tighten.

Nadula couldn't help but speak.

"We are not trying to impose the responsibility of a hero on you, but treat you as a companion." Nadula said: "Don't you want to protect the people around you, protect your fiancées, let you Will the children of the future be spared from the suffering of war?"

"Yes." Sophie finally spoke, and from her own standpoint, she said as calmly as possible: "No one has to save others unconditionally, and we won't ask you to do so, but I think we are all There are things that must be protected and guarded, so that's why we will fight and fight together, isn't it?"

Nadula and Sophie tried their best to ease the atmosphere.

They don't want to see Shin and Artemis conflict, let alone Lilith who is staring at him.

Furthermore, they are also worried that Sean will really have conflicts with them that are difficult to resolve.

It's not because of anything else, or it's just that I don't want such things as infighting at this time.

"I know."

Sheehan nodded.

He didn't want to clash with everyone.

Most of the people here have a close relationship with him, and Sean also admits that he has received a lot of care from them. Naturally, he doesn't want to conflict with them and tear his skin.

But this matter is really important, Sheen had to explain it first.


"I don't deny what you said, and I am indeed the same as you. It was only because of reasons that I could not give up, I went to the battlefield and confronted the new [primitive demon]."

Sheehan glanced around at the crowd.

"But I need Danas to live for the time being. This is also true."

Sheehan was quite honest.

"Why?" Artemis frowned and said: "What reason do you allow your worst enemy to leave?"

This is already a common doubt in everyone's mind.

However, Sheen shook his head.

"I will explain the detailed situation to you clearly, but let's talk about it when Lidas and Anima are all present."

Sheehan planned so.

"Wait for Lydas and Anima to be there?"

Everyone couldn't help being startled.

Sheehan expressed her current plan in front of everyone present.

"In three days, I will settle with the new-born [Original Demon]."

"In other words, three days later is the time to really start the big battle."

"If you don't want to miss it, please come back to the capital with me."

"I will be there and explain everything to you."

After leaving such words, Sheen took Lilith's hand and turned and left.


"Mr. Sean!"

Yulin and Melika exclaimed one after another, and then one hurried to catch up, while the other stood still, watching Nadula and Sophie carefully, not knowing what to do.

"Go ahead."

When Nadula saw this, she sighed and nodded to Melika.

Melika breathed a sigh of relief, and after bowing to everyone, she ran outside.

Everyone looked at this scene, without a word for a long time.