The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 1014: 1008 The Canyon of the Gods


The next day, early morning.

When the sunlight shone into the room and dispelled the darkness in the room, Sheen slowly woke up.

He subconsciously swept his hands, wanting to hold something, but found that he was holding it empty.

At this moment, Sean was completely awake.

Seeing the empty bed here and feeling the body temperature that had long since disappeared, Sheeen was taken aback for a long time, and finally let out a sigh of relief.

"have they gone?"

Sheen was alone in the room.

The beauty of last night has already left.

Of course, today, no one will help Sean finish washing in his sleep, so that he can go out immediately in a perfect state.

This made Sean feel a little lonely.

But this loneliness comes fast and goes fast.

"Anyway, it is something that has been anticipated a long time ago."

With that, Sean patted her cheek.

"Time to wake up."

The dream is no longer there.

The next thing is the reality waiting for Sheen to end.

How will it develop in the future

"Let me take a look."

Sheehan got up, finished washing, then walked out of the room and walked towards the unknown ending.

... ...

At the same time, in a certain corner of the world, a group of people appeared here.

The princess still took two necromancers, one black and one white, looked around and mumbled softly.

"Is this the Canyon of the Gods?"

At this time, the place where the princess was, was a barren ruin.

As far as his eyes can go, everything is a deserted land, without the slightest bit of life, let alone any life.

Danas was right beside the princess, looking very calm.

"According to the collected ancient documents and the records in the relics around the world, after comparing and guessing, the place obtained is here."

Danas said such words.

"Really?" The princess nodded, but said: "It is really unimaginable. Such ruins would actually be the place that was first opened up by the once supreme god when he created the world. The residence of the summoned brave."

-"The Canyon of the Gods".

This is the place that only those who have a little knowledge of the distant history that took place in that ultra-ancient period have heard of it.

It is said that it was the center of the once complete world, and it was a forbidden place in the world thousands of years ago when the human world, the gods, and the demons were not cut out.

It is said that it was the first residence of the Supreme God and the first brave men.

"According to the data, this place was supposed to be a sea of flowers, but the Demon King and the Supreme God completely destroyed it in a fierce battle. In addition, the Supreme God was crying in the center of the world because of the death of the first brave. In a century, the great flood that swept the world has swept away everything here, and it will become like this here."

Danas said indifferently.

"According to the records brought down by the evil gods from the God Realm, the sanctuary of the Supreme God was created by imitating what it used to be here."

In other words, this is the prototype of the sanctuary where the Supreme God has slept for thousands of years, and it is the place where the vast sea of flowers once seen by Xian first appeared.

"If it’s not wrong, the Demon King and the Supreme God fought a battle here. The first generation of brave men were also here. The three supreme concepts of the world clashed here as the battlefield. In addition, many things happened at that time. The space here has always been in an ambiguous state."

Danas explained one by one.

"Here, the forms of existence of various forces are different from those outside."

"Here, even the boundaries of life and death are very ambiguous."

"People who have studied here have said that something big must have happened here, perhaps because the first generation of brave died, or perhaps because her death was interfered with by some force, this strange state will appear here."

Hearing what Danus said, the princess was thoughtful.

"What you see is the nature of blurring the boundary between life and death, right?"

The princess asserted so.

"That's right." Danas nodded and said: "As long as the ceremony is arranged here, or some powerful medium is used for stimulation, the abnormal nature here will inevitably occur things that would not normally happen outside."

"For example, it can break through the limitations of space and even dimensions, and reach places that ordinary people can't reach."

"For another example, the concept of life is integrated to complete the miracle of resurrecting the dead."

Danas fancy the latter.

"While setting off wars and creating turmoil in the human world, the demon world, and the gods, although there are reasons for collecting various records including the Canyon of the Gods, the main purpose is to collect the Canyon of the Gods that has not fallen into ruins. The ancient objects of the time and era use them as ritual media."

"The stone slab left by the devil in the ruins is a signpost. The remaining power of the devil and the aura of the devil himself will definitely be able to direct the ritual to the devil himself."

"Under such circumstances, let the elements that can form the Demon King himself return to their place. Now that the Demon King's precious jade has been liberated from the hands of the Supreme God, it will definitely be able to prompt the Demon King to resurrect."

Danas gathered all the conditions.

As for the rituals for the resurrection, Danas is naturally ready.

"That's it, that's why you need me, do you need the magic knowledge of my demon body?"

The princess finally understood the beginning of everything.

As a necromancer, the power of the princess is the concept of being able to manipulate death.

Such knowledge of her magic is absolutely indispensable for people who want to resurrect the dead.

Of course, knowledge of necromantic magic alone is not enough.

Necromantic magic can only use corpses as a medium to create necromancers, rather than making people truly resurrected.

Therefore, Danas also needs a magic master who uses various systems of magic, has a lot of magic knowledge, and can combine necromantic magic to create a real ritual for the resurrection of the dead.

Finally, with the assistance of that person, the basic ceremony came out.

"Now, all the conditions are in place."

Danath's voice echoed all around as if it had sounded from a distant place.

"It's time to begin, the ritual to resurrect the Demon King."

Hearing that, the princess's mood began to become a little depressed.

Resurrect the devil.

This purpose, no matter when it is heard by anyone, will feel frightened.

The same goes for the princess.

She was originally a character from an era thousands of years ago. She once lived in an era when the Demon King still threatened the world and ravaged the earth. The prestige and fear of the Demon King have always been deep in the soul.

Even though she has fallen now, she still has a deep-rooted fear and fear of the existence of the "Devil".

And such an existence is about to be resurrected in front of her eyes through her hands.

The princess does not feel pressure, it is impossible.

However, she can no longer go back.

From the moment she rushed out of the palace thousands of years ago and fell into the wild, embracing endless pain and despair, she was about to die. There was only one purpose for her.

That is, to prove your existence.

So, the princess picked up her mood.

"Then shall we start now?" The princess asked Danas, "Don't worry about anything, right?"

"Almost." Danas' eyes flashed, and said: "Although there are still several mysteries that have not been solved, such as why the devil's precious jade was released by the Supreme God, where is it now, but this is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Great opportunity."

Those mysteries will naturally be solved after the devil is resurrected.

And what will happen next is something that even Danas could not predict.

The finale is about to unfold.

All the truth will gradually appear in this world.

What kind of development will follow

Nobody knows.

Including Danas.

Including Sheehan.

Including the Supreme God.

But this is what Danas is after.

"The established destiny."

"The established world."

"The established future."

"These things are really boring."

At this moment, Danas was thinking of his own life.

I was devoured by my father to complete the magic dragon Magall and provide the sacrifices needed by the magic man factor.

If it hadn't been for the moment when I was born, I had already had a clear consciousness and a clear memory, then I might have been nothing more than a prop used by my father as a victim to achieve myself until the very end.

The descendants of the half-devil, their mission, and the purpose of their existence is to sacrifice and to create the future Helimes wants.

To this end, Danas rose up to resist.

If that is his destiny, then why should he admit his fate

If his future is to sacrifice, to be the father of the three abusers, then how could he not want to resist

If destiny, world, future, these things are bound to bind him, then he will break everything.

"The meaning of my existence is to resist."

"Revolt against everything in this world."

"Resist against the established future."

That's it.

"For this, I need the recovery of the strongest force."

Danas made such a declaration.

"Everything will be here, kicking off the curtain, and falling the final curtain."

With that, Danas turned aside.

There, a pair of girls, like twins, stood there wearing ritual vestments.

"Are you ready?"

Danas asked softly.

Unfortunately, the twins' master and servant did not respond to his thoughts in the slightest.

The two just looked at each other and smiled together.

Immediately afterwards, the identical girls took each other's hands and slowly walked forward.

Upon seeing this, the princess lowered her eyes and flew lightly.

Danas also took out the magic book and opened it, allowing countless light balls to fly out of it.

"Then let's start."

"Call the Demon King I'm waiting for back to this world."

In the Canyon of the Gods, bursts of mysterious power came into play.

It didn't take long for a beam of light to rise to the sky.

At this moment, all the powerhouses in the Three Realms felt a palpitation, causing them to turn their heads and look in one direction.

The final war is coming.