The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 1012: 1006 I like you like this



Today's elves will sleep in the wild.

The building has not been rebuilt, and there is not even a wooden house. Even if the elven girls do not want to sleep in the wild, there is no way.

Fortunately, the elves are originally races that are close to nature, and are not as repulsive to things like sleeping in the wild like ordinary people.

Moreover, Nadula also used her own power to create many trees, letting the trees interweave the roots, branches and even tree vines to form a hammock and tree bed for the girls of the elves. We can use these hammocks and tree beds for rest.

In addition, several great wizard-level elves have established enchantments on the original site of the elves, preventing the monsters from breaking in. To a certain extent, this level of resting place is already considered good. .

None of the elves are squeamish. They look like goddesses. They don’t complain about this and that, on the contrary, they are very happy about it and choose their own hammock and tree bed. They climb up and lie down without seeing the slightest. Of exclusion.

If Sheehan was here, she should have been sighed again when she saw this scene

"If you change to the so-called goddesses and beautiful girls in the previous life, I am afraid that I will dislike this and dislike that."

From this point of view, the girls of the elves are undoubtedly the true goddesses and beautiful girls. They are beautiful and beautiful, and they are more willing to bear hardships and stand hard work than anyone else. It really makes people feel love in an instant.

Of course, for the elves, living in the wild is not really hard work at all.

Tonight, the elves are destined to spend in a burst of laughter-like noise.

As for the goddesses of the Protoss, they naturally live in the Royal Palace.

Tomorrow morning, everyone will immediately set off, directly take the Royal Palace, flying monsters, and beast monsters to the royal capital of the Mithra Kingdom.

Tonight, maybe it will be the last leisure time for everyone, maybe that's it.

Before long, the night was quiet.

Sheen also lay on the bed in her room when everyone was asleep.



It's very quiet.

There is no sound around, only a few insects like knowing that appear from time to time, bringing summer-like peace.

But Xien not only didn't feel at ease about this, but stared at the ceiling blankly, and sighed quietly after a long time.

"That girl, she's gone anymore"

Sean's mood fluctuated.

La Xia never appeared again today.

Obviously, when Xien is in need, the maid will suddenly appear without seeing the end, and serve Xien meals, or serve him, and provide him with the highest level of enjoyment. It has never been like today. In this way, disappear silently all day.

Thanks to this, today, Sean’s three meals were prepared by the elf servants in the Queen’s Palace, and Lilith himself went over to wash her for nothing, coaxed her to sleep, and tossed him for a long time before letting her He was able to return to the room.

Even Yulin and Melika are self-reliant, not under the care of La Xia like before.

This situation left Sheeun in the room stunned for a long time.

However, Sheen did not panic about this.

To some extent, La Xia would disappear, he had already anticipated and was mentally prepared.

Even at noon today, Sophie and others hurriedly sent someone to tell Sheehan that the stone slab brought back from the ruins had disappeared. Sheehan had expected it to some extent and had prepared her mentally. Prepare.

In view of this, Sheen was very calm throughout the whole process today, did not panic, and did not look for La Xia and the missing slate, so she stayed in the Queen's Palace and quietly finished all the things she should do.

Until this moment, in the dead of night, Sean suddenly realized that she couldn't sleep peacefully.

"I am more hypocritical than the elves?"

Sheehan laughed self-deprecatingly.

Even if the elves lost their homes and hometowns, they still maintained their vigor and hard work. Before going to bed, there were all kinds of laughter-like noises, and they did not fall into the slightest because of today’s losses and what happened. In panic.

For them, perhaps, as long as the Queen's Palace is still there, as long as the Queen's Palace is still standing on the giant tree that stands tall, all the remaining losses are nothing.

Sheehan admired their perseverance and spirit very much.

On the other hand, a maid was not around for just one day, she was calm on the surface, but she was more concerned than anyone else in her heart.

"Let's go to sleep."

Sheen sighed faintly again, raised his hand, and a magical force popped out, allowing the magical force to blow away the floating light clusters in the room.

The light group was blown out of the window by the magical wind, and then drifted out along the wind, joining the numerous light groups in the fairyland, illuminating the outside brightly and beautifully.

Sheehan popped another magical force and closed the window.

At this level, the room was immediately covered by a burst of darkness.

Sheehan closed her eyes and let herself fall asleep.

As a result, it seemed that after another hour of tossing, Sean felt a trace of sleepiness.

At this point, Sean slowly fell asleep.

However, at about midnight, Sean was asleep, and suddenly felt something strange around her body.


Sheehan opened his eyes almost reflexively.

She opened her eyes and she was stunned.

I saw that beside his bed, a figure was indeed standing there.

"it's me."

La Xia, who wore the same maid uniform as before, stood silently at no time, her ruby-like eyes staring directly at Shien, blooming with a different beauty than usual.


La Xia.

The maid who had disappeared all day unexpectedly reappeared.

"...Am I dreaming?"

Sheehan murmured like that.

La Xia didn't deny this, but she didn't know for sure, she still looked at Sheeen there.

Seeing this, Xien, who had reacted, just wanted to support her body to get up, but was held down by La Xia.

"You can continue to lie down, it's okay."

La Xia said so.

Her tone was no longer full of honorifics as before, but an indescribable sense of calmness.

That sense of calm is different from La Xia's usual feeling of no waves in the ancient well.

Anyway, from this tone, Sheen noticed a little change, and indeed some signs of inevitable things had happened.

Realizing this, Sean no longer insisted on getting up, just lying there, quietly looking at Laxia.

La Xia also looked at Sheen quietly, and said quietly and beautifully in a tone that felt different from usual.

"You didn't order me to come back."

La Xia said something that would make others feel unclear.

Only Sean knows what Laxia means.

"Obviously I have my ownership and the right to order. As long as there is an order, no matter how far away I am, I have to return to your side, but after you found out that I was not there, you didn't even give a similar order."

La Xia did not have any doubts or puzzles, but simply retelled the facts, speaking in a quiet voice of the brave.


La Xia asked such a question.

Sheehan didn't answer immediately.

He just looked at the maid whose atmosphere had changed a lot compared to usual, and only then did he speak up after a long time.

"Perhaps I have felt this way?" Sheen whispered: "One day, you will leave here and go where you should go. I always feel this way."

That's it.

Ever since I came to the hometown of the elves, I saw the stone slabs and the ruins of the demon king, not only myself, but Laxia's performance also had many things wrong.

Sheen had some predictions about what was wrong with La Xia, and he could guess the reason for it, but he didn't say it clearly.

Because he knew that La Xia must be the same as him. After learning the truth of some things, her mood was very complicated.

Those truths not only affect Xien, but also affect La Xia.

After all, La Xia is also one of the people involved in these matters, and cannot be separated from the relationship at all.

Sean is the descendant of the original brave men.

La Xia is the body of the demon king.

Both of them are closely related to the two people recorded on the slate and the ruins, and no one can treat these things as other people's things.

And Xien had peeped into the truth of the past from the ruins and the stone slabs, so La Xia might have known something just like Xien, maybe that's it.

Sheehan will be able to understand all of this and understand what it will be like in the future.

It was also at that time that Sheen vaguely felt it.

I feel that La Xia has something to do just like herself.

For the sadness that was far away.

For that has passed away, heart-wrenching regret.


"If you want to do what you want to do most, then I have no reason to stop it."

Sheehan gave his own answer.

"We are all the same."

That's right.

all the same.

That being the case, Sheeen is the one who understands Laxia's mood best and what to do at this time.

To sum up, when La Xia was gone, Sheen didn't want to give an order, relying on his ownership, to call La Xia, the magical life back.

Otherwise, even if Laxia is on the other side of the world, when the ownership has been handed over to Sheen, as a magic life, she will receive Sheen's order and rush back.

Magical life cannot defy the master's order.

This is the instinct of their lives, which was added to the setting of the magical art of biological creation from the very beginning.

If you want to remove this system, unless it is the inventor who created the magic of living creatures and added this function to the magic technique, or the goddess who is in charge of life, existences like Anima use power to affect life. It can only be done by operating itself.

The almost omnipotent goddess of destiny, Lidas, may also have a way to do this, but apart from these three people, there may be no instinctive obedience mechanism that can remove this kind of magical life in this world.

Once Sheen issues the order, La Xia will definitely come back, it's just a matter of time.

But Sean didn't want to do this at all, letting Laxia leave.

This is the reason.

"You can do what you want." Sheehan whispered: "It's better to say, if our purpose is the same, if you don't do this, I will be very troubled."

At this point, Sean laughed at himself again.

"In this way, there is no difference between Danas and I?"

Like Danas, Shinn also needs Laxia to achieve his goals.

The starting point of the two may be different, but the things they do are the same.

If this is not the case, Sheehan will not let Laxia leave.

"I'm not sure yet. If you do this, you will be safe and sound. In the end, I still chose this way. Do you think I followed the wrong person?"

Sheehan teased Laxia like that.

But, in the next second, Sheehan was speechless.


When the lips were blocked by the owner of the exquisite and pretty face that appeared in front of him, Sean opened his eyes slightly.

Laxia suddenly leaned down and gave Sheen a long kiss.

"you... "

When La Xia raised her head again, Sheeen reacted and looked at her with a look of astonishment.

La Xia didn't avoid Shin's sight.

"I like you like this."

La Xia made a confession very abruptly.

She looked calm and indifferent, with a mysterious atmosphere, expressing her heart to Sheen.

"I heard that the brave men of the past generations are almost a symbol of justice and selflessness, and a righteous man who is congenial to the goddess Artemis."

"They are great, but nothing more."

"To others, they may be heroes, but to me with this body, they are just strange executioners."

Judging from La Xia's background, she is indeed unlikely to have a good impression of the brave.

Even the demon race treats the brave as its greatest enemy. How can the body of the demon king Raxia feel that the brave is cordial

"When I really cared about you, it was probably when Baoyu appeared on your body."

"At that time, I kept thinking about why Baoyu appeared on you, and why it chose to stay in your body obediently, and even wanted to protect you, take care of you, and give you peace."

"Others may not be aware of this, but I can vaguely feel it."

From then on, La Xia couldn't help but care about Sheeen.

"I started paying attention to you, observing you in every bit of life, and finally I was gradually attracted by your existence."

"You are not a hero or a great man like the brave I heard about. You are just a person with ordinary feelings, ordinary desires, and ordinary personality."

"Unfortunately, it is this kind of you that makes me feel that the brave is not such a terrible thing."

Such Laxia would be completely at ease and relieved to Sheen, which can be said to be a necessity.

Others may feel that Sean is different and different from the brave in the past, and feel uneasy about it and feel a headache.

Only Laxia can feel at ease and trust for this.

"Today, I have been waiting too, waiting for you to order me back."

"But you didn't."

"To be honest, it's the first time in my heart that I feel happy for something like this."

"At least, this means that in your heart, I am not an insignificant magical life."

Laxia stretched out her hand and stroked the startled Xien's cheek.

"To you who care about my thoughts and understand my feelings, I can only give all of my thanks to you."

"Dedicate me completely to you."